Monday, December 30, 2013


Monday, December 30, 2013
It's 8:46 in the morning...and a lovely 15 degrees outside.  No snow.  No ice.  No wind.  Just cold.

There's a lot of people at the Wal-mart Meet-and-Greet today.  A couple were people from church; one of which was slightly humorous.  We were both waiting in line to check out...about 3 or four registers over.  So we're talking over the distance...and eventually over the magazine and gum was a sight, I imagine.  People were really chatty, too.  Also while in line, this filipino lady kept talking to me about how she was illegally parked in a handicap spot and how she hoped she wouldn't get towed.  This was a consecutive conversation with the gap-o-lines one.  The checker thought I was funny and chatted a bit, too.  The kids wonder why it takes me so long to go shopping...

Tuesday, December 31, 2013
My back refused to let me stay in bed past 5:45 in the morning.  I couldn't hit the shower straightaway, either, because Ken was due to be up at 6 and would need them.  Usually he doesn't need to be in to work until 8, but his co-worker/employee broke her leg on Christmas Eve and so he has to go in early for her, and stay until closing, which is his normal time.  He is a bit grumpy about this, especially since they really need a third person and the company hasn't managed to get them one.  But - surprise - they are going to allow him to interview someone (anyone) for the position - now that they're desperate.  He was supposed to have off a couple of holiday paid days this week, but now doesn't.  Oh well, at least he won't have to work tomorrow.

Jonathan's friend, Howard was over this afternoon.  Howard is part of a big family and I imagine he likes to have a little time away.  They play lots of games - computer and otherwise - and do some pretty crack-me-up stuff with Legos.  Howard is incredibly teasable, one of those funny, quirky personalities that just beg to be messed around with - how can I resist?  He says his family doesn't tease him; they are made of stronger stuff than I am.

Jonathan went back to Howard's house with them because...they are going to BLOW UP their Christmas tree with fireworks.  And all this apparently meets with parental approval.  Their housing section backs up to a field, so maybe that's where the deed will be done.  When they are done, Analiese & I will pick them up and head over to the Doshers' church (really, he's the pastor) and play games with their family and friends.

EXCEPT...Howard's family is very - shall we say - fluid about time.  I was raised, and my family continues the tradition, with an almost Swiss-like stiff concept of time.  On my mission, I would laugh thinking about the conniptions my family would be having if they had to deal with the Hispanic people like I did who also, incidentally, view time much more laxly.   I've had church start half an hour late in a Spanish Branch. Anyway, by 8:30 we hadn't heard from the boys and Analiese was getting anxious, so we dropped by Howard's (on the way to the church anyway) to see if maybe they were ready and we'd all go.  Nope, hadn't done the tree yet, but were supposedly just about to.  We were invited to stay to witness the wooden destruction, but Analiese was in near panic-mode, so Howard's mom said she's drop them off at the church after the blow-up was over.  (By the way, Operation Destruct Christmas was a total flop - the tree neither exploded nor caught on fire)

We were very glad to have gone to the party.  Analiese had fun with Charesa Dosher and a friend, Dorrie, who's in her 4H Sewing Club.  I never played any games, but sat back and talked with a lot of people, included a gent who works for the city's emergency services and is an amateur radio operator (ham).  SIGH  More invitations to do things (though this one is probably more important).  I don't know how anyone could say there is nothing to do in town...I seem to find plenty!

The boys showed up around 9:30 and hooked up with David and Geordie Dosher.  I knew it would be a good/fun combo and they had an awesome time.  At first, since I (like Ebeneezer Scrooge) find a good night's rest more conducive to my health, was going to stay only until 10 and go home and sleep.  But the boys had just got there and Analiese had felt gypped with our late arrival, so we actually stayed past midnight.  Teasingly, the boys suggested starting a game of Risk about 9 minutes before midnight - you should have seen George Dosher's face at that one!  Anyway, we got Howard home and ourselves to our beds just before 1 a.m., which is rare beyond belief for me.  I cherish sleep.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014
NOTE: I wrote the year down right.  At least, right now.

I don't do New Year's Resolutions as a whole.  Mainly, because I think goal-setting is an on-going process.  But, too, people tend to act like its a big deal, and then shallowly set it aside.  I need to be serious about what I commit to keep motivated.

Our New Years day was a slow starter...mainly because we were all zombies from the late night before.  But we'd invited people over to come play games in the afternoon, so we couldn't be slugs all day.

In the end, only the Fletcher family came, but we had a good time.  The weather was nice outside, so the kids could go out and run around.  We had finger foods and just noshed most of the time between games.  Ken & I introduced the Fletchers to Careers, a board game I played with my family when I was younger.  We'd found the old 1965 copy of the game in a thrift store years ago.  The box is practically shot, and the cards are getting beat up, but we've scanned the score sheets to the computer, so we can continue playing.  

It was a fairly early night, however, and they left around 8 p.m.  Which was good, because we were all ready to crash.

Thursday, January 2, 2014
Today was a totally unexpected day.  But before I talk about the big event, which many of you are juicily waiting for, I better relate events before and between, to set the stage.

Late this morning and into the afternoon, the kids and I went around town for the Altus 4H Rockin' Rabbit Club (this will be ironic, as you will see) to drum up sponsors for the Rabbit show & competition at the Altus Expo Center in February.  We dropped off some letters, got one sponsor and a raffle item, and then I took the kids to lunch.  We had to stop at Walmart where I got a new artificial tree for next year for 75% off!  Finally, still tired from yesterday, we went home.  It was about 1-1:30. 

