Sunday, July 22, 2018


NOTE: Next week we'll be on vacation, so my blog won't be out next Sunday. But you'll get a two-for-one the Sunday following!

Monday, July 16, 2018
I guess we didn't scare Viktor away with our vigorous Uno game last night. At least, he was still here this morning.

Day three of no anxiety medication. I've had terrible heartburn, headaches, burping, nausea and general unease. But I called my doctor, they called the pharmacy, and I can get right back on schedule. Hoorah!

Ken and I drove with Viktor to Lawton to get another mattress for the bunk bed. Poor guy, he had to ride home squished with the mattress surrounding him
...and that was in the van. Later, he went with Ken, and again with Jonathan, to USAO to try and figure out what they require of him as an international student. A lot of the staff there in the summer are students and not very sure what exactly they needed from him. It was a little frustrating.

We subjected him to more Uno this evening after Family Home Evening. For a while, Ken kept catching him not saying "uno," but he's a smart guy and even managed a few wins himself.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018
I didn't expect quick miracles, but I awoke to no heartburn, painful burping, or nausea. Looking at the prescription, though, it has no refills and is from my old doctor in Altus. I hope this doesn't get screwed up again at Walmart in another month. I guess I'd better talk to the pharmacy again.

I'm thinking about calling the endodontist, too, to see if they'll do a different tooth first. The want to do the bottom one first, but I'm having a lot of pain on the top tooth when I'm eating. It still has to be the day after vacation, but I'm not sure I can deal with months of mouth pain.

It was a busy late afternoon/evening. After Jonathan came home from work, I went to visit a friend out in the country...literally. Then I came home, served dinner, and straightened up because the couple who's watching the rabbits while we're gone in Oregon were coming over. They fell in love with the bunnies and were charmed by Viktor. We're all going over to their place on Sunday for dinner and to deliver the buns.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018
The day was kept from being tortuously hot by a thick cloud-cover for most of the day. But when the sun came out in the late afternoon, the temperatures soared!

I took Jonathan to work at seven and Analiese to TB at eleven. Then Viktor and I went grocery shopping. So far, he's been very open and enthusiastic to whatever I've made for dinner. He helped me carry in groceries and made sure I remembered to scan them for Ken.
Part of the Russian "invasion" in my house!

The youth had water games at Mutual tonight on the front lawn of the church, so I stayed to practice the organ while they had fun. Jonathan and Viktor stayed home, bonding through playing a card game called Magik that Jonathan is crazy about right now. It's too crazy complex for me and Analiese gets frustrated with Jonathan constantly beating her. So he's hoping Viktor will catch the craze with him.

Thursday, July 19, 2018
We didn't luck out a second day in a row. The sun was shining early this morning with a forecast high is 107 with 82% humidity. I believe it, though I do not like it! Miserable!

Jonathan went to work. Viktor went with a friend somewhere for the weekend. Analiese went to TB. I went and got a pedicure. I wanted everything trimmed back before we go to Oregon next week. My tennis shoes fit and feel better that way.

Ken actually came home early this evening. Things were going smoothly enough at TB so he could leave them in quasi-confidence. Progress!

Now, don't be too disappointed, but other than exchange cards, we didn't do anything special for our anniversary today. We haven't had the money or the time. Besides, for me it's present enough to get him on vacation next week!
Friend in Altus painted this buffalo for me!

Friday, July 20, 2018
We moved the rabbits yesterday evening from their no a/c concrete-floored room up to the office/dining areas last night. This heat wave has us really concerned because rabbits don't take the heat well. The downside was - with a fan going, too - there was fur all over the dining table in the morning. I ate my breakfast in the living room!

The heat was oppressive. By the time I picked up Jonathan from work at 3 p.m. and it was 111 degrees! That doesn't even take into account the humidity, nor the fact that the temperatures didn't stop climbing until six p.m.!

I still had to work and sweat in the kitchen, too. I had to make dinner for the sister missionaries. I really need to find more hot-weather recipes.

Saturday, July 21, 2018
I didn't have to get up as early this morning to take Jonathan to work. I stopped at Walmart after to fuel the Honda and buy some eggs. I have some ripe bananas I need to deal with before going to Oregon. I figured on making some muffins for us to take with us on the road early Tuesday morning on our way to the airport.

So, horror-of-horrors, I used my oven to make the muffins. I did wise up and put dinner in the crockpot. I'm not totally insane!

