Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Monday, July 27, 2015
8 o'clock in the morning, and two brethren from the ward were on my doorstep to come evaluate my roof again.  There are some hard choices to be made, expensive choices.  SIGH.  Michele, remind yourself, "You are not as yet as Job.  You are not as yet as Job."

The kids have bad news, too.  The new eating plan (I don't want to say "diet") means less of the stuff they scarf and more of the stuff they should eat.  I told them, less junk, more veggies.  I told Ken, too.  We'll see how long it takes to have them all in full on whining mode.

It is so hot out!  One bank sign read 110 degrees, but I don't think it was quite that bad, unless you count the heat index. The a/c in Ken's car is struggling and the house is fighting to keep us halfway cool.  Wah, wah, wah.  I'm a real whiner today (cyclical hormones - I will NOT elaborate).

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Tough time sleeping last night and it wasn't the heat.  I woke up at one point to use the restroom and then started sneezing and getting drippy-nosed.  Oh, and my brain decided to start telling me what I needed to do for Seminary before this weekend.  I took some allergy pills and told my brain to "Shut up!"  Then, I slept until 9:30.  Gotta get out of that habit.

Busy day back and forth.  Post office - house that Jonathan is pool-caretaking - church (Seminary stuff).  Oh, and Rabbit Club this evening.  We were working on rabbit agility (obstacle course - Alice has absolutely no interest) and prepping for our garage sale next week.

Cooked fish for dinner.  Isn't it pretty?  Tasted pretty good, too.  Poached fish, brown rice, Spinach salad, cantaloupe and black grapes.  Maybe I won't starve after all.  But I can't account for Jonathan...

Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Today was bug day.  Wasps in the garage (with nest), ants in the bathroom (tiny ones - I think they're trying to escape the heat or look for water - or both), and dead pill bugs (roly-polys, whatever) in every nook and cranny of the floor!  This, of course, doesn't count the mosquitoes outdoors who tend to blood-suck whenever I step foot out of the house.

I swept up the pill bugs and Ken sprayed the wasps' nest and the bathroom for ant.  Looking later, there were at least a dozen wasps around that nest and a couple of emerging ones inside.  Ugh!  Mosquitoes, I have yet to find a real remedy.  I learned in a recent article that they are attracted to heat - and who's the furnace?

Thursday, July 30, 2015
A little more working on Seminary stuff.  I have to get some binders at Sam's Club on Saturday (after my inservice) and then I can get the kids' folders set up.  I also made up a calendar schedule of dates for Seminary (tentative, of course) of days off according to the Altus Public Schools Calendar and the dates I'll need subs for my monthly teacher meetings.  Copies go to students and parents, but also one for the bishop, and one for the Institute Secretary so she can update the church attendance system for me without me having to bug her all the time!  I will tell her it's a present, though not a very exciting one.  But helpful for both of us!

Analiese and I had a fun time tonight for Mom-and-Me time.  We looked at videos on You Tube - the first was about Rabbit Island in Japan.  We heard about it in Rabbit Club Tuesday and wanted to see what it was like.  Analiese has now put the island on her bucket list.  These are amazingly tame rabbits with no predators that swarm on people for food, because all these unchecked reproducing bunnies are eating the island dry.  We also looked at videos of rabbits binkying.  Want a good laugh?  Watch one!

Friday, July 31, 2015
One of my biggest allergy issues right now is itching.  Not on the skin - that's the purview of the mosquitoes, but in my ears, eyes and especially my throat.  Sleeping is difficult when your throat is so itchy and nothing releaves it.  I would drink water or use Chloroseptic, but they are very temporary.  The most effective so far is using On Guard (an essential oil blend) straight on my throat.  Strong and kills it immediately if I can get all the itchy areas.  I'm thinking of gargling some this evening with water to see how that works.

In the meantime, I slept awfully last night.  I don't think I got to sleep until nearly midnight and woke at five with terrible throat itching.  I finally gave up, took some allergy pills, took a shower (sometimes that helps)...and then went back to bed where I apparently slept until nearly 11 a.m.  Not good!  And I still feel tired.  I have to get my energy back.  Seminary starts in a week and a half!

