Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Monday, April 28, 2014
Other than a branch out of the front yard tree, the wind/dust storm of yesterday has left us unscathed. Actually, today is very pretty, with fluffy sheep-clouds grazing across the sky.

Spring continues to give us pleasant surprises.  My honeysuckle are in bloom!  The one by the front steps is yellow and the one in the back yard has pale-pink blossoms, but they all smell marvelously sweet!  They are healthy bushes in part because, on very lazy days when we don't want to lug gray water to the trees, they get our water!  I can't complain, the pay-off is lovely.

After homeschool PE today, we spent a bit more time in the parking lot just chatting with the Doshers. Kids on both sides - male and female - keep telling us parents that we need to get together more often.  It gives me much satisfaction to see them so happy together.  Plus, Michelle & I find plenty to talk about, too.  I know the Lord pointed us in their direction...friends who won't be leaving soon because they're not AF!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014
The wind has picked up again this morning.  It's sunny and the leafing trees cast green curtains over everything, but that wind!  As one gal told me when we first moved here - always keep a ponytail elastic in your purse.  The wind is not friendly to hairstyles.

Actually, it got a bit scary.  While waiting in the airport parking lot for Jonathan's teacher to show up, the wind pushed and pushed against the van, sometimes making metallic scraping sounds.  No me gusta.  And on the way home, I noticed a dead tree had fallen across someone's yard, completely pulled out of the ground (though the roots looked pretty dead, too).  This is one of the reasons I keep my trees well-watered.  I want them to be strong enough to withstand the wind!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014
I went back to water aerobics for the first time since I smacked my knee.  It felt good, but my knee was a little worn out after the exercise.  Still, I missed the ladies and the gossip - I can pretty much find out about anything going on in town with them - and the laughs that we have.

Taking Jonathan to Scouts tonight, we saw some baby birds hopping around in the church parking lot.  I could tell they were babies - they hadn't lost all their fluff!  I wonder if the wind from yesterday blew them out of the nest...and if they'll be okay and be able to fly away.  There are plenty of predators out there!

Thursday, May 1, 2014
Had to go to Lawton today.  Ken's employees (read: the inmates) need their incentives.  Checking out at Sam's with my kids beside me, I always feel guilty like I have to explain: "This isn't for my family.  This is for my husband's work.  The candy is incentives for his workers."  Just looking at all the junk makes my teeth ache!

But the view in and out of Lawton was nice, because everything is green and growing.  The tractors are plowing fields (dust clouds dot the air) and the cattle and horses are nurturing their newborns.  Funny, too, were all the birds gathered by the freeway overpasses.  They're swallows and they are building nests.  Hey, they eat bugs (which are coming out in profusion, too), so I'm all for more birds!

Friday, May 2, 2014
Today was filled with anticipation because this evening/weekend is the 6th Annual Rock 'N' Rumble in Altus.  Apparently we arrived in town last year just after the event.  It is a classic car event with a Battle of the Bands on Friday and Cruisin' on Saturday up and down Main Street.  People have been setting things up and reserving spots all up and down Main Street for most of the week.

Jonathan has always been a big fan of classic cars, and drools every time he sees one.  So it was a no-brainer for him.  Plus, his program director for Aviation Mechanics, Mr. Scott, is also a musician and would be playing and emceeing the Battle of the Bands competition.  Analiese was excited about the carnival atmosphere, with vendors and activities and music.  I think she just likes being out among people.

So, after water aerobics, I took the kids over to the courthouse, which is downtown, and where the bandstand and vendors were set up.  I treated the kids to Hawaiian ice, because the side of the truck had a place to "make your own" with flavors and they thought that was fun.  Also, we had to try Indian tacos, because it's apparently something big around here.  It's a fry bread with beans, ground beef, and taco-y stuff on it.  My kids really liked that.