We walked through the garage and into the storage room, pausing to say "hi" to the rabbits.  Weirdly, Fluffernutter was sitting in the nesting box in her and Alice's cage (normally, they like to perch on top, squished between the box and the top of the cage.  A closer look inside the cage and...babies!  Fluffer had just given birth!  No, we hadn't be expecting it.  Ken had called her fat, but she's big girl (Daddy's a New Zealand) and eats a lot.  But now that we think about it, she and Alice had been pulling out a lot of fur.  It had been bugging me that I was finding Fluffer's fur in Alice's mouth.

We were in shell shock and, I'll admit it, we panicked.  By the way, Jonathan is going to make a funny expectant father.  He was all nervous and insistant we call the Dosher's (they've recently had baby bunnies and know what to do) and helped me bring Fluffer, box and babies into the house to be warmer.  Then we had to (carefully) check the babies to see that all were alive and well.  Seven!  Whoa!  The Dosher's only had four!  What was I going to do with seven?

Fluffer is a very attentive, anxious mommy.  I only touched the babies slightly and with food service gloves on my hands so as not to make them smell like me.  We also had to make sure she had plenty of food and water, because she needs it for milk production.  And no, she's not fat...not anymore!

Texting Ken, he asked if they were ugly.  I replied, no more than his babies were at first.  They have no fur, and their eyes are closed...and they will be for another week and a half.   I am guessing that they are about 4 inches long. They are pink with black splotches at the moment, though one is all black but for a pink belly.  It will be interesting to see what they look like.  And their fur...Twilight (Dad) is a mini Rex with that velvety fur.  If we get one with Fluffer's coloring and Twilight's fur, it will be gorgeous!

Okay, bunnies settled, Jonathan & I went off to an Amateur Radio Emergency Management Meeting, basically to get to know who and what's available in town.  One gentleman is fixing my radio and getting a new antenna, plus programming local stations on it - bless him!  We did learn some interesting things, too.  The one that interested Jonathan the most was the storm watchers; they keep an eye on the radar and weather stations in the spring and post spotters on the outskirts of town to look for unusual weather patterns.  Altus, in itself, is not tornado-prone, due to some weird weather areas here, but is a place where initial patterns can start and make their way north and east.  So I guess it's really important to track weather here.  Jonathan is interested in becoming a spotter.  Mind you, he has plenty on his plate right now - Aviation Mechanics, studying for the ACT, trying to get his driving permit, so we'll see.  Maybe not this year.

So we go home.  We stopped by the cages, again, to see how the other two rabbits are and... HORRORS!  Alice is in her cage...WITH THREE DEAD BABY BUNNIES.  She had been pregnant too and had her babies on the EXACT SAME DAY.  Sadly, we had removed the nesting box and, with nothing to shelter her babies, they died.  Upon closer inspection, we found four more dead ones under the cages.  I imagine they had crawled there looking for a warm place to nestle.

We felt REALLY bad (Jonathan & I did).  After all, she'd been pulling fur, too.  But she had before that and it was only a false pregancy.  Still, I cried and Jonathan got really, really quiet.  We had to have Ken take care of the dead babies.  Analiese thought it was gross, but, luckily (since Alice is her rabbit) didn't get too upset.  Still...Oh My Gosh!  That would have been FOURTEEN babies...all at once!

Friday, January 3, 2014
I slept badly last night.  I did cry a bit more; I felt really bad for Alice, like we'd let her down in not giving her a place for her babies.  But by morning I realized I was grateful (really) not to have had to deal with all those babies.

Fluffernutter's pulled out a lot more fur to line her nest.  She doesn't sit in there with her babies, but watches from far off.  It's an instinct to draw predators away from babies.  She gets very anxious if anyone gets near them.  Jonathan saw her feed them this morning.  Unlike a dog or cat, she doesn't lie down, she stands over them.  They squeak a bit when they're hungry!

Another zombie day so soon after NYE isn't good.  But we had to go and get more rabbit food and a pet gate to put in front of the bathroom door so that the room would stay warmer.  Other than that and my laundry, I was pretty darn lazy.

Saturday, January 4, 2014
The babies are starting to look a little bigger.  If anything, their tummies are fatter...and that's good.  Fluffer is a good mommy.  She does drink a lot of water, though, so I have to watch to keep her water bowl full.  To be honest, she's eating a lot too.  And spilling it everywhere.  I go in there to clean it up at least three times a day.

I tried a new recipe out on the elders and my family tonight - Chicken Alfredo Lasagne Rolls.  They turned out great!  Even Analiese ate them, which is saying something, especially since they had spinach in them.  The alfredo sauce was homemade, which we are beginning to prefer over the jar stuff (never tastes quite right).  I wonder if I can make a bunch of it and freeze it?  Ken would like it with more pepper; I would like to cut back a little on the garlic.

Sunday, January 5, 2014
I am calling the baby bunnies the Wiggle Worms.  They are constantly wriggling all over the box.  First they're in the front, then they move to the side, then they go to the back.  It'll be about a week more before they open their eyes and start getting fur.  

Flippin' cold today.  Artic blast came in...with no precipitation.  I wouldn't mind the cold so much if they skies would drop a little water with it.  There is frost on the ground, in some shady pockets enough to look like a little snow.  And water that was standing in the road last night froze over.  Brr!

Today we were back to our regular church schedule and all of our meetings.  This meant that I was back to business, too.  The ward chorister was still out, so I led music in Sacrament meeting.  Then I started up Sunday School class, quickly ran home to swap the car for the van (so we could take people home from church), and played piano and translated Relief Society into Spanish.  Yep, back to normal.