My decisions currently are based entirely on how to stay out of the heat. For example, I had to pick up Analiese from TB at 2 pm and then Jonathan from Walgreens at 3 pm. What did I do? I hung out in the TB a/c sucking down a cold drink for forty-five minutes or so. I'm pretty much going to any lengths to keep cool!

Sunday, July 22, 2018
Jonathan took the car because he had work at 6 a.m. Analiese and I therefore went with Ken to church early since he had an 8 am meeting. With one short stop at TB. It's kind of like those horror movies where you scream at the screen "Don't go in there!" But they do. And it's awful.

Some drunk guy in a white pickup jumped it over the curb
and into the TB sign (which is much stronger than I believed, only a few letters were knocked off and the pole itself was merely scratched)
. We had to drive past the TB and around the back to get to the parking lot because the main road was blocked off by police cars,
an ambulance, and the fire department.
Also, landed in the shopping center lot, was an air-evac helicopter.
A veritable circus had come to TB.

Shortly after our arrival, they wheeled the guy into the helicopter and it took off. A tow truck came to get the pickup and the ambulance began packed up. So we went to church, albeit a little late for the meeting. Ken was terribly exhausted (He worked yesterday 6 am - 4:30 pm AND 11 pm - 3 am this morning!!!!) so I took him home to sleep while I went back to be with Analiese and play the organ for church. And hope and pray that no one else from TB had any kind of emergency. Technically, he's supposed to be on vacation NOW. Yeah, right.

This evening we went to dinner at the Branch friends who are watching our rabbits during our vacation. We loaded the bunnies and everyone into two cars (the rabbits and cages took up the van) and headed out to the country to their home. We enjoyed a nice dinner, but had even more fun talking with them and seeing their animals.  Viktor in particular had fun with their dogs and everyone was fascinated with their eleven chickens and one guinea hen!

They adore our bunnies and are going to have a good time getting to know them better. Pom even sat placidly in their lap/chair
, which told me she was going to be calm (I worry about her getting nervous). We ended up staying for three hours; they even invited Viktor to come visit them while we were gone next week!

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Monday, July 9, 2018
It started out as a regular, old, boring Monday. I worked on laundry, made weekly menu and shopping list. Then I left with Ken to go shopping, but first we had to stop at TB for him to do some paperwork. It was supposed to take a few minutes. Supposed to.

While he waited for an employee to come and finish the papers, we met a young man in the dining area. He is from Ukrainia/Russia and was here to apply to attend USAO. He was such a sweet, eager young man and he was going to stay at TB pretty much all day waiting for his ride. So we invited him to join us for dinner this evening in our home.

This meant a change in my dinner plans. A little extra food at Walmart, a stop at Braum's for ice cream (the best!). It also meant I needed to go home and straighten up a little more than usual. Guest coming!

His name is Viktor, and he's Jonathan's age. He's currently staying in Norman with a friend while he's waiting to hear from USAO. He was working in Russia as a journalist and has already traveled to different parts of the world (Istabul! The North Pole!). He's here to get his bachelor's degree in journalism. He was so fun to have visit; the kids really enjoyed him, too. I told him to keep in touch. It was like having another son!

Tuesday July 10, 2018
Seriously, I cannot get out of my house for one minute without a mosquito attack! My arms and ankles are covered in bites. Between them and my shots, I'm constantly itching! Another reason to seriously dislike summer.

On top of that, I think my top crown in my mouth needs replacing. It's above the one tooth that I've already gone to the dentist about - the one with the infection. I've known that one above has needed replacing for a while now - it's pretty old and wasn't done well in the first place - but now I'm having pain in it, too. Good thing I'm meeting with the endodontist on Thursday!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018
The "Mom" taxi was busy again. Jonathan had work at seven; Analiese had to be at TB at eleven. I spent my home alone time sweeping & mopping. I think I must be a lousy sweeper, though, because I find more stuff on the floor AFTER I mop. It's frustrating.
Water tower near the town cemetery

Analiese had YWs at a member's home this evening where they learned cake decorating. I dropped her off there and then popped over at the church to practice the organ and figure out stops for the hymns on Sunday. I didn't stay long, though, because for some reason the a/c in the chapel doesn't reach the organ. I was dripping sweat and informed the Branch President that I needed a fan up there.

