Sunday, December 27, 2015


Monday, December 21, 2015
Shopping was an event of weirdness today.  First, on the way to the store, I get a phone call from a dear friend who is back from BYU-I for the holidays.  So, I had to pull into a parking lot and take his call - 15 minutes, but it's always a pleasure.  It put me behind...a little.

Second, I get to Walmart and realize that I hadn't synced my tablet with Evernote for my grocery list. I am trying to use Evernote more, but I really love the checklist part the best and I can use it on three of my devices.  I type in my list on one and make sure it's synced with the small tablet so I can take it shopping (smaller is better in this instance). Except today, I hadn't.  And no, Walmart does not have least not in Altus, but the Mexican restaurant on the FAR side of the parking lot does.  So I trekked over to the restaurant lot until I got a clear signal and could sync lists.  Then I trekked back.

Third, this did not damper my Christmas spirit. People (especially store employees) have a tendency to be dour during the busy holiday time. I figure it's my job to be smiley, gracious (I let a lot of people go by me and apologize for anyone I may get in the way of), and laugh when I speak. People (of all types, not just the employees) look at me as if I was weird.  C'mon, we've seen much weirder at Walmart!

Of course it didn't help that I spotted the sister missionaries and called out - LOUDLY - "SISTERS!" to which they replied "SISTER BOLTON!" just as loudly. If I hadn't been feeling happy before, I sure would have been now.  They always make me feel good. So we jollily (yes, it's a word - adverb!) chatted a few minutes. They, with the elders, are coming for Christmas Eve.  I can't wait...I love them so much!

4H Rabbit Club had their Christmas Party tonight.  So Analiese, all the cookies and fixin's, and I went to the OSU Extension office. This year it wasn't just the Rabbit Club, but the county youth leaders were there to play games with the others and get to know them better.  I know some of these youth... the twins have helped me at Kids' College and one gal is the daughter of the 4H secretary.

Not surprisingly, I pushed, adults, you name it!

 I think I only came home with about a dozen. It's always a big hit with the kids. There were a couple other crafts, plus some more games, including the infamous Twister!
The kids ran about doing what struck their fancy while the moms all sat at a table, swapping stories and laughing. We're a good group and like each other very much!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Today was Package Day, which - to my kids - is nearly as exciting as Christmas.  See, in California, pretty much everyone was nearby, so we didn't get much in the way of packages in the mail.  Here, it's the upside of being far from friends and family. The Grandparents package came today, as did one from one of my BFFs (yes, more than one, because people love me!). The tree doesn't look quite so bare underneath now!

It was also Dentist Day, which is not at all exciting, at least, not in a positive way. Gal cleaning my teeth said it looked like I was good at keeping it clean (which I am).  Dentist, however, noticed what I call a proto-cavity.  So I gotta go back and get it taken care of in January.  My kids were just fine, which is patently unfair.  I am the most careful and conscientious of my teeth - and I'm the one with the cavity!

The kids finished decorating what few sugar cookies were left from the party last night. We've got quite a growing collection of goodies for Thursday evening!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Another Bake-a-thon today.  Analiese made cookies for her Dad for Christmas, so we started with those, trying to hide them from Dad...not like he couldn't smell them.

Also, I made small loaves of bread - regular, yeast, homemade bread - for the missionaries as gifts. I'll also make some cinnamon honey butter to go with them. Can't afford much, but I think that will be well-received!

Jonathan got called in to work today. He was not happy about that. He's worked two long days, getting off at 12:30 in the morning, and really didn't want to go in, especially since he has to work tomorrow, too. But eventually he caved in and worked five extra hours. 

But it meant that he missed Lance, our RM friend who's back from BYU Idaho for Christmas. Ken missed him, too, because he went to bed early (5:00 a.m. start at Walmart tomorrow). That's okay, Lance likes me well, and Analiese and I talked with him for a while and then told him to go see Jonathan at Walgreens.

Thursday, December 24, 2015
I did NOT want to get up at 6:30 this morning. I had picked up Jonathan from work last night and stayed up to finish a movie from Redbox. I wanted to sleep. But Ken was already gone and Jonathan had to be at Walgreens at 7:00 this morning.  

And the baking/prep continues! Honey butter made, crepes (for tomorrow's breakfast) are on the agenda for the morning, with pepperoni rolls and spinach dip appetizer cups for the afternoon.  The missionaries are due here by 6:00 p.m. I only hope the oven and my Kitchenaide mixer hold out! They will need a vacation after this! HA!

A houseful of missionaries is a very jolly place!  We sat around the dining table in the candlelight, noshing, relating Christmas memories and laughing...a lot!

Everything turned out great, including the FOUR new recipes I tried out (yes, I'm an overachiever).

I really liked the spinach bread cups. But everyone had a favorite. Also, I brought out all the leftover cookies and gift goodies, etc. that we'd been given for our dessert. They went home full...and a little sugar high.

After that (Believe it or not, there's more), we Skyped with my family in California. This year we did ours in front of our Christmas tree, too, so that they could see our decorations as well as us theirs. Hearing is always at a premium, because everyone is so excited. Other than the fact that the kids keep getting older, that livingroom in Norwalk, California still looks the same as all the Christmases I remember!

