Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Monday, July 21, 2014
They are on the bus...on the way home!  Once again, Jonathan is giving me updates by text message.

In the meantime, I am busily getting things ready for their return.  Laundry, shopping (need to restock for my hungry boy!), etc. 

No van back, yet, so no water aerobics.  Still, the anticipation!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The Ford dealer brought me back my van today (yes, door-to-door service) and with no charge!  They did a little readjusting, but couldn't find anything going on.  Thank goodness!

And...the kids are home!  Ken left work a little early to go get them from the bus stop.  As they got home, the missionaries pulled up.  One of the elders is being transferred and came to say goodbye.  Timing was excellent!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
No one is in much of a mood to do anything but veg.  The kids slept exhaustedly last night - bus travel is no fun and they'd never do it again.

Oh - and their luggage did not travel with them.  They weren't supposed to have any transfers, but in Phoenix they were made to move to another bus.  And...the suitcase didn't come with them.  I have called and put in a tracer on it, but so far, no one knows anything about it (of course).  There's nothing of major value in it, just personal.  Jonathan's church clothes and shoes are in there, Analiese's homemade skirt, plus some special shirts of Jonathans (Eagle Scout shirt & Aviation Mechanics t-shirt).  But it isn't like I'm made of money to replace things, so I'd really like the stuff back.

Thursday, July 24, 2014
The kids get another easy day today because I have this killer headache on the left side of my temple.  I laid in bed and slept a little in the afternoon and woke to find Ken home and dinner eaten.  

But we did hobble together a little FHE.  We have to practice a song for Sunday because we've been asked to sing in Sacrament Meeting.  I chose "If the Savior Stood Beside Me," because it is such a spiritual song.  Plus, it's not difficult and the kids, at least, are fairly aware of it.

Friday, July 25, 2014
Maybe the reasons for the headaches and fatigues is this...it's TOO DARN HOT!  Yes, the thermometer says 104 degrees, but that dumb heat index brings it up at least another five degrees!  It is very hard to be motivated when you feel like a puddle.

Saturday, July 26, 2014
Now that the kids are back, I have ordered Bountiful Baskets again.  While they were gone, we just couldn't eat that much.  So today I went to the VFW to get my basket.  Such a lot of nice-looking produce!

My eye caught the huge, healthy-looking head of romaine first off.  Then, there was a big melon (looks like a honeydew on the outside, is like a cantaloupe on the inside?), two avocados, some mushrooms, three zucchini, two enormous heads of cauliflower, brussels sprouts, grape tomatoes, blueberries, plums, nectarines and bananas.  It is still a lot of good stuff for a decent price.  Can you freeze cauliflower?  That's a lot for us to eat in one sitting.

Sunday, July 27, 2014
The way our ward celebrates Pioneer Day is by having a Linger Longer supper after church.  This way, our members who live farther away can get a chance to socialize, too.  Generally, during weekday activities, they don't make the trip.

I made the Hawaiian roll sliders.  They are so easy and made a good potluck option.  They are so good, too, that I don't have to worry about leftovers.  Of course, I am obligated to share the recipe on the RS FB page afterwards!

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