Sunday, October 23, 2016


Monday, October 17, 2016
No Seminary again. I could sleep in until 7:30. So very, very nice.

I didn't get the anticipated chew-out about my video stupidity today. I waited all day with baited breath. Nothing. But then, the Head Librarian wasn't in. Maybe I'll get it tomorrow.

I kept pretty busy; after all, it is Monday. I took a longer lunch break so I could work on my Seminary lesson. Why? Because after work I had to do a little shopping (and get something for a belated birthday for a Seminary student - oops!), then come home and work on cleaning my bedroom. Everyone has "marching orders" this week - the week before grandparents come. Today, it was bedrooms.

I have a little volunteer petunia in my lawn. Surrounded by weeds. Brave little flower! I told Jonathan not to mow over it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Had a little freak-out today at the end of Seminary. Someone - we didn't know who - came in the building. We heard the door! After getting the kids out and safely off to school, I went hunting. Apparently, it was someone working on Internet/wiring/sound/? for the building. I locked up and left him there, but I wished they'd have warned me he was coming.

We had family pictures taken this morning at City Park. A sister in our ward is a great photographer and took them for us. We did family shots, individual shots, group shots. I was okay until she had me do a face-to-face with Jonathan. Then I got emotional! It is starting to hit me...and it hurts!

HL didn't say anything at work either. I guess they think (?) I've figured it out. Kind of strange. It's not like I didn't deserve it!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016
I had to get all of my Seminary studying done right off this morning because I took the van into the Ford place for it's check up around 1 o'clock. It took a little over an hour, but it didn't hinder me getting to work on time. The worst part was being in their waiting area, reading my book, with the t.v. blaring soap operas at me. They're annoying at best and scandalous at worst.  But there were other people there and I wasn't at liberty to turn it off!

The air conditioning is out at the library! It is so warm, especially out among the bookshelves. I worked out there for a little while, but came back to the desk for some relief from the heat in the way of a desk fan.

We had fun, too, though. We decorated the desk area for Halloween. I brought a few extras from home (goodness knows I've got plenty to spare!), and we enjoyed getting in the spirit of things.

Much easier to enjoy than dealing with holidays the Hallmark way!

Thursday, October 20, 2016
This morning was spent at the library - but not working. Analiese and I were there meeting with her EPIC teacher. He focused totally on her math today, which is where her greatest weakness lies. But, he was very patient and encouraging. I really like him. He showed her all the options she had for studying, practice, and where to get 24/7 help.

After that, we visited Ken at Taco Bell. Their rolled chicken tacos are out again - and we just had to have some - ha! We had great service from this handsome fellow at the register (wink). We saw a fellow library employee there with her family and spent some time getting to know them better.

The a/c is still out at the library, despite promises of a fix! Fans are out everywhere and it's cooler outside the building than in. But then, with all the computers and tech we have, it's no surprise. They generate a lot of heat. Still, it's not fun to work in.

Friday, October 21, 2016
SO busy today. Besides normal Friday stuff, I invited the missionaries to come to dinner. My sneaky plan was to have them come so I would be more motivated to clean my dining room. It a point. There's still stuff to be done and I'm running out of time.

We were having stew - an overabudance from Ken's endeavors on Tuesday. I decided to make homemade rolls (Analiese said, "It's been forever since you've baked!"). That took more than two hours to do, what with two risings, etc.!

After that, it was shopping, then I got home in time to take Jonathan to work. Then, back at home, I was getting ready for the missionaries. After their visit, is was the clean-up. I managed to sit down with Analiese for a little bit before bed, but my day was gone!

For a day off from work, it wasn't very restful!

Saturday, October 22, 2016
Marching orders given at home, I left for work a little early, since I have to open things up. No, the ac/c is still out. In fact, I guess I missed all the fun yesterday when a bird flew into something electrical on the roof (exit bird) and they were without power partially (I guess that was weird) for thirty minutes.

But it influenced my day. The copier and the printer both had to be unplugged and replugged in to reset. Otherwise, no worky.

Oh! Ken got a job lead today - a good one - from one of my co-workers. Please pray for him. It's tailor-made, something he'll like, and good pay. Nowadays it's who you know that get's you jobs!

Sunday, October 23, 2016
I took my kids to church early (so someone else didn't have to) and then went back for my neighbor and her kids. No go. The kids had gone back to Texas and she wasn't there. Oh well. It happens.

