Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Monday, May 12, 2014
Wind and dark clouds hovered over our morning.  By ten o'clock, booming thunder was distracting Analiese from her lessons.  And then...a little rain.  Not much, but enough to tide my tiny garden for the time being.  Still, I hate to be greedy, but we need more!

Look at this!  A poppy naturally growing amongst my weeds!

This time at homeschool PE, I was a little more social.  The kids were fine, the Doshers were there and they've gotten to know the others better.  Today, I got to know the moms.  Two moms of younger children were picking my brain.  They were especially interested in how I teach my kids Spanish.  That's actually a hard one, because I don't use a lot of curriculum (other than Discovery Education's Elementrary Spanish) and we have speakers in the home.  Still, it was nice to get to know them better.

Analiese had been panicked (for a short while) that the weather might cancel PE, but neither PE nor water aerobics were effected.  Though, the weather had cooled things off a bit and coming out of the pool was a chilling experience, literally.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Hippo Birdie to my big boy!  He's seventeen today...where did the years go?  In Seminary they brought in doughnuts to celebrate.  I am going to take him shopping for shorts and church pants after class.  Maybe first I'll slip him over to Braum's for some birthday ice cream!

I went to WOSC (Western Oklahoma State College - right here in Altus) and applied for a position as a creative writing instructor for their summer Kids College program.  And I got the job!  I have to figure the curriculum on my own; I think that makes it more fun!  I am going to do one week (well, four days) for grades 4-8 and a second week for grades 9-12.  This college is very hip on tech, so I'll have computer to board access (no need for chalk or markers), internet access for videos, Ted Talks, etc.  I haven't worked in years (since Jonathan was 4) and I haven't done a resume since...even longer!  It was an interesting experience getting it done.  Now, I just need to smooth out my lesson plans.  I'm so EXCITED!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
My son bought Legos at Wal-mart yesterday with some birthday money.  He ordered MORE today at Amazon with another birthday certificate.  SIGH.  His room is a veritable den of Legos.  I won't deny he enjoys it (and plays best with his sister when he's using them) but...really?  Ken thinks he's too old for toys, but I also know how relaxing and creative an outlet it can be for him.  You should see his organization system.  He has several tackle boxes that he uses for the express purpose of sorting out small pieces in shapes and colors.

Speaking of creative, Analiese and I, after dropping Jonathan off at Scouts, did some specific doodling called Zentangle.  Inside of blank shapes or lines that you create in a square, you use different patterns inside to decorate.  It was fun and gave us a chance to talk.

Thursday, May 15, 2014
I woke up with a headache...a bad omen for the day.  I really think I have some kind of bug.  I just feel...off.  After taking Jonathan to school and settling Analiese with her lessons, I actually took a nap!

But, ugh, I woke up feeling awful still.  I had to pickup Jonathan anyway and take Analiese to 4H Sewing, but I didn't want to.  I dropped into Wal-mart for something and proceeded to be sick in their bathroom.  No bueno!

Ken beat me and Jonathan home.  I went back to bed and left them to figure out dinner (and get Analiese).  Could I stay in bed?  Nope, we are having a Relief Society activity tonight and our daughters are invited.  They are going to have crafts, cooking and line dancing...do you think Analiese will be content to stay home?

Nope.  I dragged myself out of bed, pretended I felt well, and had a tolerably good time.  Analiese had a great time. She helped make apple crisp, learned the Macarena, and made a handkerchief doll (pioneer doll).  Plus, she ran around with her friends.  Believe it or not, Jonathan came, too, and was in the nursery helping to watch little ones (with his friend Chris and a member of the bishopric).  He didn't do half bad; when I went to get him, he was putting on a puppet show and using different voices.  He had the kids charmed!

Friday, May 16, 2014
Still not terrific.  I had recently cut all dairy out of my diet due to stomach issues, and that had helped.  But I am yucky now and have no idea why.  Bug, virus, food poisoning?

As I flopped around the house, doing the bare minimum (including laundry), my daughter thought she should help me feel better.  So...I ended up with a rabbit in my lap.  Hugs and rabbits are her answers to everything.

Moms are not allowed to rest, though.  I had to take Jonathan to someone's house to mow their lawn. Apparently, mowing is going to be his "job" this summer and, while one person who owns lots of rental homes has her own equipment for him to use, today this person did not.  So we had to fit the mower in the van, which meant loosening the screws on the handle so it would fold over - and fit!

Saturday, May 17, 2014
Touch and go, yet.  Eating a lot of plain bread and crackers (gets old quickly) because I am hungry...and afraid to eat.

Bountiful Baskets pick up was a meet-and-greet today.  I saw Jeff, the gentleman in charge of Kids College at WOSC, so I asked him a few more questions.  I chatted with Emily, too, a sister in my ward, who was right behind me as we wondered...what do you do with a Daikon radish?  Those things are huge!  And I ended my trip seeing yet ANOTHER homeschooling Michelle from our PE class. (I think Michelle's and Michele's are more likely to be homeschoolers than any other name! LOL)

Despite how I felt, I was determined to get some stuff done!  For one, I have the pallets, it's time to get my compost bin up!  The instructions on Pinterest (one of the few who actually DO something they see on it) were fairly simple - connect the corners with 14 gauge wire - but I had to do more.  We have too many strong winds to just leave a structure like that laying in the yard.  Jonathan & I staked around them and screwed the stakes to the pallets.  It is not a beautiful thing, just useful.  Maybe I'll eventually plant some flowers around it.  But now, I can toss my scraps in there and get garden gold out of it!

In between that, I made homemade, from scratch, banana cream pie.  I am not the best pie maker (I have such trouble with pie crust), but it turned out tasty.  Or so I'm told.  I did not eat dinner or anything when the missionaries came over because I had decided to eat some lunch (celery with hummus and a whole wheat flour tortilla) and was sick an hour afterwards.  Something's going on; I just don't know what.

And don't forget the hours I put in today before, during, and after all the other stuff above working on a Relief Society lesson.  It was interesting to me - the topic was Truth - and I finished it late into the night.    Besides Pres. Smith, I found a great BYU talk by Pres. Uchtdorf on truth, plus I have Elder Bednar's book "Increase in Learning" which applies as well.  I was so tech saavy, too (pat on the back), because, after I merged it all together in a Word file I did NOT print it up.  I sent it to my iPad, where I'll just read it off there.  So much better than a bunch of papers!

Sunday, May 18, 2014
Major Bummer!  We are only having Sacrament Meeting today, no other meetings.  Apparently a water pipe broke in the building and there is no water and no bathrooms.  And here I had this great lesson!  Beware of pride, I guess.

There was a large spot of carpet in the hall, and a bit of tile too, soaked with water.  We came through the front entrance, so we didn't see it, but everyone who comes through the back did!  I've wondered about the plumbing in that building for a while; toilets seems to overflow easily and water seems to come from other areas at the weirdest times.

Agh!  My allergies have kicked in today.  I do not want them.  I want to be able to go outside and enjoy it.  I can't smell my honeysuckle through a stuffy nose (and no, the honeysuckle isn't the problem).  

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