Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Monday, June 23, 2014
Ken & the kids were up by 3:30 this morning getting ready to leave to go to Elk City to catch the Greyhound bus.  I was up, too, not because I particularly wanted to or because they were noisy.  Instead, I was up because a spectacular thunderstorm was going on that I couldn't sleep through.  But at least it meant I could see the kids off.  I was able to go back to bed and get a few more hours of sleep, though.

Upon awakening, I had a message from Jonathan.  Apparently, the bus was to leave at 8:00 a.m., not 6:00.  Now, this was my mistake, but I'll tell you now, my eyes are getting old and the print on the itinerary is tiny.  Eights, sixes, and nines look an awful lot alike; I especially have a hard time with them on the computer.  So none of the three was very happy with me.  But it was helpful, in a way.  Ken couldn't have taken them so late and I would have been rushing back to do stuff I needed here.  Plus, as Ken said, they would have missed out on the lightning storm as they drove and it was (I hear) really cool.

The kids got on the bus all right, with Jonathan texting me updates as needed.  The house was eerily quiet as I got ready for my morning stuff.  About 10:00, Brother Sturges, the Regional Director of Seminaries and Institutes, came by to give me a little orientation.  That included a stack of books, videos and binders.  If you wonder what I'll be doing with my kids gone...it'll be studying for Seminary.  On top of that, I'll have a big training, with teachers from all of Western Oklahoma, in August.  It's a big, somewhat intimidating job.  The church does not take Seminary lightly.

After that, I had to zip over to Walmart and get supplies for my creative writing class that afternoon at the college.  I grabbed a bite to eat and headed over to WOSC.  My class is three-hours long, with a snack break in the middle, and runs through Thursday.  The classroom is really cool; the college is very high tech!  I have a Smartboard, which functions as a screen, an electric whiteboard and a computer monitor.  Also, the overhead projector projects right onto it.  Awesome!  I could get used to that.

I have four students in the class: two teenage girls and two girls around 11, I'd say.  One is the granddaughter of a sister in our ward and is friends with Analiese.  We also have a "kid wrangler," a teen who sits with the class, fetches things as needed, and escorts the students to and from class and snack time.  Today's wrangler was a young man named Noah, who seemed to entertain the girls as much as anything else.

It was a good class.  They had fun and were excited to be learning about being creative and expressing it through writing.  I showed them a video, we talked about parts of speech and did exercises, and ended by decorating composition books to be journals.  Already they are asking if I'll teach this next year and were even excited that I gave them a "homework" assignment (writing in their journal).

My busy day wasn't over.  I went home, got changed, went to water aerobics, came home, got changed, went grocery shopping with Ken.  I am tired and my feet ache something awful!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
I had told Jonathan last night to let me know when they have their big layover and bus transfer in Phoenix at 3:30 in the morning.  So, I got woken up then.  I couldn't go back to sleep until I knew they were on the road again, so I figured I'd get up, have breakfast and do a little work and then go back to bed after hearing from Jonathan.

Today is Nasly's birthday.  After class, I'm going to take her to dinner.  I had promised her an "American" birthday cake so I got this fancy cake mix and am baking carrot cake...at four in the morning.  At least it smells good.  On top of that, I started reading through the Gospel Teaching and Learning book for Seminary teachers.  I'm not sure how much retention I'll have this time of morning, but we'll see.  As it is, I am already struck with how much trust the Lord puts in the Seminary teachers to live worthy to have the Spirit and help guide the students to have a testimony of Christ and His Atonement.  It's hard to feel like I'm worthy and capable enough of that great a responsibility.  I know I always felt my Seminary teachers were so spiritual and knowledgeable; as a teacher now I don't feel that way about myself at all!  It's a lot to live up to!  This is going to be a very humbling experience, I can tell.

Second day of class at WOSC was all about story-writing.  The bad thing about this is...I could take a month and it might be enough to cover the subject.  So we went over some basics (plot, setting, characters) and I gave them a bunch of handouts they could take home and work on over the summer.  Not because they have to...but because they WANT to!