Friday, December 25, 2015
MERRY CHRISTMAS! To be honest, we started our day pretty low-key because Jonathan is working at Walgreens (selling batteries, we joke) until this afternoon.  Then we will have our family Christmas. The stockings, the tree, all are waiting until we can all be together.

Ken grilled bacon-wrapped filet minon* for dinner tonight.  I made Caesar salad, green beans, and crash potatoes to go with it.

With all the candy & cookies & stuff around the house, I didn't worry about dessert.

For gifts: Ken got socks and a homemade loaf of bread (with cinnamon-honey butter) from me, Analiese made him cookies, and Jonathan bought him some chocolate filled cookies (the thin, rolled-up kind)
. Jonathan got a Marvel trivia game from Analiese, luggage from Mom & Dad (for his mission!)
, a gift card from a Secret Santa, and a book from one of our CA friends (who knows who SHE is). Analiese got Pass the Pigs game from Jonathan, a Hoppy Holidays (Bunny) shirt
and a new winter coat from Mom & Dad, a fun video from CA friend, and some clothes from a Secret Santa. Me, I received a pearl necklace from Jonathan (it was a kit with an oyster in it - but he did the removing and assembling), a scarf & hat that Analiese made in 4H Sewing, and bath salts from Ken.
Plus books and a video from CA friend (does it embarass you that I keep saying that? ROFL).

We had lots of texts, e-mails, and a phone call (Niles in Alaska) with well wishes of the season. Not bad at all.  My favorite part, though, was sitting with my family and discussing what scriptures about the Savior did they like the most. Most amazing was the fact that they all came from the Book of Mormon! And Jonathan led out, knowing immediately what scripture he wanted. That boy is getting ready.  Mom is trying...

*NOTE: Ken wants me to clarify that we just didn't go out to the store and say, "Hey, let's have filet minon for dinner tonight!" Nope, a couple of months ago, a refrigerated truck came to town with a deal on a bunch of beef. Beef prices being what they are, Ken got some and we put it in the freezer, gradually using them for special things (we've mainly become chicken and turkey people). The filet minon cuts were in there, so we saved them for Christmas. We're still poor, just so you know. LOL

Saturday, December 26, 2015
Because Jonathan had to work Christmas morning, we had our special Christmas breakfast this morning. I made strawberry-banana crepes, skillet hashbrowns and bacon with CranCherry and eggnog on the side.  We all slept in a little, so it was more brunchy than breakfasty, but it was very filling.

Due to an impending storm, I used my day to change linens and put on the flannels. Ken & Analiese set about lighting the wall heaters and filling the gas cans for the generator.  Yes, they are expecting a "biggie." Once more, I'll believe it when I see it. 

Ken and Jonathan both headed out for work this afternoon. It had started raining and the day was very gray. Other than taking Jonathan to work, I really wanted nothing more than to stay cozy at home. try my new bath salts out!

Oh, but the wind picked up in the evening! By the time I got Analiese and myself to bed a little before ten, I was a little nervous about it.  Ken was going to pick up Jonathan from work on his way home, but the wind was so strong.  It really rattled the house!

Sunday, December 27, 2015
No church today.  We woke up (all of us home safe!) to a white world.  But it was not was ice!

 And the wind hadn't let up, either. A few small branches were down, but nothing big. All of us slept in, and spent most of our morning being cozy.

Until about 11 a.m., when the power went out and the Bolton's went into action! Bring out the generator, hook up the fridge and the microwave (and the internet, but that was a luxury!). Bummer is, that the ice and wind has knocked over part of our fence.  Actually, it started leaning, and the ice and wind just kept pushing it down, down, down.

Oh, and the front door, bearing the brunt of the storm, is iced SHUT.

Ken had to go around and chisel off the ice so he could get out. Only problem is, he's going to work and it will probably be refrozen by the time he gets off at 11 p.m.

More wonderful news! A civil advisory notice from Altus Emergency Council. The power went out at the pumps at Tom Steed Lake where our water comes from. So we're on water rations, too. Good thing I had Ken get us more drinking water yesterday when he went to work!

The missionaries messaged me this afternoon...they were stuck in their apartments without power ...which also meant without heat. Could they come over in the late afternoon/evening to bask in our heat and use our microwave? So, about 5:30, all four showed up, so cold, to sit in our dining room (where one wall heater resides) to drink cocoa, play games, and keep warm. I have offered my floors in the warm areas if they feel the need to sleep here.  

If they do, though, they could be stuck a while. Because more great weather is on it's way...a BLIZZARD! I intend to sleep through it and only face it's aftereffects in the morning!

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Monday, December 14, 2015
While I think the trees look sad and ugly when they lose their leaves, they can also be interesting. For one, you can see clearly all the birds' nests that were built in the trees from the year.  There is a tree in front of United Grocery that, while not large, houses nine nests!  The other fascinating thing is the shadows and forms that they make under street lights at night. And I love to see the ice formations on them after a storm.  So they're not entirely bad.

Today was a yo-yo day.  Go to Seminary, come home. Go shopping, come home.  Pick up Jonathan, go home.  Take him to work, go home. Go to the bank & gas station, go home.  It's dizzying. But there's a lot to be done, especially this time of year.