The music was just getting going when...Ken called.  We had left him at home to sleep before going to work at Walmart.  But his tutoring family called and wanted to do a session RIGHT NOW and so, only half an hour into the event, we had to go home so I could turn the computer on for him (put in the password).  I wasn't going to go back because we had to park and walk and who wants to do that repeatedly?  I was a bit bummed, but more because Ken needs his sleep and should have just told the family no.  Still, the kids and I enjoyed the time we did have, listening and watching the neat cars go up and down the street.  I bet the local radio stations (we have at least five in town) broadcasted the Battle, but I didn't think to find out.

Saturday, May 3, 2014
Today was supposed to be the really big day at the Rock 'N' Rumble, but we couldn't make it.  Jonathan had baptisms at the temple in OKC with the youth and they had to leave at 10:45.  He wanted his hair cut before he went (those clippers were a worthy investment).  Plus, I had stuff to do to prepare for dinner with the elders tonight and to work on my Primary lesson for Analiese's class tomorrow.

Just so you know how much work I went to for dinner: I made chocolate mousse pie, homemade wheat rolls, and chicken-broccoli divan casserole.  I also use my Saturdays to plan the next week of lessons out, so there was much to do inbetween the cooking.

Oh!  Also, Analiese & I finished a skirt we've been sewing together.  She did most of it, under my guidance, but I made the ruffle and attached it to the rest of the skirt.  She had picked out a fabric in her favorite color (blue) and this is how it turned out:

Ken said getting to Walmart for work in the evening was a hassle because of the event in town.  Walmart is on Main Street, but on the far north of town.  He took side streets as much as he could, but the cars lined up pretty far.

Sunday, May 4, 2014
It was nice to go to church today.  A couple of sisters asked me if I was doing better.  Trust me, the ward knows when I don't go to church...I have a lot to do!

I taught Analiese's Primary class today.  We talked about "Joseph in Egypt."  Seven wiggly, talkative girls are hard to get through to.  For starters, you need to nearly glue them into their chairs.  Then, there's the incredible temptation to bring duct tape (we learned about temptation today, so perhaps it was a good thing I didn't give in).  You have to repeat things several times and they all want to do everything, but they are cute and fun.  Still, I understand why they called a team-teacher to work with Sister Tyler!

Last thing:  here's a crazy picture of my kids showing you where we live in OK:

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Monday, April 21, 2014
Put the van in the shop first thing this morning.  On the way to church yesterday, it was acting sluggish and kind of shaking.  Then the engine light came on.  That's not a good sign.  So, first thing, I took it to the Ford dealer.  I generally don't like going to dealerships because they charge more, but in this town, there's not a lot of places and - in the instance of Ken's Honda - they wouldn't even look at his car.  Just easier to take it to Ford.  I really don't have time to mess around.

Good thing, too, that Jonathan had no classes today because of Easter break (he starts up again tomorrow).  I don't know how he would have got there.  There was the Homeschool PE group today and Analiese really wanted to go, so she called the Doshers and she and Jonathan went.  He was reluctant at first (and complained about his legs aching after), but he and David get along so well, I think they need to get together.  Plus, there are other teens there, he needs to make more friends. Because Howard is moving in July and Chris will be leaving for a mission soon after.  There are supposed to be other families transferring in who have teens, but I just don't know.  Better to take advantage of all of our opportunities.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Got the van back this morning.  Luckily it wasn't over $400 to fix.  Unluckily, we're going to be tight again for a while.  Still, we need the 2nd vehicle, what with me driving Jonathan to and from the airport and all the 4H, homeschool stuff.

My tomatoes and peppers are looking pretty good, even though the cherry is still uncertain of itself.
 Also, the nasturtiums Analiese planted last week have popped their leafy heads up.  The marigolds and calendulas in the peat pots in the garage are starting to get their true leaves and one of my pansy baskets from last fall is still blooming!  

