Sunday, February 26, 2017


Monday, February 20, 2017
It seems like sort of a miracle; I have less loads of laundry to do. I wonder if it has anything to do with having one less person to launder for? 😁

Finally, I got a pedicure! I was really in need of one. It was a busy day at the nail place I used, though, so I sat with my feet in the water for a bit. A lady told me I was brave to choose the light green polish. I had to explain that my daughter dictates my colors for me!

Analiese and I went shopping after dinner. She needed new tennis shoes and I needed shoe glue to put the bottoms (all the way) back on mine. My shoes were just too expensive (5+ years ago) to cavalierly get a new pair. Other than the bottom falling off, they were pretty good.  A little glue made them (almost) good as new!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017
I tried something new this morning that I'd seen on Facebook - eggs baked on bread with cheese. It took longer than expected (that's my oven) and really wasn't all that awesome. My tummy didn't approve, either.

I started cataloguing training at the library today. I began at 3:00 with our Tech person for two hours before going up to the front to work. It seemed daunting at first - a lot of numbers and codes that you have to get straight for the computer system to recognize it. You have to be super careful, precision is a must! With time, I think I will be okay. I already know how to cover and label books; she taught me that a while back so I could help with all the new books they had pouring through from a grant and so she didn't have to recover every book I found that needed it.

The library has put an ad in the paper for my replacement in the front. They've only got two weeks before the two (splitting one position - Mother & Daughter) current catalogers leave. In the meantime, I'm doing a lot of juggling.

Jonathan's second email came today. He's enjoying his companion and fellow missionaries. But he's not so hot on leadership - LOL - I think it's stretching time; he's out of his comfort zone!

Week 2: Who Knew?

First I will start off with the summarized notes from President Rasbands talk,
 *Don't be a whine-er, when you wine about your companionship or area of your mission, you mock God
*Ask "What do you want me to learn from this experience?"
*My job as a Missionary is to prepare, find, teach, baptise, retain the converts,to re-activate, and take converts of the church to the temple.
*Bear witness to everyone!
 Feb. 15
Quote of the day "When you`re on a mission, you can`t go a fishin" - Elder Latu
Ordered a special case for my Spanish scriptures, it will be leather bound, with an engraving of the Quetzaltenango temple on the front with an engraving of Captain Moroni on the back, along with my name and mission. (should have it by next week, but you will have to wait for photos, and did I mention its water proof?)
 Feb 16
Not much just working out at the gym and playing volley ball, got dared by Elder Lloyd to lick a used spoon for 5 Quetzales (which isn`t very much compared to US currency), and had a good practice lesson with German our "investigator".
 Feb 17
Had some dope Chineese food for dinner, realized today that we need to use our own fabric soap for laundry, cause the stuff they have pumping into the washer smells weird.
 Feb 18
Killing it in volleyball today, figured out my serving style and the latino Elders are fun to hang around.
 Feb 19
Had my second district leadership meeting, that was fun :I
Watched an old MTC devontional from Elder Hollands, and that was super cool. Room inspections are tomorrow and so is the next lesson with our new "investigator."
 Feb 20
Awesome lesson with our "investigator" Marcela, and was not prepared for practice with the Latino Elders later. Started working on Come, Come ye Saints in Spanich as a district, and so far we sound pretty good.
 Feb 21
Not much so far today, got up at 6 am in order to be ready for our early temple session today. Met with some Elders from the surrounding areas, and it sounds like my Mission is one of the wesome ones, and everyone says its cold in my mission, we will see about that. Took some photos outside the temple, but won`t be able to load them for a while, plus I will need some other photos from other distric members too.
 And that about wraps it up for today, please send photos of you and your famillies, I would love to hear how ya`ll are doing!
 Elder Bolton

Wednesday, February 22, 2017
I'm a little light-headed this morning. It's not low blood sugar; I ate breakfast. My ears have cleared up, too. I am tired, but that's nothing new. I shall just have to move more slowly, to be steady.

I made waffles for lunch today and did my usual - I doubled the recipe. Mistake. With just me and Analiese eating them, we're going to have lots of leftovers. Oh well, at least they freeze well and it gives us all something different for breakfast. #OneLessMouthProblems

Ken went to OKC for some kind of Taco Bell managerial meeting this afternoon. While there, he helped "control" a grass fire near a local TB until the fire department could get there. Obviously, he came home smelling of smoke and his black shoes were grey with ash. There's fire warnings out around western Oklahoma, due to our very dry winter. As he was coming back, he said there was another (bigger) fire by the freeway.