So I went back over to the member's house to hang out with the YW leaders while the girls worked on their cakes.
Analiese and her cake. She learned tonight how to frost a cake properly!
Also, I wanted to test something reaction to their Russian blue cat. It's supposed to be hypoallergenic and, while I know that doesn't always help, in this case their saliva has a different chemical composition than other cats which is where the allergy problems come from. I think I did pretty well, with only a little wheezing at home afterwards. But then, I didn't see or touch the cat, but usually in a house that doesn't matter.

Thursday, July 12, 2018
It was an up and at 'em early morning. My endodontist appointment was in Norman at 7:30 (!), and I had to leave the house an hour before that. I got up at six, intending to take a shower, but Jonathan beat me to it, since he had work. So I covered my horrific hair with a bandanna, loaded up on the deodorant, and left.

I'll say this: the doctor was a competent straight-shooter who let me know all of my options (from repair to extraction) and their chances of success. His office staff were super nice and helpful. But the news wasn't good. He thought there was enough tooth left (!) on the bottom to be able to re-do, but it wasn't a "slam dunk" (his words, not mine). The top tooth also needed redoing, which I figured, but so did the one behind it! Ack! Plus, I have to pay for each one out of pocket - $900-$1200 EACH - and then apply to my insurance for reimbursement. This is just for the internal root canal work, it doesn't even include the crown replacements that the dentist will have to do! Oh, it hurts in so many ways! I told them frankly, this is going to be a loooooong process; we'll do it as we can afford it. I've scheduled the first one for August 1st, the day after we come home from vacation. Not ideal, but considering they wanted to do it the day BEFORE I left, I can live with it.
Pom sits comfortably on my chest, aka the "shelf"

Friday, July 13, 2018
I know that the Lord not only looks out for us, but when we allow Him to use us for good, He will prompt us by His Holy Spirit to help look out for others. Take Viktor, our dinner guest from Monday. I felt God's love for him so strongly that I knew there was more for us to do besides provide him a dinner.

Wednesday, I had the feeling that he needed somewhere to live. It's very expensive to live on the USAO campus, so I asked him about it. He said he'd been looking but hadn't found anything yet. So I spoke to Ken and Jonathan (because it would be his room he'd be sharing) about Viktor staying with us. They both agreed contingent on our property manager and landlady agreeing to the arrangement.

Today, I got their approval. I texted Victor with the good news and he was ecstatic. It seems he had to find another place to live immediately because his friend in Norman was moving to Texas on Sunday. He may have to rough it on our couch for a few days while we arrange space for him in Jonathan's room, but I really know that this was supposed to happen and Ken agrees!
Pretty faces in a neighbor's yard!

Saturday, July 14, 2018
I took both of my children to work this morning, then I went back home to get a few things done and ready myself to leave the house around 9:30. I fueled the van, dropped a sandwich off to Jonathan (he'd left it in the van), and then headed to Altus.

For a funeral. A sad reason to return and visit people, I could not deny "mourning with those who mourn" with a special family who lost their son and brother in a horrific car accident. They had asked me to lead the music during the funeral - I would have done anything for them - and I could barely keep it together as I sat on the stand and watched grief move across their faces. I tried biting my cheek or tongue to stem the flow...but it didn't work.  It was really hard to see!

Between the funeral and the luncheon scheduled at a local hotel, I dropped by the library. My ex-boss/friend wasn't there (out of town), but I did see some co-workers I'd missed on my last visit. It gave me a moment to be away from the heavy emotions before going on to the luncheon. I also stopped by the newly-built Hobby Lobby; apparently the founder of Hobby Lobby is originally from Altus and wanted a store built there!

The luncheon was a little easier, as they focused on celebrating the life, not focusing on him being gone. They had a trivia game about him that had us all laughing and smiling. The lunch part was very nice, too, since Walmart donated a lot of food to the event. The young man had worked for ten years at the Walmart in Altus and was well-loved. The family presented me with a shirt they'd made for the close family members and friends. I felt honored; they are a good, close family that Ken got to know when he first came to Oklahoma. They adore Ken, who had befriended the deceased and had been the home teaching companion to the younger brother. Jonathan and the younger brother got to be close friends, too, when the young man came back from his mission. There's a lot of wonderful history there. I was glad I could do something to be a part of this sad, but necessary and important day.