Lots of things are coming up in the front planters, too.  I think I've figured out the mystery plant and remember it blooming last year - it's a lily.  The hosta is getting it's leaves (it looks like it needs dividing, but that will have to wait till fall) and the cannas are up (I don't really like them - the flowers always look so shabby) and have pretty, variegated leaves.  I rather like spring!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014
More spring news...doves and squirrels abound (one fuzzy fellow is quite bold and runs past me all the time) and the pecan trees are growing bushier by the day.  They also have these green hanging things coming from them that are not leaves.
 Are they flower-like with pollen to give me (eventually) pecans?  We shall see!  I also like the surprises that keep coming in my yard.

Not a nice surprise was the "cell" (apparently the code word for Scary Storm) that came into town this evening.  It was beautiful and sunny for most of the day, but the clouds rolled in this afternoon and by six were looking menacing.  The radio was full of special weather reports warning of high winds (somewhere actually had a touch-and-go twister), thunderstorms and possible hail as big as quarters.  Scouts and Young Women were cancelled.  The end result here: about 5-15 minutes of rain (if that), about an hour lightning & thunderstorm, wind.  People here go in with expecting the worst, I guess.  The weather is wackily unpredicable and maybe it's just better to be prepared.  Still, a bit of a let down from all the bruhaha.

Thursday, April 24, 2014
Analiese and I did our monthly Meals on Wheels route.  We have our favorites and they are getting to know and expect us.  Even the kitchen staff like to talk with her and last month she even got a bakery goodie!  I like being able to say hi to the house-bound folks and see them light up when my daughter comes in.  She insists on bringing in the meals herself; I get the boring job of clipboards and signatures.

I went on base again today to (try and) help Kristi with her project while her kids and hubby are out of town.  Boy, is she motivated!  If I was by myself, it would be junk food, movies and naps!  Some people like being busy.

Friday, April 25, 2014
I love my son, truly I do.  I do NOT love the plastic BBs I keep finding in the laundry.  They roll around in the machines and make a horrible racket.  But I can't complain too much; my big fault is leaving kleenex in my pockets.  That makes a mess.

I gave my kids a treat today and finally took them to the library (after picking up Jonathan from the airport).  Really, they get upset with me if I go without them.  For all the hulabaloo, Jonathan couldn't find something he wanted to read!  Eventually I gave him a suggestion and he (actually truly) took it.  I came home with three books and one on order (they have a borrowing system here with local libraries), and Analiese had at least six.  I have no trouble getting these kids to read!

Saturday, April 26, 2014
I have a weird weed/wildflower (it could be both) in my yard.  I've seen it and other unknown vegetation growing around town.  Here it is, but don't ask me what it is...I don't know!

Another threat of storm has been predicted for this afternoon.  I read on a news report that this weekend is supposed to be bad.  We have an activity planned this afternoon and I keep checking my e-mail to see if it has been cancelled.

Nope!  Off we went to a local nursing home with our rabbits.  Our 4H Rabbit Club is visiting the seniors there as a service project (we're supposed to be involved in the community).  There were at least a dozen rabbits there (we brought our three) and we took turns taking them around the room for the residents to pet and comment on.  Jonathan's Twilight was a big hit, with his plush fur.  Many thought Fluffernutter was beautiful (she is...on the outside).  But both rabbits were very nervous in an unknown place.  Now, Analiese and Alice did wonderfully, but then, Alice is a very friendly sweetheart of a rabbit when it comes to temperament.  Everyone enjoyed looking at and learning about the rabbits. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014
I don't feel so good this morning.  I haven't slept well the last two nights and I feel dizzy with a terrible headache.  So, I stayed home from church.

The threatened storm showed up today.  We didn't get much beyond some wind and a lot of dust (the sky was brownish), but unfortunately, it headed up north east and hit the corner of the state and went into Arkansas.  We have family there (Ken's cousin and her kids) and they sadly lost their house and barns.  We don't know the conditions of their horses and cattle, but they are safe, having huddled down in a storm shelter.  It's a sad thing, but I'm glad they are all right!

Monday, April 14, 2014


Monday, April 14, 2014
The cold front came in last night.  The jury-rig around my plants seems to have worked...they look good.  But my poor leafing pecans - will they be okay?  There are actually a few little snow flurries out there!