Thursday, February 23, 2017
Two robins and a little black bird with a white belly were on the church law as I left Seminary. Yes, I spoke to them. Yes, it was baby talk. Yes, I'm crazy.

I gave in to the incredible desire to sleep this afternoon. I had eaten lunch and was spending a few quiet moments with a book. But I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I gave myself thirty minutes (timed it) for a short, but necessary, nap. It was just enough. Afterwards, I had the needed energy to study for Seminary and go to work.

It was pretty quiet at the library tonight, excepting the two meetings in our conference rooms. Those are always interesting because I'm supposed to keep track of attendance and sometimes open or close the rooms. People don't always give me the attendance numbers and I have a hard time locking and unlocking the conference room doors. Every single time.

Friday, February 24, 2017
Day off again. Back at the library for EPIC again. This time, it's benchmark testing - to see how Analiese is doing compared to how she should be so we can remedy that. State testing isn't until April, so they really want to fill in those educational gaps. For her, that means math.

Ken's had Fridays off recently. He likes to go grocery shopping with me. That is dangerous. We always spend more and get things I normally would not include. Today, as he waited for a tire to get changed, he "roamed" Walmart. Let's just say we went over our weekly grocery budget.

One thing he got was a 5 outdoor games thingy. It included a small net, a "volleyball," badminton, and other stuff. He and Analiese had a ball with it this afternoon in the backyard!

The sister missionaries came to dinner tonight. At Ken's urging, I made "Chinese" (my version): rice, teriyaki chicken, veggies, and oven-baked cream cheese wontons (an experiment that turned out okay - Analiese really liked them!). I also made a pineapple cake with a light frosting that Ken particularly liked. Good stuff!

Saturday, February 25, 2017
I did NOT want to get up this morning. I was so tired, but I couldn't find a good enough excuse to stay in bed. I don't believe in just lying there, as Ken sometimes does, because  it soon becomes sleeping instead and I'm too busy to go back to sleep. So, I dragged my tush out of bed.

It was a fairly busy morning at the library in part due to a local GOP meeting in the west conference room. Yesterday, Analiese's EPIC teacher had figured out and shown me how to open the conference room doors. Luckily, I could reproduce the trick and let the people in their room, not embarrass myself. Especially since I knew some of them...not that that's tricky to do around here!

We received PomPom's pedigree papers today. We knew she was a Netherland Dwarf, but her color is officially called Otter Blue. Also, her original name was Athena. Analiese & I can't see it. It's a rather regal name for a tiny tribble. She's definitely a PomPom!

Sunday, February 26, 2017
Ken and I sat down with the bishop during the second hour of church to go over Jonathan's mission finances. Already we see the blessings of his service as others have given that he might serve. May they be blessed, also! Before he left, he didn't quite have enough to cover the whole two years, and now he absolutely does! God and these people, known and unknown, are good!

This afternoon, Ken and I are sharing some kind of stomach bug. It can't be something we ate, because the last meal we shared was Friday with the sister missionaries. Analiese is fine. Who knows? Hopefullly, it is brief.

Sunday, February 19, 2017


Monday, February 13, 2017
My alarm failed me again! It's so embarrassing...I just want to chuck it out the window, except it's a part of my phone. Guess I should use a real alarm clock. I've really had it with the other.

As my last full Monday as a front library aide, I gave the nonfictions a good go-over. The head librarian was surprised I found so many doubles (three sets) in there, but that's what I do! My dad will tell you, he'd put me on database projects for him when I was in high school and I could always find the bugs!

I haven't received the promised email from Jonathan yet. It's not like I've looked at my email 50 million times...only 25 million!

Rain came today with a vengeance, acting as if it needed to make up for all of winter. It rained steadily for five or six hours, which dripping on and off thereafter. The weatherman (read: the internet) says it should continue through tomorrow evening. All I know is that the streets are flooded.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Obviously, yesterday was NOT Jonathan's P-Day! But what day is it? Momma needs to hear from her boy!

It is still raining outside. It's quite squishy and mucky out there. "Rather damp-ish" is an understatement. I may have to swim to work.

