Thursday, May 29, 2014


Monday, May 26, 2014
It's Memorial Day.  I know it's a day for remembering those who lost their lives defending this country, but I also use this day to remember my grandmother, Alma Carr.  She died on Memorial Day in 2003.  I had taken the kids to Riverside National Cemetery, to see the graves and there ceremony there with all the displays and the veterans.  It was very moving.  But I remember, too, getting the news later on in the day, of Grandma's passing.  It wasn't a huge surprise - she was missing Grandpa - but, too, it marked the end of a family era.  No more visits to Grandma.  She was such a symbol to me of what womanly strength is.  So, on this day, I also remember her.

We didn't do anything special today, not even barbecue.  Ken had the day off and was able to relax some.  I did my usual laundry and shopping.  Ken took Jonathan out to Chinese as a last-minute birthday gift.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Still having off-and-on rain.  While I shouldn't complain - we need the rain so terribly - I do feel a bit waterlogged.  Things just don't drain well here and there are plenty of puddles and mushy ground.  The parking lot at the airport still has two big muddy puddles in it that I have to maneuver around.  And the humidity...don't get me started.  Poodle hair!

Jonathan & I were going to give blood after I picked him up for class today.  The blood-letting place was so busy; I think there were at least nine people ahead of us and that doesn't count the bodies on cots already giving.  I had a four o'clock appointment, at the Cruz's, with the missionaries, so I figured I wouldn't have time.  Ken was going to go after work, so I called him and asked him to first pick up Jonathan and they could go together.

The Cruz's weren't home; I think we scared them away.  Last week we were firm - bold - they needed to do more than just say it was okay to come back.  We needed them to read, pray and commit - or no - but at least tell us so.  They don't have a car; they must have taken a taxi somewhere.  

So, I decided to go visit the Maldonados.  I'm Nasly's Visiting Teacher (well, one of them, but the other doesn't speak Spanish so half the time I just go myself).  I'm trying to get her to stay with me when her mother and younger sister visit Honduras in June.  I think it will be fun and a learning experience for her.  Also, since Rosa's been working Sundays lately, I said I'd pick up the girls for Stake Conference this Sunday.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
It was Jonathan's turn to go to the dentist today.  Before he could have braces put on, he needed to have a deep cleaning.  I keep bugging him about caring for his teeth, but like a teenager, he dismisses what Mom says.  The dentist - who has photos to prove his claim - is another story.  He does have one little cavity, but that may be removed during the braces process, so we are waiting.  His gums were swollen and he had a lot of plaque.  To be fair, with his crowded mouth, even the hygienist said she had trouble getting to spots.  But not all...

I had planned on going to water aerobics, but Jonathan's appointment was at 3:50 and they didn't even get us in until 4:10.  I should have known.  It is hard to get an afternoon appointment there, yet with his schooling, I don't have a choice.  I even made an appointment for the next check-up, six months from now, in December.  That was difficult, too, because they fill up fast!

Thursday, May 29, 2014
Ken is home today because he is having a tooth removed today.  Another dentist trip...they will certainly get to know us soon!  He's rested up and has gotten a lot of work done at home this morning.  Jonathan will be happy because Ken mowed the front yard and weeded.

He decided to take me out to dinner for June "early"  I think he just wanted a good meal before the dentist pulled out his bad tooth and he was on soft foods for a few days.  We went to a prominent Mexican restaurant in town.  The ambiance and the service was great and the food wasn't half bad!  But Ken had a hamburger, who does that at a Mexican restaurant?  He thinks all Mexican food is loaded with onions - not true!  But I had chicken flautas and they were very yummy!

He came home one tooth-less.  The funny thing is, he has very long roots on his teeth.  The dentist really beat up his mouth trying to jiggle the bad tooth back and forth, trying to get it out!  I think he ended up doing it in pieces.  I remember when Jonathan was a baby and had a tooth removed; they commented that he had long roots, too.  Now I know where he gets it from.

