Sunday, March 13, 2016


Monday, March 7, 2016
Only one student out sick now. He was the worst - strep throat - poor thing. But his mom is down, too. Dad brought his sister, but can't do it tomorrow. So if Mom isn't better by then, sister will have to miss another day.

Our family (all of us! Ken is off today) went to Quartz Mountain
& Lake Altus for a picnic lunch and a little hike. The dam wasn't flowing today, but the lake still looked great.
The weather was overcast, with sun peeking out here and there, very comfortable. We saw deer,
snakes (a whole den!) and lovely trees. The redbuds are starting to put out their pink beauty. Told you Spring was the best!

We went by the Resort & Conference Center to cross the bridge
and take a light hike up a paved bike trail that follows the curve of the lake.
That's where Ken & I saw the snakes, though we heard them rustling about in the grass before seeing them. They were garter snakes, but were too hidden in the grass for a good picture. Bummer. The kids had gone on ahead...and missed it.

Youth hurries too much! LOL

Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Soggy morning, wet and loud (thunderstorms). It's a good thing we went to Quartz Mountain yesterday. And poor Ken has to drive to OKC in this!

I just found out from my supervisor that I will be servicing the Walgreens Hallmark section as well as Walmart's. Jonathan (and his friends) work at Walgreens. I must be doing well enough that they'll trust me on my own with the store!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Still two absent from Seminary. I made a call to their house this afternoon - I am getting concerned (for their health, I know they want to be in Seminary). Well, their mother has bronchitis and one of them is still not doing great. Those poor dears! Well, we've been fasting & praying for their family, hopefully they'll get better in time to enjoy having Alice the rabbit this weekend. And so they can quit feeling so miserable!

I worked three and a half hours today. Still training, but I got to work on cards today. After everything, I found out I had a paper cut that bled on one finger (who knows if it bled on a card? It wasn't much). My hands and cuticles especially get dry, I'll have to use more lotion before and after work to see if it helps.

Thursday, March 10, 2015
Foggy morning. Just Megan and me again for Seminary. But it was a good lesson and she made an observation that totally brought the Spirit in strongly. She tends to underestimate her spiritual capacities, but I know she is able to be very powerful in bearing testimony, given the opportunity!

I'm starting to feel like River Song from Dr. Who. Not that I'm feeling full of snarky bon mots (well, I like them, but I'm trying to repent of them), or that I can roam carefree over time and space (handy, that), but that I have this head of uncontrollable, unmanageable curls! I was not initially born with them, just some wave and a little curl. But over the years - and babies - my hair has become more and more...curly! I often wonder if the humidity (not too much, but more than CA!) has anything to do with it lately. For those of you who are envious, let me tell you how absolutely hard to control they can be. I'm not one to spend a lot of time on hair, but they never sit where I want them to! They don't hold pins or clips or combs (and I never run a comb through them - that's Frizz City!). Don't even talk to me about rainy days or sweat! The other side of the fence has it's downs, trust me.

I now wear trifocals. It's crazy. I've needed glasses for distance since I was thirteen, and recently succumbed to bifocals ("old eyes") but apparently the difference between them have gotten so great that I need a prescription in between. I noticed this problem when, with my new bifocals, I couldn't read the computer or piano music. When I went to the optometrist to tell them of my problem, they knew right away. The zany world of trifocals! Now I have to get used to the three at once! I hope my "gettin' older" brain can handle it! This is a picture of a pretty flowering tree between my optometrist's and dentist's offices:

We had the Relief Society birthday celebration this evening. Our ward decided on a service project - we went to visit people at a local nursing home. We were told to bring games or something to serve the people there. Well, Analiese and I have been at that particular one before with the Rabbit Club (because they do service, too), so she suggested I take Alice. That was a hit! It really helped people open up and start conversations. Some ladies played Uno, the sister missionaries sang familiar church songs with some, and I carried Alice about the room. One lady I sat with towards the end of the visit said it was kind of us to take time out of our busy days to be there. Actually, it was nice to stop, slow down, and just have a nice conversation.

Afterwards, we went back to the church for cake and ice cream. Irelia Box is the cake-maker in our ward (she is the one who helped me with Analiese's cupcake party last year) and did a lovely job on the Relief Society birthday cake:
It had an Italian Merengue frosting on it, which I'd never had before. Light and not too sweet. Nice evening!