In fact, it turned to snow in the early afternoon, but weirdly. It was in big, very visible (I didn't need my glasses) clumps. What do you call snow that melts before it hits the ground? It's like a slush rain!

HOORAY! About half an hour before I had to go to work, I got the first emails from Jonathan - a group on and a personal one. He sounds SOOOOOO happy! I could feel the Spirit rolling off of his words. This time, I wept for joy! Best Valentine's Day gift EVER!

HERE'S HIS GROUP LETTER (Momma's stays personal):

Week 1 A Gringo in Guatemala I know y'all expected me to write yesterday, but my CCM Prep day is on Tuesdays, so for another 5 weeks you will have to wait untill Tuesdays.

 So as of last Tuesday I was sent off to Dallas early in the morning, in Dallas I met another Elder headed to Fresno California for his mission, and he was from Argentina. From Dallas I traveled to Atlanta Georgia and waited a whole 5 hours for my 4 hour flight to LAX. Once in Los Angeles I immediately was met by some of my missionary group headed for Guatemala CCM (or MTC).

 Then after another 4 hour flight in bussiness class :) I landed in Guatemala. After passing through customs like a breeze we all got on a bus and headed into the city. The CCM is literaly a block away from the Guatemala City Temple ( I got to go today). Then once inside the CCM we were handed our name tags and given our rooms and assigned a bed. I share the room with three other Elders, my companion Elder Cramer from CA, Elder Fowler from Utah, and Elder Latu from New Zealand (he's a big Tongan).

 Meals have been for the most part good and Americanized. I have been "enjoying" my Spanish clasess and was called into Presidente Morris' office on day two to be assigned as District leader of Districto Pablo. So on top of my already busy day I also have a calling, lovely. :l

 On Saturday we had the pleasure of listening to in person .......... Elder Rasband of the 12 Apostles, and boy, the moment he entered the room you could feel the power of his testimony and his spirit, I will try and write my notes from him next week, oh and I got to shake his hand, how awesome is that!

 Just a heads up I will be unable to send photos for a few weeks, because they don't want any viruses here. I cannot look at any weblinks that you might send, and yeah i think that's about it.

 I love you all and will talk to ya'll again soon. Elder Bolton

Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Analiese's way of demonstrating that she misses her brother manifested today. She spent some time on the computer looking at photos of him and laughing at some of his goofiness. She even changed the screen background to one of her favorites of him making a silly face!

To counter the snowy-rain of yesterday, today we are having a sunny day in the 50's. At least my garden likes all of the attention. The onions are looking better and the garlic is proudly reaching toward the sun.

I don't have to worry about holiday decorating - Analiese has taken that on herself. Her rolling stone gathers no moss - down came Valentine's today, up went St. Patrick's (such as it was)!

Thursday, February 16, 2017
...and this morning there was frost. No wonder people have trouble with gardens here. I want to plant some rosemary in the center of my box set-up, but I'm waiting for the weather to settle (ha-ha).

I was going to call Mom tomorrow on my day off when I am more flexible, but she called me today. Still in rehab; still bored. But we both gushed over Jonathan's e-mail! If he's grown so much in one week, can you imagine what will happen in two years?

The temperature controls aren't working at the library. The front was warm enough, but the back was worse - 89 degrees! And I'm supposed to start working there next week! Is there anything like a personal air conditioner I can put back there for me? I'll either faint, melt, or sweat a lot and get stinky - not nice!

Friday, February 17, 2017
Another day off, another day I still had to go to the library. This time it was to meet with Analiese's EPIC teacher. I also re-applied for next year, requesting him as teacher again. I do NOT want a different teacher. He's been so good and has helped her math skill so much!

With Ken and I having Fridays off together (so far), we thought it was good for us to spend some family time together. Ken took us to the new Chicken Express (fast food) for dinner; not bad, the chicken tenders were fresh and tasty. Then he dropped us off at my co-worker's Lularoe party while he did something at Walmart. He came back for us and we went to see the Lego Batman movie. It was fairly funny and cute. We won't do this all the time, but we can certainly use Fridays to spend more time together!

Saturday, February 18, 2017
Just three of us at the library today, illness keeps holding employees hostage at various times. But it looks to be fairly quiet. We can handle it, though the New Girl is still a little nervous about the phone and making library cards. It takes time, dear.

