Monday, May 28, 2018


Monday, May 21, 2018
Shot paraphernalia.  Thought you'd like to see my new "habit." LOL
I put the van in the shop this morning. Nothing was wrong, I just wanted (besides a regular oil change) to have it looked over before I took it with a group of girls to camp. I really miss the Ford dealership in Altus, however; they were so good. These guys got my area code wrong so I didn't get a call from them when they were finished. I called shortly after two, only to find out the van was finished by 9:30 in the morning!

Before going grocery shopping, I had Ken take me to the hardware store to get some mosquito bait. Not just because it's going to be bad this year, but because it's already getting pretty awful in our backyard. Jonathan got eaten up while mowing the back lawn this afternoon!

Ken took Analiese to do some online TB training after dinner. She has thirty days from her hiring date to complete it. She can't do it from home, she has to do it using the corporate server, or something to that effect. All I know is it won't work here.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018
This morning Analiese and I went to the Chickasha library right as it opened to meet with her teacher for the last time. Literally. He's moving up in EPIC to be a "principal." While she worked on her benchmark testing, he and I discussed teacher options in Chickasha. Apparently one of the teachers here is a math teacher, so we signed her up with him to start for the fall.

After she was done with testing, I took her to TB to help Ken. He had three people call out for the busy lunch hour! So I was at home alone doing stuff until I had to pick up Jonathan from work at four. Kinda getting a little of the empty nest feeling. Not sure I like it!

Then I had to go back to TB to get change for Ken and wait for Analiese to finish her shift. It took her a while to finish - she had to wait for her replacement to arrive - so we ended up taking TB home for dinner. It gets so old so fast.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Our morning was delightful. Momma Duck was out with her five babies teaching them how to find food in the pond.
Goz the gosling was eating grass by the road with its Canadian parents watching nearby.
We found a nest of an unknown bird in the hollow of the tree.

Ken was down five people at lunch today. Analiese went in for a few hours. She's doing drive-through now and I guess she's pretty good at it. Ken's boss likes her!

I ended up being chauffeur for the rest of the day. With Jonathan along, I picked up the sister missionaries on this end of town and drove them to their apartment on the other side to get their car. Then we went to TB to pick up Analiese, followed by dropping Jonathan off at Walgreens. Then I took Analiese to the bank to open an account - her paycheck has to go somewhere - after which we went to Walmart to purchase t-shirts that we're tie-dying for girls camp at YW tonight. I want one, too!

At YW, Analiese attempted to make a "fireworks" pattern on her shirt. I just did purple and yellow in sections to make stripes. We all worked on the front lawn of the church so we wouldn't get dye everywhere!

Thursday, May 24, 2018
Analiese didn't have Seminary today. I'd say I slept in, but I was awake by seven. That's okay, I needed to get things done in the kitchen before the Appliance guys came to deliver our new range. I told you about the dial issue, but the front two burners wouldn't light without a match and I've been smelling gas lately each time I've turned on the oven. It was too old to get parts for, so the owner is replacing it.

I didn't think we'd get a new one. I thought they'd give us a recycled/re-engineered/whatever one. But the guys delivered a new one. Very nice, shiny, still run on gas. Too clean and pretty for me to want to touch it! Though Ken didn't hesitate to cook on the top this evening.

Friday, May 25, 2018
Analiese's last day of Seminary was breakfast and an auction. The students get points for doing things throughout the year and then they traditionally have a fun auction on the last day. After my organ practice, I stayed to enjoy the friendly competition. We had donated some gift cards to the auction and they were very popular!

But we didn't get our walk today. We were late getting out of Seminary because of the auction and as we headed towards the park, it began to rain. It grew hard quickly and I was soaked just getting back to the car!

I met our neighbors to one side last week. This morning, the paramedics came to their house. I watched carefully as they went in and out and then left. I went over to see if they - an older couple - were okay. They were on their way to the ER. He has COPD and was having problems breathing. I gave them my phone number and told them not to be shy; call me if you need anything.

