Thursday, June 5, 2014


Monday, June 2, 2014
Analiese and I started our day out by taking a walk around the reservoir.  It wasn't too warm yet and, with a stiff breeze going, no mosquitos harassed us.  We had wanted to go because we heard that there were goslings and Analiese never passes up a chance to see baby animals.

The reservoir is in two sections, one larger, one smaller.  Some people walk one, some the other, some both.  We walked the larger section.  Besides geese, there were ducks, water birds, and turtles.

There might have been fish, but we couldn't see any.  The water levels were up (some from the rain, some from piped in water), so that was good.  There are benches at random places around the reservoir, even some swing benches.

 We sat in one for a bit under the trees and just enjoyed the peaceful morning.

Finally able to get back to water aerobics; my crazy schedule can sure mess that up!  Lucky Doris is in Hawaii, so Edwina taught class instead.  We weren't bothered by kids because the outdoor pool is now open.  The sad things is (especially in Analiese's estimation) that the slides are being repaired (AGAIN!!??) so she doesn't want to go until she can enjoy them.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014
It is getting plenty hot around here.  Our poor bunnies...I worry about them getting heatstroke.  We are still trying to think of a way to cool them off better.  They have a fan, we give them ice bottles and keep them out of the sun.  I hate the thought of having to bring them inside, though.  Messy & can tell I wasn't really raised around animals.

As it was, I ended up having them come in for a while and we took damp towels to try to cool them off.  Fluffer was the worst, breathing hard and shaking.  She kept it up for a good hour!  Something has to be done!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014
I had the lickety-split-iest dental doings today of my life.  I went in to have two cavities filled, both on the right, one up, one down.  It took them all of half an hour to do them both.  Now, I think they weren't very big, which may have been part of it.  The dentist said it was because I was a good patient.  I told him I was, unfortunately, a pro.  Give me my bite-block and suck out my saliva often (I'm a drooler), and I'm good.

I gave in.  The rabbits are in the house.  Stinky, smelly rabbits.  Two, Alice and Twilight, are in the dining room, on either side of the fireplace where there's tile flooring.  Fluffer is in the big bathroom.  Her cage looks ridiculous there, but I refuse to have any cage on carpet.  Ugh!  They are messy enough.  On the good side, they are beating the heat much better and the kids see and interact with them more.

Thursday, June 5, 2014
Happy, but not, today.  First, I managed to score a put-it-together-yourself console at Atwoods for $30.  Originally it was $99.  I think I did well.  It's going in the living room on the blank wall under Niles' painting.

NOT happy.  I had to buy a new water bottle for Twilight; his was leaking and they need their water in this heat.  So, I bought one at Atwoods.  Took it home, filled it up...the thing leaks WORSE than his old one.  Now I have to take it back; I hate doing that.

Friday, June 6, 2014
I am now just mentioning this, but my kids are going to California for a month in a couple of weeks.  It was Dad's idea and the kids were thrilled. they are driving me crazy with anticipation.  I'll be honest, it's really Analiese.  She gets something into her head and goes bananas, talking about it ALL THE TIME.  I have threatened to send corpses to California.

Jonathan is excited and will mention it, but doesn't go on and on about it like his sister.  I know he is excited because he gave up some summer activities here and a mowing job to go.  He'll be busy with adult-ish life soon enough.  One good summer with grandparents and cousins will be good for him.

Saturday, June 7, 2014
Got up early to go get my basket this morning.  Because the elders are coming to dinner tomorrow and not tonight, I had to figure out dinner for this evening.  Luckily my basket had corn in it, which my kids adore.  In fact, when I opened them up to cook them, they had a pink blush on them!  They didn't cook up so cute, the blush turned dark and they weren't as big and juicy as other corn I've eaten, but it was still a treat for my kids.

Mid-day, the kids and I went to Lawton for our shopping trip.  Usually I do it on a week day, but we didn't get the work money for Ken's employee goodies until Friday afternoon.  Luckily, our credit union has a branch in Lawton, so we went straight there.  We decided this time to eat lunch at Sam's first, and then do both shoppings together, rather than do one, put the stuff away, and go back and do another.  Good thing, too, because in the middle of shopping, it began to rain - hard - outside.  By the time we finished filling both baskets, the rain had subsided and we could get in the van and go home.  Nope, no rain in Altus.  Bummer.

Sunday, June 8, 2014
Got our rain last night.  At one point, a loud crash of thunder woke me up, but I don't know when and I drifted off to sleep easily.  We got enough to make a pond in the back yard for a it's just a mud hole.  I think we'll be leaving the house for church through the front door again.  Ken is now agreeing with me, we need to move flagstones into a path from the shed to the house.  This is silly.

Okay, cat's out of the bag.  I've been called to teach Seminary this fall.  It wasn't entirely a surprise.  I knew Jonathan's teacher was going to quit this year.  I was a little bit sad; she's a great teacher and I'd hoped for one more year with him.  But, somebody has to do it and I had a sneaking feeling that somebody was ME.  I thought of a couple of other people who could do it just as well, if not better, than me, but I got the call.  My worries are stupid anyway; getting up early and having to prepare lessons every day.  Of course, this means I have to be on my game and get to bed at a better time.  It's a new time for spiritual growth, too, so I guess I'm glad, if nervous.

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