In the middle of class, I get a text from Jonathan...and then one from my Dad.  They are in California safely!  Thank goodness, the trip was the only thing that worried me!  I guess Dad brought Rachel and Ammon with him to pick up the kids and they all chattered loudly and crazily all the way back to the house!  It sounds like a good start, that makes me happy!

I took Nasly out to Chinese food tonight after dropping the cake off at her house.  She apparently loves Chinese, so that was a good choice!  She was so cute about it all and kept hugging me and thanking me.  She had said her mom had spent all their money going to Honduras so she wasn't going to have a birthday celebration.  Well, I gave her a little one with me!  The waitress at the restaurant is Hispanic and heard us speaking in Spanish, so she would talk to us in Spanish, to which I replied in English.  Too funny!  Nasly and I spent at least two hours eating, laughing, and talking about the gospel, which she is still new to.  She is eager to come to Seminary and be a part of my class in the fall and even wants to do her scripture mastery in English.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Ken is at work and the house is so QUIET this morning.  I figured my kids would forget all about me once they reached Grandma's house, but Jonathan has been texting me some this morning.  They went to Jay & Logan's baseball game last night and had a good time.  Wendy is keeping me in the loop, too, by sending pictures of the kids together.  I am willing to pay the price of solitude to give my kids this opportunity (and my nieces and nephews, too!)

Today's class was AWESOME!!!  We started the first part by describing things using all of our senses.  I had brought Jonathan's rabbit, Twilight, to class to use as their example.  I could have brought anything, a flower, a piece of fruit, fabric, but I felt this would be more interesting to the girls.  And it was!  They loved watching him hop around the room and sniff things, they dug deep into his plush fur and...got a whiff of his cage - Phew!  I think our smell phrase ended up being "retchingly scented."  This was all before snack and was plenty of fun, but afterwards!  Wow!

We talked about poetry, I showed a couple of video clips and read a few poems, even letting them help me decipher Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar."  It was great, but then it got even better.  I introduced them to blackout poems.  That is where you take an already existing text, like a newspaper or magazine article, or a page out of a book and find significant words in it to make up a poem of your own, while blacking out the rest with pen or paint.  I had copied off pages from four books: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Ender's Game, The Hobbit, and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.  My three girls in attendance took the first three pages to work on and my teenage boy assistant, Eric, took Hitchhikers.  This was the first time he wanted to actually participate in writing!

They were marvelous!  In particular, the one girl who took Ender's Game made a lovely poem about sitting under a tree and even drew a tree with the sky and sun above and the ground below.  One line mentioning resting beside the tree was...resting beside her tree!  I was serious impressed.  All of the kids (even my helper) LOVED the activity and couldn't wait to try it at home.  One girl said, "You really like poetry, huh?"  The truth is, I haven't been that inspired to do it or even read it, but today changed everyone's minds, mine included!

The evening was almost anticlimactic.  I went to water aerobics and then to dinner with a girlfriend from church.  However, sitting in Applebees talking our heads off for two and a half hours probably isn't insignificant.  Tarah's a beautiful person inside and out and it was good for the both of us to have time to bond better.  I'm so grateful that, a year after moving to Altus, I can say with confidence that I have friends here.

Thursday, June 26, 2014
Final day at WOSC Kids' College.  We worked on Personal Narratives today (basically, essays about a specific moment in your life).  Not as exciting or snazzy as stories and poems and no bunnies were present in the making of this writing, but I think they still learned a lot.

And enjoyed the class.  Because, as they were leaving, they said to me, "See you next year!"  Will I be doing it next year?  I don't know.  It was difficult getting students.  But maybe we can get the word out and have more next time.  Also, I've learned a lot of things and I'd make changes to how I'd teach certain things.  I think it was a good experience for all of us.

