Sunday, January 27, 2019


Illness Update
Sinus infections are no joke for me. When I say it can take 2-4 weeks to get over, I mean it. When you add other illnesses, allergic reactions, and extremes in weather (like cold & windy OK), it makes it an uphill battle.

Still, I can say at the end of this week, I am doing much better. I could tell as the week progressed how things were letting up. The beginning of the week had me still so exhausted, barely able to speak, and sleeping for hours - usually between Seminary, study, and VIPKid teaching. By mid week, I was still somewhat tired, but down to one-hour naps. I had to deal with the horrid pain of sinus congestion (Tuesday night I could literally hear and feel the stuff breaking up in my sinus passages), but hot showers, hot compresses with heating pads, and Vicks Vapo-rub quickly helped get things draining. Most of it has cleared out, with only a little I have to expectorate, usually after I get up in the morning and gravity takes over.

And Saturday...I didn't take a nap at all! Not that I didn't want one, but I was super busy. I had to cook a turkey dinner for my family and the sister missionaries and that - along with another VIPKid appointment -  kept me going all day. Still, by then I knew I was over the hill. Thank goodness!

PH - Sick Kid
I don't really want to say I was a sickly child. I don't think, on the scale of things, I was. But, being a kid, exposed at school to a myriad of germs and who knows what, I did get sick from time to time. Also, being a normal, active, yet clumsy, kid, I was bound to get injured from time to time. Multiply that by six, and my mom spent a lot of time at the doctor's office. She used to joke that she just needed to set up a play pen for the little ones and stay there all day.

For general ailments, I think my mom's modus operandi stands in use with me today: rest and fluids. Back then, Mom made something she called "Jello water," a concoction of watered down gelatin that she used for hydration purposes. As a grown woman, for me I've switched to Gatorade, but the concept was the same. But rest was always a must! If you were sick (meaning home from school or church) you were to stay in bed! Luckily, if I was really sick, that was all I wanted to do and, on the mend, I could always read! If you were slacking, however, this was a terrible infringement of personal liberties. My kids will tell you so!

As far as being REALLY sick, the only thing I can think of was when I had appendicitis. I don't remember how old I was, under eight, I think. But I remember being in the hospital for several days. They didn't operate, however. Along with the appendix, I apparently had pneumonia. I guess it's not a good idea to operate on someone with pneumonia; don't go in with an infection to start! So, as I was given (probably) antibiotics to take care of the pneumonia, the appendicitis was also taken care of. I think the doctor knew I was on the mend and ready to go home when he came into my hospital room and saw me doing somersaults on the floor! And, to this day, I still have my appendix. Never gave me a problem again.

Being hurt, that's another story. I'm notoriously clumsy. That'll have to wait for another week. As will allergies, which have their own tale, though I will admit that most of the down-and-out illness like colds or flu generally start with me with a terrible allergic reaction. My immune system drops and I catch whatever's in the wind.

Teaching English
I didn't have Seminary Monday for the MLK holiday, so I opened my VIPKid slots for Monday morning and someone booked a class! I woke up, still feeling yucky, and prayed to get through it. This was an assessment with the boy I taught last week. I've never done an assessment. In some ways, it's easier than a regular lesson. We did get through with it in good time and I gave my feedback and filled out the assessment form. I survived!

I have made a goal to take two workshops (at least) every week. However, I absolutely zoned out on Thursday and didn't make it. Eeep! I don't get penalized, but I don't like making a commitment and not keeping it. Don't fret, I re-upped and will take it again Monday. I was more careful to make the second one on Saturday. I guess I need to set a reminder on my phone.

And I had a second class on Saturday morning with the same boy. I was very prepped for this one. It was a regular lesson, but not well written (Don't believe me? You should have read the teacher comments about it!). It took some thinking and finagling to make it work without being overly-wordy and time-consuming. Also, it was loosely pirate-themed. So I had fun... I made a reward chart of a pirate looking for treasure,
made a paper hat (not my best work, but I made do),

and found a funny "sticker" to use on a selfie.
I showed that to my student and - quiet shy, boy laughed! We had a great lesson and by the end, I'd taught him to say "Argh!" like a pirate. Hopefully, I taught him other things, too, but I KNEW I'd hit it off right with him. That was fun!

China is gearing up for their New Years' Celebrations soon (Feb 5th - Year of the Pig), so bookings are down. I don't have anything so far for this week. I hope to start up soon again.

Ken is gaining experience and confidence at the Corrections Center. There was a fight Saturday on one floor and he was the first one at the scene. Recalling it to me, he was very proud of the voice of "power" he was able to summon to stop or pause the fighters.

He's also been working on equipping himself. He now has two pair of handcuffs, with his name engraved on them. I thought it was vanity until he told me that it was so that they could be returned to him if used on an inmate being transferred. Since they have their own handcuffs, that makes sense.

He's also on the lookout for a gun for work. Saturday, he went with a co-worker and his brother (our Branch clerk) to look at different weapons at a local store, then went out to Norman to a police shooting range for some practice. He was quite pleased with himself when he came home with the targets he'd shot at. He's not bad at all!
Still, he's figuring what he needs, that fits in our budget but isn't poor quality, and that suits his personal style with fit and little kickback. It's all Greek to me, but Jonathan drooled over the pamphlet his dad brought home.

I've jokingly said that maybe we should have a Family Home Afternoon/Evening at a shooting range. Everyone is up for it! Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore!

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