Sunday, January 13, 2019


Back to Seminary
I frightened two of my seniors...I made them realize that this was their LAST semester before graduating. No pressure! LOL

We spent the whole week in Section 76 of the Doctrine & Covenants. Trust me, there was a lot of information to cover and the section is 119 verses long! Still, I think I was able to clarify any misconceptions of the Three Degrees of Glory. The kids, too, got a kick out the ability to use a certain "H" word in the class as part of the discussion (not as an epithet).

They were spoiled, too, on Thursday. I was supposed to take the ingredients for bread and a slice of bread to talk about recipes (recipe for bread, recipe for a Celestial Person). I decided to MAKE a loaf of bread and serve it to them alongside discussing the ingredients, etc. They were thrilled; I think most of them went back for seconds (at least) and I came home with a very sad end of a loaf! Luckily, the recipe made two, so there was one for home. As my students learned, there is no substitute for homemade bread!

Prison, Jail, Detention Center, Correctional Facility, Whatever
Ken's doing fine. He's on a regular schedule now, from 5:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. He'll work 3-4 days and then have 2-3 days off. The new trick is finding things to occupy his newly-discovered free time. NOT following his wife around the house. That's just creepy (or annoying).

They (inmates & co-workers alike) are quickly learning that he's not easily ruffled. He's very good at deadpan expressions and it's very hard to push his buttons. That probably is a good thing. He's also very meticulous and a rigid rule-keeper. That's autism. Still, his superiors seem to like him well.

No self-defense training yet, though now he officially has his own set of handcuffs (goody). I would NOT let him try them out on his daughter the other day. Go traumatize some person you're not related to, okay? I don't think of them as toys, at all. I could have a panic attack just imagining them on me!

Allergies, Colds & Other Yucky Stuff
Something's been in the air the last week or so. Analiese and I were sneezing a lot at first, then it was just me. Oh joy. Ken had caught a cold last week, which transfered to Jonathan the middle of this week. He came home from work yesterday early because he wasn't feeling great. By yesterday, my immune system knocked out by allergens, took that cold and twisted it into a sinus infection.

Saturday night, the sleeping was random, interrupted constantly by coughing and a need to spray my throat, which was alternately tickling and hurting. As I went to bed yesterday, I could feel a little sinus build-up coming on. By this morning, it was full-blast. Guess who didn't make it to church today? Fortunately, I'd asked Ken yesterday evening to go on a fluids run - OJ & Gatorade. I'm constantly sipping on something to try to calm my throat!

TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
I did it! I finished my Foundations course and have my TESOL International certification. I did the second half all afternoon and evening yesterday (with a small stop for dinner). It was literally hours of reading (scientific/medical journals, professional articles, etc.) and video-watching and note-taking. By last count, I'd taken 26 pages worth of ONE DAY!

Those notes came in handy, however, when I took the second quiz (I did the first part on Dec. 31st). It took a couple of tried, but I passed! VIPKid immediately posted my certificate
to my Bio page for the parents to see my qualifications. There is an advanced certification and I might work on it during the summer. But for now, this will do.

And I got my second booking for next week! Hooray!

Mary Poppins
Analiese has a blog now and, if you've read it, you'll know all about her audition for the local community theater. She's been interested in trying to be in a production since we moved here. I had stipulated that she needed to have her math "under control" before I would allow her to do that. She's kept her part of the bargain, so Tuesday, she and a friend from Church went to the theater to audition for the Spring Youth Production.

They're doing Mary Poppins. Analiese was nervous about her singing ability (I know I'd feel the same), but had a good time. She didn't care if she only had a little part, she just wanted the experience. Besides singing, she read lines and learned some of the choreography. She came home happy.

Wednesday, she got a call back! She ended up not going to YW so she could read for a couple of parts they had in mind for her. By Thursday, the cast was posted on Facebook. Analiese is Katie Nana (two lines, she's just fine with that) and is in the Chorus. So now, on top of Ken's new schedule, my VIPKid teaching, Jonathan's work and school schedule, and Analiese's work, school & YW, we now have her rehearsal schedule to work around until the beginning of March. It'll be crazy, but it's an experience she wants that I'd like her to have. She's thrilled.

For those of you who don't know, my brother Niles was baptized Saturday. My brother, Andy, flew up to Fairbanks, Alaska to baptize him. It has been a long, hard road for him, with many years of heartache and struggle. I am very proud of him for working so hard to come back. The two brothers were ecstatic to be together and I hear it was a moving, wonderful spiritual experience. I just wish I could have been there!

Right! How many degrees below freezing was it? 30+?  I'm leaving it to the guys. I'm just really really glad it finally happened and pray it'll be a benchmark day that will mean continual upward movement for Niles. I want only the best for him!

Not happening. I'm sick, and this is about all you're getting. I want to go back to bed.

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