Monday, December 23, 2013


Monday, December 23, 2013
Well, I roto-rootered my sinus passages today.  Really, I just was following an oil protocol to try and clear up my stuffy & painful sinuses.  Warm water in my neti pot with 2 drops of lavender and 2 drops of tea tree oil.  Ay-yai!  It burned for a good hour and I thought, "What the heck did I just do?"  But I've been clear and free all the rest of today.  I will swear by it, but not swear that it is harmless.  It is strong!

Gave away the last of my Christmas goodies today to the Doshers.  They just moved into their new home on Saturday, so we went to see the new home...and the baby bunnies!  Their Holland Lops just had four babies about 2 weeks ago.  They just opened their eyes on Tuesday and we were told today that it was the first day they've actually been hopping around.  They are so cute - they fit right in the palm of my hand!  In a way, they look like tiny shih-tsu dogs, with rabbit ears.  One was crawling all over Analiese.  Yes, they are trying to get us to take one and, no, I haven't broken down yet.  Where would I put the thing?  Just what I need, another rabbit.  So far, they've named them after Princess Bride characters - Inigo, Fezzig, Wesley & Buttercup.  Regardless of sex, though, because its too early to tell.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013
If I was to name today's episode, I'd call it "Mouse Mischief."  Yes, we have a mouse; no it's not a pet, it's a PEST.  The kids kept claiming that they saw something skitter across the bathroom floor at night.  I saw some mouse droppings in the bathroom, near where the rabbits' litter box is at and knew what was up.  Last week I set up a snap trap with a tiny bit of Snickers on it (not a waste of good candy, they really like Snickers).  However, the clever fella managed to get the Snickers off without springing the trap.  So yesterday I bought sticky traps that fold into boxes.  Another tiny bit of Snickers went into the middle of the trap, and it went into the bathroom.

This morning, Jonathan exclaims, "Mom the box is gone!"  Now how the heck could a teeny mouse move that whole box?  I looked all over the bathroom, the box was gone!  I had no idea how it could disappear. I went into the kitchen to tell Ken about it and, by the trashcan in front of the furnace closet, was the mouse!  It's tail was stuck in the box and it was trying to get under the closet door.  When I moved the trashcan to see it better, it darted into the box to hide.  Bad move!  Now it was irrevocably stuck!  It squeaked piteously; Jonathan had a moment of weakness and felt sorry for it.  I knew better; it could bring disease or parasites, primarily to the rabbits, so it had to go.  I had been tempted to offer it to the cats my neighbor feeds on her front porch (mainly because my wicked self wanted to see the cats get stuck with the sticky trap, too), but Ken threw it outside in the dumpster in the alley.  I am not sure that it is the end of the mischief, so I'll put out another trap tonight.  I think they're getting into the house through the water heater closet which is in that bathroom.

The kids are antsy today, that's not a big surprise.  I think they are most excited about seeing their cousins over Skype than anything else.  They hovered around the computer most of the afternoon just waiting.  We did a little "skyping" before dinner, but they had to wait until after our dinner (and the cousins - 2 hours ahead) before we could see each other open presents.  Andy had apparently set something up on my parents' TV so we could see everything going on in the livingroom.  It wasn't quite the same as being there, but still fun.  My kids thought it was funny to write messages on small white boards (backwards) and show them to the camera.  Ken thought it was funny to do weird dances and make faces in the background.  It was still a good idea.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas!  I have a sinus infection that is trying to setting into my chest, so I had a bad night of it.  Kids don't want to sleep on Christmas - adults do!  And I couldn't sleep very well.  Trying to make merry while you feel exhausted and flat is a chore.  

Still, with Ken's help, I got up a nice breakfast of skillet hash browns, oven eggs (so easy), english muffins, bacon, juice, eggnog, and sliced pumpkin bread from Grandma Carr.  The favorite by far was the skillet hash browns, and even Jonathan got enough to eat to fill him up!

After clean-up, we had scripture study and a special Christmas Devotional given by Jonathan.  Then it was present time!  Jonathan's favorite gifts were the balaclava (ski mask) and the bacon box.  The bacon box was full of fun things I'd picked up that were bacon themed - I wanted them for a joke - like bacon-flavored popcorn, bacon seasoning, a bacon cookbook, bacon dental floss and bacon lip balm (He said he'd never use THAT on a date!).  Actually, he was pretty happy with all of his gifts, including a book he wanted, a new church shirt and tie, and an air pistol from his grandparents.

Analiese was no less happy.  She received a rabbit charm for her bracelet, a book she had wanted, a Lego figure to replace a lost one, a bracelet loom, and a sewing machine.  She was thrilled about this because she hasn't been able to finish sewing projects at 4H because they meet only once a month and she didn't have a machine.

Ken got See's from my friend, Michele (we ALL know how he loves that), a belt, cologne and body wash that he likes, and a new bluetooth headset since his old one died.  I got an Eagle Scout bumper sticker for my van (Jonathan knew I wanted one), some good books and a pin from Michele, a couple of cute t-shirts from Ken, and a cute essay of advice from Analiese (I'll try and post it sometime, it is really marvelous and she did it all on her own).

Ken smoked a beef roast for our Christmas dinner, which we had with mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, and jello salad.  I also excitedly had found a recipe for Ponche Guatemalteco, which is a warm fruit punch that I haven't had since my mission and felt really good on my irritated throat.  We invited our Honduran friends for dinner and they brought some enchiladas and a gelatina that tasted a bit like flan.  Analiese sat down at the end with Gisela where they chatted and giggled the whole time while Ken & I enjoyed Rosa & Nasly's company.  Jonathan was a little grumpy, mainly, I think, because he didn't understand much of what was going on.  Analiese complained a little, too, but I just told her she needs to study her Spanish harder!