Jonathan took me to the movies for my belated Mother's Day present. We went to see the new Star Wars movie - Solo. We had fun finding all of the Easter eggs and seeing the references to the old, original movies. I really enjoyed the actors they casted for the classic roles; Lando in particular was fantastic!

Saturday, May 26, 2018
Analiese was gone for the night on a Youth camp out with the Branch and another ward. Jonathan and I slept in until about eight. I was going to get a pedicure this morning, but realized when I got to the nail place that weekends are super busy and not a good idea. I should know that by now.

Other than that, I had no need to go anywhere. The sisters were coming to dinner this evening so I worked on a light dessert to go with this hot weather.

But the sisters didn't come. I don't know with what, but they were sick. I wondered if working out in the heat has made them feel ill.  One in particular looked very pale.

Ken then told me not to fix dinner. Jonathan was at work and he'd brought home some TB for Analiese, who'd returned from camping. We went to a local Italian restaurant. The food was good, the service was good. But for some reason I can't pin down, I wasn't really satisfied. Maybe it was because my stomach felt bad later, but I don't think I was happy with it before that. I don't know.

Sunday, May 27, 2018
Ken had to run off to TB again, so Jonathan dropped me and Analiese off at church. That left me to wonder how we were going to get home.

I had the "pleasure" of testing the YW going to camp for head lice. During third hour, I went to the YW room and had opening exercises with them. As they started their lesson, I went behind their chairs and began my inspection. I tried to be very hygienic: I had gloves, a rat-tail comb, and some hand sanitizer that I used to wipe down the gloves and comb between girls. They all took it well; Analiese said it felt good, like a light massage. I get to do the other girls who weren't there today on Wednesday during YW. Yippee.

Monday, May 21, 2018


Monday, May 14, 2018
I didn't have Seminary class to get up for this morning. Jonathan took Analiese to Seminary and Ken picked her up to take her to TB for some online training. This all meant I could sleep in. Did I? Nope, I woke up around 6:30 when the kids left. Argh!

No, I didn't squeeze in a nap today, but kept busy with laundry, menu planning, shopping, and preparing for Jonathan's birthday dinner this evening. Though the main dish - brisket - Ken took care of, using a special recipe he found in a magazine somewhere.

It was good! He cooked it in the crockpot and it came out so tender! Of all the foods I've encountered in Oklahoma, brisket is my favorite! We didn't make a separate dessert, though, but just had more of the chocolate lasagna from yesterday. Who needs to make more sweets?
Birthday festivities

Birthday boy

Bucket o'goodies!

Card from grandparents

Goof with his goofy shirt

Sister gets in on the crazy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018
After Seminary and after I took my shot (I have to wait patiently for thirty minutes before doing anything afterwards), the kids and I headed to OKC to shop at the outlet mall. Analiese and I had some clothing needs; Jonathan just came because he had the day off and no better plans.

There had been a small rainstorm last night with a slight prediction of  more today, but I didn't really worry or think much of it. Turns out, I should have. It got grayer and cloudier the closer we got to the mall. Only Analiese had the foresight to bring an umbrella. Jonathan didn't mind getting wet, but I don't like getting my glasses wet, so I squeezed under her tiny umbrella when there was no shelter between shops.

We did some serious shopping. I got some new shoes - always a complicated process with my feet, but so did Jonathan.  Funny enough, we got the same shoe, the same size! I also purchased a few new tops - my old ones are stained, holy or bleached. We covered Analiese's needs, too.

We came home through the continuous rain to find that a lot of Chickasha roads had flooded. There are signs all over town that I've laughed at - "Turn around, Don't drown!" Come to find, it's true! We were okay, but some areas were bad!
Branch member took this pic from the dash of her car!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Despite another rainstorm in the night, Analiese and I took a walk in the park this morning. The floods had dried up, mostly, and I hadn't done much walking lately. Plus, it was time to break in those new shoes!

Ants had invaded by bird feeder. No birds had been fed yet; Jonathan suggested we move it to a different location and maybe they'll catch on. The rain made everything a soup and since the seed mix had dried bits of fruit in it, the sweetness of it attracted the ants. So I sprayed out ant poison all over the feeder, waiting until they all died out, then dumped the stuff out and cleaned out the feeder.