Kittens in the garage AGAIN???!!!???  Apparently these are newborn - their eyes are still closed.  Ken asked me what to do with them.  I have no idea.  All I know is that I really don't want to have more allergy triggers around me.  This is insane.

Saturday, August 1, 2015
Up at six, out the door at six-thirty, I was on my way to Norman, OK (South of OKC, near Moore) for Seminary Inservice.  It was a lovely drive, with only a few sprinkles on the road as far as Lawton.  I saw lots of fields and cows - one field had a bunch of cattle egrets "hanging" with the cows.
There was a little gray cloud cover over the Institute Building, but otherwise, all was nice.

Wonderful, inspiring speakers and activities.  This year we had FOUR Institute directors there, one from as far as Southern Missouri.  All of them had pertinent things to teach and, while we laughed quite a bit, the Spirit was still very strong.  I really enjoyed how they would take the scriptures they were teaching from and ask us what we specifically felt that the Spirit was trying to teach/tell us at that moment...and what we intended to do about it!  I came away with so many new ideas and fresh perspectives to share with my students come August 11th!

The ride home was more tiring, since it was the 2nd 2 1/2 hour stint of the day.  Outside of Lawton, I hit a rainstorm that nearly had me hydroplaning - I had to cut back the speed drastically.  I stopped in Lawton to do a little Seminary and personal shopping and the rain followed me.  By the time I got out of Sam's club it was coming down hard and I got more than a little wet, even with the umbrella that I had the foresight to bring with me.  I was grateful after the last hour leg home, to get my wet dress off and hug my kids (couldn't with hubby - he was sleeping).

Sunday, August 2, 2015
Busy-busy-busy.  Mainly, with Seminary stuff.  Had to make a few copies before church and stuff some stuff in the closet.  During Sunday School, I was in the Bishop's office and we talked/strategized over the upcoming Seminary dates.  After all the meetings, I had a Seminary orientation for the new year with my families (those that were in town).  We are still working on talking one young man into doing Seminary, albeit it will be home study.  He said it would be a lot of work on top of school.  I said, "i know, ask the other kids about it!  You're not alone!"

I'd say I spent a quiet afternoon at home, and the quiet part is pretty much right.  But now I've got a hugely busy week coming up where I've got to get Seminary ready for takeoff and I've got 4H Rabbit Club Garage Sale prep and sale ALL WEEK.  So anything I can do today, I guess I kind of have to do.  At least if I do the spiritual stuff, I won't feel so much like a Sabbath-breaker.

The blog template has changed for easier reading.  Apparently it was difficult to see on the light brown background.  I kind of liked the old-fashion-y pioneer, Oklahoma look, but if people can't read it, what's the point?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Monday, July 20, 2015
Vacation's nearly over. The signs of our leaving appeared today in the form of the U-Haul truck that Ken and I had to fetch from a location about 20-30 miles away from Russellville. The office was quite a sight - more like a tiny, dirty garage, filled with dust, junk, and debris.  I couldn't have worked in it; I would have had to scour that thing from top to bottom before I'd even try!  As it was, the gal working there offered me a seat.  No thanks, standing seemed a safer option.  Soon I discovered that maybe even outside in the heat and humidity might be better as first one, then two, then three wasps started circling the room!

The gal, too, though pleasant, didn't know what she was doing. Ken eventually had to help her work her computer so we could get out of there.  We inspected the truck, Ken got in, I took the van and we escaped!

Back at the farm, the men started loading up furniture and what not, while Ken's grandmother and I determined what was to go.  The really nice stuff is staying with us (an antique china cabinet, a buffet and a beautiful table, along with some nice linens and china).  Some things will be going to the 4H Rabbit Club Garage sale in August.  It's a win-win because it helps the grandparents get things out of the garage (which makes Mack happy, so I guess that's an extra win) and it helps 4H, too!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015
On the road again - ugh!  Ken is driving the truck (I won't do it), and I've got the van.  Analiese is going with her dad, Jonathan is coming with me.  We bought a little styrofoam cooler to put in the cab of the truck so that they'll have cold drinks.

We reluctantly said our goodbyes to the grandparents and Uncle Mack and Aunt Laura.  We've been spoiled and loved up and down these last few days, but there's stuff to do at home and we gotta get there to do it!