I opened the back door to take a closer look when, who runs across the ground in front of me?  A robin, male, with his dark coat and red chest.  His hopping was cute, but as the kids and I looked at him further, we noticed something odd.  He was hopping away when we followed him, but wasn't flying away.  Was he injured?

With more inspection (chasing him around a little), it seems he cannot fly.  He would run, open his wings a bit, and tip over.  And he's cold!  He keeps fluffing out his feathers to get warm.  So Jonathan carefully lifted him with leather gloves on, and we've put him in a rabbit nesting box in the shed next to the bunnies and put a towel over it so he'll stay warm and stay put.  I have a bit of birdseed and we gave him some water, but robins like bugs (he was eating one when we first met).  I think I may have to do a bit of research or call the naturalist at Quartz Mountain and see what to do with him.

Robin-son Crusoe (Jonathan's name for him) didn't make it through the day.  By the time Jonathan and I came home from the airport, he was lying on his side, stiff.  The only one really upset about this was me.  We've been reading the Secret Garden and I really thought it would be nice to have a robin around.  I am not sure what he died of or what his problem was, but at least he had a nice warm place to stay during his last hours.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Another cold night last night meant another morning of concern for me.  My trees look like they're doing okay.  Jonathan thinks it's weird because I give them pep talks.  One tomato - the beefsteak - looks fine, the other - a cherry - is still struggling, but has been from the beginning.  The peppers look great.  Analiese also planted some nasturtiums, but they haven't come up yet.  But the marigolds and calendulas we started in the shed are up!

Took Jonathan to the Vo-Tech to talk about going to the college (next door) in the fall and to the shoe store.  He's growing up - physically and otherwise!  One of his friends in Seminary tells him he should go to the high school, but he said, "No way!  I'm going to college!"  I am excited for him.  He has handled the Aviation Mechanics course well and I think college is not going to be much more of a challenge.  And me...I won't have to plan lessons for him next year!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014
I am a clumsy idiot.  No, really.  I get in a big hurry, without thinking, and injure myself.  Happens all the time and I never seem to learn from it.  Today, I was in a hurry to put a potato in a pot of boiling water (for a science experiment), that I rushed up the stairs from the dining room into the kitchen.  My left foot did not completely clear the first step and I crashed down on the corner of the second one...on my right knee.  I jarred my whole body, scraped one arm and basically put my body on the pain road.

There's only a small bruise - a purple line - on my right knee, but it's swollen and hurts when I try to straighten it.  My body aches all over; what I wouldn't give for a jacuzzi right now!  Not to mention the injury to my ego; I am such a clutz, it is really embarrassing.

Thursday, April 17, 2014
Ken gave me a blessing this morning before leaving for work.  My knee is a bit less stiff, though I still ache all over.  I've rubbed some Deep Blue oil on the stiffest and sorest parts.  And I'm not going to rush so much today.  I'd say "if I can help it," but I know I can and I'd better.  Slow and steady, turtle!

Friday, April 18, 2014
No matter how I feel, life goes on!  I promised Analiese a haircut before Easter (because she's singing on Sunday), so after dropping Jonathan off at a friend's (no school today - Easter Break), we went to Walmart (of all places) to cut her hair.  We followed that up with a trip to the nail salon so I could get a pedicure.  It's been a couple of months, because I had stubbed my toe and torn off most of the nail, so I had to wait for it to grow back (I TOLD you I was clumsy).  But my ingrowns wait for no man or woman, so this was all I could stand.  Analiese was thrilled (not) having to wait for me and since the place was busy, they had her sit in the kiddie chair.

After the pedicure, we went to the Ambulance station to pick up Tarah's daughter, Jaylene, so she could spent the night.  She's not eight yet and gets bored staying at home while her mother works on the weekend, so we invited her to stay with us.  She adores the rabbits, so that was a no-brainer.