Thursday, May 17, 2018
Ken took Analiese to Seminary and then to TB again to do training. Unfortunately, they were busy and shorthanded. So Analiese got to learn how to work the register and the front. She ended up working seven and a half hours!

Jonathan and I did a little needed shopping and he took me to lunch. I investigated Dollar Tree for Girls Camp ideas, picked up a prescription from Walmart, and got two packs of water bottles from Atwoods on a good sale. We oohed and aahed over the baby bunnies they had there. I wasn't supposed to pick them up, but they were irresistible! I cuddled a little white one with gray spots. So sweet! Besides, I'm an expert bunny whisperer!

Analiese was very tired and hungry by the time I picked her up. She grabbed a burrito from TB, but then we ran home. She still had her lesson work to do!

Friday, May 18, 2018
No walk again this morning. I had to go and get change for Ken for TB. I walked into the place and drawled, "Your administrative assistant is here!" A young gal sweeping in the front, giggled. Analiese did not go into TB with me. She was still so tired from her long work day yesterday.

I spent a good part of my afternoon making a big chocolaty mess. I was making a cheesecake to be auctioned off tomorrow to earn money for the girls for camp. I do not make cheap no-bake fake cheesecakes; this was a real four-eggs-and-four-blocks-of-cream-cheese-bake-it-in-the oven cheesecake. Oreo crust, chocolate cheesecake, with chocolate ganache on top and chocolate curls sprinkles. A chocolate lovers dream!

I drove with Ken up to Guthrie and back this evening for TB cups. He just wanted my company and the kids were fine at home. I was only along for the ride, but we chatted and had a nice visit. Better than him traveling all over alone.

Saturday, May 19, 2018
At 8:30 this morning, the kids and I were over at the church. Not my idea, but the YW camp fundraiser was a breakfast with a dessert auction. The auction was Analiese's idea that she brought from Altus. Everyone had pancakes, bacon, juice and milk. Then the bidding began!

It was fun; Analiese was the auctioneer. The girls earned enough money to cover their camp. One family wanted to buy up all of the popcorn balls the YW president made. Not for their kids, but for the dad who apparently loves popcorn balls! I bid on a loaf of pumpkin bread that my kids eyed greedily. The cheesecake was left for last and it went through an enormous bidding war! The popcorn ball family bid but didn't get it and one of their little girls was in tears! I told her I'd bring my cheesecake cookbooks (yes, it's real) to church tomorrow and she could pick one out and I'd make one for her, whatever kind she wanted!

Sunday, May 20, 2018
Not really a day of rest for me. Ken ended up leaving in the morning to drive all over creation looking for TB supplies. It wasn't his fault or his people, though; last night was graduation and I guess they had a $1,000 sales hour that cleaned out a lot of what they had! Plus, the store is really very small, and they only have so much storage room. It's a growing concern.

That meant I went to church by myself early in order to lead a "Teaching in the Savior's Way) discussion that I'd been asked to do a couple weeks before. It ended 20 minutes before sacrament meeting, so I rushed home to pick up Analiese, getting back in time to sit at the organ just before the meeting started.

After the meeting, I had to talk to three different people during the second hour, only making the last ten minutes of Sunday School. Then I rushed off to presumably take Jonathan to work, only to find that Ken had him. I gave Jonathan the car and went with Ken in the van for a few minutes of RS. Ken pulled me out (and Analiese from YW) to leave to do another (!!!) TB run. BTW, I did remember to give the mom the cheesecake book to look at with her daughter!

We got home and the two of them could rest up. I had to do a little prep work for tomorrow, and then I had to head out to Lawton for Seminary graduation there. I'm so glad I went; I got to see old students and families from Altus as well as my Lawton online students. One of my graduates gave a talk and said some sweet things that made me cry! Seminary is a pretty intense, heavy-duty calling, but the dividends are so wonderful!
L-R: Altus Graduate, Online Graduate, Me, Altus Graduate

Me & Lawton Online students

Sunday, May 13, 2018


Monday, June 7, 2018
I was all alone this morning. Ken had gone to work for a few hours. Jonathan had taken Analiese to Seminary and then he went on to Walgreens. Ken was to pick her up, drop her off at home and then we'd go together to Lawton to shop at Sam's Club.