Analiese and I tried out a new treat recipe we're sending to the California family for Christmas. Now I won't give particulars, but it involves pecans (I've gotta do something with them!). was quite yummy.  Lucky family!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Seminary today was a review/preview of the Assessment they take tomorrow. It was nice, because I didn't have a big lesson to study for and the kids were glad to be able to go over what is expected of them tomorrow.  Which means I don't have to study for tomorrow, either.  But I do have to get ready for Thursday, which is the Seminary Christmas Family Breakfast. That involves some planning.

The Relief Society Book Club had a Christmas party tonight.  We each brought a wrapped book (new or used) to swap in a fun game.  I took "Mere Christianity," my worn copy full of notes and highlights.  Don't worry, I have a digital copy that I can still make notations on!  It was the only non-fiction and I worried a little that anyone would care about it...but they all thought it was marvelous, even including the notes!

I received a sweet book called "Amish Christmas," one of those light, feel-good books.  I like to read them from time to time when I want something quick, light, and uplifting. Goodness knows I read plenty of other stuff!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Assessment Day at Seminary!  It went well...and quickly.  They were all done in about half an hour and the rest of the time we went over their answers and graded them.  Not one of them missed more than one or two answers.  Will, our newest student, discovered that there's nothing to fear from them!

It was a good thing it all went well and swiftly because Ken is working this morning at Walmart and I had to take Jonathan to school.  Being late was not an option! One of my students kept me on track, though, giving me a ten-minute warning before it was time to go.  That way I could get her to school and pick up Jonathan and deliver him to his class at the airport before 8 a.m.!

I made a bunch more sugar cookies today.  This time, I glazed them.  Why?  Because glazing hardens and it ships better than frosting.  It looks cool, too!  I'd purchased some food color gel in green and red for better color and it looked great!

Tonight, after taking Analiese to Mutual, Ken and I visited Rosa (and Nasly) Maldonado and the Hargrave family.  See, Ken said that the people I am shipping sugar cookies to (not saying, in case they're reading) would not eat three dozen cookies.  This is astounding to me only in that I probably would.  I am a cookie monster.  So, I only put a dozen in that box and plated the rest to send to my VT sister and Ken's HT family.  See, the Carbohydrate Devil still lives...just in OK instead of CA. And her modus operandi is to bake a bunch and give it away (mainly so she won't eat it).

Thursday, December 17, 2015
This was the last day of Seminary for the year.  We'll start up again after New Year's. So, we had a Family Christmas Breakfast.  The bishopric provided the breakfast, and I supplied the program. I gave the kids each a scripture from the Old Testament with a title for Jesus Christ in it. They were to read the scripture, study the footnotes and Bible Dictionary, and talk about how Christ fulfilled his mission and his title.  Two of my students did as expected.  But one really surprised me with her insightful comments; I could really tell she'd thought about it.  The Spirit was so strong and I am very proud of her.  I know she sometimes feels like she doesn't measure up and has a small testimony, but she's come a long way and today proved it!

I am a slow learner.  Call it humility, but I still don't believe that people really read my blog. Apparently not only do family and friends, but ward members here do, too.  Because my blog that mentioned the ward party tipped one of my Seminary families on what to get me for Christmas. I had mentioned that I "coveted" a certain Willowtree Nativity.  Guess what I got?  So I would, in the family's words, not need to covet any more.  When I saw it, I just cried.  They are a special family to me (well, all of my students are, it's crazy how fond I am of them), and when they move next year I will be sad. I have a very precious reminder of them. The only problem with it, though, it that I had to try and make room on the top of my piano for it.  Nativity Row has a new family.

After dropping off Jonathan at school, coming back to finish cleaning up the church from breakfast, and going home to change, I went back AGAIN to the church to work on a musical number with one of my students.  We are singing a duet this Sunday - a combination of "Silent Night" and "O Holy Night."  She sounds lovely (the high part) and covers up a lot of my breathing and mistakes (the low part).  Still, I think it will be nice on Sunday.

The rest of the day was busy getting my packages ready to ship tomorrow.  One more batch of candy (not saying - spoilers!) and finishing a sewing project, wrapping, and printing shipping labels.  And it's done.  Hooray!

Friday, December 18, 2015
On the way home from taking Jonathan to school (Seminary is out till after New Years'), I spotted the General Lee. It was sporting two flags - US & Confederate (confused?) - streaming life-size from poles attached to each side. I really don't think this fella's an Oklahoman, because we have a tenous hold on the South here.  We're kind of the red-headed step-child and really don't care about it. Plus, you've lived in Altus long enough, you can recognize most of the stand-out cars in town. For example, the Pizza Hut manager's black, red & silver ride with the fancy rims or the Barbie VW in bright pink with eyelashes on the headlights or the black pick up with the Flowers-and-Peace wrap on it's doors. Still, I wonder, does this GL play "Dixie"?

Thank heavens for Click & Ship at USPS!  Analiese couldn't wrap her head around it.  "No, I do not need to take the packages to the Post Office!  They pick them up here!" One less thing to do around here.  I am glad!

The VERY LAST batch of sugar cookie dough for the year 2015 was made today. Tomorrow we bake them for the 4H Rockin' Rabbit Club party on Monday. I am heartily tired of rolling out cookies.  I don't think I've ever made so many in one season.

Tonight was a calm, quiet evening, with the family watching "The Santa Clause" together.  Not going anywhere.  No working on projects. Just sitting down.  Ahhhh!

