Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Monday, June 30, 2014
Today was spent in getting ready for our trip to OKC tomorrow.  Well, Ken mowing the backyard wasn't, but it was still necessary.

Part of MY getting ready was to get a pedicure.  The banana yellow were fast wearing off and my toes were getting bad.  Analiese had left me the directive to get red polish - for the 4th of July.  I found a red sparkly that I think will fit the bill. 

Also, I did something that I've never done before in my life.  I had my eyebrows waxed.  Those of you who are more fashion-aware than I will say, "It's about time," because I have big bushy eyebrows.  For me it was, "Vanity, vanity, all is vanity."  Still, I was tired of trying to pluck them to look decent.  I figured eight dollars to rip hair (and possibly skin) off of my face wasn't too bad, though I was red in spots for a while.  And, no, I did not do my "mustache."  I prefer to bleach that (I know, vanity, vanity) because I don't want bigger, darker, heavier hair growing in there.  When I'm old in a nursing home and can't do this stuff I'm going to look like a gorilla.  So there.

Ken and I did a little internet exploring of OKC tonight to find out where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do.  We have some ideas.  I think the actual exploration could be fun.  Other than the temple (which is really in Yukon, an OKC suburb) and the zoo, we've not seen much of "the City" (as locals call it).

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
We didn't make it a point to rise early today since we figured to go to the noon session of the temple.  Even with a 2 1/2 hour drive, we didn't need to leave before nine.  It was a nice, uneventful drive, with short stops at the tolls and a little slowing down as we neared the city (Oh, my!  Traffic!  LOL).  In the temple parking lot we stopped to eat lunch and looked around us, wondering, "Where are all the people?"  Until someone came around and said the temple was closed for maintenance. Rats!  How could we have missed that memo!

We couldn't check in at the B&B until four, so we had time to kill.  We decided to go over to the part of the city called "Bricktown" and check things out.  It is old, but refurbished, brick buildings with lots of restaurants and a canal running through.  The bridges connecting sides and the landscaping around were lovely.  We walked all the way to one end where Bass Pro Shops is and goofed off there for a while (I'll be honest, I did most of the goofing).  

We also stopped for a short while to check out where the Myriad Gardens are in the city.  Not far from Bricktown, it's a lovely oasis nestled under some skyscrapers.  Tomorrow we will check it out throughly.

Then we were able to go to the B&B, Rusty Gables.  What a lovely spot!  It is only 5 minutes out of the city, but feels like you're out in the country.  The best of both worlds!  It sits on several acres, where there are horses and lots of trees and solitude.  The nearest neighbor is the cemetary across the street, so it's very quiet.  Such a lovely place on the inside, too.  The vaulted ceilings and the cosy lodge-like decor.  I'd recommend it!  It's the nicest place I've ever stayed.

So after a bit of rest, we went back to Bricktown for dinner at Zio's, an Italian restaurant, very good prices and very good food and service.  After that, we went on the water taxi for a tour of the canals and some humourous history lessons from "Captain Jack."  My favorite part of the ride was the huge sculpture, stretching out several yards, of the Centennial Celebration of the Land Grab.  You see, the state nickname is the Sooner State, which confused me some, plus OU's motto is Boomer Sooner, and I had no idea what it all meant.  Till now.  See, with the land grab, people came from all over the world, really, to grab some land the US was offering for settlement.  They had a starting point, then lit off a cannon (Thus, the Boom) and everyone rushed out to stake a claim.  But some people had managed to get to nicer parts "sooner" (hence), which means they probably bribed and cheated (yes, even back then.)  Hence, Boomer Sooner.  Now I get it.

Tonight we had a luxurious romantic bubblebath in the jacuzzi tub.  STOP.  No, we didn't.  We TRIED. Ken was busily adjusting faucets and whatnot.  The sign by the tub said that two pumps of the bubbles was plenty.  But, to him, it wasn't bubbling up.  So...he added more.  I went to get into the tub and turned on the jets and....let's just say I'm not confident with him doing laundry now.  He spent the good part of the time scooping bubbles out of the tub into the shower.  We were laughing so hard, it was funny, but not romantic.  Even the massage he gave me afterwards just didn't quite bring us back to that "loving feeling."  However, it was a good release of pressure for him.  He needed this getaway so badly!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014
We took it easy this morning, too.  Though, I forgot my neck pillow and I got up earlier than intended because of it.  Still, a nice shower (no bubbles - tee-hee), and then a really great breakfast started the day out right.  Our hosts provided us with an egg and cheese frittata with a spicy ketchup (not too) along with buttermilk biscuits and berries drizzled with honey and balsamic vinegar.  It was very good!

We didn't have to check out until eleven, and we were determined not to rush ourselves.  So we sat on the front porch, enjoying the lovely morning.  The trees rustled, the birds called - I saw a cardinal, really saw it!  Then I went over to make friends with the foal in the area off the side of the house.  She wanted the grass just outside the fencing, so I'd pull some up and feed it to her.  In return, she let me stroke her head and back.  I'd made a friend.  When I went back to the porch, their dog came looking for attention...another friend.  I don't know how he figured it, but when we went back to our room to pack up, there he was, sitting outside the french doors to the back.  Funny!