It was pretty straight forward driving (Did you know there's an Altus, Arkansas?  That would have made for a lovely short trip!) - the 40 until OKC, the 240 for a teeny bit, and then the 44 all the way to Lawton.  From there - shoot on home!  I had a transponder in the van, so the tolls were a breeze to get through in Oklahoma, but Ken had to stop and pay with the U-Haul.  Did we beat them home?  Nope, other way around, as I stopped in Lawton on the outskirts to let Jonathan drive the van up to Altus.  It was his first high-speed driving, but the road is pretty clear with few cars, so it was a good strip of road to let him practice on.  He was a little nervous of the speed at first, but settled into it well.  I had him stop at Fox building supply just inside of town and I drove the short way to our house where...all was well.

Exhausted though we were, we still had to unload the truck (we had to return it the next morning).  A young man from church came over to help Ken and Jonathan get the heaviest stuff out - namely the furniture.  The china cabinet went perfectly where I wanted it, so did the dining set.  The buffet ended up being longer than I anticipated and, with some finagling of furniture arrangement, went into the living room.

But we're home!  Tired, with a lot of sorting and putting away left to do, but gratefully, safely home.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
It feels like I had been moving again.  Boxes, paper, sorting through things.  I do NOT like moving!  But Ken and I managed to arrange china in the cabinet, linens, vases and candles in the buffet, set up the new table and figure out what was going to the garage sale, and what was going to the garage sale.

Oh, and I have to go shopping.  There is no milk in the house and we have to figure out what we're going to eat the rest of the week.  Ken went with me.  We dropped Jonathan off to mow someone's lawn (saw a cardinal!), then went to Walmart.  We had to get Jonathan a new mattress; he's been without one for a couple of months now, sleeping on the floor or the sofa.  But he isn't sleeping well, so we bit the bullet and got him a new one.

Thursday, July 23, 2015
Time for the doctor.  He won't renew my "happy pills" unless I go see him every three months.  If I was smart, I'd have gone before vacation.  I forgot, but luckily didn't run out of pills.  

The old insurance dies by the end of next month, so Ken urged me (read: bugged the heck out of me) to go fasting so the doctor could have bloodwork done.  He did, but after all the waiting, the doctor, more waiting, and the blood tests, I had a killer headache.  I grabbed something to eat, picked up Jonathan from another mowing job, and went to Walmart to get my meds, including a new allergy medication the doctor wants me to try.  Not exactly the cheapest thing, I hope it works.  Then maybe we could get some for Jonathan, too.  Between the two of us, we go through lots of kleenex!

Analiese had 4H Sewing today.  There are only two months until the county fair, and Miss Mitsy wants her to get her current project (shorts) done in time for the fair.  Jonathan goes into Lawton later today for Institute at the Stake Center.  Fortunately, he can get a ride with his Institute teacher/our home teacher.

Tragedy met Jonathan when he came home.  He went out to the garage to feed and water the rabbits (we took them outside again because of my allergies) and - Twilight was dead!  I feel partially responsible.  Not just my allergies, which have twisted several aspects of my life, but also because I saw him panting when I went to get Analiese from Sewing.  I called Jonathan and told him the rabbits needed ice bottles, but they probably needed more.  He didn't look when he gave them the ice, and I didn't bother to check later on, but the heat killed our poor little black bunny.  Jonathan wept, he does have a soft spot, and I woke Ken to take care of Twilight while we brought Alice in.  She was shaking from heat exhaustion (I recognized it from Fluffernutter), and I wiped her down with a cool, damp towel for a while.  She recovered quickly, though, and kept pushing the towel away.  Still, my poor boy went to bed brokenhearted.

Friday, July 24, 2015
Another major bummer today - the doctor's office called with my lab results - high triglycerides (you try and spell it!).  "Have you been eating many starches and drinking sugary beverages?"   I was on vacation, what do you think?  So I had to go to Walmart to get another new prescription, emptying out my piggy bank in the process.  There are days that I think it is cheaper to be dead!

So now the diet will have to alter as well.  I've known it for a while, just been dragging my feet (who really wants to give up fats and sugars?).  But the changes will effect the family, too.  Because having junk in the house is bad for me, and improving their diet isn't a bad idea.