Saturday, December 19, 2015
Another yo-yoish day. Take Analiese to 4H Food Science. Come home and prep for afternoon cookie baking.  Take Jonathan to work.  Pick up Analiese from 4H.  I have no desire to go out this evening. Call me a homebody, I don't care!

Michelle and Charissa Dosher came over this afternoon to help us roll and bake cookies. Charissa has been obsessed with my cookies since the 4H party.  She likes to bake, so I invited her to come over and learn to do cut cookies with me.  I realized today that I know of four ways to deal with sugar cookie dough - 1. Bake & Frost, 2. Bake & Glaze, 3. Paint & Bake, 4. Jelly-filled.  And I've done 3 out of the four in the two weeks!

We all had fun.  They brought a couple of extra rolling pins and we all went to town. I have a LOT (no understatement) of cookie cutters, so they got to try them all out. We had flour and dough all over the place and by the time we were done...121 cookies! "We nearly have a gross!" I said. "Oooo!  Our cookies are gross!"  We enjoy getting together, too bad we don't do it more.  The boys do it much more often.

Sunday, December 20, 2015
Since we had our "official" Christmas program last Sunday, this Sunday was a bit more traditional. We had two speakers...and a special musical number.

Yep, me.  And one of my Seminary students.  She sang the high parts.  We did a "Silent Night" & "O Holy Night" medley (see Thursday). She covered a bit of my flaws and had a nice solo bit.  I don't mind singing if I don't have to do it alone.  Thankfully, there are few alto solos!

Relief Society ended up being very sweet today.  We were few in number, but the teacher had us come up to the front in turn and everyone said nice things about that person.  It ended taking up most of the time and she almost didn't get to make her point, but none of us cared much because it had brought such a special, sweet spirit into the room.  Last of all, she put a picture of Christ on the chair and asked us to all say what He meant to us.  That really was the topper, as many of us tearfully testified of His life and mission.  It was a perfect lesson, really!

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Monday, December 7, 2015
My favorite thing about Christmas is the music - especially the sacred music.  As a young girl, I learned to recognize the Holy Ghost - from music.  And nothing brings the Spirit faster than music.
Over the years I have compiled many that I love and I have to share two new favorites.

The first is from last year.  See, I listen to music on the Mormon Channel every morning as I set up Seminary and they start playing as early as November.  Well, I ran across a piece from the MoTab with David Archuleta, "The Cat and Mouse Carol." Here's the video:

Now, the new one I discovered this past week.  It, too, comes from the MoTab. It is from a 2009 Christmas Concert with Brian Stokes Mitchell.  It is sweet, charming, adorable..."The Friendly Beasts."
Isn't his voice marvelous?  He's so flexible and talented.  I was seriously impressed...and touched.

Today Ken & I headed to Lawton (leaving Analiese to do her work alone) so that he could go give platelets.  I guess he has a high platelet count (300?), and they like that.  It took two hours, so I went along to do some shopping - Hobby Lobby, Sam's Club, and Staples (for my desk calendar that I put on my wall - I like the big squares for family scheduling).

We got done in time to grab a quick bite to eat and drive home and pick up Jonathan from the airport. Ken was tired (I guess giving platelets is draining), so he slept and I took Jonathan to work. That meant no FHE tonight...hopefully we can do it tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Seminary was a jolly place today, I don't know why.  We were just awake and happy. Talking about distractions (and Analiese and squirrels), Megan said she knew my "squirrel" - Star Wars was coming!  Yes, I got distracted and made mention of squirrels with Vader helmets holding light sabers. After coming back to myself, I continued the lesson.  And she drew my squirrel and gave it to me!   She has a funny sense of humor, as pointed out when I asked her to sign her work. I call those her art "asides."

 I had to laugh.

Grocery shopping came today.  Analiese went with me because she needed something from Dollar Tree for the YM/YW white elephant gift exchange and party next week. We had a fun time giggling around Walmart at the funny (or so we thought) things we saw. People looked at us strangely.  Sorry! We are happy people!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
The weather is very nice right now.  It's like we had a week of winter just after Thanksgiving, and now we're back to fall.  The day temps have been running in the upper sixties and lower seventies.  I don't even need a sweater for that!

I was by myself this evening, kind of a bittersweet thing.  Ken and Jonathan were at work and Analiese was at a Young Women's activity.  I'd like to say I was really productive, but I was tired and had a headache, so basically, I did dishes and vegged.

Thursday, December 10, 2015
I was going to make cookies yesterday, but the day just didn't let me.  So I had to make them this morning.  After all, the RS Christmas party was tonight and I needed a plate for the goodie swap!

So, in between working with Analiese on her lessons, I rolled and cut stars and filled three dozen cookies with red (raspberry) and green (apple mint) jelly.  They were beautiful to look at and very festive.
 And no, I didn't eat a single one of them!

The party was so much fun!  We have such a great group of ladies!  We played "Dirty/Mean Santa," where you choose a plate of goodies and someone can steal them from you and you have to choose again.  We had a limit of stealing - only three times - and let me tell you, my cookies made all three rounds!  The sister who ended up with my cookies did parcel some out.  After all, three dozen is A LOT.