Besides rabbits, she played in the sand around the garden boxes, experimented on the piano, helped make personal skillet pizzas for dinner, and watched Scooby Doo.  At night, she got a little homesick, but did NOT want to go home (we have fun stuff planned tomorrow).  So her mom came, sang her a little song till she fell asleep, and left. And she slept through the night.

Saturday, April 19, 2014
The girls and I started Saturday morning out by making Resurrection Rolls (we're doing Easter a day early so Jaylene can enjoy it).  The rolls are made by taking a marshmallow, rolling it in butter and cinnamon sugar, placing it inside a canned biscuit, roll the biscuit around it and roll THAT in butter, and bake it.  When it comes out, you open up the biscuit and there's a big empty space to remind you that the tomb was empty on the third day.  On top of that, it tasted good, too!

In the afternoon, we dyed eggs with the Fletchers.  Kristi and Tarah are friends, too, and Jaylene plays with her kids sometimes, so it was fun to have them all there to color eggs, play with rabbits (Avery Fletcher was always walking around with a rabbit in her arms), and playing in the sand.  Little Jacob Fletcher was so cute, he had to get a kiss...of course, I asked for one back!

After they left I had to work more on our Day-Before-Easter dinner with the missionaries, so the girls painted watercolor pictures on the floor of the bigger bathroom.  Jaylene made one of the flag for me, but didn't sign it, so I had her sign it and put it on my fridge.  I haven't had kiddie pictures on my fridge in a long time!

Our traditional dinner was ham, church/funeral/Relief Society potatoes, glazed squash, salad, and a trifle I made out of angel food cake, lemon pudding mixed with Cool Whip, and strawberries.  I had purchased a 14lb. ham and everyone ate a bit, but I still had a lot left.  Besides the bone, I had enough for two more meals!

We took Jaylene back to her mom after dinner, taking a couple of plates to her and her working partner, too, at the Ambulance station.  She's already asking for another sleepover, but I'm tired, so it might be a while.  I'm not big on sleepovers because, mainly, I don't sleep so good.  And I love my sleep!

Sunday, April 20, 2014
Feliz Pascua!  I like saying it in Spanish rather than English because Easter is a pagan term.  Just me.

Analiese and the other girls sang a marvelous song in sacrament meeting today called "Gethsemane."  The first time I heard it, it gave me the chills.  It was so inspiring.

It appears that we may just get a real rainstorm today.  It dripped a little this morning and some during church, but as the afternoon and evening wore on, we've had thunder, lightning and...rain.  Lots of it.  We need it.

Before I close for the week, I need to make amends.  Apparently I have not been recognizing the absolutely amazing people in my life.  Like my sister, Wendy, who once (cutely) sent a package to our rabbits and recently sent Jonathan a funny card celebrating his Eagle.  Gush Gush Gush.  Does that cover it?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spring, Spanish & Surprises

Monday, April 7, 2014
The sky is peppered with clouds as far as the eye can see.  On that big field of blue, puffy tufts float by.  Rain?  A teensy bit here and there.  It's like one cloud can drop a little, but it's neighbor none at all.  In the distance I see darker clouds and what looks like rain there.  There's even some thunder and lightning.  But that's far away.  Altus...nope, not really.

It didn't keep Analiese from P.E.  Nothing would, I think.  She ADORES P.E., especially volleyball.  She gets hot, sweaty and windblown, but the grin on her face is worth the whole things.  And she cannot stop talking about it.  I'm glad we have this opportunity.

We dropped by the Doshers on the way home.  Analiese disappeared with Charesa into her room right away.  It was going to take a crowbar to get her out.  Now, Jonathan, he got deeply involved in discussion with David and Geordie right off the bat.  They enjoy each other so much.  It's been nice to have found them.  Of course, I get easily drawn into conversation with Michelle.  I did manage to pull them (and myself) out in time so I could go to water aerobics.

