Sunday, August 12, 2018


Monday, August 6, 2018
A headache last night and this morning left me feeling rather flat. Yes, I had plenty of things to do...but, no, I did not feel up to them! Too bad, Michele, do it anyway!

Normal stuff got done. I got a hold of the dentist and made an appointment for Wednesday I paid some bills. Analiese and I set up her ACT account and scheduled her first (and hopefully last) ACT test for September. She had to do a bunch of future-thinking. Where would you like to go to school? What (specifically) do you want to study? What kind of career do you want? It frightened her a little, but she found it exciting, too. Right now, she's considering a job with the national parks service. She loves the outdoors, nature, and history.

The sister missionaries came to dinner by themselves tonight. Everyone was a little goofy; I'm not sure why. Maybe we were all just tired.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Ken's tablet alarm went off at 3:30 this morning. Why???? It was still set from last week when we had to get up to go to the airport. I turned it off; he didn't even stir. Grr!

I was alone most of the morning into the early afternoon after I took Jonathan to work. I did a little linen laundry, cleaned the front bathroom, but mainly worked on Seminary. Since I'm teaching live for the Chickasha branch this year, I have to pace my lessons. On top of that, I have to incorporate the Doctrinal Mastery activities. They say that next year the Doctrinal Mastery will be incorporated into the lessons. For now, I have the toilsome job of figuring it out.

It was a long afternoon, though, as I went to pick up Analiese from TB at 2 pm. She was stuck there doing dishes until nearly three, then we sat there and ate while we waited to pick up Jonathan at 4. Getting to Walgreens, we find out he's not off until 4:30, so we waited in the pharmacy lobby area for him. On the way home, Ken had me pick up his phone and a box of straws...and go back to TB! I am so tired of driving.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018
I slept in (hoorah!) until 9 am - very late for me. This was great, except...I had a dentist appointment in three hours and lots of stuff to do. Including taking my shot. All the signs of a lovely day!

I got a little done and left with Analiese to go to the dentist and do my pre-crown stuff. I promised her we'd stop by the library afterwards because...this won't take very long. Ha! Famous last words! Even with a bite block my jaw ached; my tongue kept getting in the way. They kept packing stuff in my mouth and making impressions. At one point I had four hands and four tools working on my left side. At one point I had a mini panic attack: I felt like I was choking. Two and half hours later...

It was a very tender, soft-things-only evening. I made pudding and Ken brought me home some TB beans and cheese. I loaded up on pain meds and let my kids cook their own dinner.

Thursday, August 9, 2018
I forgot to set an alarm for this morning. I awoke at 6:45. Oh no! I had to leave in ten minutes to go to Paul's Valley. It's a little over an hour drive and I was headed there to help train my online seminary replacement.

I spent over two hours with her as we struggled with the technology issues (old computers and weak wifi - the joys of country living), talked a lot about procedures and lesson planning and students and such, and downloaded church apps to our phones to help us. Yes, plural. You'd be amazed how much we can get done on our phones alone. I felt like we were pretty productive, plus she's so amazing and fun!

As I was driving home, I yawned. Pop! My left jaw popped in and out of its socket. In my van, on the highway, I screamed in pain. I'm sure this was a side-effect from yesterday's mouth wrestle. Afterwards, my ear hurt and my jaw would click a little if I was too vigorous with mouth movement. I think I'm staying on soft stuff for a while. I'm more than a little afraid to open my mouth too wide!

Friday, August 10, 2018
It was a morning of typical chore-juggling. I was sorting laundry, but not doing it. Jonathan wanted to do his; he was down to nearly nothing. I took Analiese to work, came back to do some seminary work and get a shower and FINALLY start my laundry before taking Jonathan to work at 2 pm.

Then, Analiese got off at 3. Do I waste gas and go home or just sit in TB for an hour (or more) until she was done? I took my tablet (book) and stayed at TB. Time went by fairly quickly.

Saturday, August 11, 2018
I did not feel like driving today. Jonathan didn't have work, so I let him play taxi driver. He could take Analiese to and from work. I also let him go to OKC to visit a friend after bringing his sister home.

I spent my day straightening up and working on Seminary projects (do you see a theme here this week?), My biggest issue is incorporating those Doctrinal Mastery lessons. I was spoiled last year; online seminary is all integrated together.

We had a rainstorm today. The sky went gray, the air went boom-crash (we can't have rain here apparently without thunder and lightening) and - GUSH! It came straight down and hard for about fifteen-twenty minutes. Then it petered off to a light rain for another half hour and that was it. Hi and goodbye.
Analiese makes a meme reflecting her reality.

Sunday, August 12, 2018
I went with Ken to church at 8 am. He had a Branch presidency meeting and then Branch council. I needed to go to the latter. But I didn't want Jonathan getting up just to take me to church at 8:45. But I got to meeting up with last year's Seminary teacher during the time before council.

My attendance at the council was to ask for their help in encouraging our youth to enroll and attend Seminary. I had five registered on a potential list of twenty. Not that it's accurate...that was another reason to talk to people in the know. But it all helped! I managed to bring the list down to ten and had another student enrolled by the end of church.

Rain or no rain? It drizzled a little in the morning and had yet to make up it's mind this afternoon. We're supposed to get a lot this week. Mushy ground, muggy air, and huge puddles on the road. So much fun. Jonathan went up to Norman for church and said it rained heavily all the way up.

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