He had to wait a little bit, though. I had to take my shot, but couldn't do it before because I can't take it alone! If I were to have reaction, I would need someone by my side who could move fast to give me an epinephrine shot and call 911. Ken was okay with it, but boy, how this changes things!

Today was my last live class for Seminary this school year; tomorrow they do the last online lesson. I almost got through it without emotion. But I couldn't pass up the opportunity to tell them how much I love them one more time.

For Jonathan's (early) birthday present, we went as a family to see Avengers: Infinity War. We enjoyed it except one simple solution to the problem that seemed obvious to me and it irked me. Not to give spoilers, but many of these characters were supposed to have brilliant minds. How come they didn't see it?!?!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018
I spent the night in the bathroom being ill. I was so dehydrated that, when I got bits of fitful sleep, I'd awake with my mouth super-dry and my tongue sticking to it. It's a good thing I always keep water by my bed.

After I picked up Analiese from Seminary, I intended to go take a nap. But as I lay there, a construction crew parked in front of the house and started tearing out bushes and digging up ground at the neighbor's house to lay a new concrete driveway. Not a quiet process. So, no nap.

I got up and did chores, pausing at times to rest and rehydrate as needed. When the construction crew took off for lunch, I snuck in a small nap. But only small; I had to pick up Jonathan from work.

We fed the sister missionaries tonight. We all bore our testimonies to each other of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I was especially grateful to hear my children's stories of how and when they knew it was true!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018
We saw Momma Mallard with a group of baby ducklings on the side of the creek past the pond at the park during our morning walk. Analiese says May is a wonderful month because of all the ducklings and goslings. One Canadian goose was obviously sitting on a nest on a tiny islet on the pond. More sweet babies are on their way!

Pom was such a funny bun today. While she was enjoying her time on the sofa, she decided to explore/lick my iphone. Since it's not a cheap toy (I often call it my brain), I traded her for an inexpensive tablet I have. She spent a good deal of time licking the screen from every angle.
She didn't hurt it, but I had to clean it!

Ken had to work late tonight so I ended up picking up Jonathan from Walgreens at 10:30. This made a late night for me. I may not have Seminary now, but Analiese still does and I have to take her tomorrow!

Thursday, May 10, 2018
I was so dragged out tired this morning, all I wanted to do was nap. But we didn't even get in a walk because my students were messaging me (during Analiese's seminary class) that they couldn't get in to the assessment. So we went straight home where I battled with my laptop for an extra half hours (it decided to do updates) before I could even tackle the problem. I did get it resolved, eventually.

I couldn't hold out much longer after that. I HAD to have a nap. I forgot to set an alarm, so it was more like two hours than the one I usually limit myself to. But maybe I really needed it, because my stomach was bad again like on Tuesday after that.

You know, I think Pom has allergies. She sneezes a lot and lately has had a bunch of dried bunny boogies all around her nose. I gave her a tiny bit of Children's Benedryl and attempted to clean off her crusty face. She didn't care much for it, but when I left the damp washcloth in front of her, she nuzzled it and licked it enough that it helped to loosen some of it off!

Friday, May 22, 2018
Best laid plans went asunder again. After Seminary, Analiese and I went to Walmart to get batteries for Ken for TB. When we went there to deliver them, he hired her on the spot. He's lost s lot of people lately, and the ones still there are flaky. Even at fifteen, she can work, though no more than four hours at a time. He got approval from his boss and - just like that - she has her first job!

Poor Pom has the snuffles, a serious rabbit illness. She's been sneezing a lot and besides the bunny boogies, is breathing raspy and heavy. I gave her more Benedryl today, but if she doesn't start getting better, I'm going to have to get her some anti-biotics!

