Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Monday, April 28, 2014
Other than a branch out of the front yard tree, the wind/dust storm of yesterday has left us unscathed. Actually, today is very pretty, with fluffy sheep-clouds grazing across the sky.

Spring continues to give us pleasant surprises.  My honeysuckle are in bloom!  The one by the front steps is yellow and the one in the back yard has pale-pink blossoms, but they all smell marvelously sweet!  They are healthy bushes in part because, on very lazy days when we don't want to lug gray water to the trees, they get our water!  I can't complain, the pay-off is lovely.

After homeschool PE today, we spent a bit more time in the parking lot just chatting with the Doshers. Kids on both sides - male and female - keep telling us parents that we need to get together more often.  It gives me much satisfaction to see them so happy together.  Plus, Michelle & I find plenty to talk about, too.  I know the Lord pointed us in their direction...friends who won't be leaving soon because they're not AF!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014
The wind has picked up again this morning.  It's sunny and the leafing trees cast green curtains over everything, but that wind!  As one gal told me when we first moved here - always keep a ponytail elastic in your purse.  The wind is not friendly to hairstyles.

Actually, it got a bit scary.  While waiting in the airport parking lot for Jonathan's teacher to show up, the wind pushed and pushed against the van, sometimes making metallic scraping sounds.  No me gusta.  And on the way home, I noticed a dead tree had fallen across someone's yard, completely pulled out of the ground (though the roots looked pretty dead, too).  This is one of the reasons I keep my trees well-watered.  I want them to be strong enough to withstand the wind!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014
I went back to water aerobics for the first time since I smacked my knee.  It felt good, but my knee was a little worn out after the exercise.  Still, I missed the ladies and the gossip - I can pretty much find out about anything going on in town with them - and the laughs that we have.

Taking Jonathan to Scouts tonight, we saw some baby birds hopping around in the church parking lot.  I could tell they were babies - they hadn't lost all their fluff!  I wonder if the wind from yesterday blew them out of the nest...and if they'll be okay and be able to fly away.  There are plenty of predators out there!

Thursday, May 1, 2014
Had to go to Lawton today.  Ken's employees (read: the inmates) need their incentives.  Checking out at Sam's with my kids beside me, I always feel guilty like I have to explain: "This isn't for my family.  This is for my husband's work.  The candy is incentives for his workers."  Just looking at all the junk makes my teeth ache!

But the view in and out of Lawton was nice, because everything is green and growing.  The tractors are plowing fields (dust clouds dot the air) and the cattle and horses are nurturing their newborns.  Funny, too, were all the birds gathered by the freeway overpasses.  They're swallows and they are building nests.  Hey, they eat bugs (which are coming out in profusion, too), so I'm all for more birds!

Friday, May 2, 2014
Today was filled with anticipation because this evening/weekend is the 6th Annual Rock 'N' Rumble in Altus.  Apparently we arrived in town last year just after the event.  It is a classic car event with a Battle of the Bands on Friday and Cruisin' on Saturday up and down Main Street.  People have been setting things up and reserving spots all up and down Main Street for most of the week.

Jonathan has always been a big fan of classic cars, and drools every time he sees one.  So it was a no-brainer for him.  Plus, his program director for Aviation Mechanics, Mr. Scott, is also a musician and would be playing and emceeing the Battle of the Bands competition.  Analiese was excited about the carnival atmosphere, with vendors and activities and music.  I think she just likes being out among people.

So, after water aerobics, I took the kids over to the courthouse, which is downtown, and where the bandstand and vendors were set up.  I treated the kids to Hawaiian ice, because the side of the truck had a place to "make your own" with flavors and they thought that was fun.  Also, we had to try Indian tacos, because it's apparently something big around here.  It's a fry bread with beans, ground beef, and taco-y stuff on it.  My kids really liked that.

The music was just getting going when...Ken called.  We had left him at home to sleep before going to work at Walmart.  But his tutoring family called and wanted to do a session RIGHT NOW and so, only half an hour into the event, we had to go home so I could turn the computer on for him (put in the password).  I wasn't going to go back because we had to park and walk and who wants to do that repeatedly?  I was a bit bummed, but more because Ken needs his sleep and should have just told the family no.  Still, the kids and I enjoyed the time we did have, listening and watching the neat cars go up and down the street.  I bet the local radio stations (we have at least five in town) broadcasted the Battle, but I didn't think to find out.

Saturday, May 3, 2014
Today was supposed to be the really big day at the Rock 'N' Rumble, but we couldn't make it.  Jonathan had baptisms at the temple in OKC with the youth and they had to leave at 10:45.  He wanted his hair cut before he went (those clippers were a worthy investment).  Plus, I had stuff to do to prepare for dinner with the elders tonight and to work on my Primary lesson for Analiese's class tomorrow.

Just so you know how much work I went to for dinner: I made chocolate mousse pie, homemade wheat rolls, and chicken-broccoli divan casserole.  I also use my Saturdays to plan the next week of lessons out, so there was much to do inbetween the cooking.

Oh!  Also, Analiese & I finished a skirt we've been sewing together.  She did most of it, under my guidance, but I made the ruffle and attached it to the rest of the skirt.  She had picked out a fabric in her favorite color (blue) and this is how it turned out:

Ken said getting to Walmart for work in the evening was a hassle because of the event in town.  Walmart is on Main Street, but on the far north of town.  He took side streets as much as he could, but the cars lined up pretty far.

Sunday, May 4, 2014
It was nice to go to church today.  A couple of sisters asked me if I was doing better.  Trust me, the ward knows when I don't go to church...I have a lot to do!

I taught Analiese's Primary class today.  We talked about "Joseph in Egypt."  Seven wiggly, talkative girls are hard to get through to.  For starters, you need to nearly glue them into their chairs.  Then, there's the incredible temptation to bring duct tape (we learned about temptation today, so perhaps it was a good thing I didn't give in).  You have to repeat things several times and they all want to do everything, but they are cute and fun.  Still, I understand why they called a team-teacher to work with Sister Tyler!

Last thing:  here's a crazy picture of my kids showing you where we live in OK:

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