Dinner?  I had Cheerios and a banana with almond milk.  Later on I treated myself to a pickle.  Pickles are cleared for consumption.  Good thing I like them.  I will try hard not to be depressed.  Ken will get to eat the leftover piece of cake we brought home from Arkansas that I had planned on tomorrow.  Rats.  The Carbohydrate Devil has been struck down!

Saturday, July 25, 2015
I got up at 4:30 this morning.  No, it was not practice for Seminary starting next week (which would be 5:30, by the way).  Instead, I took Analiese to the church so she could go to the temple with the Youth to do baptisms.  I dropped her off with the girls and leaders, and went home to sleep for a couple more hours!

I think mosquitoes are dirty, rotten, cheating liars!  Only out in the early morning and evening?  Not so!  I was with Jonathan while he was cleaning someone's pool.  I was in the shade - because no one in their right mind is out in the sun during the mid-day here!  By the time we reached home, I had four bites!  In Arkansas I was on a farm nestled in the foothills of the Ozarks, surrounded by 20 acres of woodland, and not a single bug disturbed me (well, there were some mud-daubers, but they left me alone)!  I do NOT appreciate mosquitoes (sorry God).

We had ham again tonight for dinner, a 9-pounder provided by Ken's grandparents.  I made funeral potatoes to go with them (of course!).  The missionaries were supposed to come for dinner, but were back too late from a meeting 2 hours away, so I saved them some in foil containers.  I ate some...even though my new diet says I shouldn't.  But everyone else will eat the ham and Jonathan will polish off the potatoes.

Sunday, July 26, 2015
Pretty quiet Sunday.  Normal stuff at church, and I didn't have to do any fill-ins.  I did bring my sketchnote stuff to RS for the Super Saturday sign-ups.  I don't know who'll sign up, but the RS President and her counselor were enthusiastic (they're nice people).

Jonathan wore a suit from his great-grandfather today.  Well, he posed for this picture with the coat on, but didn't wear that to church.  Not in this heat!

Time to really start thinking of Seminary!  Next week is my inservice and next Sunday I have orientation for the students and their families.  I have to get things together, and have been working on stuff a little at a time since we got home.  I need to get the bulletin board finished and put together the notebooks.  On my way back from the inservice Saturday, I think I need to make a couple of stops at Hobby Lobby and Sam's Club.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Monday, July 13, 2015
Is it okay to be afraid of grandparents-in-law?  Ken's grandmother is an intimidating woman.  At least she was seven years ago when we first visited Arkansas.  Generous-hearted, yes, but also an imposing (albeit short) figure.  She and Ken's grandfather are getting up in years and have moved to Arkansas from Texas to be close to her daughter, Laura.  I have been thinking that older = fragile = not so scary.  Wrong.

She called Ken yesterday.  Her question, "Do we have a hitch on our vehicle?"  A hitch???  When Ken visited them in Texas about six years ago, he came back to California with his Honda stuffed to the brim (literally) with stuff she gave him.  Now, they've moved and downsized quite a bit to a little trailer.  Ken and I can see the writing on the wall.  

So now I have the new injunction to "pack light." Because Heaven knows what's coming home with us!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015
I am not a fan of road trips.  My back doesn't like sitting in a car for hours on end.  So a nine-hour drive to Missouri isn't my idea of a good time.  Still, Ken made sure to take plenty of rest breaks and I got out and stretched a lot each time.

We reached Branson and our hotel at about 6:30.  It's a very nice place - Thousand Hills resort - in the middle of Branson, but feels like it's on the outskirts.  We are going to be very comfy here for three days. Then we went to search out dinner.

Karla had given me a cow calendar with a Chick-Fil-A card for Christmas.  So I still had my July goodie from there.  We picked a bad day to go to Chick-Fil-A - it was Cow Appreciation Day!  The place was packed with cow-decorated people.  Ken thought it was very strange (he didn't believe me when I told him about it) and Jonathan said he'd never do it in a million years!  Analiese would - she has a sense of FUN.  So, instead of dining in like we'd hoped, we took our food back to our room and spent a quiet night there.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Our first real day in Branson consisted of visiting Table Rock lake early in the day.  They've had lots of rain, too, so their lake is overflowing!  We didn't go see their dam, so we couldn't see how much run-off they had.  Still, many trees were no longer bordering the lake but IN the lake.  It was beautiful, albeit warm and muggy, there and we spotted several cardinals and bluebirds.

