Monday, April 14, 2014


Monday, April 14, 2014
The cold front came in last night.  The jury-rig around my plants seems to have worked...they look good.  But my poor leafing pecans - will they be okay?  There are actually a few little snow flurries out there!

I opened the back door to take a closer look when, who runs across the ground in front of me?  A robin, male, with his dark coat and red chest.  His hopping was cute, but as the kids and I looked at him further, we noticed something odd.  He was hopping away when we followed him, but wasn't flying away.  Was he injured?

With more inspection (chasing him around a little), it seems he cannot fly.  He would run, open his wings a bit, and tip over.  And he's cold!  He keeps fluffing out his feathers to get warm.  So Jonathan carefully lifted him with leather gloves on, and we've put him in a rabbit nesting box in the shed next to the bunnies and put a towel over it so he'll stay warm and stay put.  I have a bit of birdseed and we gave him some water, but robins like bugs (he was eating one when we first met).  I think I may have to do a bit of research or call the naturalist at Quartz Mountain and see what to do with him.

Robin-son Crusoe (Jonathan's name for him) didn't make it through the day.  By the time Jonathan and I came home from the airport, he was lying on his side, stiff.  The only one really upset about this was me.  We've been reading the Secret Garden and I really thought it would be nice to have a robin around.  I am not sure what he died of or what his problem was, but at least he had a nice warm place to stay during his last hours.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Another cold night last night meant another morning of concern for me.  My trees look like they're doing okay.  Jonathan thinks it's weird because I give them pep talks.  One tomato - the beefsteak - looks fine, the other - a cherry - is still struggling, but has been from the beginning.  The peppers look great.  Analiese also planted some nasturtiums, but they haven't come up yet.  But the marigolds and calendulas we started in the shed are up!

Took Jonathan to the Vo-Tech to talk about going to the college (next door) in the fall and to the shoe store.  He's growing up - physically and otherwise!  One of his friends in Seminary tells him he should go to the high school, but he said, "No way!  I'm going to college!"  I am excited for him.  He has handled the Aviation Mechanics course well and I think college is not going to be much more of a challenge.  And me...I won't have to plan lessons for him next year!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014
I am a clumsy idiot.  No, really.  I get in a big hurry, without thinking, and injure myself.  Happens all the time and I never seem to learn from it.  Today, I was in a hurry to put a potato in a pot of boiling water (for a science experiment), that I rushed up the stairs from the dining room into the kitchen.  My left foot did not completely clear the first step and I crashed down on the corner of the second one...on my right knee.  I jarred my whole body, scraped one arm and basically put my body on the pain road.

There's only a small bruise - a purple line - on my right knee, but it's swollen and hurts when I try to straighten it.  My body aches all over; what I wouldn't give for a jacuzzi right now!  Not to mention the injury to my ego; I am such a clutz, it is really embarrassing.

Thursday, April 17, 2014
Ken gave me a blessing this morning before leaving for work.  My knee is a bit less stiff, though I still ache all over.  I've rubbed some Deep Blue oil on the stiffest and sorest parts.  And I'm not going to rush so much today.  I'd say "if I can help it," but I know I can and I'd better.  Slow and steady, turtle!

Friday, April 18, 2014
No matter how I feel, life goes on!  I promised Analiese a haircut before Easter (because she's singing on Sunday), so after dropping Jonathan off at a friend's (no school today - Easter Break), we went to Walmart (of all places) to cut her hair.  We followed that up with a trip to the nail salon so I could get a pedicure.  It's been a couple of months, because I had stubbed my toe and torn off most of the nail, so I had to wait for it to grow back (I TOLD you I was clumsy).  But my ingrowns wait for no man or woman, so this was all I could stand.  Analiese was thrilled (not) having to wait for me and since the place was busy, they had her sit in the kiddie chair.

After the pedicure, we went to the Ambulance station to pick up Tarah's daughter, Jaylene, so she could spent the night.  She's not eight yet and gets bored staying at home while her mother works on the weekend, so we invited her to stay with us.  She adores the rabbits, so that was a no-brainer.

Besides rabbits, she played in the sand around the garden boxes, experimented on the piano, helped make personal skillet pizzas for dinner, and watched Scooby Doo.  At night, she got a little homesick, but did NOT want to go home (we have fun stuff planned tomorrow).  So her mom came, sang her a little song till she fell asleep, and left. And she slept through the night.

Saturday, April 19, 2014
The girls and I started Saturday morning out by making Resurrection Rolls (we're doing Easter a day early so Jaylene can enjoy it).  The rolls are made by taking a marshmallow, rolling it in butter and cinnamon sugar, placing it inside a canned biscuit, roll the biscuit around it and roll THAT in butter, and bake it.  When it comes out, you open up the biscuit and there's a big empty space to remind you that the tomb was empty on the third day.  On top of that, it tasted good, too!

In the afternoon, we dyed eggs with the Fletchers.  Kristi and Tarah are friends, too, and Jaylene plays with her kids sometimes, so it was fun to have them all there to color eggs, play with rabbits (Avery Fletcher was always walking around with a rabbit in her arms), and playing in the sand.  Little Jacob Fletcher was so cute, he had to get a kiss...of course, I asked for one back!

After they left I had to work more on our Day-Before-Easter dinner with the missionaries, so the girls painted watercolor pictures on the floor of the bigger bathroom.  Jaylene made one of the flag for me, but didn't sign it, so I had her sign it and put it on my fridge.  I haven't had kiddie pictures on my fridge in a long time!

Our traditional dinner was ham, church/funeral/Relief Society potatoes, glazed squash, salad, and a trifle I made out of angel food cake, lemon pudding mixed with Cool Whip, and strawberries.  I had purchased a 14lb. ham and everyone ate a bit, but I still had a lot left.  Besides the bone, I had enough for two more meals!

We took Jaylene back to her mom after dinner, taking a couple of plates to her and her working partner, too, at the Ambulance station.  She's already asking for another sleepover, but I'm tired, so it might be a while.  I'm not big on sleepovers because, mainly, I don't sleep so good.  And I love my sleep!

Sunday, April 20, 2014
Feliz Pascua!  I like saying it in Spanish rather than English because Easter is a pagan term.  Just me.

Analiese and the other girls sang a marvelous song in sacrament meeting today called "Gethsemane."  The first time I heard it, it gave me the chills.  It was so inspiring.

It appears that we may just get a real rainstorm today.  It dripped a little this morning and some during church, but as the afternoon and evening wore on, we've had thunder, lightning and...rain.  Lots of it.  We need it.

Before I close for the week, I need to make amends.  Apparently I have not been recognizing the absolutely amazing people in my life.  Like my sister, Wendy, who once (cutely) sent a package to our rabbits and recently sent Jonathan a funny card celebrating his Eagle.  Gush Gush Gush.  Does that cover it?

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