We also had this hilarious game where we had to take some balloons, blow them up, and stuff them into both legs of a pair of panty hose.  We were in teams, and the team who got theirs done first won! Then, they had to put it on their head like a set of reindeer antlers on steroids.  It was so funny, especially when the sister missionaries put them on their heads.
 What a crack up!

Friday, December 11, 2015
Ken has the day off today and tomorrow, so we spent the day getting stuff done.  More work getting rooms put back together (Ken got the fan blades back on the ceiling fans in the dining room) and normal stuff, like lessons and laundry.

Also, I'm doing a little data entry to earn a bit of money to support our dwindling bank account.  I may also (cringe) be looking for a job.  How I'm going to do it all, I'm not sure.  I'm not great at it right now.

Jonathan went this evening to a Hannukah party (he's got an eclectic mix of friends right now, but it's kind of cool), Ken and Analiese went to help decorate the 4H float for the city Christmas parade tomorrow,

and I stayed home to cook dinner.

Plus...I PROMISED Analiese that we would put up Christmas decorations tonight.  With the house repairs and painting, I've been putting it off...much to her disgust.  So we turned on Pandora to Christmas music and set everything up. Our modest tree was lovely with lights, ornaments and my crocheted garland.

I put my beloved, breakable, handpainted by Yours Truly Nativity on the cherrywood buffet.
Analiese had made a little gingerbread village at YW Wednesday, so that went on the demilune with my wooden gingerbread people.
 Analiese calls the piano top and the bookcase "Nativity Row" because all the rest of my nativity collections went there.

 The fireplace has the rest of my things...the cutesy stuff, including my (inadverdant) snowman collection.

But at least it's done and she can quit bugging me!

Saturday, December 12, 2015
This morning began with helping to clean the church building.  I had made it my personal mission to clean all the chalkboards.  They get used a lot (especially in the Seminary room) and most erasers are pretty lousy, so they need it after a while or are covered with "ghosts" that make it hard to read anything new on the board. I made up my own personal (ok, Pinterest) solution of water and white vinegar and took some rags and went to town.  They all look much better - not like new, but at least a whole lot improved!

The missionaries are coming to dinner tonight - a last minute invitation - so after dropping Jonathan off at Walgreens (you can't believe how confusing it gets with Walmart & Walgreens on our tongues constantly!), I went to pick up a few items to augment dinner.  I'm going to make brownie sundaes for dessert - with Braum's peppermint ice cream. So the house smells great right now.  First, brownies; second, rolls.  T'is the season to make people fat! ROFL!  To make them like me!

Sunday, December 13, 2015
Today was our ward's Christmas program.  I know, it's a little early, but the bishop is leaving town the end of this week and wanted to be here for the program.  So, we had it today.

The choir did well, I felt.  We sang "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" and "Guard Him, Joseph," a song written by Sally DeFord.  It's sweet, like a lullaby.  But for all we did, the Primary kids overshadowed us by doing "Stars Were Gleaming" and using handbells.  It was darling.

Ken had to work this morning, so he missed out on all the fun. And he'll come home and probably sleep.  In the meantime, I had to take Jonathan to meet with the bishop (Mission stuff - ah!) and Analiese to a fireside. I may be alone again a bit for the evening.  Maybe it's time to watch "A Christmas Carol"!

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Monday, November 30, 2015
Drag us all back to Seminary - break is over.  Lucky for my students, I brought cookies! (Part of the lesson) That, and another fun activity, woke them up enough to start off our week.

Coming home, I saw that, not only did we lose two branches off the front yard tree, but that two more are tearing off.  They are still pretty sturdy, because I couldn't pull them down from where they were dangling.  But the next storm will probably be the end of them.  Poor trees!

Family Home Evening tonight was renting a movie from Redbox (Ken) - Inside Out. Believe it or not, I got a little emotional - what are you doing making a movie about emotions??!!??  But it did prompt some interesting discussions about what the purpose of emotions was.  And, no, we can't just watch a movie and enjoy it.  We have to take it apart!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Frosty morning, the ground is covered.  The ice is pretty much gone, though, with only small spots in shady areas.  Chuckie the Church Rabbit (the cottontail) jetted across the front lawn of the church over to the field that wraps around one side and the back of the building.  I wasn't going to touch him!

I brought our little tree back to Seminary this morning (had to seriously hunt for it in the garage yesterday afternoon), but didn't really get to set it up.  I had too much stuff to prep for my lesson.  No cookies today, sorry kids!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Another Seminary morning with goodies - again, part of the lesson.  This time it was chocolate-covered marshmallow snowmen.  One of my students loves marshmallows.

Analiese had Young Women in Excellence program tonight.  She received her knowledge ribbon and certificate.
She used her rabbit training as her value project.  It was a very short program, with only four girls. I think it didn't go past eight o'clock.

Thursday, December 3, 2015
I find the frost in the morning fascinating.  It rims everything in white lace. I took a picture of this big leaf on my lawn.
 I'm not even sure what tree it came from; I don't recognize it.

Ken and I did our Christmas shopping at Walmart today. It was a special discount day for employees, so we could afford some things for the kids.  Nothing fancy, mind, though I got a few treats for the stockings, but things they need.  We went early enough so we could come home and Ken could get changed and turn around and go back and work.