But the best part of our day was going over to the church in the evening to have the baptism for Nasly.  Ken & I had both been asked to speak; I wrote my talk in English the way I wanted it and had Ken translate it for me.  She just glowed after her baptism and bore her testimony so fervently.  I told Ken that while I had wanted to stay home for Christmas this first year in Oklahoma, I now knew we could be a part of Nasly's baptism.  I've really had to grow, dust off my Spanish, and reach out to help her and her family, so I've gained as much from her as she has from us.  Sunday she will be confirmed, and Ken is going to do that.  Elder Vance, the only Spanish-speaking elder here who has worked so hard to teach her and get her ready for baptism, baptized her.  He was pretty happy, himself, to have a White Christmas!

Thursday, December 26, 2013
Another bad night of sleep.  Yesterday was not restful enough and the drainage just keeps me from sleeping.  Ken suggested last night that I have a sick day today, and I think he is right.  Analiese isn't doing too great, either, so it's not a bad idea.  Lots of rest, lots of fluids...going through lots of tissues!

Friday, December 27, 2013
Feeling somewhat better.  Enough so to realize that the kids are getting a little antsy.  Time to go out!

Due to lack of familial communication, my children got duplicate sets of books.  So we took one set to a local bookstore to see if they'd at least give us store credit.  They did, which was great.  The downside was, this bookstore is becoming less and less of a bookstore and more of a music/movies/weird collections and paraphenalia store.  Analiese found some My Little Pony stuff to make her happy, but Jonathan had to deal with me and let me have his store credit and give him the dollar amount to spend at Walmart instead.

In between the bookstore and Walmart, we stopped at Atwoods, our favorite Farm/Ranch/Home store.  Jonathan had received a Daisy BB gun for Christmas, but he needed a C02 cartridge and BBs. I knew Atwoods would have them both.

After all that, it was time to head home.  I was tired from the post-illness exertions.  It was time for a nap.

Saturday, December 28, 2013
Call me a party poop, but the time has come to take down the tree.  I'm feeling well enough to deal with it.  Plus, we're expecting company for New Years with young kids and I didn't want them getting into my nice stuff.  But, with the water damage to my boxes, I found myself going to Walmart - AGAIN - to get plastic storage boxes.  They're better anyway than cardboard.  I also think we're going to need a new tree next year; ours is looking pretty pathetic.  But we'll wait and see.

My paranoid anxieties have morphed since moving to Oklahoma.  In California, any strange sound in the night was someone trying to break into my home.  Now... Is it a mouse?  

Sunday, December 29, 2013
Another paranoid thought popped up when I awoke early this morning to a very brisk wind.  Will a tree branch break?  Will it fall on the house?  Will it fall on the power lines?

Only one hour of sacrament meeting today.  I think there were less people this week than last.  No one thought to bring bread for the sacrament, so Ken & Jonathan quickly dashed to our house and got our loaf in the fridge (luckily it was an almost-whole one, otherwise the only bread would be frozen!).  I was supposed to lead the congregation in hymn-singing after the one speaker, but he took up the whole time.  That was fine with me.  I don't have much of a voice still anyway.  Or much energy.  Time to go home & take a nap!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Monday, December 16, 2013
Analiese is sick.  This is a fairly rare occurrence in our household; for the most part, we're fairly healthy (allergies don't count).  Sore throat, headache, mild fever.  And lethargy.  When you know how much she bounces, it's an anomaly to see it otherwise.  Getting her to stop talking and let her throat rest has been a chore in the morning, but this afternoon she was worn out enough to be quiet and - even take a nap!  Still, I don't like to see my babies sick.  Hopefully, it'll just get through her system and go.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Analiese is much better.  Well enough to keep on talkin'...and do her lessons.  She says she hates being sick because it is so boring.  Mom just says "rest" and nothing else.  For an active kid, it's torture.

Took Twilight back to the vet to get weighed to see if he's losing weight.  Nope; he's gaining.  However, now he has ear mites, so I had to get meds for that.  I have to put drops in ALL of the rabbits' ears, because if one gets it, chances are so will the others.  Preventative medicine.

Analiese had a 4H Sewing Club party today.  I don't stay for those; they have plenty of help and heaven knows I'm no seamstress.  But I guess she had a good time and was good at the sewing games - identifying sewing notions and sewing machine parts.  The prizes?  Thread spools & elastic! LOL!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
 My day started out in pain.  I can't even say where it came from.  But my left shoulder blade is in pain, all the way up to my neck and down my arm.  It's a lot like that time a year ago August where I couldn't sleep all night for the pain. And I have so much to do.

Like baking cookies.  First it started that Ken needed cookies for this Friday for the prison employees party.  Okay.  Then, Jonathan's aviation mechanics class is having a luncheon this Friday.  More cookies needed.  Finally, Jonathan announced on Sunday that the youth are going caroling Wednesday (that means today) and that he needed a dozen cookies.

But not sugar cookies, these.  I've had enough of that work.  Instead, I made peanut butter cookies with a snickers mini bar inside them.  Also, I drizzle them with chocolate.  Dreamy!  And I figured I needed to triple my recipe to get enough.  Good thing I didn't quadruple it...I nearly burnt out my mixer's motor with the triple!