The kids and I Skyped some later in the day.  Jonathan & I had been texting back and forth and Ken wondered why he didn't just call or we Skype.  So, they got on Grandpa's computer and we had a good visit.  They are having fun, though Jonathan looked beat.  He's doing Youth Conference there this week on top of having just arrived by bus.  I asked my mom if she was tired of them yet.  She said, "Nope!  Not yet!"

Ken and I had a nice quiet night this evening.  Finally.  I made dinner and then we just sat on the sofa cuddled together listening to Jeff Foxworthy on Pandora.  Ken loves the Blue Collar tour and all the redneck jokes.  I like Bill Engvall (the sarcasm just drips off of him), so I didn't mind.  It was nice to not have anything specific to do.

Friday, June 27, 2014
Ruth, my visiting teacher, came over this morning to help me weed my veggie boxes.  Poor things, they were being strangled.  But we got a good two hours worth of work put in and enjoyed our visit, too.  The weather cooperated nicely and didn't really get hot till around 12:30 when she was going home.

We had doves and a bluejay visit us.  Plus, my honeysuckle is blossoming out a second time, which is lovely to smell!  Oh!  We have pecans coming on our trees.  I saw them...

Other than water aerobics, I stayed home and did housework.  I did not want to go anywhere or do anything.  I was tired!

Saturday, June 28, 2014
Lucky me!  With the kids gone, I had to clean all three rabbit cages myself.  One at a time, I'd put a rabbit in the front bathroom while I emptied and cleaned each cage.  After that was done, I cleaned the bathroom.  I've put down these doggie pads (like flat diapers) around the cages to help catch some of the mess and it seemed to help some.

I made beef stroganoff for dinner tonight to serve with rice for the missionaries.  They liked it and ate it almost all up, but what really thrilled them was the homemade chocolate chip cookies I'd made during the day.  You'd think they'd never (or rarely) had them!  I know at one point one had eaten six, but I think the new elder ate more!  It was no biggie, just chocolate chip, but apparently it struck their missionary hearts.  I gave them the rest to take home - I'd made about four dozen.  I don't really need more temptations around here.

Sunday, June 29, 2014
I have a confession to make.  I didn't post photos all last week and almost didn't this week.  Why?  Because I couldn't find my camera.  I've been sweating it all week because I didn't know where it was.  What if it fell out of my purse when I was out?

I really wanted it, too, because next week Ken & I are going to OKC for a couple of days and I wanted to take pictures of the city.  So I've been hunting in all the usual, and unusual, places.  No go.  It seemed frivilous, but I prayed, too.  I didn't want to have to admit I lost it to Ken and I didn't want him to feel that he needed to buy me a new camera.

So, I get ready for church and I go to the closet to get out my church bag.  And there, in the front pocket of my bag, was my camera!  I can't begin to tell you how relieved I was.  I wasn't really worried about losing photos, I only had this one of the kids putting together their puzzle:
All's well, that ends well, I always say.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Monday, June 16, 2014
Jonathan is counting the days.  Today and tomorrow he has tests in Aviation Mechanics.  And then he is done!  But, he still has to go the last day because he has to have 200 days in the class.  Weird.  I don't know what he's going to do with himself.

Beyond a little reading (which is pure pleasure), I'm not asking Analiese to do any lessons this week.  She's too hopped up on anticipation for California to be of much good.  She and I, instead, have been reviewing our packing and traveling items.  She even went shopping with me to help me figure stuff for them to take!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Jonathan did well on his test yesterday - 90% - and even better today - 98%!  He's ended his year on a very positive note and is confident for Airframe next year.  By the end of that year, if he does well, he'll probably have a job on the Air Force base waiting for him.  Amazing!  I'm so grateful for this program, it's really helped him narrow down and focus on what he wants.  Plus, learn the value of hard work and studying.

He only went half-day, because there was nothing left to do.  So, as a reward/treat, I took the kids to that church-in-the-old-movie-theater in the town square where they were showing "The Lego Movie" for free.  The place was packed, but we got seats together and enjoyed it.  It was a little corny and sometimes random, but we laughed and had fun.  The kids have been dying to see it.  