Analiese allowed me to cut her bangs today.  No more than that, but then, I don't trust myself more than that either!  I asked her if she wanted me to make an appointment for her to get all of her hair cut, but nope, she wants to grow her hair long.  All the other girls in YW have long hair, so I guess she does, too.  She thinks the bobs (which are so cute on her) are too little girlish.  We'll see how this works, she's not the best at hair grooming.

Friday, December 4, 2015
I warmed up the house this morning with the toasty (and wonderfully smelling) oven as I made rolls for the Ward Christmas party tonight.

Jonathan didn't go with us tonight; he had a headache.  Ken was at work.  So it was me and Analiese. Mind, she abandoned me for Becca Sherlock the minute we got there.  So I sat at a table with the Sperrys and the Barrons.  Megan Sherlock was there, too, sitting next to Aurora.  I sat next to Will, so I basically shared the party with my Seminary students!

Dinner was ham and turkey, with all sorts of potato dishes, salads, veggies, desserts and drinks (I stuck with water).  I had a lovely salad with pomegranate seeds, pear, feta, and candied pecans that had a homemade dressing.  Oh, and my rolls.

The decorations were fun - they put gingerbread house kits on every table and everyone could decorate them.  I found our construction funny - between Dawn Barron and Aurora and Megan, they were a creative crack up - making an Arrendale cookie castle with Elsa and Anna in front.

The Santa they had for the kids was amazing!  He wasn't Santa - He was Father Christmas!  He had on fancy robes, a holly wreath, and a staff carved with a pinecone on top.  He was beautiful!  I didn't get a good picture of him because the kids swarmed him,
but he was just lovely.

Then, they smartly put the kids in one room with crafts and movies, while the adults could go in the other room to look at a Nativity display and scavenger hunt.  How?  They took up close pictures of the Nativities and put pictures on papers for people to go around the room and try to identify.  I supplied eight nativities (Yes, I have that many.  Actually, more, but my good big set stayed safely at home). There were some really nice ones.  My favorite one was the nesting dolls,
though I did (and have for many years) covet the Willowtree set.

This was a very nice, well planned party.  The bishop was well involved, and loving every minute of it!  And we had several visitors, including a missionary who'd returned home and was visiting OK with his family.

Saturday, December 5, 2015
My wifi was down most of yesterday afternoon, so I spent all morning working on Seminary stuff for the next week.  Ken took Jonathan to work and Analiese to 4H Food Science Club for me.

In the afternoon, Analiese and I went to one of her YW leader's homes for a cookie-and-cocoa open house.  It was kind of nice to sit down and decorate a few sugar cookies without having had to first make them.
 Don't worry, my time for that is coming fast!

Okay, I have to mention this, because the whole town is a-buzz.  Remember, this is a small community (well, there are smaller around here, but still) and not always much in the way of excitement.  That ended this week (for a while) as the Altus High School football team (the Bulldogs) went to state. One of my Seminary students could speak of nothing else this week. Bulldog flags fly at businesses and homes all around, cars are decorated with Bulldog encouragement and, at the high school, the campus is covered with posters and signs. The city had a big send-off ceremony for the team yesterday and a local shop had a poster-making event for those heading to OKC for the game.

Cuz - yes - a good chunk of the town headed out to the City this morning. There were buses the school provided for students who wanted to go, but many people drove themselves for the big game. I figured Altus might have been a ghost town, but it really wasn't.

How'd they do?  Well, here's the stats, as I've been told.  They were 12:1, with their opponents at 8:5. Altus last went to State 13 years ago and last won a State Championship in 1971. You see why everyone's salivating? Well, apparently, they CREAMED the other team.
It's a wonder there wasn't a ticker-tape parade for their homecoming.  It's all over the Altus FB pages. You should see the humongous trophy they have - the golden football on the top looks life-sized! There's going to be a lot of noise around here for the next week or so.

Me, I grew up in a larger community, with many high schools around.  I might have cared (a little) if my school went to state (I think our girls' volleyball did while I was there), but the whole community? It's certainly been an interesting experience here.

Sunday, December 6, 2015
I did something new in church today. I played a descant of "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" as I sat next to the organist.  He only asked me to do it as I came into the chapel this morning. But it wasn't difficult as I used my left hand on the top keyboard.

Choir was early this evening so that we could get get home on time for the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. For me, the Christmas season doesn't really start without the Devotional.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving, et. al.

Monday, November 23, 2015
The day was spent doing food prep for Thanksgiving - tomorrow.  Getting home from Seminary, I started laundry, pulled out the pie crusts to thaw. Ran grocery shopping (early), came home to put pizza in the oven (our lunch), thawing rolls, made jello salad (with cherries, cream cheese and pecans), and got the pumpkin pie and put it in the oven. When it came out, the pecan pie went in. When THAT came out, the rolls went in.  And laundry was in between all that.

Ken came home at noon and, with Brother Whardo, put up the ceiling trim, with Analiese helping while I was doing all the stuff in the kitchen. Ken took me to dinner tonight (leaving the kids with leftovers for dinner) and some "supposed" Christmas shopping. Then it was time to go home and put out bread to dry and chop onion and celery for stuffing for tomorrow.  Ken worked on making sure the turkey would be defrosted by tomorrow.