After finishing the cookies, my shoulder was screaming and I was exhasted.  I decided to lay down for a bit.  At four, Jonathan woke me up because...I forgot I was supposed to pick up Nasly Maldonado for her baptismal interview at four at the church!  Now, late doesn't mean much to Hispanics, who find time more fluid than us angst-ridden Gringos, so they were fine.  But the elders and their zone leaders were on a time schedule, and still had to get back to Lawton.  It got done...and Nasly is fine & ready for baptism.  Did I tell you I get to speak at her baptism on Baptism?  In Spanish?  On Christmas Day? I think I'll write it in English and have Ken translate it for me rather than me try to do it in Spanish.  Things are gradually coming back to me, but not that much.

Thursday, December 19, 2013
The elders had given me a blessing for my shoulder yesterday and today it feels much better.  Which is good because...guess!  It stars with a b and ends with a y.  And you associate it with bees.  I am beginning to thing I should like to hibernate for the whole month of January.

I delivered meals in town for Meals on Wheels.  I had planned to do it next Thursday, the day after Christmas, but a gal in our ward wanted to switch.  It usually takes me an hour, but I had four more people than usual and I had to drive a little ways south of town to deliver another!  Still, I am beginning to recognize and know some of these people.  And I sure hope they aren't all alone for the holidays.

I am expanding my culinary baking expertise...I am making pumpkin biscotti.  Why?  a) I still have lots of pumpkin, b) Ken had me make baskets for his two co-workers that have mugs and cocoa in them, so why not biscotti to go along? c) why not try something new?  We shall see how they turn out.

Tonight, for Family Home Evening, Ken took us out to dinner and a movie.  We went to Fat Daddy's (I know, what a name!), a place he'd heard was good and wanted to try.  Not exactly a calorie-free zone, however.  He and Jonathan both wanted to try a certain appetizer - chicken fried bacon.  I tried one piece - it was super salty.  But Jonathan (who is a bacon fanatic) was in heaven.  Actually, the food there was very good.  They made their own ranch dressing; I think most of their stuff is made there.  I had a grilled chicken bacon ranch sandwich and it was very tasty.

Afterwards we went to see the 2nd part of The Hobbit.  I was outraged when the movie ended. Okay, so I didn't know they're doing it in three parts! Still, it wasn't liked the book, much.  When they say "based on the book" they mean, LOOSELY based.  It was good; I enjoyed the dragon a lot.  Orlando Bloom as Legolas was different (Legolas is NOT in The Hobbit, the book) because they used some CGI to make him look younger.  It was kind of creepy.  But Martin Freeman was excellent as Bilbo - I really agreed with that casting.

Friday, December 20, 2013
Feeling a little azure blue today.  Maybe because the sky is overcast, the air is cold and the windy is very nippy.  Actually, I am thinking of California, family and friends and Christmastime.  And I'm missing them today, the familiarity of both location and people.  They are posting pictures and talking about the events in their holiday time and I feel so far away from them all.  Most poignant is the fact that my friend and her family were sealed in the Los Angeles temple yesterday and I wasn't there for it.  That hurts.  I am happy for them, I'm proud of how far they've come to get to this point...but I sure wish I could have been there!

Analiese and I went to the local Intermediate school today to see her friend in the band have a Christmas concert. For a bunch of 6th graders, they sounded pretty good.  I hear that they have more kids wanting to join than they have room, so they had to whittle them down to the better and more dedicated students.

Saturday, December 21, 2013
We had our ice storm last night.  It is a weird wonderland out there...rain and ice covering everything.  It was fascinating to look at because icicles hung on anything they could.  I found the car antennas looked really cool - even up to the ball of ice on the top!  Trees, though, didn't have a good time of it.  None of ours lost branches, but I did see some in town.  Power lines don't like the ice much, either, and we lost power for a little time.

My throat is hurting some and I'm developing a cough.  I guess I am joining the others.  Analiese is doing better and Ken is pretty much over his.  My turn.  Good thing I don't have to sing tomorrow!

Sunday, December 22, 2013
I can't say it was a busy busy Sunday, because we only had the first hour today.  But it was funny.  I had to arrange for all the music, which came through, but with only a short talk in the middle, the bishopric ended up asking me to lead hymns for the congregation to sing to fill up the time.  It was neat, though, to see the talents in the ward.  We had not only singing (Analiese did a solo) and piano, but also guitar (Jonathan), harp & glockenspiel!

The missionaries invaded our home shortly after church because we are helping them with Nasly's baptismal program.  It's half English, half Spanish, and had a little tweaking that Ken was able to easily assist with.

The rest of this day has been pretty calm, which is good because my throat is very sore.  I made it through church with the singing (the chorister kind of has to sing), but it's all gone now and I need to rest it.

Monday, December 9, 2013


Monday, December 9, 2013
I did the unthinkable today.  I ironed.  There are few reasons, if any, for me to iron.  Today was one - my tree skirt.  It's a white batten burg lace skirt embroidered with holly and "The Boltons."  I got it from a catalog years ago, but it is beautiful and I love it.  And every year, it must be ironed.  Thus...

We got our new webcam up and running today.  Well, we had to Skype with Andy to figure out the microphone.  My dad got us a new one for Christmas; I mean, our old one was several years old and just a little fuzzy.  This is one is very tres moderne.  

We are having dishes wars here.  I really get tired doing them after I've also made a meal.  So I said someone better do them, or I wouldn't cook for the rest of the week.  To this point, they are still unmade.  We shall see if they eat for the next few days...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013
NOTE: Jonathan did the dishes last night.  Reluctantly, disgruntledly.  But then, he is also the most interested in eating around the house.  It was to his advantage to do so.

