Thursday, October 15, 2015


Monday, October 5, 2015
Seminary today was conference review.  We got to know the new apostles a little better and played a trivia game from questions we all gathered this weekend.  My favorite part was seeing them talk animatedly about their favorite talks and quotes.  One of my students was sick for the weekend and didn't see much, but remembered listening to President Monson.  After listening to his talk, she thought, "I need to be nicer to people."  Yay, inspiration!  Also, the other two were so excited with a couple of talks Sunday afternoon that my sickie commented, "Maybe I need to go back and watch those."  I was thrilled!

Today's surprise weather was rain.  When I left for Seminary it was a little drippy, but stayed steady most of the morning.  There were a few drops here and there in the early afternoon, but the sun came out later.  Still, the weather is cooler...and I love it!

I had Family Home Evening lesson tonight, so I used the trivia cards from Seminary this morning to review with my family.  Some of them complained, "But you took notes!"  And what does that teach you?  LOL  In the end, they appreciated the reminders.  Ken thought I should have rewarded them with chocolate for each answer, but I didn't have any in the house (except my very bitter stuff that I use as a reward for me and only Analiese really likes that), so he went across the street to United to get ice cream to eat with our card game.  I was a good girl, I didn't have any!  To be honest, I didn't want any.  I'm not super-big on ice cream and he likes to get the really sweet and chocolately flavors.  I prefer fruit flavors or, at Christmastime, peppermint!

Tuesday - Thursday, October 6-8, 2015
Not sure what to tell you, these were normal days.  Also, since I'm writing about this nearly a week after they occurred, my memory's getting fuzzy.  Suffice it to say it was full of Seminary, homeschooling, driving kids around, etc.

Friday, October 9, 2015
I get home from Seminary usually about 7:50-8:00 a.m.  I get changed and sometimes do a little stretching, yoga, or go for a walk, depending on the weather.  After I changed from my dress, Analiese called me outside.  In the front yard planter was a turtle!  It was about 5 inches long, with a hard, patterned shell. Picking it up freaked it out, and it's little head, arms and legs started thrashing about.  "You're a frisky thing," I thought.  So I called it Frisky. I had no idea what it was doing there, so I took it inside to Ken to show it to him.  The first thing he said was, "Nope, no pet turtles."  I hadn't intended on keeping it...I think.

Well, in the meantime, Frisky got a short stay in the Bolton Family bathtub, next to Alice's cage.  Alice was completely oblivious to her new bathroom-mate.  I had to keep it there.  I needed to know it's needs and, well, I had to leave it there for Jonathan to see when he got home from school in the afternoon!

It's an ornamental box turtle, native to Oklahoma (Google "turtles of oklahoma").
 You can keep it as a pet, though you can't legally sell them.  But they don't thrive in captivity (and I've had enough dead wildlife around here already) so, after finding out it's main diet is insects and after Jonathan got a good look at her (female box turtles have yellow eyes, males have red), Frisky was whisked to the backyard.  Plenty of bugs there - and safer!  Which was a good thing, because a small pack of dogs came roaming through the front yard later in the day - Frisky was safe!  Later on, we couldn't find her in the yard, but I assumed she hid in some leaves or wandered over to the compost pile where a lot of bugs congregate.

BTW, Analiese does NOT like the name Frisky.  She says it's entirely unsuitable for a turtle.  I said she has no sense of humor.

Saturday, October 10, 2015
This afternoon Analiese and I headed to a local business in Altus - The How-To Palace.  It is owned by the gal who ran our homeschool PE group last year and was Jonathan's public speaking prof at WOSC (She's a real go-getter!)  They hold all kinds of crafting and cooking classes here, for adults and kids alike.  Today was Mom & Me crafts - a pretty carte blanche day of whatever we saw there that we wanted to do.

Analiese found a cute cut-out initial A.  She painted it a dark blue, painted lighter blue dots on it, and glued a blue silk flower on it that she'd glitterized.  It turned out great!
 My craft was a copy of something I'd seen before at their booth at the Cotton Pickin' Chili Cookoff.  It was a pallet-art picture of cotton branch and blossoms.  Compositionally, I'm not thrilled with it.  But the cotton looks good, I think!
We'd definitely go again, we had a great time!

Sunday, October 22, 2015
We're walking out the door, heading for church, when Analiese says, "Look, Mom!  Under the pecan tree!"  Sure enough, in the middle of the front yard, under the tree was...a female ornamental box turtle.  Was this the same Frisky I found on Friday?  Amazingly, did it crawl through a hole in the fence and to the front yard?  Does it like pecans?
I quickly scooped it up, ran it through the house (holding away from my dress so it didn't pee on my Sunday clothes) and put it in the backyard (again?).  Because we were running late for church, we didn't get to follow it's antics, but the next turtle I see in my yard is getting a nail-polish mark on it's back so I know who/what it is!

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