I could NOT sit still in Sunday School today. I knew Jonathan was in an interview with the Stake President for his mission. I went out of the classroom and waited in the hall until he came out. All went well and the Stake President will submit everything tonight. He says it's been taking around three weeks on average for missionary calls. Oh my! It's happening. Exciting! Scary!

Here's me...dealing with all the madness! Have a great week!

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Monday, September 10, 2016
Today is Columbus Day, a Federal holiday. This means the library is closed and I don't have to work. But even though I don't have to go to work, I still had Seminary. After that, though, I got to go home and eat a leisurely breakfast - life of luxury!

Well, that was short-lived. I still had to do Seminary study, pay bills, work a little on the garden. Ken and I went out to lunch and shopping. This is our current version of a date because, with our schedules, we are often ships passing in the night.

Tuesday, September 11, 2016
Found this "little" fella outside our classroom at the church this morning.
He's bigger than a quarter and I've seen bigger of his breed. But I didn't say anything to the class and luckily, he lived past class time. After that, I do not know what became of him.

Catch-up time at the O.K. Corral (aka the Library)! Back to the grind. It was nice and - trust me - necessary to have a day off. But no work means no money! Bummer.

This is Happy Harold, my library bag.
I take him to work every day to carry books and stuff back and forth. As he hangs on the hook, he looks so happy. It makes me laugh to see him there.

Apparently, we handled things well enough last week because the Head Librarian was smiling and there were no big chew-outs. They're letting us be alone in the evenings now as well.

Things are really quiet at night at the library. It goes slowly and sometimes all I have to do is read. As if that is a bad thing!

Wednesday, September 12, 2016
No time for play after Seminary this morning. After devotional this morning I was out the door to a desperately needed haircut. The curlies were crazy and needed taming! I should have taken a the cut pieces hit the floor, they made rings! I cannot tell you how different this is from my hair as a youth. Wild!

After the haircut was visiting teaching. The drive there was a typical fall day in Oklahoma, which means wild winds and dust flying. You can actually feel your car being pushed by it! Anyway, I went to visit teach the mom of two of my students before they headed out of town for an early weekend in Texas.  Then it was come again to prep for Seminary before heading off to work.

Thursday, September 13, 2016
I had half a class this morning in Seminary. Two were on their way to Texas (see Wednesday) to see their older brother "graduate" from Air Force boot camp. One other student was sick (her brother provided the gruesome details). It was actually pretty cozy.

Good thing I was feeling cozy, because the day was cold, gray and stormy. We've already had a little rain, but more is coming. For family devotional, we were all huddled up in blankets...some of us brought special friends (tee-hee, he doesn't know I caught him on camera!).

Drama in the library (for such a quiet place)! There seems to be a bunch of back-talking and gossip that (thankfully, so far), I'm not a part of. Frankly, if someone has a problem with me, they should TELL ME - not anybody else. I just want to do my job and help people. I don't really want politics and drama at work. I suffer enough of that stuff just looking online at news and Facebook.

Friday, October 14, 2016
This weekend (through next Monday) is fall break at the high school. So no Seminary. I was supposed to have an online inservice anyway with Bro. Sturges, but he is in Chicago with his wife. This is my day off, so no work (that I'm paid for) either. I feel totally unmotivated.

Too bad! Normal stuff, like grocery shopping (I know, again, but it's my normal day and I have to be prepared through next Friday) and Seminary preparations for the week to come. I didn't get to do that last week and I felt severely underprepared and clumsy in Seminary teaching this week.

The time crunch is on! My parents will be here in a little over a week and we've got work to do! Thinking about their needs and how we'll fit things in is a challenge. Still, we're getting excited. I think Analiese refers to the upcoming visit every day!

Saturday, October 15, 2016
I set the kids with chore assignments this morning and ran off to work. There's four of us here today. It's a good, cushy number, with room to wiggle if things go wrong.

My cart was full of stuff today from Friday. I think the paperback section exploded. It may be winnowing time in the PBs soon!

