Sunday, August 26, 2018


Monday, August 20, 2018
No construction guys in sight this morning. Still, I kept the copier and a TV cart with me in the Primary/Seminary room for the week. I want to make sure I have what I need when I need it!

I am not pleased with our internet provider. We had only two options here: a slow one or an intermittent one. We chose the latter and it had been working well enough until lately. Today was on and off nearly all day. This was hard on me Seminary-wise, because I study and create on my laptop and then send the finished lesson and other info (like video clips) to my phone and tablet. Very techie here! Can't do that if the internet is down! Also, Analiese and Jonathan will be starting school soon...they're REALLY going to need it!

I was a bad journal writer this week. I didn't write a single thing down after Monday. Yes, I write on paper (old school) and transfer it to the computer for this blog. But the paper didn't happen.

I could blame it on Seminary. The first week is always so busy and physically/spiritually draining. My head is still trying to get things straight and I find all kinds of things I want or ought to do. The construction stuff has been an added stress...or at least it was last week. It really wasn't an issue this week.
It's coming along...
Clock Partners: a way to mix things up!

Doctrinal Mastery activity...a littler harder than I'd planned!

I could blame it on a stomach bug. Something's going around in town...according to Ken's TB employees. I know Tuesday night/Wednesday morning I was up all night being ill. This wasn't a food disagreement, this was sick! I felt pretty dragged out all of Wednesday and off and on the rest of the week.

I could blame it on the heat. It's been in the upper 90's all week and doesn't look like it's going to stop. The a/c in the house and the van have been fighting to keep things marginally cooler. The poor rabbits have been brought up into the dining room because their little room is too hot and they were showing signs of heat exhaustion!

Honestly, I was just being lazy.

With all that being said, I cannot say the week was a total bust. Seminary didn't skip a beat, I drove kids to and from work and did some errands. I swept up dead bugs (where do they all come from?) and even vacuumed up a dying wasp. Yeah, in the house. Ugh.

Friday afternoon, I took the kids over to the Grady county free fair. It's at the end of town. Nice little fairgrounds. Not very big, but bigger than Altus. They didn't have many animals that day - only pigs - and the rabbits didn't show until Saturday morning, which is when Jonathan had to work. But we enjoyed the local vendors and the displays. We even purchased a few cupcakes from a local bakery to take home for dessert when the missionaries came to dinner.

Curly tail!

I like that color!

Buffalo quilt!!!

Saturday afternoon, when Jonathan came home from work, his pal David who lives up near OKC  (not far from the temple) came for a visit. Usually Jonathan goes David's way, but this time it was the other way around. He's one of our friends (and his family) we met in Altus, but they moved before we did. I talk to his mom occasionally, but since they're a cat-and-dog (as well as rabbit) family, we don't visit them much.

Probably the most important thing I discovered this week was about my Seminary calling. Wednesday morning, I felt just awful and flat and wondered how I was going to be able to do Seminary. I dragged myself over to the church...and then I was fine. I went through the lesson with plenty of energy and we had a great experience. I thought maybe I was over the illness and went home hopefully.

I got home and felt like all the goodness of the past hour had evaporated. I went to bed and slept and felt ill the rest of the day. It was like Seminary had been a dream.

Then I thought about it. Most of our Apostles and 70s in the church are getting up there in age. At a time when most people slow down, they're picking up the pace! How do they do that? My experience taught me that the Spirit sustains them as they do the Lord's work. And when it's okay to rest, then they have their downtime.

There was an online article this week about why spiritual experiences in the scriptures were so draining to the people involved in them. Paul. Alma. Joseph Smith. The physical and the spiritual are intertwined. And when the Lord has something for you to do - regardless of how you feel - He makes a way for you to do it! Then afterwards, you collapse for a while and recuperate. After all, we're only mortal!

Still, it's an amazing experience to go through!

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