Monday, May 19, 2014


Monday, May 19, 2014
Our schedule has altered somewhat.  Jonathan will be at the airport from 7:30 am to 2:46 pm (weird #, huh?) from now until June 18.  This is because the high school is almost out and he can use this time to study and prepare for the end-of-year-final.  Also, he'll have Fridays off, so he gets a longer weekend!

I had to pick him up from Seminary a little early to take him to the airport.  It also means I don't have to interrupt my day in the middle to take him to school.  He's had to make a lunch to take with him as well, so we had to shop for a few things the end of last week.  He made it last night; I didn't have to do it.  I just had to remember to bring it and his study bag when I picked him up from Seminary.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Got to go to the dentist today (yippee - not).  But, I take good care of my teeth so my cleaning was a breeze, even if Analiese thought it took a long time.  Dentist wants to remove and replace an old crown that isn't on right and can possibly cause trouble by trapping food in bad spots.  We'll see how much that costs!

I even had the opportunity today to play Spanish missionary.  The elders had me go with them to visit the Cruz's.  Neither of the elders speak a lick of Spanish; Eniquetta and Presenta (that's his name!) only speak a little English.  So, really, I had to carry the conversation.  It wasn't really interpreting; I just asked the elders what they wanted to talk about and I went on from there.  Plus, I had to train them not to give big speeches - give me a statement or a questions and let me interpret it.  I'm not that good or that fast.  Ken could do it, but he's always working.

Homemade fish tacos for dinner...with a great creamy chipotle sauce recipe I found.  It was good, even the kids thought so.  Yum!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Analiese and I have been using our early mornings together (since I have to be up to take Jonathan to class) to work outside in the garden.  We usually let one rabbit out to roam while we do so; we can't let all three - one would try to impregnant the others and the other two would fight and fur would fly!  I really like being out before it's too warm and just enjoy grubbin' around outside.

We planted a basil I bougt at Wal-mart yesterday and some cantaloupe and zucchini.  Because my planter plants were set aside, I can only do a little bit this year.  But I'm hoping, what with the compost bin ready, I will have some really good stuff for the fall.  They tell me that a lot of things can be planted here later for fall, like green beans.

Ken came home super-early in, he was on his way home when I dropped off Jonathan at the airport.  The reason?  The drug dog kept sniffing his hands, insisting there was something there!  Ken was VERY irritated (it became a serious Asperger Day)  because he couldn't go in and went straight to Walmart.  It appears that the person he had to work with yesterday is always high and Ken figured that the contamination came from him.  He complained to HR who advised him "not to open that can of worms."  Ken said, "That is my main job that I support my family with!  I WILL open that can!"  Needless to say, he was at times grumpy, at times withdrawn for the rest of the day.  I even had him take me to out to lunch to try and help and it did...for a little bit.

Tonight Ken & I went with Analiese to her Activity Days.  It was the end-of-year activity (they'll start up again in the fall) and they had invited parents to come see what the girls had been doing.  Each girl had to stand up and talk about her favorite activity.  I hate to brag - but I will - my daughter was SO eloquent!  She talked about visiting the mayor of Altus and about his responsibilities in the city.  I think maybe we need to work on her speech-giving skills; there may be talent there!  As it is, she wants to enter the 4H speech contest next year.

Thursday, May 22, 2014
Ken got back into the prison today, no problem.  But he took an extra long, extra careful shower and even did a bleach water clean of his steering wheel in his car!  I didn't think it would be a problem, but it was a major irritation to him!  And, he got teased a bit about it.  

Rabbit Club was tonight, so I took the kids (and Alice) and went.  Jonathan was antsy, not really wanting to be there, because he wanted to go with his friend Howard.  Howard was supposed to pick him up from there, but it took a little longer than Jonathan liked.

In the meantime, he and Analiese worked on a recycling/fundraising project for the club.  They took animal feed bags and made them into tote bags.  Analiese did fine; she's in the sewing club and knows her way around a sewing machine.  This was Jonathan's first time.  He really didn't want to, but he caught on fairly fast.  The gal who came to teach us how to do it remarked that his stitches were better than nearly all the others (and they were all girls).  But a sewing machine is a mechanical thing...and he's a dude who loves things mechanical.

Howard did eventually pick him up.  I let him spend the night.  Howard leaves for New Mexico on Saturday to work at a Scout Camp and then will rejoin his family in Las Vegas, where they will be moving in five weeks.  Jonathan is SO bummed.  So, I loosened the reins a little and let him spend time with Howard.

Friday, May 23, 2014
RAIN!!!  They predicted it and for once, it happened!  It's been getting very scary around here, the lack of water, and everywhere you see signs "Pray for Rain!"  At first they were at the churches, but now even the banks and other establishments are posting them.  I had read a news report the other day that estimated that a nearby lake, already at 26% capacity, would be dried up by 2016, if measures weren't taken.  We're going to need a lot of rain to help heal the land, but today is a nice start!

Apparently, the storm today is trying to make up for lost time.  My back yard is a swamp!  Analiese and I went return books to the library and had to go through the front door and a smaller swamp to go through the front of the garage to get to the van.  But we really can't complain!  Streets are flooded (no storm drains.  Well, not much.) but our books were due!

Jonathan went to the movies with Howard (X-Men), but came home in the late afternoon.  He was tired, having stayed up all night, and a little blue.  He cried some at the thought of losing his friend.  Friend losses twice in the space of a year is tough.  

Saturday, May 24, 2014
Still gray and a little drippy, but the water levels in the back yard have gone down.  However, it is a big muddy mess in the back, especially leading to the shed/garage.  I have a bunch of flagstones in odd, unnecessary places.  I think I will move them to make a path from the shed to the house for occasions just like this.  It would have been handy in the winter, too.

I can't believe how fast weeds grow.  I had a box completely empty of weeds and had planted some garlic chives, canteloupe and a zucchini there.  Today, there are grasses and weeds in there!  Analiese wants to know what we are going to do Monday for Memorial Day.  I told her, weed.

Sunday, May 25, 2014
I led the music in Sacrament Meeting this morning.  Bro. Lee had called and asked me to do it earlier in the week.  Ken thought maybe he was going to ask me to talk of give me another calling, but, ha!  Nope.  Sister Shields couldn't make it; could I sub for her?  No problem.

However, the Stake President and a counselor were in church today.  I was invited to speak with one of them.  I can't talk about it yet, but my husband was greatly amused by it.  In a couple of weeks, I'll let you know.  SIGH.

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