Ken took me out to dinner tonight to Billy Sims.  It's a chain BBQ place in Oklahoma.  Apparently, Billy Sims was an OU and NFL football star.  The food was pretty good, smoked meat and such, but heavy and filling.  I had pulled pork and sides of beans and mac and cheese.  I couldn't eat it all.  Ken got four kinds of smoked meat (chicken, turkey, pork & beef) and took most of it home.  Not a cheap place to eat, but the flavor was good.  Jonathan would probably like it.  Analiese ate there once with the Sherlocks (she had grilled cheese?).

Tuesday, April 8, 2014
I went to a meeting about Foster Care today.  Yes, we've been tossing the idea around.  We especially thought that when Jonathan was on his mission, we might take in a foster child.  But actually, we could do it now.  We have the room.

They showed us a video; it was so sad.  The Momma Bear in me just wanted to take that little girl right into my heart.  Jonathan was with me (I had to drop him off at the airport right after) and he said he was saddened by how helpless the girl was.  Yep, children are at the whim of adults and sometimes the adults aren't good for them.  Ken and I have some talking, thinking, and praying to do.  But we have the room in our house...and our hearts.

This evening the kids and I enjoyed the backyard.  The rabbits were out while the kids cleaned the cages.  I groomed Fluffernutter because of late she seems to be sitting in a cloud of fur like Pigpen sat in a cloud of dust in Peanuts comics.  I pulled a lot off of her - can you make rabbit fur into yarn? - but still have more to go.  She was NOT happy, but endured it without biting me.  Her reward for sitting still was to run around the yard.  She's found a spot where some sand had been dumped; she likes to dig there.

I pulled some weeds, worked on the back planters (I have to get ready, my tomatoes are coming soon), and stared at my pecan trees.  They have buds!  They are starting to pop open and I can't wait to see the leaves come again.  They look so forlorn without them!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Today was an adventure in Spanish.  The Cruz's, the nonmember couple who have grown member children, needed a ride and some interpreting help at the Human Services office of the city.  Their son called me on Monday, telling me the situation and asking for my help.  I was a little stunned...my Spanish isn't great (well, compared to Ken) and the call was out of the blue.  But I scheduled it with them for today and, after taking Jonathan to school, I picked them up and away we went.

It took a lot longer than I expected, but I should have known.  There was an enormous amount of paperwork (they were applying for aid) and it asked a lot of questions...that I had to translate.  Some of these words, I had no idea for.  Ken, when he was in college, had reams of vocabulary for instances just like this.  How I wished it was him there and not me!  Then we had to wait in line to return the paperwork.  When I told the receptionist we needed a Spanish interpreter for the future interview, she blanched.  I was thinking, "Please don't make me come back here."  She had us sit and wait and eventually another worker called us into her office.  They decided to do the interview right then and there while I was there.  Lucky me (eye roll, please).  Turns out, they receive too many benefits to qualify for more services, but at least we got that cleared up.  The total time taken?  Nearly two and a half hours.  I was getting nervous, too, because I had to pick up Jonathan by 2:40.  But I got them taken care of and picked up Jonathan just fine.  Still, my whole afternoon was gone and Analiese was frustrated that I didn't get to work with her on a couple of things.

My plants came today!  Two tomatoes (a cherry and a beefstake) and two peppers (a green  sweet pepper and an Anaheim chile).  The tomatoes looked a bit worn from their journey in a cardboard box, so this evening I planted everybody in the planter right behind the house.  Hopefully, everybody will perk up soon!

Thursday, April 10, 2014
After I got the kids settled on the computers doing schoolwork, I went outside this morning to spray weeds in the front.  With the drought situation here this has been my decision: No watering the lawns.  This means the weeds grow like crazy; the grass, not so much.  The trees get all of my gray water (from doing dishes) because it is more important to keep them alive.  I can always reseed the lawns later.  Jonathan will continue to mow the front and back yards, but for curb appeal's sake and to save me effort & expense, I'm only using weed killer on the front yard, specifically on the walk ways and edges of the house and planters.  I hand-pull weeds out of the planters.  I've also been pulling dead and ugly stuff out of the planters so I can put in reasonable (big in the back, small in the front) and pretty things in them.  But there have been some pleasant surprises too.