So, besides the turkey (and the gravy that follows), I'll have the potatoes, stuffing and veggies to do tomorrow.  Really not that bad.  But boy am I tired today!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015
We were all a little distracted in Seminary. I think that we were all thinking of the next few days off...and the sleeping in we get to do!  We didn't get through the whole lesson, though we did get through the most important points.

Too, I had a lot to do when I got home.  Getting stuffing ready, potatoes ready, and, of course, the turkey. Analiese had the chance to learn how to clean and prep a turkey.  She got to baste the turkey with the butter and ginger. She did her traditional responsibility of breaking bread for stuffing.

Dinner was done and the table set right on time.

 So were our guests, the four missionaries. They were very satisfied with their meal. The sister missionaries were cute as anything, gushing about the food.

 The elders had their own way of showing eating heartily.

Jonathan had to work for the first time and didn't make it to dinner, but came home to eat later.  I didn't realize, and it really hit me...this may be his last Thanksgiving with us for a couple of years.  It hit my heart. I wasn't ready to think about it and it made me a little emotional.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Today was pretty much a day of resting from the last two days.  I vegged a lot.  Some I couldn't help. Poor Analiese was sick with a flu bug.  She was ill all through the night and today, running a fever, being nauseous, and being all worn out.

Well, I did wash my linens from yesterday and swapped out bathroom towels.  But other than running over to the store in the morning (for ginger ale and crackers for Analiese) and Little Caesar's later for pizza (I wonder why I didn't want to cook dinner?), that was about it.

The sister missionaries came over for a drink of water and a short rest in the afternoon.  They were still gushing about yesterday's dinner.  They are so cute!

Thursday, November 26, 2015
Analiese is doing better, but still is feeling a bit tired and doesn't feeling like eating much.  We were going to go out to a buffet for an early meal, but decided against it.

Besides, the weather has come in to town for Thanksgiving.  Mainly rain and wind right now, but the temperatures are dropping and we will probably see ice outside by morning.  There's an ice storm watch through Saturday.

We did watch a couple of our traditional Thanksgiving programs - A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and the Allstate Fried Turkey commerical with William Shatner (yes, we always have to watch it - "Dingle Dangle"). We also rented Jurassic World from the Red Box on the corner.  Today is a day for staying in and staying warm!

Friday, November 27, 2015
The weather has yet to decide what it is going to do.  It has basically drizzle-rained all night and morning and put out a little ice around noon.  It is cold...not expected to get over 32 degrees today.

So we're staying in and cozy - except Ken, who has to work.  It's a day for arranging Seminary stuff and cracking pecans in front of the tv.  Right now, Analiese has turned on the Christmas music on Pandora while she watches the rain out the window.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

No, friends, that is not snow outside.  It's ice!  And it is not my friend!  Slippy-slidey, it took down a branch from my front yard tree
and encased my husband's car.  Plus, it's still dripping outside, so it just makes everything slicker and wetter!

Jonathan had to be to work by ten, so - instead of letting him walk through the slush and ice and cold - Momma had compassion and drove him...slowly.  I become that little old lady everyone hates to drive behind. All of my California driving confidence - gone!

The streets told the story.  Slushy mush sat on the sides of the road, sometimes in between lanes or tires. Main and Broadway were pretty clear, but then, they are highways and get a lot of traffic. There were a few cars on the road, but mainly I saw city trucks addressing power line and tree issues.  I even heard/saw an ambulance.  Not exactly jaunting weather. Jonathan figures it's going to be a slow and quiet day at Walgreens today.

Analiese spent the majority of our day huddled inside, keeping warm and dry.  We made cookies for my Seminary class (some set aside, most stayed home) and danced and sang to Christmas music. Analiese makes a party with her wherever and whenever!

Sunday, November 29, 2015
It's a little drizzly this morning, just a little bit cold, but not bad, really.  Though, I did wear my coat to church!

It was a lovely meeting, very spiritual, as usual.  The third hour we were all together to talk about the ward mission plan and to see the new Church campaign for Christmas.  Here it is if you haven't seen it:
I love one little boy in Africa in the video.  He is so earnest...there is a light shining in his eyes.  He knows - and rejoices - in Christ.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Monday, November 16, 2015
Grey day today.  Misting most of the day, but I'm not very cold.  Mainly because I am busy cleaning the dining room up and getting it ready for paint.  A dear sister in my ward came to help.  She has several rental houses and is a pro at prep and painting.  I was glad for her expertise!

My shopping foray took a new twist today.  Besides groceries, I was going to buy paint for the dining room.  Well, the ceiling paint was there, but their color computer was dead and I couldn't get the wall color.  I ended up having to make another trip - to Sherman Williams.  I actually got a lighter green for the walls (funnily enough called "celery") than the Wal-mart shade.  Not as yellow.  A little more pricey (though they had an online coupon that took 30% off!), but at least we'll be able to paint!

Because tomorrow is Paint Party Day!  Tonight's FHE was cleaning walls and prepping. Ken stayed up painting the ceiling.  I see a light at the end of the tunnel!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Today was Will's birthday, so when he came into Seminary I had a cupcake and a journal waiting for him.  His grandparents are in town for his birthday and for his ordination to a teacher.  He was happy to get his "rabbit" cupcake.

Analiese and I started on the living room around 9:30.  She started painting in from the bottom and I worked the corners, doorframes, and window sills.  A sister from the ward came to help today (a different one from yesterday) and took Analiese's place. Analiese went to watch her young son in the living room (Thank goodness for Netflix). By the time we got to rolling the walls, Ken came home and said, "You're not done yet?" But all the prep painting took the time. Rolling goes fast!