We're still working on that puzzle.  It's almost done, the main buildings and such in it are completed.  We exult greatly whenever we find a piece that fits.  This has been so much fun!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Last day of class for Jonathan!  Last early morning for me until August, when Seminary starts.  He's only going half-day again and brought a book to read.  He said that yesterday he spent an hour looking through all the pieces of planes in the shop - mainly because he had nothing to do!  So today he took a book, just in case.  They're going to grill burgers at the end, so I won't pick him up until 11:30.  Then he's free - Yippee!

You'd have thought he'd be crazy-eager to celebrate his "freedom," but he was only just quietly relieved.  Me, I was glad for no more early days!  Until August.

Oh, and we finished the puzzle!  At one point, the last piece was missing.  Jonathan and I had about given up (I knew it would eventually show up) and were about to go to bed when Analiese popped out of her room with the piece.  Sneaky girl!  Was she hoarding it?

Thursday, June 19, 2014
I'm not sure my kids think much of their "freedom."  Maybe it's because their freedom is Mommy's to-do list!  LOL  There's much to be done to get ready and there's stuff around the house I want done before they go to California.  Mainly it's outdoor work and they aren't enthusiastic about it.  The big problem is the "skeeters."  We've had more rain this year, which means more of the pests.  And Calamine lotion does NOTHING for the itch!

Ken took us all to dinner for Family Home Evening tonight.  After a drawn-out debate with the kids, we went to Fat Daddy's, which lives up to it's name but is still really yummy.  Jonathan had a HUGE burger and tots (He's a Napoleon Dynamite fan) and, not surprisingly, finished the whole thing.  I thought it was gross...it had jalepenos on it.

We had to play a game when we got home.  You see, it was Analiese's turn for Family Home Evening game and, despite going out, she insisted we had to play a game.  We played "Pirates of the Carribbean" Life and I thought one the kids was going to win.  Ken played pretty passively, which was unusual, and managed to win.  I was just along for the ride.

Friday, June 20, 2014
Jonathan went to mow someone else's yard today.  He decided to wear shorts, but I don't think it was a great idea.  He ended up with bites all over his legs.  And I can't decide if they're mosquito or ant... because both were present there.  She's got a huge red ant mound in her yard.

The guy from WOSC Kids' College called today and maybe next week's class will be on after all.  Gasp!  I figured it wouldn't, since I hadn't had any enrollees for that week at all!  So, I'd made plans that now, embarassingly, I have to cancel.  Plus, I have to get my act together so I can be ready to teach a class come Monday afternoon.  That morning I'm also meeting with the brother over Seminary.  
And Ken said I'd be bored with nothing to do!

Saturday, June 21, 2014
No basket this morning.  With the kids gone, it's too much produce for us to eat.  Ken doesn't even think about it and I really can't eat that much by myself.

Jonathan had to go finish his mowing job and then we went to Wal-mart for a little last-minute shopping for the trip.  The excitement is rising to a fever-pitch.  They may kill each other before getting on that bus, sparing me the chance to do it myself.  The packing is almost done, except for the last minute stuff we'll toss in Sunday evening. 

Major rabbit cage cleaning this afternoon.  If I have to take care of those three creatures myself for the next month, I wanted those cages and the areas surrounding, clean!  I swear my rabbit purposely tries to miss the box and pee outside of her cage!  I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the tiles in the bathroom.  At times like this, I really miss the rats!

Sunday, June 22, 2014
I think Analiese is going to dance and sing all day long.  How long Jonathan is going to stand for it will be the big question.

Monday, June 9, 2014


Monday, June 9, 2014
Another night of thunderstorms & rain.  Another mushy, muddy backyard.  However, news reports from all around are talking about the lakes and rivers rising.  People are very happy to see the water.

