Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Monday, April 21, 2014
Put the van in the shop first thing this morning.  On the way to church yesterday, it was acting sluggish and kind of shaking.  Then the engine light came on.  That's not a good sign.  So, first thing, I took it to the Ford dealer.  I generally don't like going to dealerships because they charge more, but in this town, there's not a lot of places and - in the instance of Ken's Honda - they wouldn't even look at his car.  Just easier to take it to Ford.  I really don't have time to mess around.

Good thing, too, that Jonathan had no classes today because of Easter break (he starts up again tomorrow).  I don't know how he would have got there.  There was the Homeschool PE group today and Analiese really wanted to go, so she called the Doshers and she and Jonathan went.  He was reluctant at first (and complained about his legs aching after), but he and David get along so well, I think they need to get together.  Plus, there are other teens there, he needs to make more friends. Because Howard is moving in July and Chris will be leaving for a mission soon after.  There are supposed to be other families transferring in who have teens, but I just don't know.  Better to take advantage of all of our opportunities.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Got the van back this morning.  Luckily it wasn't over $400 to fix.  Unluckily, we're going to be tight again for a while.  Still, we need the 2nd vehicle, what with me driving Jonathan to and from the airport and all the 4H, homeschool stuff.

My tomatoes and peppers are looking pretty good, even though the cherry is still uncertain of itself.
 Also, the nasturtiums Analiese planted last week have popped their leafy heads up.  The marigolds and calendulas in the peat pots in the garage are starting to get their true leaves and one of my pansy baskets from last fall is still blooming!  

Lots of things are coming up in the front planters, too.  I think I've figured out the mystery plant and remember it blooming last year - it's a lily.  The hosta is getting it's leaves (it looks like it needs dividing, but that will have to wait till fall) and the cannas are up (I don't really like them - the flowers always look so shabby) and have pretty, variegated leaves.  I rather like spring!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014
More spring news...doves and squirrels abound (one fuzzy fellow is quite bold and runs past me all the time) and the pecan trees are growing bushier by the day.  They also have these green hanging things coming from them that are not leaves.
 Are they flower-like with pollen to give me (eventually) pecans?  We shall see!  I also like the surprises that keep coming in my yard.

Not a nice surprise was the "cell" (apparently the code word for Scary Storm) that came into town this evening.  It was beautiful and sunny for most of the day, but the clouds rolled in this afternoon and by six were looking menacing.  The radio was full of special weather reports warning of high winds (somewhere actually had a touch-and-go twister), thunderstorms and possible hail as big as quarters.  Scouts and Young Women were cancelled.  The end result here: about 5-15 minutes of rain (if that), about an hour lightning & thunderstorm, wind.  People here go in with expecting the worst, I guess.  The weather is wackily unpredicable and maybe it's just better to be prepared.  Still, a bit of a let down from all the bruhaha.

Thursday, April 24, 2014
Analiese and I did our monthly Meals on Wheels route.  We have our favorites and they are getting to know and expect us.  Even the kitchen staff like to talk with her and last month she even got a bakery goodie!  I like being able to say hi to the house-bound folks and see them light up when my daughter comes in.  She insists on bringing in the meals herself; I get the boring job of clipboards and signatures.

I went on base again today to (try and) help Kristi with her project while her kids and hubby are out of town.  Boy, is she motivated!  If I was by myself, it would be junk food, movies and naps!  Some people like being busy.

Friday, April 25, 2014
I love my son, truly I do.  I do NOT love the plastic BBs I keep finding in the laundry.  They roll around in the machines and make a horrible racket.  But I can't complain too much; my big fault is leaving kleenex in my pockets.  That makes a mess.

I gave my kids a treat today and finally took them to the library (after picking up Jonathan from the airport).  Really, they get upset with me if I go without them.  For all the hulabaloo, Jonathan couldn't find something he wanted to read!  Eventually I gave him a suggestion and he (actually truly) took it.  I came home with three books and one on order (they have a borrowing system here with local libraries), and Analiese had at least six.  I have no trouble getting these kids to read!

Saturday, April 26, 2014
I have a weird weed/wildflower (it could be both) in my yard.  I've seen it and other unknown vegetation growing around town.  Here it is, but don't ask me what it is...I don't know!

Another threat of storm has been predicted for this afternoon.  I read on a news report that this weekend is supposed to be bad.  We have an activity planned this afternoon and I keep checking my e-mail to see if it has been cancelled.

Nope!  Off we went to a local nursing home with our rabbits.  Our 4H Rabbit Club is visiting the seniors there as a service project (we're supposed to be involved in the community).  There were at least a dozen rabbits there (we brought our three) and we took turns taking them around the room for the residents to pet and comment on.  Jonathan's Twilight was a big hit, with his plush fur.  Many thought Fluffernutter was beautiful (she is...on the outside).  But both rabbits were very nervous in an unknown place.  Now, Analiese and Alice did wonderfully, but then, Alice is a very friendly sweetheart of a rabbit when it comes to temperament.  Everyone enjoyed looking at and learning about the rabbits. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014
I don't feel so good this morning.  I haven't slept well the last two nights and I feel dizzy with a terrible headache.  So, I stayed home from church.

The threatened storm showed up today.  We didn't get much beyond some wind and a lot of dust (the sky was brownish), but unfortunately, it headed up north east and hit the corner of the state and went into Arkansas.  We have family there (Ken's cousin and her kids) and they sadly lost their house and barns.  We don't know the conditions of their horses and cattle, but they are safe, having huddled down in a storm shelter.  It's a sad thing, but I'm glad they are all right!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work. I really enjoy reading your blog each week and keeping up with you and the grandkids.