And by the afternoon, with Ken's help, it was done!  The sister missionaries came later and helped me clean the floors in the bathroom and laundry room (Magic Eraser gets out scuff marks beautifully!) and remove tape from the ceilings. My knee was terribly swollen and painful from last night's work, so I was glad for their help!  I may be a little stiff tomorrow, too.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
It is official - my son has a job.  Me (under my breath): "Finally!"  He had an interview with Walgreens this afternoon (where his friend Sarah, his friend Geordi, and Geordi's dad work).  They pretty much hired him on the spot, pending a drug test.  No worries, there!

He's to get back with them Tuesday and yes, during the craziest consumer time of the year, he's going to be learning and training on the job.  What, I don't know.  Most likely they'll have him start stocking.  And he'll work after school, 3:00 - 11:00 p.m.  Tranportation, you ask?  He's going to walk it, unless the weather's bad.  Then Ken & I will have to flip a coin.  I may "lose" more often than not, if Ken's working, too.  Ah, well, I wanted him to have a job!

Thursday, November 19, 2015
So windy and cold out there!  I looked at the sky and said, "Hey, I haven't had enough fall yet.  No winter for a while!" But I don't think it hears me.  I know that by next week, our nights will have freezing temperatures.  No snow expected until the first of December, though.

So, working on clean up and touch up painting, guess who steps in it and makes the mess?  Not the kids, but the Clutzy Mom! I ended up with paint on my only pair of jeans, on the bottom of my Crocs, and the carpet.  I managed to get most of the paint out of the carpet. But...argh!  Why do I do this?

Rabbit Club was tonight. The leader handed me more cookie decorating stuff.  I'm the official Sugar Cookie Maker of the Rabbit Club. For the past two years I've made them for the Christmas party.  It's part craft, part dessert, and the kids love it!

Friday, November 20, 2015
No lessons for Analiese today.  Nope.  Today is work day.  We are cleaning up the dining room (in particular, though I have given her a few other tasks outside this room) to get it in shape to feed ourselves and four missionaries on Tuesday for our early Thanksgiving.

I'm not sure what was the most difficult: dusting and cleaning the rough stone fireplace (everything sticks) or scraping paint and filler stuff and scrubbing scuff marks off of the floor.  None of it is fun. All of it takes time and more than a few aches and pains.

So...Analiese and I took off after lunch to visit the Museum of the Western Prairie right smack dab in the middle of town (south of the Reservoir).
 We hadn't ever been, though we've wanted to go, and Analiese needed to go to a museum for YW Personal Progress.  It was a pretty cool museum, actually, with lots of old-timey stuff,
photos, and even a very (very) old film of Teddy Roosevelt on a prairie wolf (read: coyote) hunt in SW Oklahoma.  Of course, there was a lot of local history, with ranching and farming.

 It went all the way through to today, with a spot commemorating the town's relationship with the Air Force.
 Outside they had a dugout recreated (not comfy for tall people or claustrophobics)
and are in the process of rebuilding an old ranch home.
The barn had farming and harvesting equipment, including a windmill.
 That was my favorite.

At the end was a small art gallery.  Now, Frederick Remington is NOT from Oklahoma, but he's well-loved here.
 There's a huge statue of his in front of the county courthouse, and this museum had several reproductions of his.
 My favorite (of course) was of an Indian (Native American, etc.) on a horse, leaping over a buffalo!
 A lady working there guided us thoroughly through the gallery and part of the museum.  We really enjoyed it.  But then, we kinda like history.

Saturday, November 21, 2015
Brrrr!  This morning was cold!  "Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...!" We had quite the wind storm last night (starting around 11) and it blew in from the artic.  The weather said it was 42, but felt like 36!  I believe it!  The whole time it was gusting last night, I could only keep thinking, "No more falling trees, please." We don't have any more dead trees on our property, but our neighbors surrrounding us do!

On days like today, baking and working in the kitchen is more pleasure than chore.  Even doing dishes means warm hands.  Tomorrow after church is the Linger Longer dinner, so I'm baking a zucchini-pineapple cake.  Think carrot cake, but with zucchini instead.  On top of that, I was cooking some chicken to shred for dinner tonight (baked chicken flautas).

The dining room, though not complete (we still need to put up the ceiling trim, but it'll have to wait), is now clean.  Ken and Jonathan moved the china cabinet and put the area rug, dining table, and chairs back into place.  I think we can have our nice Thanksgiving least around the table!  By the way, everything is (carefully) stowed in the laundry room until we can get at them.

Sunday, November 22, 2015
Well, my cake was demolished at the Linger Longer. A lot of people wondered if it was carrot cake. Nope.  Green flecks, not orange.

And, boy, is December going to be busy! The announcements at church seemed endless. Plus, speaking with my VT companion, we want to get our visits done by the first week or so of the month, because after that, things get hairy!

We're warming up in choir.  We'll be doing our big program on the 13th, because the bishop is going out of town.  He wants me to move my Seminary Christmas breakfast up a day, because he's leaving the next day.  Only snag is that my next inservice is that day.  Well, I could probably get out of it. For the bishop.