Jonathan is only going to Aviation Mechanics half days this week, so I didn't have to get up so early this morning.  On the way to school, we picked up a friend of Analiese's who is moving to Georgia.  We took her to lunch at Taco Mayo for some laughs and a nice goodbye.

Homeschool PE was a workout for even me, today.  First, the kids had a demonstration on Irish dancing and learned to do a circle dance.  Jonathan wasn't thrilled, but I was...to take pictures!  Afterwards, I taught the kids a couple of games and ended up running around with them.  I haven't huffed and puffed like that in a while.

Still, I went to water aerobics.  My feet were killing me from before, but I figured that the water would feel good.  It did, but my legs and feet kept reminding me...I'd already had exercise for the day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014
After taking Jonathan home from class today (have you ever seen flattened turtle by the side of the highway?  There's one right by the entrance to the airport.), I drove to Lawton...again.  Don't ask.  It's sort-of my fault and the only way to break Ken out of an Asperger-induced freak-out was to go again.

This was not a take-your-time-and-relax trip.  This was in-and-out.  Still, I made a stop at Target trying to find some stuff for the kids to take on their California trip, like inflatable pillows for sleeping on during the bus ride.

It didn't take long to get my (Ken's) stuff at Sam's Club, but the lines were horrific and THAT was my wait.  Behind me in line was this really impatient lady who kept popping her gum and pacing back and forth between me and the two people ahead of me at the register.  I think I was as relieved as she when another register opened and she jumped over there (with a disgusted, "Finally!").  I didn't want near her, so I didn't follow.

Ken had told me to get dinner for myself on the way home.  Well, it's peach shake time at Chik-Fil-A, so guess where I went?  I wouldn't have cared about anything else, but I do appreciate a good chicken sandwich with lots of pickles.

I had purchased a puzzle at Target so Jonathan and I (for Mom & Me time tonight) started working on it.  It's 1000 pieces and not an easy one to complete quickly.  We enjoyed working on it; I don't know why I haven't thought of doing one before!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Jonathan and I almost had a turkey vulture smack into the van windshield this morning on the way to the airport.  It was by the reservoir and something had attracted it's attention there.  I'm glad it missed...it was pretty big and might have resulted in some major damage to my windshield!

Analiese came with me to pick up Jonathan today so we could go to Dollar Tree.  I'd read about this on Pinterest and thought it sounded fun.  I let each kid spend $5 there on stuff for Dad.  The only caveat: one "edible" goodie per person.  I didn't want them buying him a bunch of candy!  It was fun, though, and they got pretty creative.

Jonathan went swimming at the base pool with the Scouts tonight, so Analiese and I watched "The Secret Garden" while working some more on the puzzle.  Both of the kids are really into it!  I think we're going to have to do more.  I find them up in the morning staring at it (It's on the coffee table) and working on it.  Better than tv or computer games!

Thursday, June 12, 2014
Today we had Ken's Fathers' Day dinner.  One, because I didn't want to cook on Sunday, two, because he was going to cook it on the grill himself, and three, because I wasn't about to feed expensive steak to the missionaries on Saturday.  Sorry guys, I have a budget.

Earlier, Ken & I had purchased meat from a local place using the gift card I'd won at the Rabbit Show in January.  Ken was pleased with his selection.  I marinaded the meat into three different marinades (two he bought, one I made) and scrubbed potatoes to go with them (I love potatoes baked on the grill) and made Caesar salad, his favorite.  It was all very yummy.

It's funny, but even during Family Home Evening, we worked on the puzzle!  Getting them to stop and do other things is beginning to be an issue...

Friday, June 13, 2014
Jonathan didn't have class today, but, since tomorrow he takes the ACT, I figured he should do a practice test.  What resulted was a teenage meltdown.  He's tired of school (it's almost over), he's anxious about the California trip, he doesn't want to do anything.

Luckily, I understand his modus operandi a little bit and know what to do and what will result.  First, I let him rant a while, leaving when I've about had it and want to say something.  Second, I wait about 30 minutes to an hour to let him cool off.  Third, he comes back to me and apologizes and does what I ask.  He's a good kids, just needs to blow off some steam from time to time.

