Thursday, August 7, 2014


Monday, August 4, 2014
Eight o'clock in the morning found me taking Jonathan to Sis. Brown's house so he could mow.  He has a couple of those appointments this week and seems to be in big demand.  Good thing, he could use a little money.  Goodness knows, I don't have much to spare, because...

I am a few hundred dollars poorer today.  Not only did I have the usual beginning-of-the-month utilities and mortgage, but also I went back with Jonathan to WOSC and paid his fees and for his books.  He is not a cheap kid!  I am, however, glad to say that there was enough $ in the bank to cover all of those things, and for that, I am grateful.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Another eight o'clock morning, only this time we're at the Clason's.  This is more weeding than mowing, but I lent Jonathan my cultivator (it looks like a claw).  Between that and a weeding hoe, he got a lot done.

We lingered talking with Sis. Clason when I went to pick him up.  One, I was curious about her garden, and two, she is a very gracious person to talk to.  The kids always sigh a little about how I get talking with people, but you don't just run off in have to chat!

This evening the kids and I watched a movie we borrowed from the Clason's: Monuments Men.  It's based on a true story from WWII.  Jonathan really likes that time in history and the only thing that would have made it better would have been...airplanes.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Jonathan is really a go-getter this week.  Right after devotional, he was outside mowing the front yard. I don't have to ask him or push him, he keeps an eye on it and decides when it needs taking care of.  After that, the elders came over to help him (us) clear out part of the alley behind our house so we can reach the dumpsters and throw away our garage.  Plus, we had to have a small tree that had sprung up right next to the fence.  I did not want a tree growing and pushing the fence over!

I had to quickly run in the middle to get some new string for the weed whacker and some pizza for the crew for lunch.  When I got back, they had done a lot and were resting some in the house.  But one of the elders was having a terrible allergy attack.  He had a rash going up and down his legs and arms.  I had my kids wear long pants and take allergy pills before we went out to work, but the elders were all in shorts!  

I gave him some medication and made him stay in the house and rest while everyone else finished cleaning up outside and was a little worried when he left.  But I saw the elders again when I took Jonathan to Scouts, they were there and he was doing much better.  I was glad; it would have been terrible to mess him up seriously because that was a bad reaction!

Thursday, August 7, 2014
Jonathan was back to Sis. Brown's to finish he back yard.  The weather is heating up again, so he tries not to spend too much time outside by getting in early and getting it done quickly.

I let him "veg" a good part of the afternoon because he's been working so hard!  We had family home evening tonight and got our beginning of the school year blessings.  I think I needed it the most!

Friday, August 8, 2014
Once more, I dropped Jonathan off at the Clason's.  Then I was going to head to the church to put together my Seminary room.  However, I got a call from Nasly that she and her sister needed a ride to the high school and junior high school to fill out paperwork.  Luckily, the high school is near the church, so I dropped them off and worked on the classroom.  Somehow, the girls got over to the junior high and walked home, because I texted Nasly, and she said they were okay.

My room came together quickly and I made copies for our orientation on Sunday.  I had got my pictures of the First Presidency and the Apostles in the mail earlier in the week.  I wanted to put them around the room on the wall up near the ceiling so that as we quoted from them and talked about some of them as we go into church history, they will recognize their leaders.

Saturday, August 9, 2014
Ken and I left the kids at home to go to the temple and stay in the city for the night.  I have tried several times to get to the temple before Seminary starts, and we finally made it!  I had to drive so that Ken could rest, but it was worth the trip.  

After the temple, we went to our hotel room.  Ken's work was having a party at a nearby Dave and Busters (think Chuck E. Cheese for adults) and they paid for our room.  I wasn't invited to the party, but I went with another employee's girlfriend to the nearby mall with her girls.  We were going to see a movie in this special theater with reclining seats, but they were ALL sold out.  All seats, all times.  People order tickets online, so we lost out.  Bummer.  But I haven't had a girlie trip to the mall in a long time, so we had fun looking around the stores.  They had a See's store, so I had to get some for Ken!

The kids fed the elders tonight!  Analiese made dips for chips and Jonathan did beanie weenies seasoned in his special way (I have no idea).  I tried to give them a menu that was easy to make and clean up!  Mind, I don't know what the elders thought of it!

Sunday, August 10, 2014
We didn't want to get up early, but strange beds make for stiff backs and necks and I was up by a quarter to seven.  We just got up, went down and ate breakfast, and then came back up to our room to shower and just relax.  We are going to make our way home gentlly and slowly, but have to be back for the orientation tonight at seven.  Actually, I'd like to be home mid-afternoon and take a nap!

I did get home...and did get my nap, which was a good thing because I was feeling pretty worn out.  The kids were home from church and relaxing.  Ken brought some prizes home from Dave & Busters and shared them with the kids and we gave them some OK patches for their travel blankets.

Tonight was Seminary Orientation.  This is where I talk with the parents and youth about what's going on for the new Seminary/School year.  I've been working and planning this for a while; I would like to think it was a good way to start things off.  Plus, with the parents there, we can discuss some of the student needs and any questions or input they have about the program. week until Seminary starts!

By the way, Jonathan - of all people - really liked the Seminary room set-up.  He said to me, "It feels like a Seminary room."  That it touched him that much must mean I'm on the right track.  I told the parents tonight that a clean, orderly room with a real classroom feel makes students realize that a) this is serious learning and b) brings in the Spirit.

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