Friday, May 30, 2014
I took Jonathan to the Vo-Tech today.  He had to take an exam to prove that he learned enough in his class to justify him going next year.  To pass, he needed a score in the low 80's.  He was very nervous about it, studying and including it in family prayers.  Well, I think it took him all of 15 minutes and he passed with a score of 93.  He was floating on Cloud Nine after that.

For me, it was pedicure day.  I had a toenail tearing and I didn't want it to tear too far.  Analiese chose my color, per usual.  So today, I now have banana toes.  

I had a meeting at WOSC tonight with the Kids' College people.  It was pretty much a get-to-know you thing and how to look on the website to see how enrollment in your class is going.  Some classes were doing great...almost full!  I can't really say that mine was.  I have one student per week's class.  I need four in each class to keep them open.  But...we still have time, they can enroll practically up to the day of the class.  However, now I'm really praying I get more students!  I've been working hard planning this class and I don't get paid for that!

Saturday, May 31, 2014
I was very busy today.  I started by getting my basket of yummies.  Ken stayed up a bit after getting off of Walmart and was amazed at how much I get for my money.  Then, after putting that away, I put fajita meat in a marinade and chopped up veggies for it.

Then, my biggie, I got to make apple pie like my mom makes it.  It's the Granny Smith (green) apples in a single pie crust piled high with a crumb topping.  I had enough apples from last week and this to make two pies and, luckily, I remembered my mom putting a cookie sheet under the pie pans.  Good thing, too, because, they leaked juicily over the side.  

Actually, having two pies was a good thing.  The elders weren't coming to dinner, they were coming over after Stake Conference in Lawton (1 hour away) to pick up their dinner and that meant I could give them one pie to split between themselves.  They were very happy to pick it up, I can tell you.  And my kids were sad that there wasn't more pie for themselves.

We didn't go to the session last night because of the distance.  We are going tomorrow, plus I need to do a Sam's run next week which means another Lawton trip.  I couldn't justify the gas for three trips.  We'd hoped to get the money for Ken's work goodies so that Jonathan & I could have gone today and gone to Conferene too, but it didn't work out.

Sunday, June 1, 2014
We were out the door by 8:20 a.m.  We were picking up Nasly and Gisela and taking them with us to Stake Conference.  Sadly, only Nasly came; Gisela decided to sleep in.  Still, we had a nice ride to Lawton, the kids doodling and such, Nasly and I talking about Spanish.  I think I've got her talked into staying with us the week her mother goes with Gisela to Honduras.

We got there early enough to get a good seat and Nasly was surprised to see how many people there were.  She's trying to understand the difference between a ward and a stake.  There was a choir, small (not surprising because of the distances to travel) and mainly composed of missionaries.  Plus, this was weird, they didn't sing parts.  It was a little let-down.  

But the meeting was wonderful and spirit-filled.  The Stake President spoke as well as a counselor and the temple president and his wife.  The mission president's wife didn't speak last night, so they asked her to bear her testimony today.  And then Elder Villarreal of the 70 spoke to us.  He was fun to hear, but so genuine in Spirit.  I wasn't translating for Nasly, just adding a comment here and there, but I could tell she was enjoying him, too.  After conference, I dragged her up to meet him.  He's of Mexican descent, but grew up in the US, and served as the mission president in Columbia, so I was confident we could have a little Spanish conversation.  I introduced Nasly, and let the two of them go.  He told her (in Spanish) that she would never regret her decision to join the church.  She beamed and asked a couple of questions.  She'd been shy before, but was glad afterwards that I did.

The ride back from Lawton always seems so LONG.  I am tired and the road is so straight and uneventful that it is easy to get sleepy.  Plus, I'd brought along a picnic lunch since I knew we'd be getting out at noon and my troops would be ravenous.  But Nasly made sure I wouldn't get drowsy and kept me talking.  She's such a cutie.

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