Things I do NOT like about winter:
1. Ice - of all kinds.  Slippy, nasty, deceptive stuff.
2. Dripping water.  Because of the temp, I have to have water dripping out of each faucet in the house all the time so the pipes won't freeze.  The sound drives me buggy.  Not to mention the visions of water bills dancing in my head.
3. So much flippin' clothing!  I don't own that much stuff.  And I constantly have to rearrange layers to adjust my temperature.  
4. Mud, debris & water.  As in, all over my floor.  Even with a special mat to scrape shoes off with.

Time to Vent:  This is the THIRD try to make pumpkin bread this week.  Every time the stuff just sticks to the pans.  I've sprayed more stuff, made sure to get them out exactly 15 minutes after they're done, but no go.  And they sunk a little in the middle...what's up with that?  I've made this recipe before (in CA) and it turned out lovely.  The only differences this time are a) we are in OK (?), b) my oven is electric (I would eagerly put all the blame on my oven...I hate using electric), and c) it's not canned pumpkin, it's pumpkin I baked in my oven and then pureed. I have so much more to bake but I can't continue wreaking them.  Time to switch recipes, but to what?

Waiting for Jonathan's air rifle 4H class to start, we saw a killdeer.  What's a killdeer?  We didn't know either until we looked the mysterious bird up on my bird app.  Look it up.  They're cute.  And apparently they don't mind slushy snow puddles to hunt for bugs in.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013
I think Wednesdays are lazy days for me because I've worked so much up to this point that I'm tired and don't want to do anything.  Like I get to stop family's world would come to an end!  Still, I am not particularly motivated today.

However, in behalf of my daughter and the Rockin' Rabbit 4H Club, I made sugar cookie dough today.  Just the dough.  Not the cookies, that's for tomorrow.  I procrastinated about them enough; I had originally thought to make the dough yesterday and the cookies today.  Sorry, Charlie.

What the Sam Hill did I do to my knee?  I don't even remember wrenching it or stumbling or anything.  I did spend a large part of my day (inside) in flip-flops because I got my monthly pedicure today.  We all know how great (not) flip flops are at supporting ankles and knees.  Somehow, around four this afternoon, my left knee (old mission war wound) started aching.  I went to water aerobics anyway, because I haven't been in several weeks.  I did take it easy on the knee, well, as much as I could.  Yet now it hurts worse than ever.  Doris, my instructor, said to ice it and elevate it.  One is possible, the other is...well, it's freakin' winter!  Still, the pain is starting to make me desperate enough to bury my knee in a snowpile outside...those that still remain.

You know it's cold outside when you see the dripping water on the side of your house slow down and if someone stopped time.

Thursday, December 12, 2013
 While I consider cookie baking, and sugar cookies in particular, one of the near-sacred rites of Christmas, I will also admit...It makes a big mess!  Analiese was thrilled with the whole roll-and-cut operation.  My cutters are just like the ones my mom used to have - old-fashioned prints.  Unfortunately, they also have a tendency to stick to the dough, regardless of the amount of flour you put on it.  Some cutters just won't co-operate, like the dumb reindeer.  That is why you'll never see reindeer cookies in my batches.  But we managed to roll out, cut, and cook up at least 4 dozen cookies, enough for all the kids in the Rabbit Club to decorate several. 

Oh, and the clean up is a bear, too!  Those cutters are intricute...which means every nook and cranny holds dough and flour!

Family Home Evening tonight was going to the city park and looking at the lights.  They literally take three months to put up, but it's amazing, going around the park and even the strip of land across the road from the park.  We had to laugh because it was a very regional lights display, with cowboys and covered wagons and Indians (excuse me, Native Americans) and buffalo.  Also, there was a cross and a big nativity display.  These people are not afraid of their God, their guns, and their flag!  Take that, California!

Friday, December 13, 2013
People have asked me how to make comments on my blog.  I'm ashamed to admit it, but, I don't know.  I'm only modestly technically literate.  If someone knows, please tell me.  Then I'll pass it on.  I want to hear your comments, honest!

I didn't realize until this afternoon that it was Friday the THIRTEENTH.  Not that I care or think it has any value at all.  Analiese might think her day's been cursed, though.  The 4H float has been cancelled which means no riding in it for tomorrow's parade.  It's a bummer, and she's crushed.  But the building they are working on it in won't open up to them until 9:00 tonight.  That just doesn't work, nobody can come then!  So for the first time in years, 4H had to cancel its float.

Still, tonight was the Rabbit Club party.  They had pizza, drinks, and desserts, plus games and crafts.  They painted salt-dough ornaments (yes, some were rabbits!) and decorated our cookies.  The cookies
were a hit, kids always find them irrisistable.  Everyone seemed to have a good time and no one got bored.  My kids played Twister (first time for Analiese) with their friends and really loved it.  Also, someone brought in cupcakes with the 4H symbol on it...and fondant rabbits.  They were SO cute!

Saturday, December 14, 2013
Last night was a bad one for sleeping.  At about 2:30 a.m. I awoke and couldn't go back to sleep until after 4:00 a.m.  So you can imagine the zombie I was getting up at 6:30 so I could pick up my basket. When I came home I told Analiese (Ken & Jonathan were already gone off helping someone move) to let me sleep a little.

Which she did, until a bit before 10:00, when I took her to our friends', the Doshers, church to do a Home Depot workshop.  We'd only seen them the night before at the party, but it is always fun to talk to them.  The daughter, Charisa, showed me a picture of their week-old baby bunnies.  We have to go over for a visit, because baby bunnies are the cutest things!