Tomorrow is a busy day, so I did a lot of Mother's Day Sunday dinner prep this afternoon. I know it's for me, but I'm the only one not "working" or doing school work (which Analiese did after she came home from TB) and I won't be home tomorrow to do it. In particular, I made the dessert I wanted. Ken said he could try and do it tomorrow, but his work track record lately doesn't give me much hope!
Analiese warns certain people to not touch her pizza!

Saturday, May 23, 2018
NOTE: By the end of today, I had seen two of my seminary students, one new one for the Fall, and a previous student from Altus who is soon to graduate. Makes a great day for me.

The first one I saw as I entered the cultural hall of the Norman Stake Center to attend the Girls' Camp Kick-off. She came running up to me in the midst of the crowd to give me a big hug! She's a very popular and beloved YW in the Stake, so I was very touched to see her leave her pals behind to come and see me!

That meeting (with breakouts and lunch) went from ten until 1:30. After getting home around 2:30-2:45, we had a small window for cleaning rabbit cages and her getting a shower while I picked up Jonathan from work. Then, we were off to Lawton for the Trek Kick-off for that Stake!
Analiese the pioneer

There, I saw another of my online students, also very happy to see me, and met her sister who will be in our class next year. And, the one student I taught in Altus for three years who graduates this year was there...eager to give me a hug. I also got to see some other Altus ward friends who were participating in the Trek, so it was nice to be there.
Today was Garage Sale day in Chickasha (I'm serious). There were sales all over town and signs everywhere!

Sunday, May 13, 2018
Jonathan had to work (on his birthday), but Ken didn't have any meetings before church. That meant the rest of the family went to church all together. Nice!

Analiese was asked to speak for Mother's Day. She had told us she was ready. Ready apparently meant for an extemporaneous talk. She did a good job and many people were impressed. Only her parents had something "constructive" to say about it. She tried not to get too mushy and spoke generally, but I got her message. The thing that made me laugh, but I found touching, was that she said I was very enthusiastic in all I did.

The sister missionaries came over for dinner: a sandwich bar (nice meat, cheese and bread)
Can't fit anything else on the buffet!
with homemade cherry limeade and chocolate "lasagna" for dessert. They stayed later than usual so they could call/Skype their families. Our recently returned sister texted me today to thank me for caring for her while she was away from her mother. I told her I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

Sunday, May 6, 2018


Monday, April 30, 2018
Ken had work very early this morning. Jonathan had to be at Walgreens by seven, so he took Analiese to Seminary. But I had to car to pick her up, so we arranged a ride home for her with one of the other students. Our house is on the way to the high school, so it's no big inconvenience.

The weather is weird today. Warm and windy with clouds sometimes covering everything with gray, but sometimes allowing the sun to shine through. To be scarily honest, it's typical tornado season weather.

Despite that, we went to the park this evening for dinner and Family Home Evening. I had quickly gone shopping after Jonathan got home at three. I had picked up some fried chicken, chips, cookies, and fruit salad at the store and we met the sister missionaries at a picnic bench. We had the best time! After the sisters ate, they had to leave, but we walked around the pond,
"Flags," a type of iris, growing by the pond.
admired the birds,
Mr. Crane looking for fish.
and played on the playgrounds (yeah, even the parents got on the see saw!) It was so relaxing, if a bit windy!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018
The gray skies meant that the sun wasn't in my eyes as I drove toward Norman today.
Freeway underpass. See the brown spots? Those are swallow nests! You can't tell, but the birds are flying all around it!
I had my last supervised injection. From now on, I have to do it myself at home. The allergist gave me the two vials of the allergen stuff I have to inject. They went right into the fridge when I got home. I won't have to go back to see her until I've finished the doses on this batch - 15 in total given every other day.

Gloomy days make me sleepy, but I got a lot done anyway. The big thing I did was cut out Analiese's second trek skirt from a flat sheet I bought on clearance at Walmart. I had to measure her, figure out the fabric pieces I needed (measure twice, cut once), and do some scary cutting. Cross your fingers; I'm not really a seamstress.

