Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Monday, July 28, 2014
An early-morning thunderstorm rocked my world.  Actually, it wasn't as close a the one two weeks ago, so it wasn't that noisy.  But we did get a bit of rain.

Nothing daunted, however, I went out to go grocery shopping in the afternoon. (The rain had pretty much let up.)  But now - guess what?  The same problem that I had on the 17th with the van - engine light on, sluggish, popping sounds - GRRR!

So, instead of heading north to Wal-Mart, I turned east to Ford.  I made it abundantly clear that SOMETHING had to be wrong and they'd better find it!  They are very nice over there, but nice doesn't cut it if they don't fix my van.  I really can't be without a car.  Next month we'll be facing school transport, plus Seminary, etc.  Nope, I need my vehicle.

I still had to get a few groceries, so Jonathan & I walked across the street to United (see?  Handy!) to pick up what we needed.  I brought him along to be my pack mule.  LOL

Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Hooray!  Ken called Greyhound about our luggage...only to find that it's been at the Elk City Station all this time (Morons!  Can't they read luggage tags - we had our address and phone # on it!).  So, he went a little out of his way (Elk City is 30 minutes north of Granite, where his work is located).

It really was an answer to my prayers because I can't afford to buy all new clothes for the kids (well, really Jonathan).  As it is, I still don't know what's going on with the van.  And the longer it takes, the more nervous I am about a big repair bill.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Got the van back today.  I guess an ignition coil went bad; one of six, I hope the rest hold!  And the bill?  Over $300!  Ouch!

The tank was nearly empty, so after I took Jonathan to Scouts, I went to Walmart to get gas and to pick up a couple of items I couldn't get at United on Monday.  In the meantime, Analiese was at home...under attack!  We've had this large-ish, weird flying bug in the house the last couple of days that is not easily caught and killed.  Every time I've tried, it disappears.  Apparently, it was fairly frisky this evening with Analiese.  She emailed my phone in a panic; she was afraid it was a wasp.  It's not really, but is large enough to be intimidating.

Well, I think I received nearly twenty texts before I got home, including some death messages: "It's killing me!" "Goodbye, cruel world!"  I saw a few people I knew at Walmart but couldn't talk - my daughter was under attack!  By the time I got home, she had it trapped behind the closed blinds in the living room.  I couldn't get it until it came out, so there it stayed.  Analiese began to breathe in relief with me there.  There are more bugs here than we are used to.  You just have to live with them.

Thursday, July 31, 2014
I took Jonathan out to WOSC (Western Oklahoma State College) to enroll in classes.  We signed him up for two classes (as a high school student he can't go full time) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: history and English.  We don't have to pay for tuition, but do have to shell out for enrollment fees, etc, about $240.  Ugh, more $$!  Don't even get me started on textbooks!

After that we went to the SWTC (Vo-Tech) to arrange for him to take their shuttle over to the airport.  Because they are next to each other (Okay, health services is inbetween, but not a bad little jaunt), he can just walk from one to the other with plenty of time.  So now I'll drop him off at the college in the morning and pick him up at the Vo-Tech in the afternoon.  Even when he doesn't have class, I can still drop him off there and not have to go all the way out to the airport.

Oh, and Analiese was home alone again.  No bug, this time, because Ken caught it and flushed it early this morning.  She was safe.

Friday, August 1, 2014
The weather's been dribbley all week, but this morning the sky was clear and beautiful.  Jonathan is supposed to go flying today with Bro. Clason from our ward as a reward for memorizing all of the Seminary scriptures last year.  I don't think I can top that this year!

We went to the airport today to the Clason's hangar.  His plane is old - from 1943 - but Jonathan says most of the little planes around here are because the aviation mechanic class and shop keep them in good shape.  It's tiny and I would not be comfortable sitting in the back seat; as it is, both Bro. Clason and Jonathan looked squished in the front.

I was going to take a video of them going.  I did take pictures beforehand.  But then, the most typical of car problems happened to the airplane.  The battery was dead.  The propeller spun a few times and then...nothing.  They climbed back out again and rolled the plane back into the hangar.

It was a little disappointing, but not terribly.  Jonathan got to look into the engine and ask questions and look up tools for Bro. Clason.  And, after Jonathan weeds their yard tomorrow, Bro. Clason said he'd try to take him again.  He said, "After all, flying is much more fun than weeding!"

Saturday, August 2, 2014
Jonathan called the Clasons this morning to see about weeding.  Sis. Clason said they needed to reschedule, because Bro. Clason was going to take him flying.  No complaint from Jonathan!

So off we went to the airport, again.  Still a lovely flying day, not much wind and clear skies.  I stuck around long enough to watch them take off.  I also stupidly braved the tall grass to get to the side of the runway for a better video shot.  Now my legs are mosquito polka-dots!

Analiese is dying to learn to cook more, so I put her in charge of dinner tonight.  She started by making brownies this morning from a box mix.  I sat in the living room, so as not to be tempted to micromanage.  She'd consult with me from time to time, but pretty much did it!

She also did the BBQ cups for dinner.  This involved me a bit more, with lots of hot things tossing around.  She was so excited about making dinner herself for the elders that she set the table, poured the water and served food as well.  She is very proud of herself.

We had dinner early (4:30) because of a baptism at 6:00 tonight.  It is a couple, the wife is the sister of our ward chorister, who have really taken to the gospel!  It was quite the spiritual experience.  When she came up out of the water, she clung to the elder who baptized her and wept.  She cried all the way through her husband's baptism, too.  To me, the most touching part was at the end of the meeting, when the Ward Mission Leader had them turn around to see the room full of people in support of them.  He said, "These people willingly sacrificed their time to be with you on your most special day.  You have a family now; here they are."  Kind choked up at that.

Sunday, August 3, 2014
Okay, I know I'm getting old, because I'm losing my mind.  Here's my mental conversation this morning: 

"Why did I turn on the computer?  I already did tithing.  What could I possibly have needed it for?"

After several minutes of torturous internal gyrations, I got it:

"Oh, that's right!  I'm going to download pictures."   My old brain!
Church was full of the Spirit today.  The couple who were baptized yesterday were confirmed today.  I think the missionaries will never forget these last two days.  The testimony meeting was very moving and Sunday School class had great moments, too.  I told Ken I'd been sniffling all morning.  I told the kids that was one of the great reasons of going to church...to feel the Spirit.

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