This low-lying plant surprised me with a bunch of pretty little flowers.  The greenery is small and, when dead, is cactus-like prickly.  It's cute, but it's in the middle-to-back of the planter where it can't really be seen.  So, when it's done flowering, I think it is going to be moved forward.

Also, this stranger has pushed up through the ground.  I have no idea what it is.  Hyacinth?  No clue.  But it certainly looks interesting and I will watch it closely to see what becomes of it.

So I am starting to really like Spring and it's surprises.  The pecan tree buds are starting to spread out into leaves.  Birds are busy picking up sticks and grass to make nests.  A monarch butterfly flew around me as I was busily spraying weed killer.  I had to carefully apply the stuff because a breeze wanted to take it in different directions.  Still, the sunshine and the chirping and the breeze, along with the new bursts of green here and there are enlivening.  I like to be outside, just enjoying what my new sphere of life holds.

Friday, April 11, 2014
More monarchs and squirrels are around today.  Nice, too, is one lone dove who is frequenting the backyard feeder with the wrens and starlings.  It likes to sit up on the power line that stretches across the backyard and coo.  I like to listen to the bird songs, especially in early morning or evening.

After picking up Jonathan from the airport today, the kids went with me to Atwoods.  I had gone yesterday to pick up more rabbit food and noticed that - along with chicks, ducks, turkeys and guineas - they have more baby rabbits.  Not ours this time, though, and Analiese was excited to see them.
They are small and cute and fuzzy.  I am not sure of the breeds, though Analiese and Jonathan were guessing at them.  There were nearly two dozen there.  Someone is breeding like crazy!

Saturday, April 12, 2014
I hadn't gotten a basket in weeks, due to our big tax bill, but now I felt safe to do so and picked one up this morning.  They seemed less full to me than usual and I was a bit disappointed that there weren't any lettuce or spinach.  Still, there was nearly all the makings of salsa for Jonathan, I just will need to get some cilantro, and a good bit of fruit that was NOT apples or the pitiful oranges here.  I didn't recognize one fruit with a label that said it was from Mexico (and nothing else).  It wasn't until I cut into it that I figured it was a mango.  Different from other mangos on the outside, but definitely a mango on the inside.

The weather has been hot lately, upper 80's to 90's.  The poor bunnies are panting, so we've opened the door into the shed and put a fan on them.  Fluffer and Twilight, with the densest coats, have the hardest time.

I made a new cookie recipe today I'd found on Pinterest: Cinnamon Chip Snickerdoodles.  My husband and the missionaries (one in particular) will tell you - they are good!  They smelled luscious in the oven, full of cinnamon and the chips.  Here's the recipe:
By the way, you can find cinnamon chips in the store.  I got mine from Walmart.  I bet they'd be good in oatmeal cookies, too.

Sunday, April 13, 2014
Wow!  The wind is really going at it!  It nearly pushed me over in the parking lot at church.

For some reason, the wifi/internet server at the church was down.  Believe it or not, this impacted a lot of people.  I could not access my scriptures on my app (which is weird, because it works independent of the web) and I couldn't go try and look for them on the church website.  I wasn't the only one who couldn't do this, but it was harder on teachers who intended on using media from the web for their classes.  Analiese's Primary teacher couldn't show her girls a video and my RS teacher today couldn't show us a segment from a conference talk.  Kind of sad we're so dependent on the technology!  Embarassing, too!

After church, Jonathan and I had to go get our ox out of the mire.  Really, it was ministering to my poor plants.  The wind and heat are beating them up.  Plus - and this is just crazy - there is supposed to be a deep frost in the next day or so (I hope it doesn't hurt my poor pecans that are just beginning to leaf out!).  So, using a metal stand that we'd found in the garage, we wrapped floating row cover around the plants to protect them from all three things.  I'd been warned in advance that I should do so because of the wind, but I also know that row cover is for protecting plants from frost.  I hope it does a little shading, too.