Late afternoon we spent a fun couple of hours getting family photos taken at an old-time photo place.  It was a good-size set-up with more than one era to choose from - Old West, Old South, Hillbilly, and the Roaring Twenties.  Due to modesty issues, Analiese and I decided Old South was best.  The men looked SO nice in their waistcoats and hats, I think they both really rocked the look.  Analiese was such a grown-up young lady in a blue floral dress with lace trim and a hat with a trailing veil and blue roses.  I was me, I hate having pictures taken.  I only look older and fatter.  

The poses were fun, too.  We all got into it.  My favorite was Ken and Jonathan in the saloon playing poker.  Ken has an ace up his sleeve and Jonathan caught him at it - grabbing Ken's cravat and threating him with a gun!  Ken's face is priceless!  I liked one of the kids back-to-back with Jonathan looking menacing (easy for him to do with his lantern jaw and thick brows) and Analiese looking confidently regal in her stance.  Jonathan had a "ladykiller" pose, too, with him tipping his hat.  He says that one is going on his Facebook status!

When do you get to see the pictures?  Hmmm.  One I want to hold back for our Christmas card.  Others may be printed and distributed as Christmas gifts.  We'll see.

Thursday, July 16, 2015
I started my day out right - by tripping, falling, and hurting myself.  Outwardly, I skinned up my right knee quite a bit, the left and my right elbow a teensy bit.  Inwardly, who knows what damage I did?  I wrenched my neck, left shoulder and elbow.  I came down hard on my left wrist, too.  Gotta keep an eye on that.  Such a stupid klutz!

Our first stop of the day was the Amish Store which reminded me of Tom's Farms in Corona (for all you California people), only better!  We came out with cracked wheat for Ken, some dried lavendar for me, and some nutmegs (the whole things, not the powder - so yummy) for my kitchen.  And a gift for our rabbit-sitter.  Their spice selection was impressive - I would have loved the time to price compare.  I almost got some vanilla beans!

We went downtown to Lake Taneycomo to have lunch at the same restaurant - White Fish Market - that we visited on our last trip here.  It juts right out into the lake and has such spectacular views.  Analiese had fish and chips like last time and this time Ken joined her.  Jonathan and I had burgers, but there the comparison ends.  His had two patties of "steak burgers"; I assume some superior grind of meat with a bun on top, middle and bottom.  It also was full of cheese, bacon, onion threads, and other yummy stuff.  He cut it in half and still ended up eating it in layers.

Even though I hate being in pictures, I took a selfie here that I thought came out fun.  I had to have a buffalo photo bomb!  LOL!  

I tried to take another one by the lake outside the restaurant, but it was hard to see in the sunlight.  It is an awful one of me, as usual.

We spent the afternoon walking the promenade and poking in and out of shops.  Bass Pro Shops was, of course, on the agenda.  But Analiese likes to visit the Sugar Shop to see all the fun candy (gives you a toothache just to go in!) and what she called the Geek Store - a toy, game, and novelty shop.  

We tired out eventually (my wrist was really aching) and went back to our place.  Ken and Analiese went swimming and Jonathan kept me coming while I iced my wrist.  We spent our evening together watching Animal Planet (since we don't have cable at home) and watching shark shows.  Analiese loves sharks!

Friday, July 17, 2015
Expectedly, it was a rough night.  Pain creme and ibuprophen accompanied me to bed.  Still, I got pretty good sleep, considering.  This morning was a pack and check out and drive to Arkansas!

The drive from Branson to Russellville takes us straight through the Ozarks - twisty turny!  I'm SO grateful my kids are good travelers.  They can even read in a moving vehicle, which I cannot do.  Still, the views were gorgeous!  I can imagine heavenly it must be in the fall with color!

Two and a half hour rides sure beat the eight hours from Tuesday!  It was pretty much hills and trees until about five miles before our destination.  You have to watch carefully along the highway for the turnoff to the farm, it's easy to miss, mainly because ten acres of woods in front of it.  It makes for a very quiet, secluded life and I like it.

