Monday, August 20, 2018


Monday, August 13, 2018
The morning has been gray. The rain started spotty at first, gaining momentum. But, as Ken called it, it was a gentle summer rain. No lightning. No thunder.

It basically did that most of the day. It was gray enough that I had to turn the lights on in the house as I did my chores. Ken and I went out in it to go shopping. It was wet enough to need an umbrella; muggy enough to not want a coat. It is August, after all.
A friend from the Branch brought me farm fresh eggs!

I put Pom in the hall today to see what she would do. I closed all the doors so she couldn't go hide in a bedroom (I'd never find her). She enjoyed herself: flipping her ears, binkying (! First time!), flopping down. But I don't think I'll do it again. She peed on the towel I put on the floor for her, but she pooped everywhere. It's dry and innocuous, but still, you don't really want to step on them.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Analiese went with Ken early this morning to TB. I took Jonathan to work at seven and thought I'd go over to the church to set up for Seminary. But the construction guys were already there. Bright and early. Seminary will be interesting on Thursday.

After taking my shot and eating breakfast, I went back to TB. Analiese had hoped to get off at eight, but I knew it'd be more like nine. As it was, I walked in and Ken told me he needed me to go to the bank for change and then to Walmart for dry-erase markers. And yes, Analiese was off at 9:15.

Apparently we've had enough rain to grow big puffy white toadstools (there are a few smaller black or sandy-colored ones, too) all around town. I always have a hard-to-control urge to kick them over. To me, it's kind of fun. Weird, I know.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018
It was four-thirty. In the morning. I heard odd little foot sounds going up and down the hallway. I got up, looked around, didn't see anyone, and went back to bed. Ken did the same. Then we heard some seriously strange noises coming from the livingroom. Ken said, "That sounds like a rabbit." "How? They're in their cages." Sure enough, Alice was out and running happily free. Analiese hadn't secured her cage properly. We put her back, but she'd had her fun.
Stinker Bunny chewed on my journal!

I went with one of my soon-to-be Seminary students to visit another possible one. The girl was quiet and shy and her family doesn't really come to church. But she loves Seminary. Cool! I'll take her!

Thursday, August 16, 2018
I awoke at 5 am because my bladder said to. I realized ten minutes later (in bed) that I was not going to go back to sleep. So I got up, showered and shot (ha-ha!) before waking Analiese and heading out to my new Seminary class.

With the construction there, the church is a mess - the chaos was enough to drive me crazy. There was a table saw and lots of electrical cords and sawdust everywhere in the foyer. I couldn't find the photo copier and the TVs at first. They'd been stored in the chapel!

So, it was a stuttering start, but as I've told someone, we're pioneer stock and we make do! Plus, they tell me they should be done by today or tomorrow. I hope so, but I won't hold my breath. Our lesson took place in the midst of saw horses, sanders and nails. My first words of wisdom to the class - don't go around here barefoot!

Friday, August 17, 2018
Our classroom was a little neater today, but the foyer was still a mess! I had to pull a TV cart out of the chapel and over the cords and debris. Plus, I pulled out the copier into the foyer to plug in and use!

The sisters came to dinner tonight. One left Wednesday for a new area, but the here is here now with a greenie! She's training. The new one is a little quiet (and seems so young!), but I'm sure she'll warm up to us quickly!

Saturday, August 18, 2018
Ah! The luxury of sleeping in! I didn't get up until 8 am. Then I remembered: I had a bunch of stuff to do. So, I forced myself out of bed.

First off was watching the rabbits so Analiese could clean cages. I had to laugh at Pom: she kept trying to climb on my laptop (I was trying to get some Seminary work done simultaneously) and was attempting to lick the screen.
I'm not sure what she thought she was getting out of it.

I drove to Moore, OK (city of the tornadoes) with some of our youth. They were holding a back-to-school themed dance with multiple stakes attending. There were a LOT of kids - and adults (chaperoning) - I got to visit with friends, students, and girls from camp from Lawton and Norman stakes. It was over at ten and we had a 45 minute drive home (part of it through a crazy downpour!), but at least we didn't have three house like some of our friends from Seymour, TX had!

Sunday, August 19, 2018
I was very tired this morning. There have been to many early mornings and late nights as of recent. Even though the speakers were excellent today, I found myself yawning frequently during the first meeting.

And then I had to teach Gospel Doctrine class during Sunday School. It was all about Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Basically, I had seven different themes from the two books and I let the class choose which ones to discuss. Then I led the conversation with scriptures and we discussed their pertinence to the topic. It went well and most people participated.

After church, it was home and nap time...after getting Ken from TB. He'd had to run off there in the middle of church! Still, I had a chance to recoop a little of this week's busy-ness.

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