Sunday, July 15, 2018
Today is Day Two of no anxiety medication. I had too much to talk about yesterday to mention it before. But on Friday, I went to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription, only to find out that it hadn't been filled. Someone made a mistake - the doctor or the pharmacy - whoever did made a mess! The script was written on June 12, with two refills and an expiration date of June 21st! They wouldn't even have let me refill the second that close together, even if I had done it then! They were going to try and contact my old doctor in Altus who wrote the prescription, and I tried calling my new one but their offices were closed Friday.

The main thing is: I'm out of my medication until someone straightens this out (Monday I will be making calls). I am not sure how this is going to affect me for the next few days. I've been taking the citalopram for seven years now!

Vikor moves in today. Jonathan is picking him up in Norman after church. We will have to sit down and talk about expectations. Not that I'm worried or nervous; this is for everyone's benefit.

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Monday, July 2, 2018
The bushes - crepe myrtle - in front of my house are so "bloomin'" pretty! The blossoms are a bright pink, which makes me happy every time I look at them.
Analiese has the best view of them from her bedroom window. What a cheery way to wake up!

Today, when we went Walmart shopping, I bought an outdoor cushion for my bench on the porch. I've been working on my porch "project" for a time, and this was the last bit. Now we have a pretty, welcoming front porch,
which is a very Southern thing to do!

The sisters came to dinner tonight because Sunday they were afraid they'd receive a transfer call. They wanted a "last" meal with the Bolton's! But no, neither are leaving, at least for six weeks. They have to put up with us for that much longer.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018
I generally do not bake during the summer.  But tomorrow the Branch is having a dessert competition in conjunction with the 4th BBQ, so I decided to make a Samoa bundt cake. It's a chocolate cake with a caramel frosting, toasted coconut, and chocolate and caramel drizzles. Yum, right?

I was going to do it in the morning, before the day heated up too much. But as Analiese and I started, I found that I didn't have enough brown sugar. Jonathan had the car today, so I'd have to wait until he returned from work around three to go get some.

I did, and the afternoon was filled with me baking the cake. Fortune did not decide to follow me...the batter overflowed in the pan and dropped onto my nice new clean oven. My house smelled like burnt cake. When I tried to get it out of the pan - all pretty and bundt-shaped - it fell to pieces. What was I going to do? Then and there, I decided to make another run to the store. Though I wouldn't start on it until morning, I was going to assemble a new (my creation) recipe: Samoa trifle. Needs must.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When life gives you cake in pieces coming out of the make trifle! My creation was layered thusly: cake, chocolate pudding, crushed coconut caramel cookies, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, coconut-flavored whipped cream, and toasted coconut. Repeat, with halved cookies for garnish. I don't have an "official" trifle dish, so mine mounded up and pretty much overflowed; I had to transport the sticky mess to church on a cookie sheet!

The Branch BBQ was fun, but the day's heat drove us indoors until the sun set. They had games for the little kids on the lawn, while the men grilled meat nearby, but the older and wiser (including myself) availed ourselves of the church a/c until fireworks time. By then, it was a comfortable 73 degrees and rather pleasant.
We saw the majority of the show, though the lower fireworks were blocked by park trees.
Analiese and a friend walked over to the bridge on the pond and watched from there, stating the reflected fireworks were beautiful!

Thursday, July 5, 2018
I'm feeling rather dragged out today. We didn't get home until close to eleven, mainly because we had to wait for the traffic to empty out of the park and surrounding streets. We were in no hurry, we were very comfortable. It was just late.

While I wasn't spectacularly motivated today, I did manage to put things away from yesterday, water plants, and bake (again, ugh) a banana coffeecake this morning for our dinner tonight. After lunch, I found Analiese sacked out on the sofa napping: the girl partied too hard!

Friday, July 6, 2018
I was all by myself this morning. Analiese went with Ken at 6 a.m. to work the TB breakfast shift and I had taken Jonathan to Walgreens where he started at 7 a.m. So...all alone...I took my shots, ate breakfast, did laundry, and wished I could take a nap. Which I can't, not for three hours after my shots. Bummer.

Back and forth: TB to home. Home to Walgreens to the hospital (Analiese had won a gift basket

from the open house she & Ken had gone to last week!) to home. I got very tired of the yo-yo driving. Plus with no a/c, it's not a very comfy ride.