We were warmly greeted by Ken's grandparents, his Uncle Mack and Aunt Laura.  But being the middle of summer - warm and muggy - we brought our greetings indoors quickly. Right off the bat they tried to feed us - Ken's grandfather is the family chef - but we had stopped for lunch in a nice rest area.    

And that's how the rest of the afternoon and evening went - trying to feed us.  We did eventually have some chicken and dumplings and some carrot cake.  We had a little taste of the smoked ham he had also made.  Later they tried to ply us with ice cream.  How are these people all skinny if they eat all this stuff all the time?  

But it was pleasant talking, reminiscing, and sharing experiences.  Ken has brought a recording device to record memories of his grandparents for family history.  His grandmother keeps relaying stories about her family's past and he wants her to wait until he can sit down and record it!

Saturday, July 18, 2015
Woke up to a lovely, quiet morning.  The grandparent are still out in their trailer, Ken went off with Mack somewhere, Laura spent the night with her grandkids about an hour away, so the kids and I had canned cinnamon rolls - making sure to clean them up quickly in case Grandma comes in.  She nearly washes dishes as you use them!

Today is a horse show in town.  Uncle Mack is riding in it, as is the young cousin, Lauren.  The day is hot and I really have no desire to go out and sweat in it.  Plus, there are hard benches to sit on and I am still a bit stiff and achy from my clumsy fall Thursday.  So Ken took the kids for the first part of the show where they saw Mack ride (and win) in his division.  Later, Aunt Laura would take Analiese to see Lauren ride.

Laura brought the kids' cousins over earlier.  Hayden is sixteen and is a tall boy.  Lauren is from September to November older than Analiese and she is tall, too, taller than Analiese to my daughter's disgust.  Hayden played the typical uninvolved teen who stayed on his phone the half hour he was there and then went off with some friends, but Lauren sat with Analiese and look at old photos on my iPad.  Plus, Analiese showed off pictures of our rabbits.  Not exactly horses, but it's what we do!

My day was quiet and restful.  I spent a bit of it talking with Ken's grandparents, especially his grandmother.  She showed me the trailer they sleep in (they spend most of their time at the house).  Mack and Laura have a sweet arrangement with her parents there.  Raymond does all the cooking - and a good job at it, too!

Sunday, July 19, 2015
A quiet day at the farm.  We spent the morning having a quiet devotional as a family.  I called my folks in California later, but we just relaxed, played games and talked with family.  Tomorrow, we've got some hustling to do.  Today, just peace and enjoying each other.

Monday, July 6, 2015


Monday, July 6, 2015
The day began normally: laundry, menus, grocery lists and shopping.  But by the afternoon, life changed again for the Bolton household.  Ken and his entire department at the prison were laid off today.  Out of the blue, well, sort of.

We had a feeling.  There were signs, like their site not being given useable call leads.  And Ken felt the Spirit telling him that things were going to change.  Just not exactly when.  When became Today.

The last time Ken lost a job, I went into serious freak-out panic mode.  Today, not at all.  A little blue because - SIGH - we're back to square one again.  But really, the things we had considered problems yesterday suddenly became unimportant, or at least much less so.  I can't give the entire credit to myself for holding it together, citalopram (my "happy" pills) has helped me keep it together much better these last few years.  Actually, I got more upset about Jonathan not getting the AFB mechanics job.  Now we think, "Is this all part of the plan?"

Because, we don't know.  I kind of understand Nephi's situation with getting the plates from Laban in Jerusalem.  He didn't know beforehand what he was to do...and neither do we!  If anything, it's a greater incentive to live closer to the Spirit so we can be guided in the right direction.  

I've also been thinking about Joseph Smith's family when he was growing up.  They bounced along from place to place, with upsets and trials and such on all sides.  And they were good people!  So I can't feel a lesser person just because I have my own trials to deal with.  It's life.

Ooo!  The wind is picking up outside; a storm is rolling in.  I hope my roof holds.  That's another thing on hold - repairs!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015
T-mnus 1 (termination minus one). Thought it'd be interesting to see how much time passes between jobs. Might be more of a downer, so if I stop, you'll know it started depressing me.