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Busy Saturday!  I dropped Jonathan off at WOSC for the ACT, went home for a quick bite of breakfast, and then ran out to get my basket.  I came home, cleaned that up, and worked on making a salad for the Garden Club, which was at noon.

Went to the club, ate a little lunch (they always have a potluck and it's neat to see what they've been growing in a nice dish), then picked up Jonathan from the college and went back to the club for the rest of the meeting.    I wanted to go to Barbara's again to see her garden, now that the wind protectors are off, but Jonathan reminded me that he wanted to go home and mow the front lawn, so her garden will have to wait.

He mowed, I made brownies from scratch (I didn't have anything else in the house).  I got those out and then had to get working on the chicken enchiladas I was making for dinner for the elders (see?  They don't get porridge, I serve them good stuff...just not steak!)

Still, I ran late and was praying that the missionaries would be a little late.  They were, about 10 minutes, but even with that it was 10 minutes more before the enchildadas were ready.  I told them to eat salad slowly.

Sunday, June 15, 2014
Yes, it's Fathers' Day.  But there wasn't a big to-do about it in church.  The second speaker in Sacrament Meeting spoke about fathers (very eloquently and heart-felt...it was awesome) and I hear they passed out candy in Priesthood, but that was about it.

I gave the lesson in Relief Society today and was a little concerned since the topic was "The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood."  Very brethren-centered and I wasn't sure how it would go.  But I'd done a lot of studying and praying, and...I'm not quite sure how I taught.  There was a lot of good response from the ladies about the priesthood and magnifying callings, but I don't quite remember all of how we got there.  That's the Spirit for you, guiding you when you can't guide yourself!  One of the sisters brought her non-member sister to church and I had really worried how the lesson would strike her, but she came up and thanked me afterwards.  Don't worry...teach with the Spirit!

Before we let Ken go down for his usual Sunday nap, we gave him his Fathers' Day gifts (well, the kids.  Mine was the meat.)  I had taken the kids to Dollar Tree and let them spend $5 on whatever they wanted for their Dad, but only one food item per kid.  They did a great job.  Jonathan got him a plastic lidded mug with an insert inside that he drew pictures on, some gum he likes, a small set of screwdrivers, and some bacon bits (I allowed it).  Analiese got him some cologne (Hugo knock-off), an air freshener for his car, chocolate-covered peanut brittle, and a Sudoku book.  Plus a card.  Ken was very pleased (he's easy to please) and enjoyed looking and talking over each item.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Monday, June 2, 2014
Analiese and I started our day out by taking a walk around the reservoir.  It wasn't too warm yet and, with a stiff breeze going, no mosquitos harassed us.  We had wanted to go because we heard that there were goslings and Analiese never passes up a chance to see baby animals.

The reservoir is in two sections, one larger, one smaller.  Some people walk one, some the other, some both.  We walked the larger section.  Besides geese, there were ducks, water birds, and turtles.

There might have been fish, but we couldn't see any.  The water levels were up (some from the rain, some from piped in water), so that was good.  There are benches at random places around the reservoir, even some swing benches.

 We sat in one for a bit under the trees and just enjoyed the peaceful morning.

Finally able to get back to water aerobics; my crazy schedule can sure mess that up!  Lucky Doris is in Hawaii, so Edwina taught class instead.  We weren't bothered by kids because the outdoor pool is now open.  The sad things is (especially in Analiese's estimation) that the slides are being repaired (AGAIN!!??) so she doesn't want to go until she can enjoy them.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014
It is getting plenty hot around here.  Our poor bunnies...I worry about them getting heatstroke.  We are still trying to think of a way to cool them off better.  They have a fan, we give them ice bottles and keep them out of the sun.  I hate the thought of having to bring them inside, though.  Messy & smelly...you can tell I wasn't really raised around animals.