So I let Jonathan drive Analiese & I to the movies tonight. It was his treat; we went to see Ant-Man and the Wasp. It was clever and funny, like other Marvel movies. The ending credits had a clip that had us going "Wow" and setting things up for the 2nd Infinity wars movie. It's not really spoilers. It was a good movie. The only fly in the ointment was one of the (literally) great unwashed who attended. Somebody obviously didn't realize that coming to a public venue in an enclosed room while unbathed and deodorant-less was socially unacceptable. Seriously, it was bad enough for me to want to go vomit on his lap and say, "There, now you smell better!"

Saturday, July 7, 2018
It was another yo-yo day. In between all of the driving, I spent time outside: first, grooming Pom, who's shedding a lot in the heat, and worked some in the garden. Then I got tired of the mosquito attacks and moved inside. There, I vacuumed, put away laundry, did some necessary correspondence, etc.

This evening, with everyone home from work, we drove to Purcell for a Stake Independence Celebration on a member's large ranch. Apparently they do this every year. According to the address on LDS tools and our GPS, after a roller-coaster drive (Oklahoma is NOT flat!) and dirt/gravel roads, we landed in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Nothing there looked remotely familiar and there was no huge crowd of Mormons. We drifted back to the highway, found a place to stop, and contacted some people trying to get directions. Come to find out, it was easier to find and get to than we had anticipated. Besides swarming with people, the ranch hosted several bouncy houses with water,
a carnival ride, a tractor-pulled train, music, food and fireworks! Analiese ran off with her friend from the Branch and the rest of us pitched our chairs and blanket in a shady area

where some of the Branch members had landed. Besides them, I got to see one of my Seminary students and three girls from camp. Ken really enjoyed himself and the fireworks show in a nearby field was amazing. I don't think I've ever seen a show up that close!

Going home, by the way, was much easier than coming.

Sunday, July 8, 2018
We got home and to bed well after eleven, so this morning I was beyond tired. My eyes didn't want to focus on the organ or sheet music and I kept nodding off during the speakers. No, they weren't boring. I spoke up a lot in Sunday School and RS just to keep myself going!

I don't know what it is, but I seem to unload a bunch of stuff at church lately. Today, I had a Frisbee belonging to the sister missionaries that was left behind at the church Wednesday, a DVD & back massager for a sister in the ward to borrow who's had a lot of back pain lately, and some garage sale stickers I found in the house to give to the RS President who's having a big garage sale. No wonder my church bag feels so heavy!

I bet you can guess what I did when I got home.... I grabbed a Lara bar, ate it, drank some water and...zonked out for a couple of hours. I just can't do late nights well anymore!

Monday, July 2, 2018


Monday, June 25, 2018
I was going to go walking this morning, but more rain came last night. It was a damp muddy mess outside! So instead of walking, Ken & I went to Lawton to do a Sam's Club run. We were running low on TP and other necessities.

That made me later for those other Monday "quehaceres" (things to do/chores) like laundry. Ken took me to lunch and we did our Walmart grocery shopping. We quickly ran home to put stuff away (and Ken did a little TB errand) because then we headed out to the local college - USAO (University of Science and Arts Oklahoma) in town. A member of our branch is the history head there and was hosting a Civil War Symposium. Ken, Analiese & I attended (later, her EPIC teacher told her she could get history credit for attending if she wrote a paper about it!) and then went to the administration offices to check out the ACT testing schedules and learn about concurrent enrollment. Analiese will only be a sophomore this year, but we're getting her ready to study some at USAO in the fall of her junior year. Not something to put off at the last minute!

After that we came home to have a simple dinner (Jonathan had been at work all day) together and then went to the movies for FHE. We saw the new Incredibles movie. I laughed a lot - which is the sign of a good movie. A few laughs means you mildly entertained me but a lot - that's a good one!  It was - I won't give spoilers, but JackJack is the best in the film!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Finally, Analiese and I got out to walk. It was only a short one, though, because I had to be in Norman for an allergy appointment by ten. But, hey, we did it! As it was, leaving the house for our walk, we saw Mr. Stinky nosing around across the road. I said, "Please stay there," but the contrary critter walked across the road
, up to my house, and along the side to the back! Ugh! We did see him a few blocks down later on our walk, but he makes me nervous. One squirt and the neighborhood is pungent for hours - and you can smell it inside and out!

