Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Monday, October 14, 2013
I have a little advice for some of the people of Altus.  Your smokin' & chewin', poor dental hygiene, oddities of dress...those are your business (but don't be a bit surprised if I poke fun at it!).  That being said, I need to introduce you to two of my close friends: soap and deodorant.  Really, you reeking is a social biological hazard.  When I have to stand in line next to you at a store or eating establishment, I really don't want to have to suffer the danger of vomiting or passing out.  Think of it as a public service.  And it's not that expensive, you can get that stuff at Dollar Tree; I've seen it.  Besides, if you can afford cigarettes, chew, beer, and huge gallons of soda, it won't break the bank to buy some Dial and Secret.  Oh, and think about the hair once in a while.  Those greasy strands are really gross.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Windy!  My pecan trees need pruning and I'm a little worried about branches coming down on the house or power lines.  It's also made a liar out of me.  I've been telling people that my allergies have been doing much better here.  Not today!  Sneezes and sinus headaches, oh my!

I taught Seminary yesterday and today and will again tomorrow, while the regular teacher is out of town.  The kids have "fall break" on Thursday and Friday, so I don't have to worry about that.  I am really out of the habit of getting up early, so I am very tired.  Today I had all four and one of them was about as awake as Jonathan, so it was a little livelier group.  

I did yoga today in my living room with two other sisters from the ward.  With the windy day, it was much cozier there!  We used a video from my yoga teacher back in California, Marilyn.  It felt good to stretch, and the video reminded me of some poses I hadn't tried in a while.  Thanks, Marilyn!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013
I think the summer heat is gone.  I'm not sure it got up to 70 today, and tonight is supposed to drop down into the low 40's.  The ceiling fans are turned off and the a/c hasn't gone on at all.  At least it's not as windy as yesterday.  I have some allergies going on, but not nearly what I suffered yesterday.

My last day teaching Seminary...the kids have the rest of the week off of school (Fall Break) and next week their regular teacher will be back.  For the most part, they were a little less zombie-ish.  They're a good group of kids.

It was a crack-up watching the rabbits running up and down the enclosed hallway today.  Two of them have gotten very close and they were running, jumping & binkying together.  I had to laugh because they would run through the hall, and careem into the bathroom, sliding on the tile.  I swear they did it on purpose - they like skating over the tiles!  Then one of them wanted the third rabbit to groom her, so she chased her around the bathroom and the hallway.  They'd go in circles, until the one was corned.  She would groom the other for a few moments, then run away and away they'd go again.  I've got to get these antics on tape...they are so funny!

Thursday, October 17, 2013
It's crystal-clear outside and a brisk 37 degrees.  Inside, it's a nice 57.  Brr!  Tomorrow, rain is expected on top of that.  More socks, less flip-flops, and no more short sleeves...at least not without a jacket!

Whereas Seminary has my son dragging himself out of bed, a campout, leaving nearly as early, has him jumping out of bed.  His troop is going on a 3-day camporee at an LDS ranch north of Tulsa to celebrate 100 years of Scouting in the Church.  And he woke me up a full half-hour before we had to leave for the church because he wanted to make sure I was "awake enough."

I think the stomach bug of last week is still around.  Analiese had a rough night of it last night and still isn't eager to eat or do much.  I'm a little better, but still have a tender tummy.  We were supposed to do Meals on Wheels, but I don't want to give these poor people anything I may have.

Since neither of us were feeling spectacular, Analiese and I spent the rest of the day being lazy.  Some of this time meant watching rabbits play around.  Well, we made a discovery.  Alice & Twilight were the ones yesterday who kept chasing each other.  I thought Alice was the chaser, but today I found out wrong.  Twilight was chasing her...and for a very important reason.  Twilight managed to get on top of her and I had a thought - oh no!  I pulled Twilight off and turned her over.  Come to find out Twilight is NOT a she...it's a boy!  How we (and Gary Strickland) missed that, I don't know.  Ken says rabbits are notoriously hard to sex.  I do not know if the other two rabbits are pregnant...it's possible.  But let's just say Twilight has a cage all to himself now and Alice has to live with a roombunny.  And Jonathan isn't even here to see it!  I can't wait to tell him!

Friday, October 18, 2013
While Analiese seems to be feeling better, my tummy is taking it's time.  I had another bad night, which leaves me so worn out and tired.  Also, it rained in the night and I have to take out the trash and I just do not want to go outside and do it.  Where's Jonathan when I need him?

We had 4H rabbit club tonight.  When we told Gary Strickland about Twilight (and Analiese's disgust), he just put back his head and laughed.  He said he remembered how hard that rabbit had been to sex (there's a lot of fur down there, too!) and the other one he thought was a girl, was also a boy!  The kids were quizzed a lot about rabbits (they had a game) and I guess the group is definitely going to try and do rabbit agility.  The rabbits (and kids) will probably enjoy that more than just showing.  Now if only I could figure how to get the harness on the rabbits!

Saturday, October 19, 2013
5:15 a.m. - I dragged myself out of bed to go to the Bountiful Baskets site to help unload the truck and set up baskets.  It was COLD - about 37 degrees!  I knew it would be, so I had wool sock, a warm hoodie, and gloves.  They say that next week they'll have an indoor location (though people will still have to unload outside).  I wondered about that.  

Working hard, I managed to stay fairly warm until we got it done.  Standing around directing people to their baskets...that was cold work!  I don't mind really, this is all done by volunteers, which is what keeps prices down.  And the gals in charge are nice and fun.  And I got two HUGE pumpkins for the kids to carve, about 45 inches around.   For $3.75 a piece, it was an amazing bargain, since at Walmart they have these wimpy ones for nearly five dollars!  Even Jonathan said "Whoa!" when he saw them.

Speaking of Jonathan...he came back from his campout tired, dirty, wet (it rained a lot), but I think he had a good time.  The leaders and the scouts all get along well together (the leaders are really big kids).  One leader is a champion dutch oven cook, I guess he made pumpin pie in it this trip.  He also brought along his smoker to smoke a brisket.  None of this hot dog stuff for these boys!

And, we sprung the bunny sex scandal on him.  I started by saying, "I think one of the bunnies may be pregnant."  His response?  No "That's impossible!" or "How" but "Which one?"  My response? "Definitely not yours!"  It was very funny.

Sunday, October 20, 2013
I had the opportunity to teach again, only this time in Sunday School.   Our topic was spiritual & temporal self-reliance, so I brought a few of my gardening books, my kerosene lantern, my 2-meter radio, and my ipad.  I was able to figure a way to play a video about fast offerings and the welfare program, thanks to help from a member of the bishopric.  I do have my struggles with technology!

But, and this is actually a miracle, I had no more requests for subbing or other assignments.  Which means, hopefully, next Sunday will be peaceful.

The cooler weather makes me feel cozy and more tired, like I want to nap.  So I did, today.  I had so many late nights & illness, I needed the extra rest.  Still, by the time I woke, things started getting darker.  Dorothy, we are not in California any more!

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