Sunday, October 4, 2015


Monday, September 28, 2015
Same old, laundry, figuring out my week.  Shopping takes a twist this week as I figure out special things to make our conference weekend more festive, and as I prepare for a special Seminary on Friday.

In fact, I'm busy enough and tired enough that Family Home Evening tonight is a movie from Redbox (Never fear, skinflints!  We had a code for a free movie)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Ken said Sunday that he wanted to go to the temple today.  So, after making some arrangements for the kids, and after Seminary, we drove up to OKC.  We had lunch - at a Five Guys, no less - and then did a session.

We got home around dinner time and then I left Ken and the kids at home so I could go to the bishop's house for Relief Society Book Club.  They were reading "The Hiding Place," which is a book I've read many, many times.  In fact, Analiese and I had recently read it as we were studying WWII.  I don't know why I do these things, though, because now I'm hosting the October club meeting.  I'm sorry, but I was so excited to suggest the next book.  They wanted something fun and light after the dark subject of this book, so I said, "I've always wanted to read 'The Princess Bride'!"  Everyone's seen the movie, but not read the book.  I guess the idea-maker gets to host the club.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Analiese was in charge of the Young Women's activity for tonight.  She decided to do a "Spa Night."  And asked me to help.  Thank goodness for Pinterest!

She had a lot of activities planned and her leaders weren't sure we'd get it all done, but we did!  They started by making their own sugar scrub and lip gloss to take home.  Those didn't take very long.  Then we played a version of musical chairs, but using nail polish instead.  They'd pass along the different shades of polish to the music and when the music stopped, they had to paint one fingernail that color.  It was actually a lot of fun!

Then they laid on yoga mats on the gym floor, had facial masks painted on, and cucumber slices put on their eyes.  I tell you, their leaders had a great time taking pictures.  The bishop kept coming in to see what they were doing.  He got a kick out of watching them doing silly things.

They ended their night decorating flip flops with fabric strips.  I think they haven't had such a fun time in quite a while.  She sent them home with copies of the "recipes." I told her I was proud of the good job she did.

Thursday, October 1, 2015
It was a fun lesson in Seminary.  We were reading about Joseph in Egypt and interpreting dreams.  There was a little role playing involved, so I decided to do a little dress-up.  Nothing extreme, but enough to make things fun.  I don't know if they were all excited, but it broke up the monotony.

I was supposed to go to lunch with a friend today, but she'd been in a mountain biking accident the day before, so it was no taqueria.  Instead, Analiese and I went to visit her and her daughter with some pizza and companionship.  I get woozy looking at wounds, and her 1 1/2-inch deep wound with ten stitches was disconcerting, to say the least.  But I was glad to help out at least a little.

You can tell fall is in the air.  Things have cooled off considerably, the squirrels are out and about more, the cotton fields are looking fluffy white and...monarch butterflies are everywhere!  Jonathan spotted a bunch in one of our pecan trees.  I see them flying about everywhere!

Friday, October 2, 2015
The day before Conference weekend, and I had a special Seminary planned.  It was all about preparing for conference.  I had found (once again, Thank you, Pinterest!) a FHE lesson about just that.  So...using their example, we built ice cream sundaes to remind us what we need to do to be ready to receive inspiration at conference.  For example, the scoops of ice cream, represented searching, pondering and praying. The kids thought it was great - ice cream for breakfast!  Though I did give a note to the parents, warning them.  Just so they didn't wonder why I was filling their kids with sugar first thing in the morning!

Saturday, October 3, 2015
Conference morning!  In Oklahoma, that means the morning session starts at 11:00 a.m.  It is also Cotton Pickin' Chili Cook-off in the town square.  Last year, we helped with the 4H booth, but it meant missing the morning session and I had to catch up before Seminary on Monday.  Me no likee.  This time, the kids and I went to help set up
for the cook-off, took some photos
, and got home in time to watch all of Saturday's conference.  We help plenty at 4H, I don't feel guilty.

Analiese's 4H Food Science club was there, too, with their chili entry. (The Rabbit Club is mainly about fundraising and games for the kids).  This was their first time and Jonathan (of course) helped them by taste-testing and telling them what their chili and salsa lacked.  LOL

Conference, of course, was wonderful.  We have three new Apostles, since we've lost Elder Packer, Elder Perry, and Elder Scott over the course of the last four months.  I thought I recognized two out of the three new Apostles, but come to find out I had the name of one of them wrong.  Then, the one I thought I didn't know - when I saw his picture - I realized I recognized him!  Oh, well.  None of that matters, really.  We'll all be getting to know them better soon enough!

Sunday, October 4, 2015
Conference was wonderful again, of course.  The only rough part was watching President Monson struggle during his talk.  I didn't realize he wasn't doing well and watching his voice get softer and raspier as he appeared to shrink down was very unsettling.  It made me sad.

This afternoon was the best session so far, in my opinion.  Elder Nelson was great, Elder Bednar was touching, Elder Durrant of the 70 had the most amazing talk on "Ponderizing."  That's a great new word!  Everyone gave me much to think about.

The rest of the day was prepping for Seminary tomorrow.  It will be a General Conference recap (no ice cream this time, though).  I've got a game, an activity, and a discussion planned.  My notes from Conference go along with me!

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