Lunch break was spent at home rehearsing a skit Analiese and I are putting on for the Ward Talent Show tonight. We are doing a piece from "Winnie-the-Pooh and the Honey Tree." I'm Pooh, and have the biggest lines, which complicates my old brain which is presumably "stuffed with fluff." Also, Analiese (she's playing Christopher Robin) has the problem of wanting to laugh when I get into character. Can't blame her much, Ken's face twitched with humor when I showed him.

So, I totally flubbed my lines! Analiese had hers down pat, but my tired brain just threw everything out the window! Good thing the ward didn't realize that our skit was severely truncated. And they laughed, which is good. At the right parts, which is better.

Sunday, February 19, 2017
I didn't make it to church today. I had one of those "white nights" when you don't sleep, or at least not much. My back had that "I-am-not-comfortable-in-any-position" ache and I've been nursing a sore on the right side of my tongue most of the week, which now is accompanied by an ear ache. Pain and I are well acquainted. I was up-and-down all night.

The nice thing is, I have Monday off of Seminary and work, so I have time to rest for two days, instead of one. Mind you, I have things I should very much like to do tomorrow, but we'll see how well I can rest today.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Monday, February 6, 2017
Today is family day only. No library, no Taco Bell. It's Jonathan's day to wrap (pack) things up and for us to assess any last-minute issues. We are still waiting, too, for his travel plans. I do NOT like last minute! (Kind of an Anxiety thing)

We're having a nice family dinner tonight. Ken and Jonathan had already been shopping for the items and - true to men shopping - they picked up a couple of boxes of a cool-sounding pasta mix, only to find out that it's pasta salad. We shall see how much they like it tonight.

The travel information did not come in the mail; serious panic is beginning to set in (for me, at least). We called missionary travel and the gal emailed it right away. He's definitely going to the Guatemala City CCM (spanish for MTC). What a relief! Now to be ready.

We had dinosaur (like, seriously, Fred Flinstone-sized) steaks for Jonathan's "last meal." Accompanying that horrifying amount of meat was the pasta salad, a Caesar salad that he requested, the homemade blueberry pie and ice cream. I don't think I ate 1/4 of my steak. Jonathan - who's steak was a whopping 2 lbs - ate all of his!  I think he's afraid he's going to starve!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017
My little (?) brown bird flew away today. Not many things in my life have hurt as bad as this. I'm immensely proud - it took a lot to get him to this point But it also feels like someone has ripped out a chunk of my heart...and sent it to Guatemala! My only comfort is that he's on God's errand and will have divine protection.

We all got up around 2:15 a.m. and left at 2:30 to grab some breakfast and then off to Lawton. He didn't want to wait too long with us at the airport. I think he was nervous. So as soon as the TSA security opened up, he was off. In a haze of tears, I watched him pass and (physically) let him go. Then I turned and cried into Ken's chest for a while.
He's a little nervous, can you tell?

When the now three of us got home, Ken and took a needed nap. Then I tried to keep busy all day to quell the tears and fears. Ken kept track of his flights and luggage charges online; that was his way of expressing his concerns. Me, I went outside, planted onions, found earthworms in my garden box (hooray!) and discovered that my oregano recovering from winter!
32 onions planted

Oregano coming back - what a nice surprise!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017
My class this morning said they were surprised yesterday to find the bishop teaching and not me. I had kind of warned them this might happen, but I don't think it registered.

I was still pretty wiped up from yesterday, so I took another morning nap. I felt much more energized after!

Though, by mid-afternoon, I hadn't heard if Jonathan had reached the CCM. I learned (from a Guatemalan Missionary Moms Facebook Group) that there had been a helicopter crash yesterday at the Guatemalan airport and that had delayed some incoming flights. This had me hold off wondering...for a while.

Apparently, he arrived just fine. He had emailed Ken - and not me - at 6:45 a.m., but Ken didn't see it until 4:45 p.m. and I didn't hear about it until 7:00 p.m. when I had my break at work. Great, it was on my mind nearly all day!

*NOTE* Guatemala's time zone is the same as ours - Central. Just in case you were wondering. I think it's great.

Thursday, February 9, 2017
My visiting teachers were coming over this morning, so I spent a good portion of that time cleaning the livingroom. You can imagine the chaos it was in from neglect because of all of the preparations that had gone into getting Jonathan ready. Also, I was trying to get ready to make cookies for the library and the sisters, who are coming to dinner tomorrow. I didn't have enough brown sugar but since I live across the street from a grocery store, I ran quickly there and time to see my VT sisters at my front door.