Just so you don't think I'm always brilliant, I'll tell you about how naively stupid I can sometimes be. It's my job to take care of the DVD section in the library. Not only do I put things back there, but I also straighten it out. Supposedly I do that once a week, but it's pretty constant because the patrons are crazy-hard on that section. Now, the boxes I put on the shelves are EMPTY. We keep the actual DVDs in the back and get them for the patrons when they want to check them out. Theft deterrant, sort of. Anyway, so they are also shelved in the back. Now, I take care of the ones outside on the floor. Did it ever occur to me that perhaps I ought to do so in the back as well? Of course not, because I can be amazingly stupid. No dot connecting there. Today I heard that on Friday the librarians were getting frustrated with the state of the DVDs and not on the floor. In the back. Oh. Duh.  I feel dumb. Really, really dumb. I didn't see them today (though I heard ALL about it) and Monday I imagine will be Michele's Day of Humiliation. So brilliant - so stupid. All at once. It's pretty pathetic.

Sunday, October 16, 2016
Today is my mommy's birthday. I will see her in a week from Tuesday. If she doesn't hurt herself between now and then (apparently, she gave herself some terrible 2nd degree burns on her legs last week).

I played taxi driver for my neighbor and her four cute kids. I took them to church in my van, while another member took my kids for me. They were visiting from down in Texas and were so excited to be in Altus (?). One is near Analiese's age and the rest are Primary-aged.

The same went for the drive home. I took them right after church, though, so I didn't get to set up for class. Instead, I went home, got ready and took Jonathan to work, and then went back to the church. One of my students had been able to set up chairs, but I still had to do tables, take down the Primary stuff, etc. About half an hour of work. This is how we keep the wheels of Seminary turning smoothly, though.

The wind picked up again while I was in the church. Alone. In the quiet. That is, until I kept hearing weird sounds, which I finally figured to be the wind tossing stuff against the building. Still, it was kind of creepy....

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Monday, October 3, 2016
General Conference head-to-head with Sister Bolton! Can they stump me? Did they even bother to take notes? That was probably the main message of the day...Listen to conference and TAKE NOTES!!! Yes, I beat them, 9 to 6, but I felt that wasn't really bad. I think we went around the room 3-4 times. The most points any one student got was two and, as it was, we had to have a tie-breaker. I gave the winner a $10 Sonic Gift Card. I know, generous, but I really wanted to get them invested in Conference. As it is, this week for Devotionals they're supposed to talk about their conference experiences. Already, the first one of the week was pretty powerful. They're listening, and not just with their ears! I really love Conference, but I also really love to see the power of it in the lives of my students.

Work was interesting today, mainly because the front desk's full-time staff member is on vacation this week. It was pretty much the Head Librarian and myself alone up there until the Dude got in at noon. Students are really busy working on school projects here in the afternoon, but have so little skills in research and report-writing. They also have no idea how to find information in a library, either. One school assignment has been about the current candidates for President. Books on them are in the biography section. Magazines with articles about them are on the magazine shelves. Yeah.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Another student testified of conference today. She said she used to get bored or want to sleep (Sunday afternoon is the worst for me!), but this time, she didn't. She felt everything was wonderful. Sometimes, it's just "waking up" to the fact that Conference is not only important, but relevant.

I made my boss really laugh today. I put on the bar code labels (for scanning out books) and stamp the juvenile fiction and non fiction for the cataloguers. It's something to do when it's quiet at the desk. Well, I was doing a bunch of non fiction and saw one particular book. I took it to the Head Librarian and said, "I think this book needs to be in the fiction section." What was it? A book about weather forecasting, which we all know - at least in Oklahoma - is about as accurate as palm-reading. She about died. She thinks I'm funny, to begin with.

I couldn't help it last week. There were these books to teach kids manners using pirates. Pirates? "Pirates are polite." "Pirates wash their hands." Etc. I got to the point where I was muttering, "Axe murderers say please and thank you." (I should very much enjoy that kind of twisted parody, by the way.) Kids probably take no notice, but I sometimes wonder about the people who write this stuff. Libraries aren't about literature...they're about books. And, yes, gentle reader, there's a difference.

One of our cataloguers is an archivist. I would define it as "liking old stuff," but it is more like, she really enjoys geneology and takes care of all the historical documents in the library for our town and county. She joined me on speaker-phone with my dad, asking him if he'd come do a geneology workshop at the library one evening while he was visiting. Knowing how geneology is a current passion with him, it was no surprise to have him except. The cataloguer was delighted, too. She had a flier printed up for the event within half an hour of speaking with him.
I think she wants to pick his brain!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
A bunch of neighborhood cats just stared at me as I walked to my car this morning. Not even scared of me. I think I should be insulted. They fear Ken and Analiese because they chase them off. I am a bit too cynical for that. I'm more the "Why bother?" kind, because those mangy things will only be back to poop in my yard and have kittens in my garage.

