Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Monday, June 16, 2014
Jonathan is counting the days.  Today and tomorrow he has tests in Aviation Mechanics.  And then he is done!  But, he still has to go the last day because he has to have 200 days in the class.  Weird.  I don't know what he's going to do with himself.

Beyond a little reading (which is pure pleasure), I'm not asking Analiese to do any lessons this week.  She's too hopped up on anticipation for California to be of much good.  She and I, instead, have been reviewing our packing and traveling items.  She even went shopping with me to help me figure stuff for them to take!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Jonathan did well on his test yesterday - 90% - and even better today - 98%!  He's ended his year on a very positive note and is confident for Airframe next year.  By the end of that year, if he does well, he'll probably have a job on the Air Force base waiting for him.  Amazing!  I'm so grateful for this program, it's really helped him narrow down and focus on what he wants.  Plus, learn the value of hard work and studying.

He only went half-day, because there was nothing left to do.  So, as a reward/treat, I took the kids to that church-in-the-old-movie-theater in the town square where they were showing "The Lego Movie" for free.  The place was packed, but we got seats together and enjoyed it.  It was a little corny and sometimes random, but we laughed and had fun.  The kids have been dying to see it.  

We're still working on that puzzle.  It's almost done, the main buildings and such in it are completed.  We exult greatly whenever we find a piece that fits.  This has been so much fun!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Last day of class for Jonathan!  Last early morning for me until August, when Seminary starts.  He's only going half-day again and brought a book to read.  He said that yesterday he spent an hour looking through all the pieces of planes in the shop - mainly because he had nothing to do!  So today he took a book, just in case.  They're going to grill burgers at the end, so I won't pick him up until 11:30.  Then he's free - Yippee!

You'd have thought he'd be crazy-eager to celebrate his "freedom," but he was only just quietly relieved.  Me, I was glad for no more early days!  Until August.

Oh, and we finished the puzzle!  At one point, the last piece was missing.  Jonathan and I had about given up (I knew it would eventually show up) and were about to go to bed when Analiese popped out of her room with the piece.  Sneaky girl!  Was she hoarding it?

Thursday, June 19, 2014
I'm not sure my kids think much of their "freedom."  Maybe it's because their freedom is Mommy's to-do list!  LOL  There's much to be done to get ready and there's stuff around the house I want done before they go to California.  Mainly it's outdoor work and they aren't enthusiastic about it.  The big problem is the "skeeters."  We've had more rain this year, which means more of the pests.  And Calamine lotion does NOTHING for the itch!

Ken took us all to dinner for Family Home Evening tonight.  After a drawn-out debate with the kids, we went to Fat Daddy's, which lives up to it's name but is still really yummy.  Jonathan had a HUGE burger and tots (He's a Napoleon Dynamite fan) and, not surprisingly, finished the whole thing.  I thought it was had jalepenos on it.

We had to play a game when we got home.  You see, it was Analiese's turn for Family Home Evening game and, despite going out, she insisted we had to play a game.  We played "Pirates of the Carribbean" Life and I thought one the kids was going to win.  Ken played pretty passively, which was unusual, and managed to win.  I was just along for the ride.

Friday, June 20, 2014
Jonathan went to mow someone else's yard today.  He decided to wear shorts, but I don't think it was a great idea.  He ended up with bites all over his legs.  And I can't decide if they're mosquito or ant... because both were present there.  She's got a huge red ant mound in her yard.

The guy from WOSC Kids' College called today and maybe next week's class will be on after all.  Gasp!  I figured it wouldn't, since I hadn't had any enrollees for that week at all!  So, I'd made plans that now, embarassingly, I have to cancel.  Plus, I have to get my act together so I can be ready to teach a class come Monday afternoon.  That morning I'm also meeting with the brother over Seminary.  
And Ken said I'd be bored with nothing to do!

Saturday, June 21, 2014
No basket this morning.  With the kids gone, it's too much produce for us to eat.  Ken doesn't even think about it and I really can't eat that much by myself.

Jonathan had to go finish his mowing job and then we went to Wal-mart for a little last-minute shopping for the trip.  The excitement is rising to a fever-pitch.  They may kill each other before getting on that bus, sparing me the chance to do it myself.  The packing is almost done, except for the last minute stuff we'll toss in Sunday evening. 

Major rabbit cage cleaning this afternoon.  If I have to take care of those three creatures myself for the next month, I wanted those cages and the areas surrounding, clean!  I swear my rabbit purposely tries to miss the box and pee outside of her cage!  I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the tiles in the bathroom.  At times like this, I really miss the rats!

Sunday, June 22, 2014
I think Analiese is going to dance and sing all day long.  How long Jonathan is going to stand for it will be the big question.

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