To be honest, the cookies didn't go great, though. I was using a different recipe than I had in the past and the dough seemed so dry (to be honest, I could have messed something up, being so distracted and trying to double it). I couldn't make balls out of it, so I made them into bars - two pans worth. I think one was a little overdone; not burnt, just crispy. But I did put in dried cranberries and walnuts in them...yummy!

Friday, February 10, 2017
I had my first real set of tears for Jonathan (since Tuesday) this morning as I was sorting laundry. There were his clothes from Monday and his pajamas (sweatpants and a t-shirt). Last little reminders of the boy who left to become a man...

Ken took me to lunch as an early Valentine's celebration. We went to La Plaza because I wanted chicken flautas with queso. Poor dear, he let me choose and doesn't really care for Mexican (beyond TB), but was satisfied because they had a bacon cheeseburger on the menu.

I've been allowing PomPom to run around the hall that connects the bedrooms and the front bathroom. This makes her happy and she binkies around and around. She's so short and stubby, it's funny to watch. Sometimes it's like someone picked her straight up and dropped her down; sometimes her front goes up and the back end just kind of drags on the ground!  But I really know she's happy, relaxed, and feeling safe when she completely flops on the ground to rest (after a binky binge). I love to see her creamy belly sticking out!
She's not sad, sick or sleeping. She's flopped...very content!

The sister missionaries came to dinner. I only had made my simple burritos, but they were happy with them (as was Analiese). They also liked (or so they said) my experimental oatmeal cookie bars.

Saturday, February 11, 2017
I dropped Analiese off at the EXPO Center for the Rabbit Show before going to work this morning. She's not showing a rabbit this time (though she ended up winning 2nd place on the Rabbit Quiz - nice medal, too) and I'll be picking her up on my lunch break. Then she'll get ready for the OKC dance while I go back to work.

YIPPEE!! Starting after President's Day, I'll begin training to be a cataloger in the back of the library. Only one more working hour, but I'll have a good increase in pay!

The New Girl doesn't want me to "leave" her, but I'll be working pretty much the same hours. In fact, in the beginning, I'll spend a couple of extra hours each day training in the back while keeping my regular front hours. That is, until they hire my replacement and the ladies I'm replacing leave (last days are the 8th and 9th of March). New beginning, more changes - for good or bad, that's what life is all about. And New Girl is smart and confident, she'll survive.

It was rough tonight, being all by myself after work. Ken worked until late and Analiese was off to OKC for her first dance! I did the stupids, ordering pizza and putting on a tear-jerker movie. Pretty soon I had to let the bunnies out to try and console me and make me laugh (they did pretty well). But I am not sure I will like being an eventual empty-nester!

Sunday, February 12, 2017
One of my poor students got braces this week. I can tell they're uncomfortable. He's learning to speak around them, which is its own sort of clumsiness!

After the sacrament was passed today, no tall young man came to sit next to me on the pew. No, there were no tears. Just a large, heavy, sad sigh (which Analiese said she noticed). Yeah, it hurt.

Ken wasn't feeling to great (his turn now) to start out with this morning, so after sacrament meeting, I took him home. That left just me and Analiese for the remaining meetings. Relief Society was great...and it wasn't just the See's candy the teacher brought into class. We were talking about President Hinkley and Happiness and we had a great discussion. But the chocolate was nice, too. After class, as the ladies were lining up for it, I commented loudly, "Endorphins!"

It is VERY windy today. The reports say (at least) 40 mph. I believe it, too. It's gusting, rattling, and whistling around the house. It sounds so eerie!

Sunday, February 5, 2017


Monday, January 30, 2017
My mother's in the hospital in California, recovering from a bad fall. This is difficult for me. I feel helpless during these times - and a little guilty - being all the way here in Oklahoma. There's not much I can do here!

Today was my first day working with the Dude's replacement. She's young, a WOSC student, and has worked at the library there, so she's not exactly clueless. This makes the Head Librarian very happy. She's very nice and I think we'll get along just fine.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
It was a busy morning today, tying up loose ends for Jonathan. First, we went to the doctor for a final immunization, then we ran (fairly literally) to the dentist for a last cleaning. While he was doing that I made a bread run at Dollar Tree (no one tells me when we've run out!).