Chuckie the Church bunny was out this morning. I'd been concerned about him lately, because the Ghost Cat had been haunting the church the last couple of weeks. (YES...I do talk this way about these things, not just write them for your amusement!) Ghost Cat, by the way, is white (duh) and seems to be everywhere in town. I've seen it hang out at the church (my students can vouch for it's existance), and yet later be seen by the library on the other side of town. It is quite mysterious (and annoying - hey, it's a cat!), hence it's moniker.

I don't know about my students, but I had fun in Seminary today.  I had them unscrambling a timeline of events of a story in the life of Christ. They were at the board, all crowded around. Since their faces don't show, I'll show my picture!

Work was hard today. I went in three hours earlier and they were tough hours. At one point, I was by myself at the front desk and, of course, that's when things went nuts. Everyone wanted to use the computer. Everyone wanted to use the printer...and buy paper for it. Everyone wanted a library card for their kid. Everyone wanted to know what they owed so they could pay it and check out movies. Everyone wanted to know how to figure out stuff on a website. And everyone kept calling. I could not find the Dude anywhere; he was lost somewhere in the aisles. I got it all sorted, but not until I'd had an anxiety attack (for serious), had to turn the printer off and on, and begged the patience of many a patron. Actually, they were all very nice about it - that was my saving grace.

The evening was somewhat quieter, though the computer area was still humming along. I even got to go out and do a little bookshelf sorting myself. Only problem is someone was sitting out there, with a laptop and a baby on her lap, whilst she (the mother, not the baby) kept snorting deeply and loudly, coughing, sneezing, hacking. I SO wanted to tell her to go to the restroom and blow her nose (I would do it, if she was my kid! I hate repeated sniffling, even in myself!) and wonder if I ought to start taking vitamin C, echinacea and/or zinc. And wear gloves. And a face mask. And invest in more hand gel and Lysol. Because we're talking health hazard here and I really don't have time to catch people's germs. Stay home, in bed, drink lots of fluids...your library will thank you! Just like we tell people no liquids, food, or loud noises in the library, can we tell them, no viruses?

Thursday, October 6, 2016
There is something inherently wrong with mosquitos and October. Really!?!

Do I seem a little cranky? I'm trying hard not to be. I'm just tired.
I'm not getting my (at least) 8 hours every night, I'm rushing from place to place and my mind is always on the go. This week's been a killer with work and I keep saying, "when things calm down...."  They never do. I shall endeavor to be more pleasant. Sleepy, yet pleasant.

Another three extra hours at the library today. The building was full of wires and cables extending from the ceiling when I got there. Tech people were working on installing some more wifi spots, apparently since ten-thirty this morning. They were everywhere, in the back, on the floor, and in a conference room. They were supposed to be done by 2:00 p.m. because we had another group scheduled in that conference room. Well, they left that ROOM by a little after two (after a little persuasion), but didn't get finished in the library until 7:30. We had to do a complete shutdown of all our computer systems (front, back, etc.) which kicked several patrons off of the internet for about half an hour.

We were shorter staffed as well in the evening. Just me, the Dude, the tech gal who had to wait until the wifi guys left. Our other cataloguer went home sick. Luckily, it was pretty quiet. I've got a good handle on things, I think.

Friday, October 7, 2016
Usually Fridays are my days off. But with the one full-time gal on vacation, they asked me to come in today. The head librarian is off, too, getting ready for a family estate sale tomorrow. A long, full day. And consequences from the day before and the wifi stuff.

Printers didn't want to talk to computers. I don't know why. I tried all the standard un-techie things, like turning things on and off, checking queques on the computer, etc. Tech gal had been working on all this stuff today, but left early because she was here late yesterday. When a guy had printer problems at 5:30, I just told him he was out of luck until she came back to work. It was only half an hour until closing, and I hadn't the heart to call her back in.

On top of that, we were watching a storm rolling in. We scan the weather channel regularly online to track weather and see what we're going to do. We had quite the lightning show (not that we could see much from our vantage at the desk), but no power flickers. Still, we turned off half of our equipment in anticipation. I was startled at one point when the emergency radio went off, giving a rather loud National Weather Service warning. After listening to it all the way through once, my next job was to figure out how to make it quit! I don't know how, but I did. At least it didn't involve plugging and unplugging!

