Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Monday, November 4, 2013
It was Monday.  Normal stuff.  The end.

I guess you wouldn't want to read this, if that was all I wrote.  Mind, Mondays are really like that, but I'll make an effort to, well, not embellish, but elaborate.

The Wal-Mart Meet-and-Greet was on full blast today.  I ran into George again (he said he truly wasn't stalking me and I told him only if he purposely came on Monday afternoons), who wanted to know what he should get for my daughter for her birthday (from his daughter).  I couldn't help him - she's a toughie to buy for - and I still haven't fully figured out her Christmas.  I always feel like I'm gypping her in some way on her birthday a) because of Christmas following and b) because I always seem to know what to get for Jonathan and his birthdays are easy.  Later, I ran into my RS president and her 1st counselor.  They wanted to know if I needed any help for the dessert at my part of the progressive dinner next week.

Being the first Monday of the month, Ken took me to dinner.  The options for fine dining in Altus are limited.  We decided to try Val's - the outside looked promising and Ken figures that if there are a lot of cars in the parking lot, they must be pretty good.  Actually, I'm starting to think that people either are desperate and take what they can get here or they have terrible taste in cuisine.  The ambience was that cluttered, memorabilia look, dark and run-down looking.  While our waitress was fun and nice, the food came very late and wasn't that terrific.  I had excitedly ordered a monte cristo sandwich, but the dinner wasn't cooked well.  The manager did comp us half our meal and all of our drinks (a couple of sodas aren't that expensive), but still, neither Ken nor I have any great desires to return.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013
To rain or not to rain, that is the question.  It smelled like it last night and this morning, the weathermen (false prophets!) kept say high chance of a strong storm.  We shall see.

After turning down an opportunity to work the concession stand at the basketball games last week, I get the desperation, guilty e-mail about this week.  So, dropping off the candy at the 4H office, I went to talk to Gary about it (it's a big money-raiser for 4H).  He really needed tonight and had no one for Saturday yet.  Well, Saturday is OUT - I am very busy that day.  So guess what I'm doing tonight.

Analiese had 4H sewing at 3:30, Jonathan had 4H shooting at 5:00, then I had to pick up Analiese (no, they weren't at the same place - sewing was at the 4H offices, shooting at the Expo Center).  I was supposed to pick up Jonathan at 7:00, bring him home and get out to the city gym by 7:30.  Jonathan walked in the door about a quarter till six.  Evidentally shooting had been cancelled - and he walked home (not too far).

But I couldn't get out of the concessions, so away I went, in the dark, to a part of town I've never been.  Yes, I found it, even without a GPS, I had an idea about where it was.  So for 2 1/2 hours, with another gal, I dispensed food (who wants to buy candy the week after Halloween?), cleaned and counted money.  And it rained outside during the games, so much so that I could hear it over the basketball games on both sides.  Thankfully it only drizzled a little when I left around 10, but the streets between it and my house (not far) are prone to flooding.  I had to be a little careful.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Happy birthday, Analiese!  I bought the kids doughnuts for breakfast (Walmart clearance - I am cheap), but still insisted (much to her disgust) that some lessons had to be done.

Which was harder than you think, considering the bunny brothel we had going on.  Somehow we ended up with all three rabbits out and Twilight was one randy buck!  He chased Fluffer around and around, so that she was LOUDLY growling at him.  He eventually gave up and went after Alice, who wasn't so vociferous, but did kick him in the face a time or two.  Not to be disuaded, this fluffy Don Juan kept coming back for more.  Eventually we had to put him away...though all those rabbits got lots of exercise chasing & being chased.

After dropping Jonathan off at the airport mid-day, Analiese & I went to have a little birthday fun.  We went to the jewelers to get her latest charm (in the shape of the state with the name on it) soldered on so it won't fall off.  Then we joined some friends at the Grapevine Cafe for lunch.  Finally!  A place in town that serves decent food.  I actually had a salad with a variety of greens - and no iceberg!  I also had a nice club sandwich, half of which I had to take home it was so big!  Then, in honor of her birthday, the waitress brought Analiese a piece of tres leches cake, which she very much enjoyed.  Our friends gave her a black wolf Webkins stuffed animal, which she was excited to add to her collection.

Following lunch, we went to get our pedicures.  I have to get one monthly because of my ingrown toenail problem, but I had promised her months back that on her birthday, she could have one.  She always chooses my colors, so she insisted with both had to have blue (her favorite), but different shades.  Hers was a light, irridescent blue while mine was a dark sparkly blue.  She loved it!