Our afternoon (Analiese's and mine) consisted of decorating more sugar cookies.  No, we didn't use them all up yesterday.  That's okay, what with my pumpkin bread-baking fiasco, a few plates of cookies to give away is not a bad idea.  Plus, we fed some to the missionaries tonight at dinner!

Sunday, December 15, 2013
It's another, chock-full-of-Michele-at-church Sunday.  I led music in Sacrament Meeting, but luckily my special music number came through.  We had a lovely violin duet of "The First Noel" with a stellar pianist accompanying.  The violin is my favorite instrument and two of them was a treat beyond imagining.  

I was in Primary for the rest of the time.  The kids are singing next Sunday so I was working with them. The little kids loved the dress up, but then they always do.  The older kids you have to cajole, joke, and bargain with.  Still, they're pretty good singers and follow music directions well.

Tonight was the play at the Dosher's church.  The kids were cute; what is it about kids doing a Christmas play that always strikes at your heart?  They had refreshments afterwards and we spent a good time talking.  Jonathan, over with his friends Geordie and David, and myself with Michelle.  It's funny how already we enjoy so much talking and doing things together.  And I'm so grateful for her boys and her daughter, Charesa.  They are good, wholesome kids and I'm glad they are friends.  I feel confident in them being good examples to one another.  I really believe the Lord guides us to people.

Monday, December 2, 2013


Michele Trivia: What is my least favorite chore?
That I actually do?  Because I hate ironing...and never do it.  I think Ken has maybe seen me pull out iron maybe a handful of times in our married years.  I buy wrinkle-free.  No irons!
Chore I hate to do: Laundry.  Egad, the stuff is endless and endlessly boring!  Yes, the kids put their own stuff away, but I have Ken & mine, plus the towels and sheets and what-not.  I will only tolerate it twice a week - Monday & Friday - I cannot fathom how some people do a bit each day.  Then it would feel eternal.

Monday, December 2, 2013
Jonathan is still in the throes of ecstasy...Thanksgiving leftovers are yet to be completely devoured.  Though, he's working on it!  I think he's had turkey, potatoes, stuffing & gravy every day for lunch (or dinner, as was Sunday) since Thanksgiving.  Yes, I had a lot of leftover food - I made a ton of stuffing - but I didn't worry because I knew I had my teenage eating machine to help me out!  He adores Thanksgiving and maybe had been a bit wary because this wasn't his grandmother's thanksgiving meal.  Luckily, we managed to soothe his fears and fulfil his culinary fantasies.  Thus his Thanksgiving was filled with gratitude for a meal well done. ROFL

Tonight was Ken & my dinner date night.  We tried one of the Mexican places in Altus - El Rey.  Our prognosis?  Eh.  He had this seafood soup thing that was okay, except for the crab marshmallows (fake crab).  I had fish tacos, in name only.  California, I miss your fish tacos!  No, really, I'm dying for one.  These tacos had little flakes of fish with a little lettuce and tomatoes, with a side of ranch dressing and some smoked pepper salsa.  NOT what I wanted.  Also, the menu said horchata, but they didn't have any.  Apparently the owner makes it when she comes in.  And she didn't come in today.  So other that saying I'll be back in the summer for two gigantic cups full of icy-cold horchata, I wouldn't return.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Today's craziness went as follows:
9:30-10:30 - yoga
11:00 - Vet (Twilight has an eye infection)
12:00 - Jonathan to class
1:00 - Chiropractor

The vet and his staff LOVED Twilight's velvety coat.  They literally went into all the offices telling people, "You gotta come feel this rabbit's coat!"  It is addicting, I admit.  Plus, he's a pretty sweet rabbit, when he's not trying to impregnant every female rabbit in the vicinity.  He loved the attention the humans gave him today, I could tell!

The Chiro literally pulled my head away from the rest of my body today.  He wants to see me again Thursday.  SIGH.  "Was I really that bad?"  I guess so.  He said that, having had an adjustment last week, I shouldn't be so stiff in my neck and shoulders.  I need to get back into the full-time swing of aerobics and yoga.  They help me more than I realize!

This evening, I took Jonathan to 4H shooting at 5:00, got my casserole into the oven and heated, and went over to Doris' home for a Christmas party (she's my water aerobics instructor).  All the ladies, and a few of their husbands, were there.  Good food, good fun.  I do laugh a lot around them.  I made that potato casserole known as "Funeral Potatoes."  Maybe that's just a Mormon name for them, because when I told the ladies what it was called, they all laughed.  I even won a prize tonight - Christmas kitchen towels and pot holders - they will be cute in my kitchen.  It wasn't a long night, but I was glad I went.  This is one of my friend groups that I have learned to cherish here in Altus.

But more invitations!  Geri, who's in my ward & the aerobics class, invited me to the Quilting Guild's luncheon on Thursday.  Ay-ay!  I would not commit.  I am not sure about the weather (big storm supposedly rolling in Thursday morning) and I have Jonathan to get to class as well as Analiese to worry about.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Have you ever had a marching band go past your house at 7:30 in the morning?  I did!  They were practicing for the Christmas parade (which is supposed to be this Sunday but will probably be postponed until the next due to the upcoming storm).

This afternoon found myself ALL ALONE in Lawton (sounds like the title of a mystery book).  We were all supposed to go as a family tomorrow, but because of the expectations of a storm, Ken wanted me to get stuff done today. to Target (good sale on Christmas lights), then to Hobby Lobby (to get stockings), and then my Sam's x2 (once for Ken's work, twice for our family).  I got home in time to put stuff away and then get the kids from Mutual & Activity Days.