The wind really picked up in the afternoon. A storm came in and we were on alert. There was a possibility of hail...and tornadoes. Yep, Dorothy, we're still in Oklahoma!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018
There were so many varieties of birds at the park this morning. Besides our regulars, we saw a hairy woodpecker (so small...a female) and - a first! -- an orchard oriole! His bright orange belly unmistakably flew over us. We had to go home and check out our bird book!

One of my students commented today on how often our lessons coincided with a struggle or issue he was having at the time. It blew his mind! I just told him that the Lord is mindful of him and loves him so much, He even arranged Seminary to help him. What wonderful miracle! I love my calling!

The expected storm rolled in this evening around six-thirty. YW was cancelled, so that was no worry and Ken got home just before it started. Bang! slow work up. We got weather warnings all evening: thunderstorm, flood, tornado. It was quite the lightning show, too. But we survived. The only one left to come home in it when he gets off at ten-thirty is Jonathan.

Thursday, May 3, 2018
Jonathan made it home safely; he said it was just barely sprinkling on the way. Good, because this morning it was wet, wet, wet! The rain and lightning were back as I drove Analiese to Seminary. I stayed in the car; she had a tiny umbrella and I didn't want to get soaked trying to get in the church!

I gave myself injections at home for the first time. It was a little nerve-wracking. On my right arm it drew a bead of blood. I'm supposed to inject just under the skin, not in the bloodstream, so that made me anxious. I didn't see any blood in the syringe when I pulled on the plunger like I'm supposed to. I called my allergist who said sometimes the needle come out can nick something. There was no other reaction besides a little raised bump, so I think I'm okay.

I watched a squirrel go back and forth across the front porch this afternoon. The sun was out again and my porch was dry. He was digging up pecans and eating them...mostly on my porch and making a mess of it. I had shells everywhere!

Friday, May 4, 2018
Herb garden update: I lost one basil plant a few weeks ago to frost but the other two have recovered nicely. The cilantro and dill have taken off and my strawberry plants have berries coming. I need to start tying up the rosemary to the trellis soon, but I'm not sure that the mint and oregano have done much growing. Best of all...I have three chives up. I wasn't sure I'd get any!

Analiese, after several weeks of hard work, has finished all of her Study Island state-standard math assignments. This hasn't been easy for her; she's really had to work hard and there have been many tears shed, plus quite a bit of grouching. She's watched Khan Academy videos to try try and help and regularly logged onto EPIC's 24-hour homework help chat line. That probably frustrated her the most! To celebrate, we took her out to dinner. She earned it!

Saturday, May 5, 2018
Giving myself injections every other day does "up" my anxiety a bit. I will relax eventually and it will become commonplace, but for now...awck! Today my right arm itched at the injection site and, along with rabbit reaction (Saturday is cage-cleaning in the morning) I had to take some Benedryl and an inhaler puff. These, in turn, made me so sleepy, but that's a no-no for three hours after the shot. I will get used to it... but today is not that day!

I went to a baptism in the branch this afternoon.
Iris from a member's garden. It's blossom time!
It was cute (and funny) that we had four former sister missionaries Skype in to see it on four members mobile phones. Plus, one other sister came with her companion from OK to see the baptism as well. Afterwards, they took a photo, with the newly-baptized member, the two local sister, the OKC one, and the phones with the sisters Skyping in, all being held by the others! I had to laugh, but marveled at the technology that is the future for the Church as well as everything else.

Sunday, May 6, 2018
I played the organ for the first time at the Branch for Sacrament meeting. The month of May is my month to play; we're switching off every other month. I don't think I flubbed it too badly. Ken says I didn't.

With each Sunday, my levels of comforts within the Branch increase. Today I could joke with one sister, sympathize with the pregnancy of another, and consult with one who will be going to Girls' Camp with me. By the way, she knows as much about what's going on with camp as I do, which isn't much!

Everyone but me took a nap this afternoon. I couldn't... I had my very last Seminary lesson for the year to prepare. I'm going to try and hold it in, but I may get a little emotional tomorrow!