As it was, I ended up having them come in for a while and we took damp towels to try to cool them off.  Fluffer was the worst, breathing hard and shaking.  She kept it up for a good hour!  Something has to be done!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014
I had the lickety-split-iest dental doings today of my life.  I went in to have two cavities filled, both on the right, one up, one down.  It took them all of half an hour to do them both.  Now, I think they weren't very big, which may have been part of it.  The dentist said it was because I was a good patient.  I told him I was, unfortunately, a pro.  Give me my bite-block and suck out my saliva often (I'm a drooler), and I'm good.

I gave in.  The rabbits are in the house.  Stinky, smelly rabbits.  Two, Alice and Twilight, are in the dining room, on either side of the fireplace where there's tile flooring.  Fluffer is in the big bathroom.  Her cage looks ridiculous there, but I refuse to have any cage on carpet.  Ugh!  They are messy enough.  On the good side, they are beating the heat much better and the kids see and interact with them more.

Thursday, June 5, 2014
Happy, but not, today.  First, I managed to score a put-it-together-yourself console at Atwoods for $30.  Originally it was $99.  I think I did well.  It's going in the living room on the blank wall under Niles' painting.

NOT happy.  I had to buy a new water bottle for Twilight; his was leaking and they need their water in this heat.  So, I bought one at Atwoods.  Took it home, filled it up...the thing leaks WORSE than his old one.  Now I have to take it back; I hate doing that.

Friday, June 6, 2014
I am now just mentioning this, but my kids are going to California for a month in a couple of weeks.  It was Dad's idea and the kids were thrilled.  However...now they are driving me crazy with anticipation.  I'll be honest, it's really Analiese.  She gets something into her head and goes bananas, talking about it ALL THE TIME.  I have threatened to send corpses to California.

Jonathan is excited and will mention it, but doesn't go on and on about it like his sister.  I know he is excited because he gave up some summer activities here and a mowing job to go.  He'll be busy with adult-ish life soon enough.  One good summer with grandparents and cousins will be good for him.

Saturday, June 7, 2014
Got up early to go get my basket this morning.  Because the elders are coming to dinner tomorrow and not tonight, I had to figure out dinner for this evening.  Luckily my basket had corn in it, which my kids adore.  In fact, when I opened them up to cook them, they had a pink blush on them!  They didn't cook up so cute, the blush turned dark and they weren't as big and juicy as other corn I've eaten, but it was still a treat for my kids.

Mid-day, the kids and I went to Lawton for our shopping trip.  Usually I do it on a week day, but we didn't get the work money for Ken's employee goodies until Friday afternoon.  Luckily, our credit union has a branch in Lawton, so we went straight there.  We decided this time to eat lunch at Sam's first, and then do both shoppings together, rather than do one, put the stuff away, and go back and do another.  Good thing, too, because in the middle of shopping, it began to rain - hard - outside.  By the time we finished filling both baskets, the rain had subsided and we could get in the van and go home.  Nope, no rain in Altus.  Bummer.

Sunday, June 8, 2014
Got our rain last night.  At one point, a loud crash of thunder woke me up, but I don't know when and I drifted off to sleep easily.  We got enough to make a pond in the back yard for a while...now it's just a mud hole.  I think we'll be leaving the house for church through the front door again.  Ken is now agreeing with me, we need to move flagstones into a path from the shed to the house.  This is silly.

Okay, cat's out of the bag.  I've been called to teach Seminary this fall.  It wasn't entirely a surprise.  I knew Jonathan's teacher was going to quit this year.  I was a little bit sad; she's a great teacher and I'd hoped for one more year with him.  But, somebody has to do it and I had a sneaking feeling that somebody was ME.  I thought of a couple of other people who could do it just as well, if not better, than me, but I got the call.  My worries are stupid anyway; getting up early and having to prepare lessons every day.  Of course, this means I have to be on my game and get to bed at a better time.  It's a new time for spiritual growth, too, so I guess I'm glad, if nervous.