I'm now on vial set three for my allergy shots. Still no idea if it's working - they say you won't see any results (if you even do) until the sixth month. So I guess you could say I'm doing this thing on faith. There have been no indicators from my doctor or allergist that cause me to be suspicious. I know it's not a cure-all and doesn't work for everyone. But trying something new is better than the so-so palliatives I've been taking for years!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Analiese's and my walk was postponed until around 9:30 because I'd slept in until nearly eight. I forgot to set an alarm and was up last night late being ill. The day was warmer, walking so late, which only confirms my emphasis on trying to walk as early as possible.  Today is supposed to reach 103 degrees. Too hot!

I went through the beginning of my online Seminary training for this year. Most of the technical remains unchanged, so I don't think it will take up a lot of my time. The spiritual training will - and should - take up the bulk of it. Even if I have been through it before, it never hurts to refresh my memory and spirit. It's the most important thing, anyway.

Thursday, June 28, 2018
It's going to be another hot one today! The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory. Our 8 a.m. walk was already sweaty...ugh!

I had lunch today with a sister in the Branch who has reach out a hand of friendship to me. ASIDE: This is probably an anxiety thing but, what is it that makes people want to befriend me? I can see people being mistaken at first - Ken did puff up my "bio", as it were, before I arrived - but now that I've been here a few months, surely they see there's not that much to me?   Anyway...we had a lovely time and really hit it off. I'm grateful she was willing to take the time to get to know me...and me her!

I had something to do at the church after that, but our lunch appointment had gone late and I had to get Jonathan from work first. It was so terribly hot and no a/c in that car is a killer! Even though I'd just had lunch, I bought some cold water at Walgreens. I had to stay hydrated and cooled down until I could return home to that a/c.

I didn't want to go anywhere else after that. Analiese had to work this evening, so I asked Jonathan to take her. I was not going back out in the heat!

Friday, June 29, 2018
I was supposed to go to Purcell this morning to visit a Seminary student. That got canceled, which made me sad, but also meant I could sleep in.  Good thing, too, because my stomach was bad again last night. It seems like the moment I lie down to sleep, it starts to rumble.

Other than the menial laundry, I spent the majority of my day watching the seminary devotional and working on seminary stuff. I'd apparently missed the devotional when it was initially shown. I worked on some technical issues, too, for things I want to do to prepare for the new school year. Not sure I was successful, but I keep on researching and trying.

Saturday, June 30, 2018
Around 7:30, my phone rang, waking me out of a deep sleep. I didn't get to it in time, but I call him back. Ken: in desperate need of Analiese right away. Jonathan was getting ready himself for work, so I woke up a rather grumpy teen girl and drove them both to work.

I had the house all to myself...whatever should I do? Well, I set up dinner in the crockpot because the missionaries are coming. I did more seminary work, at least as much as the Internet would let me. We've been having issues with that. A shower was nice and I did a little extra grooming in anticipation of the sabbath tomorrow.

I picked up Analiese later and, with Ken following, dropped the car off to Jonathan. Then he drove us home and he sped off to the city and northward for supplies. Apparently last night they had $1000 over their regular sales and were out of a lot of foodstuff. I kept working on dinner and Analiese cleaned cages...until an unexpected thunderstorm dumped a lot of rain and lightning (directly overhead), making for a soggy afternoon and evening. Thankfully, the sister missionaries came in their car; I can't imagine them biking in that weather!

Sunday, July 1, 2018
I awoke to another thunderstorm this morning. Lest you think it brought cooling relief, let me tell you the reality of it: It's a sauna out there. Muggy and warm and no relief at all!

Analiese had a youth meeting this morning, so she left for church early with Ken. I went later when Jonathan dropped me off on the way to Norman for the singles ward. He hasn't been able to go in at least a month, and was very happy he could do so today!

I didn't have to play the organ today. A sister visiting a family in town volunteered. Didn't break my heart!  I hadn't had a chance to practice on the organ at all this week, though I did on the piano at home! I did lead the music in RS, though. That's never a big deal, at least to me. I volunteered to help teach sisters how to lead music and we could take turns, at least in RS, to give them a chance to learn and have more people capable for the future.

After church, Analiese and I took a nap. You'd think Ken would want one most of all, but he didn't. Instead, he went to be really early while I chatted with my CA BFFs and the kids watched old Disney cartoons on YouTube. It was a peaceful way to end our day!