Drippy day, cooler, too. This is July? Not a soaking rain, mainly just misty. A nice break, though, from the muggy heat.

Ken and I dropped the kids off at the library while we went and strategized with the bishop. Since both he and we are leaving on vacation next week, we really couldn't wait. And, yes, we're still going. We intend to relax and enjoy time with Ken's family.

We have our Family Home Evenings on Tuesday, because Ken generally tutors on Monday evenings. Tonight was Jonathan's turn. All he wanted was a blessing. He is taking his FAA certification written examination for Airframe on Thursday and is very nervous. Mind you, he's studying hard and thinking about it constantly. Still, a little reassurance was in order.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Analiese was up at six this morning, her stuff was all packed up and by the front door yesterday afternoon. Why all the preparation and excitement? Girls camp! This is her first year and I don't know a girl who was more excited than she!

I had given her my goodby kisses last night, because I wasn't sure who would be up to take her to the camp leader's house. But by 7:30, she was bugging Ken (the one up) to get ready to take her. She had to be there at eight, and it only takes about ten minutes, but she didn't want to be late! She was the first one there!

Ken and I made a needful and wonderful trip to OKC to visit the temple. We hadn't been in a while and it felt so good! In light of our new situation, we needed the time to contemplate. I wish we could go more often!

Thursday, July 9, 2015
They say that when it rains, it pours.  And when it involves one of your children, it just tears at your heart.  We've already had the battle of the color-blindness issue with the Air Force.  Well, today Jonathan took the written part of his FAA certification for both General and Airframe.  He failed both.

This was another blow to an already tender self-esteem.  He had studied diligently and thought he understood.  Apparently, that wasn't the case and he was in shambles when I went to pick him up from the testing center.  

I'd say, when is this kid gonna get a break, but I know that there is something special waiting for him down the road.  I just feel it.  He's so diligent and intelligent and loyal.  Maybe he's being steered somewhere else.  Maybe he just needs to hold on and work harder.  I don't know.  I told him it's up to him to ponder and pray on the issue.  The price of being an adult is making your own decisions.  It's tough, don't Ken & I know it!  It's just Jonathan's turn to do so. 

But, oh, how it hurts to watch the process.  I love that boy so!

Friday, July 10, 2015
Pretty mellow Friday.  Normal stuff, laundry, working on Seminary scripture mastery, etc.  I took Jonathan out driving again today at his behest.  This time we drove a little through a quiet residential area.  He's getting smoother, though he took one corner a little bit shallow and speedy.  His confidence is increasing.  I don't know if that's good or bad.

At water aerobics tonight we had two men.  That's unheard of!  Usually guys aren't brave enough to hang out with us clucking hens.

Saturday, July 11, 2015
Analiese is home!  She's dirty, tired and talkative.  She would do it again in a heartbeat!  What was the first thing she wanted to do when she got home?  Get Alice out of her cage.

Two missionaries coming to dinner tonight.  We've had one companionship taken from us.  Well, the giant flow of missionaries has ebbed and we haven't drummed up enough work for two companionships.  Still, it will make for a quieter dinner...and maybe some leftovers!

Sunday, July 12, 2015
I look forward to these quiet days of contemplation.  I only played piano in RS today, too, so it was very smooth and easy-going!  

Jonathan has really been fighting allergies, so he went home after sacrament meeting.  I've been drippy and sneezy, too, but not so bad as my boy, who's not even sleeping well.  He gets it from me... I'm sorry!

I'm also sorry that I have no pictures this week.  It wasn't a week for inspiring photographs.  But we'll be on vacation next week, so we're bound to have a bunch!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Going Fourth!

Monday, June 29, 2015
Jonathan is out of class for the summer (though he still has some certification exams with the FAA to take).  What to do with all that free time?  Part of it is spent studying, but he decided to spend this morning cleaning out his closet.  Look!  He found his Davy Crockett coonskin cap - and it fits! (sort of)

He thinks now is a good time to learn how to drive, too.  I've taken him out to the church once in Ken's Honda.  So tonight, I took him there again, did a little backing in and out of parking spaces and then... it was time for a challenge.  I took him to the reservoir, which is full and lovely, BTW.  Check out the geese!  