I went home and collapsed. Yes, it's Friday, but tomorrow is work and I need some sleep!

Saturday, October 8, 2016
Printer problems escalate.... Sorry, tech gal! I had to call her in.  Too many people use our printer. Yesterday I thought maybe I could wait until next week to worry about it, but it was soon apparent that wouldn't work. And tech gal sounded so tired on the phone - I felt bad! She ended up having to come in through the administrator log in on all of the guest computers and reconfigure them for the printer again.

One of the things I like about my job is getting to work with all kinds of people. Yesterday, I had so much fun with two animated seniors who joked about their lack of technological skills. Today, I enjoyed chatting with a gentleman who was looking at our geneology and history records for our county - he's compiling lists of Civil War veterans buried around here. But I usually can find someone to talk to about something; I really like exchanging "book reviews" with patrons.

Today, as well, I was able to assist my old Hallmark boss with research for her daughter's school project. She doesn't live in this area (but was probably working here) and came over with her daughter. The first thing she said was, "I was hoping you'd be here. I knew you'd help me!" It happens often enough, that I have to do some research online myself in order to help patrons, and this was no exception.

It was just three people today, usually it's four. Our regular full-timer on Saturday is down in Texas at the OU-Texas U football game. Her son goes to OU, they're from OK, and they're big Sooner fans! The head librarian is having the estate sale today and the other gal is still on vacation. So it was the Dude, another cataloguer, and myself. We did it. handling lunch breaks and everything. Even with the unusual inquiries we had today, like how to print copies off of the microfiche. I hardly remember how to even use a microfiche - we're talking college days here! Between the three of us, we managed it!

Sunday, October 9, 2016
Truly a day of rest. Truly needed!  I think I finally got up at around 8:30, only because I needed a shower before going to church. No worries about anything else, because today's fast Sunday, what with last week being General Conference.

I took some of the Geneology workshop fliers to church. Hopefully some ward members will come. I asked the missionaries, too, to spread the word, as they meet people. I don't know if they can go and assist in any way, but we'll see.

I asked a family in our ward about their son, who is currently serving a mission in South Carolina. The southern east coast is being hammered by the hurricanes (Matthew & Nicole). When we had heard yesterday that it was heading to South Carolina, he was the first person we thought of (he's a friend of Jonathan's!). He's okay.  He's currently serving 122 miles off the coast. It doesn't mean he's unaffected, however. He and his companion are most likely hosting other missionaries who have been evacuated. And he'll probably be involved in clean up.  But at least he's fine.  That's a relief.

Jonathan had three friends come over this afternoon. They came to play Risk (which is funny to listen in on), but they've been watching "Studio C" and laughing up a storm. They're a good group. I got hugs from the girls. I like them.

Sigh. I feel so free. Tired, but free, like I could sleep the sleep of the innocent. No worries...for at least a few hours!

Sunday, October 2, 2016


Monday, September 26, 2016
Today was interminably L O N G. Seminary, of course, was followed by work. On my lunch break from the library, I worked on my grocery list and a little on tomorrow's Seminary lesson. After work was grocery shopping and then home so I could continue studying for Seminary.

My legs and knees were killing me. Even still, I spent at least 30 minutes combing out the baseball-sized snarl out of my daughter's hair. She hadn't been brushing and combing it property - we've had many a discussion about hygiene - and it was nasty! I'm sure it hurt - she was crying during the process - but it had to come out! After Halloween (she needs a bun for her "costume"), she wants it cut. No joke.

So now, I go to bed with a throbbing arm and shoulder, from all the tugging. Goodnight!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
My boss made me pay today for my purging of Shakespeare yesterday (no one is reading "Titus Andronicus" and we need shelf room!). I had to dust the reference shelves (another "no one is reading" scenario). Talk about king-size dust bunnies! These are NOT cute and fluffy. I nearly choked on it all and had to wash my hands, my face, all exposed skin, and shake off my top in the bathroom. Talk about the dirt of centuries!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016
So, the big news is (according to the Altus Times)'s deer mating season. Which means...we all have to drive carefully because crazed herbivores might cavort in the middle of the highway. I've seen them hit; I have no desire to actually HIT them. They cause damage! Now, I'm not downplaying anything, just that this is big news here.