Friday, March 11, 2016
Today was mainly a get-stuff-done sort of day. The obvious stuff was laundry and lessons. But we went a bit farther. I made some lemon bars to take to the Sperry's (my sick family) tomorrow. And Analiese and I looked up the places we want to visit in OKC, their addresses, hours, and entrance fees (if applicable). Half the excitement of a trip is in the planning, and this was no exception. Boy, will we have a lot to tell you - and pictures to show you - next week!

Weatherman was fairly accurate again. Weather Channel said rain storm should start about 6:45 tonight. About five to seven I heard pitter-pattering outside. Not bad. Do you think they're trying to restore my faith in them? Everyone's right - once in a while!

Analiese and I are mapping out our plans for next week. Where we want to go, addresses, hours, and admission (if any). We've got a full plate and it should be a lot of fun. Ken will be able to be a part of it a little on Tuesday as we head to OKC, but not more than that.

Saturday, March 12, 2016
The kids and I started our morning out at the church building for closet clean-up. Lots of people from all the auxiliaries were there to empty junk out of closets and straighten things up. Mind you, the Seminary closet was in pretty good shape, mainly because I'm in there using it all the time and I have a place for every thing! So, after doing what little needed to be done there, I tackled the library with Jonathan and the missionaries (Analiese was off with the YW and their catastrophe of a closet!). We could only do a little, because I guess the Sunday School is over the library (we don't have a librarian) and the SS President wasn't there. Neither was the bishop, so we had to do a little guessing. My first guess was to eliminate ALL of the video tapes. And there were plenty. One shelf was four rows thick of just copies of old conferences. Considering we can access all of them now online gave me great courage to excise them. After we cleared all of them out (including some old 80's videos), we cleaned up the drawers that held supplies - chalk, crayons, pencils, staplers, etc. A place for everything, and everything in it's place.

Around 11:30 we had a barbecue, with the ward providing burgers and dogs and everyone bringing things. I brought a veggie tray of carrots, celery, broccoli and zucchini along with some hummus and ranch dip. Oh, and a big jug of homemade lemonade made from Mom Carr's California lemons! Yum!

A lot of people kept on working after lunch, but we had to go home and get ready to take Alice to the Sperry's. Also, I had to cut-up and plate my lemon bars for them. Their two boys were very excited to have us come, so much so that one of them came with Sister Sperry to the gate to get us on base. We didn't even see poor Aurora, who is still not doing well. I am worried for her. She just isn't getting better.

After acquainting them with the ins and outs of rabbit-keeping, with some demonstrations on how to pick up and hold a rabbit, how to put on her harness and leash, etc., we left to take Jonathan to work. I'd made another plate of lemon bars to give to the Dosher's, since they'll be hosting Jonathan this next week. George Dosher was working at Walgreens today, so I delivered them to him with an advanced thanks. Considering the warm reception I'd received at the Sperry's and by George, I made the right choice making lemon bars. Both claimed they were a favorite.

Sunday, March 13, 2016
Gray morning with just a little sprinkles. A little chilly, too - I actually wore a sweater!

The Stake Patriarch came today and spoke with our ward. He travels all over the Stake (which I just learned is 200 miles across!) to give blessings. And he's been doing this for over twenty years!

No choir again today, because Sister Sperry isn't completely recovered. Jonathan didn't make it to church, either. He was having allergy problems that kept him up all night, plus a sore throat (which I think it part of the allergies, too).

This afternoon Analiese and I created packing lists. Over these last few weeks, Ken has learned to pack lighter and lighter. I'm hoping to do the same, just basics we need. We keep trying to check on Alice in her cage, but she's not there! Doug Sperry assured me (at the door of the church, his favorite station) that she had spent an unadventful night and was just fine this morning. He said he'd wanted to take her out of her cage, but it was harder than he thought. I told him may it would be better if he had someone else take her out and then hand her to him. Too funny...they are going to have a fun week, too!

1 comment:

  1. Use Vaseline (Petroleum Jelly) for the dry hands. My doctor uses it because of all the hand washing. It really does help with out costing a lot of $.