There are hundreds of them!  And we drove around and around and around.  He actually made it up to the speed limit a time or two - 15 mph!  It was good for him because he could practice turning into and out of curves, around parked cars, and learning to avoid joggers, bicyclists, children, dogs, and geese.  Not bad.  He's cautious, which is good as long as he stays that way.  My nerves?  Well, that's what anxiety meds are for!  I did fairly well, though I can't wait for him to smooth out his braking ability.  And I grit my teeth and brace for impact near curbs.  I can't help it!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Today was a totally boring day.  So instead, I'm including photos of the guinea pigs, Cookie and Hazel, that we watched for three weeks.  Much more interesting.  Cookie is the white with black and brown spots, Hazel is all brown and is smaller.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Analiese got her hair cut today.  What with her going to Girls' Camp next week, she needed a cooler (shorter) and easier do.  Here's the before (Monday at lunch) and after (today):

The kids and I spent our afternoon doing drawing and sketchings.  Analiese was still working on her poster from class (doing all 25 days on it), I was working on some stick figures and simple drawings a-la-Ed Emerbley (from his book "Make a World") and Jonathan was copying cute baby Disney cartoon alligators.  

Made the kids jealous and went with Ken on a date to the movies to see Jurassic World.  The first movie, Jurassic Park, should have been titled People Doing Stupid Things.  Each sequel afterwards should be More Stupid People, Continuing to be Stupid People, etc.  This one should have been called  Still Stupid After All These Years!

Thursday, July 2, 2015
While Jonathan was out mowing someone's lawn, I went over to the church this morning to practice hymns on the organ and to do a little more Seminary room clean-up.  The saddest part was taking down the pictures of the 12 Apostle because I have to redo their order after the passing of Elder L. Tom Perry.  Read an article about his life today in the New Era, too.  You could totally tell who he was in the pictures without having to read the captions - that killer smile of his!  He was such a happy, positive man with a bull-roar of a voice.  I will really miss him come Conference time!

Friday, July 3, 2015
President Packer, president of the Quorum of 12 Apostles, died today.  Two so soon!  He was a great educator and I really respect him for the great lessons and illustrations he taught.

We Skyped tonight with the family back in California and with Niles in Alaska.  As a three-way conversation goes, it was unusual.  For one, with the party in the background in Norwalk, it was hard to hear.  Also, Niles had connection issues that he finally resolved by putting on a headset.  It was fun to see family, though, and all the nieces and nephew who keep growing up!  Man, I feel old!

Saturday, July 4, 2015
Busy, busy day.  Ken got home from Walmart, grabbed Jonathan and the stuff he needed for cooking pancakes, and ran over to the church to get started.  I waited and went later, because I had to take Analiese over to the 4H Cooking class (she's going to miss the class on the third, so she didn't want to miss today!).  I got to the church in time to eat a couple of pancakes, chat a little, and get Jonathan home so he could mow the front and back.

Because...we had guests coming!  Our homeschooling/4H friends, the Doshers, came over for BBQ, games and firework watching (what you could see).  No, I did not take pictures.  Yes, I was busy talking.  Everyone had a great time - those kids all get along like a house afire!  And George, Michelle's husband (yes, another Michele/Michelle), teased about how when homeschool moms get together they just blab-blab-blab!  I think they all left at about 11:15ish.  We were all tired, but so glad we had them come!

Sunday, July 5, 2015
Just so you know, my Sunday triathalons still happen.  Today, in point.  I played the organ (no footpetals, thank you, just the bass converter!) for sacrament meeting, taught a Primary class the 2nd hour, and played the piano for Relief Society.  I could have taught Gospel Doctrine, too, but that would have meant a cloning procedure.  I teasingly told Jonathan he could have subbed...you should have seen the look of horror!

Ken did not have a good night at Walmart.  I'm not sure what happened, but he texted me saying we'd want to stay away from him...it was messy and he smelled.  Then he texted me that he would need to do some laundry today (??!!).  THEN...he texted me and said he was feeling sick and wouldn't be at church.  He's sleeping now, so I'm not sure, but I think there's a story in there somewhere.