My parents called (Skyped) about coming to Oklahoma at the end of October. They're afraid to wait for Jonathan's farewell, because it may be in the middle of an icy winter. I don't blame them; I don't want to be here in the middle of an icy winter. But now, we have plans to make and things to do to get ready for them.

Thursday, September 29, 2016
The weather has cooled off significantly. Monday was our last 90's day at 91 degrees. I love it! The mornings feel crisp and the afternoons are beautiful and comfortable. People say it's freezing - c'mon! Not even! It's lovely. I think it's my favorite time of the year. I feel awake, alive, and well!

The three of us part-timers - The Dude, the Young Cataloguer, and myself - were left alone this evening at the library. Eventually, this will be the way of things Tuesday through Thursday, but we had a surprise run. It happened because someone didn't plan well, and there was no "old-timer" (not in age but seniority) to watch over things. We handled it well, I think, despite the Dude's mischevious comments about sliding around the aisles. I just told him - NO WAY!

Friday, September 30, 2016
My alarm went off at 5 a.m. today to get ready for Seminary. I went for doughnuts for our General Conference kick-off.
I have avoided the traditional Seminary teacher - doughnuts thing for a while, but the new doughnut shop is practically on the way.

I think we had the right blend of fun and inspiration in class
. I made a Power Point presentation about funny Conference memes that had us all rolling. I also had another one about how to get the most out of Conference. I also gave them note-taking sheets and gave them their assignment - take notes because on Monday, it'll be Stump-the-Teacher time. We'll be able to talk about the sessions and yet they'll try to beat me at knowing things. Hopefully, the challenge will appeal to them.

Got another birthday package in the mail today. My friends are so good to me! Karla remembered I wanted this book (I'd posted it on Facebook)
, so she got it for me! LOVELOVELOVE!

When I went to the library to pick up my paycheck, no one said anything about last night. We must have done okay! Whew!

I was at home all by myself tonight. Jonathan had work. Analiese and Ken went to the ward (the Young Women sponsored and planned it) for a Daddy-Daughter Dance. Ken purposely took the day off for it, dressing up in a tux and buying a wrist coursage for Analiese

. She was lovely in a pink floral dress and I put her hair up for her.
They had a blast - she loves to dance and, actually, so does he! A girl's first "date" should be with her daddy! Ken certainly showed her how a good young man should treat a young lady!

What did I do? Seminary planning and I watched a movie I'd checked out from the library. I haven't had time in a long while to actually sit down and watch a movie. This was an old (read: black and white) comedy. Cheesy, but relaxing.

Saturday, October 1, 2016
I'm missing Conference today because I have to work. Grrr!

I was the first one at the library, too. That big old garage I have to go through to get into the back area of the library is very dark and spooky when you're on your own.

It was a fairly quiet day, mainly because of the Cotton Pickin' Chili Cook-off in the Town Square today. Everyone who came in felt sorry for me because I wasn't out there enjoying it (If I wasn't working, I wouldn't be there, anyway. I'd be home watching Conference). On my lunch break, I briefly visited the 4H Rabbit Club booth and my friends there.

That afternoon, it was interesting to see how little our teen patrons know about how to use word processing software. I helped three of them with school projects, cleaning up all the extra tabbing and spacing they used to try and center and square things. Social media, though, for them is no problem!

At home, I spent my evening watching the conference sessions I missed. I have to get my notes in order for Monday!

Sunday, October 2, 2016
I finished watching Saturday's conferences this morning. In time for today's sessions. They were great, though. I really loved one by a Japanese member of the Seventy. He gave a very heartfelt talk about missionary work.

The prophet spoke this morning. Jonathan gave me a look...President Monson seems to be shrinking and looks so tired. I really pray for him. He has given everything to the Lord, including his health!

The sister missinoaries were with us this morning. I think they hoped my neighbor (not plural - one moved back to Texas) would come over and watch with us. But she didn't come and the sisters went elsewhere for the second session.

Jonathan didn't make the second session, either. He had to work...and he was bummed out about it (see me and Saturday!). He didn't make it to Priesthoood session yesterday, either. But Ken came home and got the majority of the second session today, so he got SOMETHING.

I don't have a lesson to study for tomorrow. Instead, I have my head-to-head with my students and their notes. One student in particular has me nervous - I'm predicting he's out to seriously stump me!

Analiese put up Halloween decorations today, manifest by the Halloween "uniform" she wore in honor of the occasion.
I let her do it, with little interference from me. I have enough to do, and she enjoys it.