Monday, June 9, 2014


Monday, June 9, 2014
Another night of thunderstorms & rain.  Another mushy, muddy backyard.  However, news reports from all around are talking about the lakes and rivers rising.  People are very happy to see the water.

Jonathan is only going to Aviation Mechanics half days this week, so I didn't have to get up so early this morning.  On the way to school, we picked up a friend of Analiese's who is moving to Georgia.  We took her to lunch at Taco Mayo for some laughs and a nice goodbye.

Homeschool PE was a workout for even me, today.  First, the kids had a demonstration on Irish dancing and learned to do a circle dance.  Jonathan wasn't thrilled, but I take pictures!  Afterwards, I taught the kids a couple of games and ended up running around with them.  I haven't huffed and puffed like that in a while.

Still, I went to water aerobics.  My feet were killing me from before, but I figured that the water would feel good.  It did, but my legs and feet kept reminding me...I'd already had exercise for the day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014
After taking Jonathan home from class today (have you ever seen flattened turtle by the side of the highway?  There's one right by the entrance to the airport.), I drove to Lawton...again.  Don't ask.  It's sort-of my fault and the only way to break Ken out of an Asperger-induced freak-out was to go again.

This was not a take-your-time-and-relax trip.  This was in-and-out.  Still, I made a stop at Target trying to find some stuff for the kids to take on their California trip, like inflatable pillows for sleeping on during the bus ride.

It didn't take long to get my (Ken's) stuff at Sam's Club, but the lines were horrific and THAT was my wait.  Behind me in line was this really impatient lady who kept popping her gum and pacing back and forth between me and the two people ahead of me at the register.  I think I was as relieved as she when another register opened and she jumped over there (with a disgusted, "Finally!").  I didn't want near her, so I didn't follow.

Ken had told me to get dinner for myself on the way home.  Well, it's peach shake time at Chik-Fil-A, so guess where I went?  I wouldn't have cared about anything else, but I do appreciate a good chicken sandwich with lots of pickles.

I had purchased a puzzle at Target so Jonathan and I (for Mom & Me time tonight) started working on it.  It's 1000 pieces and not an easy one to complete quickly.  We enjoyed working on it; I don't know why I haven't thought of doing one before!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Jonathan and I almost had a turkey vulture smack into the van windshield this morning on the way to the airport.  It was by the reservoir and something had attracted it's attention there.  I'm glad it was pretty big and might have resulted in some major damage to my windshield!

Analiese came with me to pick up Jonathan today so we could go to Dollar Tree.  I'd read about this on Pinterest and thought it sounded fun.  I let each kid spend $5 there on stuff for Dad.  The only caveat: one "edible" goodie per person.  I didn't want them buying him a bunch of candy!  It was fun, though, and they got pretty creative.

Jonathan went swimming at the base pool with the Scouts tonight, so Analiese and I watched "The Secret Garden" while working some more on the puzzle.  Both of the kids are really into it!  I think we're going to have to do more.  I find them up in the morning staring at it (It's on the coffee table) and working on it.  Better than tv or computer games!

Thursday, June 12, 2014
Today we had Ken's Fathers' Day dinner.  One, because I didn't want to cook on Sunday, two, because he was going to cook it on the grill himself, and three, because I wasn't about to feed expensive steak to the missionaries on Saturday.  Sorry guys, I have a budget.

Earlier, Ken & I had purchased meat from a local place using the gift card I'd won at the Rabbit Show in January.  Ken was pleased with his selection.  I marinaded the meat into three different marinades (two he bought, one I made) and scrubbed potatoes to go with them (I love potatoes baked on the grill) and made Caesar salad, his favorite.  It was all very yummy.

It's funny, but even during Family Home Evening, we worked on the puzzle!  Getting them to stop and do other things is beginning to be an issue...

Friday, June 13, 2014
Jonathan didn't have class today, but, since tomorrow he takes the ACT, I figured he should do a practice test.  What resulted was a teenage meltdown.  He's tired of school (it's almost over), he's anxious about the California trip, he doesn't want to do anything.

Luckily, I understand his modus operandi a little bit and know what to do and what will result.  First, I let him rant a while, leaving when I've about had it and want to say something.  Second, I wait about 30 minutes to an hour to let him cool off.  Third, he comes back to me and apologizes and does what I ask.  He's a good kids, just needs to blow off some steam from time to time.

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Busy Saturday!  I dropped Jonathan off at WOSC for the ACT, went home for a quick bite of breakfast, and then ran out to get my basket.  I came home, cleaned that up, and worked on making a salad for the Garden Club, which was at noon.

Went to the club, ate a little lunch (they always have a potluck and it's neat to see what they've been growing in a nice dish), then picked up Jonathan from the college and went back to the club for the rest of the meeting.    I wanted to go to Barbara's again to see her garden, now that the wind protectors are off, but Jonathan reminded me that he wanted to go home and mow the front lawn, so her garden will have to wait.

He mowed, I made brownies from scratch (I didn't have anything else in the house).  I got those out and then had to get working on the chicken enchiladas I was making for dinner for the elders (see?  They don't get porridge, I serve them good stuff...just not steak!)

Still, I ran late and was praying that the missionaries would be a little late.  They were, about 10 minutes, but even with that it was 10 minutes more before the enchildadas were ready.  I told them to eat salad slowly.

Sunday, June 15, 2014
Yes, it's Fathers' Day.  But there wasn't a big to-do about it in church.  The second speaker in Sacrament Meeting spoke about fathers (very eloquently and was awesome) and I hear they passed out candy in Priesthood, but that was about it.

I gave the lesson in Relief Society today and was a little concerned since the topic was "The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood."  Very brethren-centered and I wasn't sure how it would go.  But I'd done a lot of studying and praying, and...I'm not quite sure how I taught.  There was a lot of good response from the ladies about the priesthood and magnifying callings, but I don't quite remember all of how we got there.  That's the Spirit for you, guiding you when you can't guide yourself!  One of the sisters brought her non-member sister to church and I had really worried how the lesson would strike her, but she came up and thanked me afterwards.  Don't worry...teach with the Spirit!

Before we let Ken go down for his usual Sunday nap, we gave him his Fathers' Day gifts (well, the kids.  Mine was the meat.)  I had taken the kids to Dollar Tree and let them spend $5 on whatever they wanted for their Dad, but only one food item per kid.  They did a great job.  Jonathan got him a plastic lidded mug with an insert inside that he drew pictures on, some gum he likes, a small set of screwdrivers, and some bacon bits (I allowed it).  Analiese got him some cologne (Hugo knock-off), an air freshener for his car, chocolate-covered peanut brittle, and a Sudoku book.  Plus a card.  Ken was very pleased (he's easy to please) and enjoyed looking and talking over each item.

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