Thursday, October 24, 2013


Monday, October 21, 2013
Oh, joy!  I got to put my van in the dealer - luckily it was a recall and I didn't have to pay for it.  I had pretty much ignored it in California (yes, I had it that long), but since it involved things not performing well in bad weather, I figured I ought to have it taken care of here.  Also luckily, there's a Ford dealer in town (unlike for Ken's Honda, which I had to take to Lawton)...and they gave me a ride home.

Unlucky part?  It's evidentially a big deal to fix whatever this thing is.  They have to take off the back of the van, go underneath and take out the back seat, do whatever, and weld, epoxy & paint.  And what I hoped would take just today, looks like will spill over into the middle of tomorrow.

I had Jonathan taken care of; a fellow classmate (and ward member) was going to transport him to and from school today and offered tomorrow.  But yoga tomorrow morning could be a problem, and after missing 3 water aerobics and two yoga sessions - I needed my workout!  Well, one of our nice things here in Altus is the Ward Relief Society Facebook group.  Announcements, requests, questions, photo-sharing, etc., all happen here.  So, I could go out into Altus RS FBland and ask for someone to give me a ride.  And I got a quick response, too!

Then I got a call at 3 p.m.   The Ford Dealer.  The van was done.  Oh, well, at least I had covered my options in case it wasn't.  C'est la vie!  Better to be prepared!

So when Ken got home, he took me over to the dealer.  Then he went shopping with me and we got a great deal on a generator from Sears.  Why a generator, you ask?  Because this place is notorious for ice storms in the winter which knock down power lines.  If you're lucky, it's back up in a couple of days.  I guess two years ago, it wiped out the whole town for nearly two weeks.  Hence, a generator.  Someone at church a couple weeks back had talked about preparing for winter and Ken's really taken it to heart (which means bugging me about it till it happens).

Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Yoga!  I can't say how much I love it and how good I feel doing it.  Just glad I have people to do it with!

Did some visiting teaching - finally.  I know we're supposed to have companions, but planning around three schedules (comp, sister, self) can be hairy.  The gal we saw today has a lovely home.  She also has two boys under three and is pregnant with a third!  And these two give her a run for her money!  Climbing on things, taking scissors to who-knows-what, strewing DVD's and toys around.  She's a sweet, amazing gal, but I think she's going to need a hand or two when baby #3 comes.

Jonathan had 4H air rifle/pistol shooting.  This time, he actually got to use a rifle and shoot lead pellets at a target.  And, he actually hit inside the target a couple of times (they only had 5 shots each).  The club leader says not to get frustrated, they're only beginning, and just getting it on the paper can be an accomplishment!  He's the oldest one in the beginners class, but he's also one of the few who can do pistol as well as rifle.  The kids aren't allowed to do pistol until age 12.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Today was a baking day, I guess.  For history, since we've been studying about Afghanistan in the 1850's, Analiese and I made nan - a flatbread.  It used baking soda instead of yeast (the taste was much like a biscuit) and had to sit for 3 hours - I say sit, because it sure didn't rise!  They were okay, but mainly were just for the experience.  All reading, talking and paperwork is boring.  We try to do fun activities to go with our history from time to time.

Also, we have breakfast-for-dinner once a week, so I made my famous banana chocolate chip muffins.  This is one reason my kids let bananas go extra ripe - so I can make muffins.

This was my double-whammy exercise day, too.  I had water aerobics at 5, came home after 6 for a quick bite, and was back at the church to take Jonathan to Scouts at 7 and to have yoga at 7:30.  Lazily, I played a yoga video from a program off of BYUtv, but it was still a workout (and they titled it "Relaxation!").  This meant that, by the time I got home and had kids settled in bed, and did the dishes, it was late and I crashed.

Thursday, October 24, 2013
By the time I get to yoga on Thursday morning, I am so tired and ready for a break.  There was only one person there besides me, but we had a good stretch, warmed ourselves up, and woke up a little.   She'd started with a headache, but it was gone by the end...I think that's progress!

After taking Jonathan to aviation mechanics, I am lazily messing around at home.  I want a nap, know I have other things to do so I shouldn't, and generally don't want to do anything!  Plus, it's a breezy day, my throat's a little sore and I'm sneezing a bit.  Really, can't I have a nap and forget about it all?  SIGH.

Friday, October 25, 2013
Okay, it's a bonafide cold.  And then Ken texts me, "I have a rhinovirus."  So dramatic!  I've been dealing with these symptoms for a few days now, and he is "sick."  I have a hard time working up empathy for this.

Analiese & I made "dirt cups" for dessert for tomorrow night with the elders.  It will be our official "Halloween" meal.  Ken suggested chili dogs (guess who won't eat any?), and we'll have chips and veggies, all on my special tablecloth with placemats, plates, cups & napkins in Halloween decor.  Plus, dirt cups for dessert.  Halloween is Ken's favorite holiday, so we try to do special things for it.  Our dirt cups have chocolate & pumpkin spice pudding (yum) in layers in cups with crushed oreos on top.  Then we put suckers, gummy worms, and chocolate eyeballs on top.  They turned out cute!

I got in a nap.  No, I took one and to heck with all the stuff I had or wanted to do!  I even skipped water aerobics, I was too out of it.  And Ken came home a little early.  Yes, he has a "rhinovirus," and his cold sounds worse than mine.  So, humbly I sent him off to bed to sleep some before going to Walmart.  Because, yes, he was still going to go.

Saturday, October 26, 2013
Ken's in bed for the day, which is pretty usual since he worked all day at the prison and all night at Walmart.  But he's staying there and not going in to Walmart tonight.  He has to get over that cold before he flies out to Michigan tomorrow!

Analiese has been bugging me to help her get party invitations made, so we made up little scrolls inviting her friends from church and homeschool to her Harry Potter-themed birthday next Friday evening. Like the week won't be crazy enough!  But Ken will be home and awake and her little friends will be available then.

The kids were excited to decorate our table in it's Halloween splendor - tablecloth, placemats, cups, napkins & plates!  We only do this once a year, usually when we have company to dinner close to Halloween.  Ken wanted chili dogs, so that's what we had, plus raw veggies, chips & dip, soda, and those "dirt" cups!  It makes fun for the kids and I think the missionaries got a kick out of it, too!

Sunday, October 27, 2013
Ken's sounding better this morning.  Not perfect, but much improved.  I just hated the thought of him getting on that airplane feeling so crummy!  Analiese helped him pack last night (I don't know how much help she really was), so he's ready to go.  It's a 2 1/2 hour drive to OKC and his flight leaves at 5:30, so once we kissed him goodbye and left for church, that was the last to see him until he returns Wednesday!

Of course, Sunday can't go by without my teaching, or something.  Analiese's Primary teacher is out of town, so she asked me to sub her class.  Those girls are squirrely to start out with, but when Analiese began handing out birthday party invitations - things got crazy!  Teaching the lesson wasn't easy, I kept having to say, "Bunnies, come back to me!"  They would giggle at that.  I made them repeat back the lesson to me at the end, just to make sure they got it!

Well, rats!  I won't be able to do yoga at the church for a while.  My person with the key got released from her no key, no building.  Maybe when Geri is better enough from her hip surgery (she's in the RS presidency) to come we can start back again at the church.  In the meantime, we're all going to squish into my livingroom (actually, it's fairly spacious, I can fit four or five yoga ladies in there!)

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