That all pretty much sucked up my morning time. The rest of my afternoon was taken working on Seminary. Then I was off to work

The library was extra quiet this evening. Rewiring was being done so our internet and wifi were down. That's the big draw here, so we maybe had two patrons the last two hours we were open. It was very peaceful.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Ay! February! Time is flying by so fast!

This morning I was determined to make up for lost time. So I took a short nap - very short - sleep time has been lost too, then I went to folding Monday's laundry and Tuesday's towels, interspersed with consulting Jonathan about packing procedures.

I also made chili for the kids this afternoon for dinner before heading to the library. Analiese had spent most of the day complaining about being cold...this would warm her up!

One advantage of working in a library is having access to new books when they arrive. And since I'm the one who puts the new books on the new book shelf, I get to see all of them...and get first pick! (maniacal laugh)

Thursday, February 2, 2017
I've been fighting headaches at night and first thing in the morning (weird weather and strong winds aren't helping). So after Seminary and Devotional, I went back to bed. My body wanted more than the three hours I got, but I still have my life to life.

Mom is still in the hospital, so I gave her a call. She sounds perky and happy...and bored. She must be feeling better. I think she'll live.

Jonathan's travel information HAS NOT COME!!! I am getting a little nervous. I had him call the travel department and they said they're sending the stuff out today. Okay...he's supposed to leave Tuesday. I do not like to wait until the last minute. This is a stressor for me, and we all know I don't need more of that!

The library was quiet tonight; not much to do. I worked on prepping the stuff for the February display cases. I had the new girl help me, cutting out things that I printed up and helping me choose books to put in the display. I'll actually put them all together on Saturday when I have time. Weeknights are too short to do that.

Friday, February 3, 2017
I accidentally called one of my students "darling" today at Seminary. She didn't blink an eye or seem to mind. I think they know I love them all!

Another bad night's sleep...I went at least past midnight. But, tired as I was, I didn't have a chance to nap again. First, there was my doctor's post-shingle check-up. I am no longer "unclean" (What do you expect from a Seminary teacher teaching the New Testament?), but still have to apply the cream until the rash is gone. Then, it was grocery shopping, putting stuff away, and finishing Friday laundry (at least I'm caught up).

I SOOOO wanted to crash that afternoon, but the sister missionaries asked mt to go with them to Blair to visit an investigator. I said a little under-my-breath prayer "Do I go?" By 5:30, I was at her apartment with the sisters, having dinner and a great discussion. She's a funny gal, but has been coming to church and is energetic about the gospel and the scriptures. She's going to be baptized in March!

Saturday, February 4, 2017
The new gal came into the library this morning sick. She's been getting progressively worse as the week has gone on. This time she had a doctor's note. Apparently, while she was with her mother at the hospital (her mom had knee surgery yesterday), they sent her down to the ER. Thus, the note. After a quick consult with HL, we went her home. There's only three of us here today, but being Saturday, we'll manage. I think we did it with three last week, too. Though I don't know when I'll get my cases done. I really need to do them today, because I'm supposed to be off Monday and Tuesday for Jonathan. That is, if the travel stuff comes in on time...

The other two gals held the fort (front desk) down this afternoon while I did the display cases. The Black History Month one was okay. I forgot to take a picture of it. It's books and posters that HL had. It could have been better, in my opinion. The Valentine one turned out cute, though.

But doing both in one day exhausted me. I nearly have to climb into the cases to put stuff in them, especially if I'm lining the back. It exhausted me.

I could only rest some this evening. I had to make a blueberry pie (with a crumb crust)
for my boy. I promised him a pie when he requested it. At this point, I'm not sure I'd turn him down for anything!

Sunday, February 5, 2017
I knew today would be a hard one at church for me: Jonathan's last. It was testimony meeting - and my shy son got up and bore his testimony! I was so proud and happy to hear him, especially talking about how wonderful the temple is and how we should all go more.

I had plenty of "mother sympathy" from two sisters in our ward who have recently-returned missionaries.One still has (another one!) out. She said I could come visit anytime and we'd commiserate.

Ken was able to get off work in time to go with use to Lawton to see the Stake President. He interviewed Jonathan alone for a few minutes, then we all went in while he set Jonathan apart as a missionary with Ken assisting. Yes, I blubbered. Pretty much all the way home. Jonathan was a bit disturbed/embarassed. Better just hand me a bucket, things are going to be pretty damp around here for the next couple of days.