BLESSING ALERT: Ken was offered the management position for the call center.  It means better money and a possible annual bonus.  It also means paying off debts quicker and cutting down some Walmart hours.  Yippee!  Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, December 5, 2013
In anticipation of the coming storm (really, people are paranoid about it), Ken didn't have to go in to work today or tomorrow.  Even though the morning was cold, he went outside with the kids to rake and bag up leaves (our yard was a mess!)

By the time I came back from taking Jonathan to the airport, flakes were falling.  When I left to go to the chiropractor, snow was really coming down in clumps.  Ken, Analiese & I went to Walmart and already the parking lot was paved in white!

Analiese & I had to pick up Jonathan while Ken paid for the stuff (special employee discount today) and we went s-l-o-w-l-y up the road and highway to the airport.  We slid a little, once, and I really had to put on and grind those brakes so as not to hit the car in front of me.  I told Analiese I was going to go home and have an anxiety attack. 

Nothing was as relaxing as getting into the house and saying, "I'm done! Ain't goin' nowhere, nohow!"

We figured that, since we were housebound, it was a good time to decorate the tree and house.  Things were going great until we got to the box of ornaments - everything inside it was wet!  Somehow it must have been under a leaky spot of the roof in the storage room off of the garage.  Some things had to be tossed, some just dried off.  Also, we couldn't find our Christmas tree lights.  So, tomorrow, I'll have to go get some.  Had to put of the decorating until tomorrow.  You never know what happens to your stuff when you move!

Friday, December 6, 2013
Made the kids shovel walks and porch today.  Sorry, but I feel for the poor mailman who has to trudge around in it, so I call it service.  As it was, in some places it was over three inches thick.  The wind blew snow into all kinds of drifts, so it was hard to tell what the actually snow count was.

I did not go and get lights today.  Call me chicken, but those roads are pure ice!  As it was, I did have to walk across the street to United and get some spinach for my salad for the ward dinner tonight.  I waited until the last minute (in case the party was cancelled and I didn't need to go), but it was still semi-trecherous going that made me glad to get inside afterwards!

Despite the weather and the roads, the ward Christmas party was well attended.  The committee (of which I was NOT one) did a good job of decorating and preparing.  At one end of the hall they had a creche display and a tree.  In the Primary room they had crafts for the kids and in the room next to it was Santa.  "Santa" happened to be Jonathan's Scout leader, so I thought it was funny to have all three priests go and sit on Santa's lap!

They had a nice ham dinner, and lots of people brought things to have with it.  I brought my spinach salad with apples, dried cranberries, walnuts & feta cheese with a vinagrette.  Yum!  Actually, there were too many good things!  After dinner was a video presentation by the Primary (cute) that I think they will post on Facebook so everyone can see it.  We had a little caroling and a spiritual message, and ended the activity with everyone cleaning up.

The nice part was, my whole family could attend...that meant Ken, too!  His OKC work party was cancelled due to the weather and road conditions (the worst of the storm was between here and OKC), so he was able to join us.  That's a rare occasion these days.

Saturday, December 7, 2013
The temperature this morning, according to the Weather Channel, at 8:30 a.m. was 8 degrees.  That's right.  Single digits.  Now, I never kept track of that stuff on my mission (nor did I have such access), but I don't remember being that cold in Massachusetts.  Maybe.  But today was pretty BRRRR!

And I made another foray out into the white, icy world.  Both kids wanted to go to friends' houses and I still needed to get the tree lights.  This time was no less scary.  We dropped Analiese off, but I had a hard time getting out of the housing tract.  The road up to the light and the main road was sloped up and covered with ice!  The wheels on Ken's Honda spun (rubber burning); Jonathan tried to get out and push.  Eventually I just backed up and found an alleyway that led to a gas station and onto the main road - all flat.  The rest of the trip was uneventful...but I never let my speed get over 20 mph.

I had Ken go with me to get my basket this afternoon, only to find out that the truck was late.  I guess it got stuck in Lawton and had to be towed out.  Ken & I helped (when the truck arrived) unload and do up baskets, and - Man! - was it ever cold!  My hands in particular do not like the cold (the neuropathy doesn't do well), and I was losing feeling in them, fast.  But the pick-up place was inside and that work was comfy I got some extra broccoli for my troubles!

It was cold enough to turn on the gas heater in the dining room.  The elders were here for dinner, as usual, but that cold just seeps through into that room.  Ken didn't see the reason for doing so, but the rest of us were chattering our teeth!  Sorry, I'm a S. Cal. girl and my blood isn't thick enough yet.

Sunday, December 8, 2013
No church today.  The snow melts in the day and freezes at night, making driving treacherous.  It feels weird staying home on a Sunday again, with no conference or anything.  We watched an old church Christmas video and had our regular devotional, but that was it.  And it feels wanting.  I'm glad the First Presidency Christmas Devotional is tonight.  I need that!

Slowly I am learning the art of layering.  Part of me getting so cold yesterday was that, underneath my coat, I only had on a t-shirt.  I have rarely thought of layers in the past, because I've always been so warm.  Actually being cold is a different sensation.

Analiese's rabbit, Alice, seems to like to sit on my chest and take a nap.  I call it the "shelf."  She is very comfortable and I guess feels safe.  However, it does make it difficult for me to want to get up and do something.  It's like having a sleeping baby on your chest.  The kids say it's because I radiate heat.  I say it's because I don't bother the poor rabbit and let her rest there.