Today was about the gardens.  In the heart of the city, it's a place for everyone to come and enjoy.  I saw a lot of local businessmen from the skyscrapers come enjoy their lunch there.  Kids on summer camp trips visited the kids' section (which was really awesome) with the water play area.  One place we decided not to go was the Crystal Conservatory, it cost to go into and I was really tired and didn't want to bother.  Not this trip.  But I took tons of pictures around it.

After lunch there, we decided to just go home.  We had made other plans, but were tired.  Also, our lunch at the burger stand there wasn't sitting right.  A stop for bathroom and medication, and then onward towards home.  We were tired when we got there, but felt so relaxed.  Ken, in particular, had just had what the doctor ordered: a few days of rest with no "schedule" and "responsibilities."  Other than being sad to miss the temple, it really was a lovely trip.

Thursday, July 3, 2014
Today seems anticlimatic after the last couple of days.  Just normal, round-the-house sort of stuff.  Ken went to Mangum to visit a brother of the church there, only to find that the man had died a few days earlier.  While he was there, I went to the church building to put some stuff in the seminary closet and do a little more cleaning/straightening of the room.  I pulled at least forty staple gun staples (longer, thicker, harder-to-remove) out of the bulletin board and figured out how to plug my iPad into the tvs at the church so I could show videos.

I am missing the kids a little today, but I know they are having a good time.  Today is the parents' 3rd of July party and they were eagerly looking forward to that.  Jonathan is supposed to be Grill Master today, taking over from the older men who are unable or too far (like Ken) to do it.  He's a little hesitant, but he likes to play chef at home and has done outdoor cooking with the scouts.  He'll figure it out.

Friday, July 4, 2014
Ken went over to the church at eight; I followed at nine-thirty.  He was making pancakes for the Flag Raising and Breakfast; I was a spectator.  It was nice, though the scouts sure seemed to be missing somebody (hint: Jonathan).  There were two types of pancakes (regular and blueberry), bacon (turkey & regular), egg casseroles, watermelon, clementines, juice and milk.  And, a lot of people, including visitors and out-of-town family.  It was fun chatting with people and admiring their patriotic clothing.  Ken, typically, stayed in the kitchen cheerfully making pancakes and cleaning up, for which his EQ president is grateful and I just sigh and say, "Aspergers."  He's more comfortable there than out sitting at a table chatting.  I guess I should be satisfied that he is happy.

The rest of my fourth is pretty uneventful.  Ken slept most of the day, getting up to BBQ some sausage and potatoes and then went off to Walmart.  I stayed home.  No fireworks.  I could have gone out to the reservoir to see them but I am avoiding mosquitoes at all costs right now.  Plus, going alone?  Where's the fun in that?.

Saturday, July 5, 2014
While Ken slept this morning, I went to Lawton for him.  Now, I should have gone to the credit union here to cash the work check before heading out.  I said to myself, "No!  There's a branch in Lawton.  Just do it there."  Dummy.

Because it was closed, an extension of the holiday, I guess.  It wasn't a total wash because I ran some person errands in town while I was there.  But it means I'll be going back next week.  Grr!

Got home.  Made dinner.  Fed the elders.  Bing.  Bing.  Bing.  Such is my exciting life.

Sunday July 6, 2014
No, all of my excitement comes at 2:30 in the morning.  I get a call on my cell from "Withheld."  It sounds like Jonathan crying on the phone, telling me, begging me, that he's sorry.  I start to freak out. "Calm down.  Talk to me.  What's wrong?"  And he hangs up.

While I fumble with my phone trying to find a way to call back (no, I don't know how), I get a call back.  Same "whitheld."  Calm male voice - Jonathan? - saying, "I'm okay. It's all right."  I'm upset, saying, no, he's lying, asking where he is.  He just says, "Home."  Home?  Where?  "California."  Are you at Grandma's house?  Talk to me, Jonathan!!! 

Then, "This is not Jonathan."  Click.

Major meltdown time.  My son is in California.. He's a good boy, and bright, but still a teen and prone to stupid things occassionally, so I call my mom in a panic.  It's 12:30 their time.  No time for guilt, I frantically ask her if Jonathan is there.  She sleepily replies, "Yes, he's in bed."  I blurt out the story (condensed version, because now I'm feeling stupid), tell her to ignore me.  She says she'll have Jonathan text me in the morning and I hang up.  I call Ken at Walmart and rehearse the same thing.

Now, as Shakespeare said, they have contrived to murder sleep for me.  I was awake, shaken, and in the throws of a full-on major panic attack.

For me, I have several attack triggers.  Caffeine, sugar, stress, hormone fluctuation.  Believe it or not, all four were in play at this time.  I could not go to bed.  Tired or not, I could not sleep.  I spent several hours up crying, listening to comforting music, reading scriptures, praying, breathing, whatever I could do to try to calm me down.  You could call it hysteria, but a panic attack is no joke.

I finally managed to get myself in a spot where I thought I could sleep when Ken came home from Walmart.  He held me for a while, soothing me, and put me to bed  To sleep.  No church today, my nerves couldn't handle it.

Oh, and Jonathan called.  He's fine.  Of course.  He didn't think me a crazy old woman, either.  He said he'd leave his phone at night from now on and I'm to call him directly if there's a problem.  What a sweetheart.  I think I am missing them more each day.

Moral of the story, here.  ALWAYS say "Wrong number" when you accidentally call someone.  You never know but that you could put some crazy old lady into fits.

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