Thursday, November 7, 2013
I'm tired today, because I haven't caught up with Tuesday's sleep.  Also, last night coming home from picking up Jonathan from Scouts, two of the missionaries and one of our home teachers came to visit us.  They visited with us until nearly 9:30.  And Ken was asleep the whole time.  It takes careful planning to catch him home and awake.

To go along with my beautiful benches in my kitchen corner, I'm getting a pedestal table and two more chairs to go with it.  A brother in our ward is helping to finish the benches so they are "sit-able" by next Thursday when the RS is here (they may not be fully painted, but I can live with that).  But my table and chairs should be delivered today.

The weather report for next week says we may get a light snow come Thursday or Friday (we've been having a little frost).  I know a certain little girl here who is excited about that!

Ken took the family to see "Ender's Game" tonight.  Jonathan was dying to see it (well, I really wanted to, too).  We all enjoyed it and now Analiese is reading the book.  They did pretty well sticking to the story, considering.  But I knew Card wouldn't let it be made without it staying true.

Friday, November 8, 2013
Looooong day.  Normal morning stuff, lessons & laundry (oy - the story of my life!), but the afternoon had me and Analiese heading toward Lawton for a shopping jaunt.  She had received birthday money from grandparents and wanted/needed a new dress for church (the kid is growing - her legs are getting long!).  We tried the new TJ Maxx on the end of town, but no-go, they didn't have much in the way of girl dresses.  I agree with Analiese, the one she did try on was too big in the sleeves (size larger) and the skirt was nearly too short, and she'd outgrow it soon!

So we went to the Target in the same complex (we still love Target) and found a pretty dress, though it was sleeveless.  I found a red sparkly sweater to match that will cover the sleeve problem.  And she was happy with it, which is what counts most.  I also found a winter coat for me that will fit.  I've been eyeing pea coats - they look so tailored - so I found one in navy blue with a hood attached that also closes around the neck.  Very snug, looks nice.

After that, our marathon took us to Hobby Lobby.  Okay, I really like that store, but it can be pricey.  Even with the 50% off fall stuff, I didn't buy a wreath.  Originally $179.00 - that's still $90 for a wreath.  I think I'll make one next year.  We also looked for stuff for the kids' cousin Christmas crafts (say that 5x fast!) and some buttons for some crocheted neck warmers I made (very chic, ask me about them!)

I tried to linger, but Analiese was getting tired.  So we made our way to Sam's for gas, pizza, and shopping.  This was my big shop.  I had to first go and get incentive goodies for Ken for his work (they give him a card to spend on it, so at least I didn't have to worry about reimbursement), which filled nearly half the back of my van.  My shopping was big enough on it's own but...no turkey. :(  I really wanted to get one; I'd already priced out Wal-mart and United.  But, no, they don't get in turkeys until 2 weeks before Thanksgiving.  I was there NOW.  Irked.

This was funny, though.  This guy and his wife were walking around and saw me and Analiese with our shopping list.  He turned to his wife, "Why don't we have a list?"  To save her from embarassment, I remarked that it was only one of three lists I had for today and that was because when you have to drive for an hour to shop, you have to fit in all you can and carefully.  I told him we lived in Altus, and he contritely guessed I'd have to be more organized.  Inadvertant marriage saver! LOL

Saturday, November 9, 2013
Another busy day.  Jonathan had to be at the church by 9 a.m. to pick up canned goods for Harvest for the Hungry.  I've had to prep dinner and get things ready for tomorrow, plus Analiese has to be at church by noon for Primary Program Practice (tomorrow's the program).  They're having pizza, and I have to take some lemonade.  Then I'm going to the Garden Club at the Farmers' Bureau - do or die!  So many things and people have tried to get in the way of it, but I've been waiting months to go.  Too bad, other things, I really want to go, notebook in hand and ready to pick brains!

And the club was great! They have a potluck every time, and they had some great goodies, including garden bounty. I draw the line at jalepeno jelly, though. I am such a gringa!  But they were very welcoming, willing to answer questions and promising to email me more info. I learned quite a few things, including how to clean up the garden for winter (so bugs don't nest in trash). I even got a hug! They won't meet in December, but we have homework for January...bring in garden catalogs.

Tonight's feature entree for the missionaries was cashew chicken. I doubled it, but could have tripled it and they still would have eaten it all. We had another dinner guest, Bro. Tim Hudson of our ward - he's the one who drives Jonathan home from class - he's been helping me with my banquette benches, so I had him stay for dinner.

Sunday, November 10, 2013
Busy Sunday!  Besides the normal stuff (SS class president, RS pianist), I talked with the ward chorister about music the next two months while she's out recovering from surgery.  Then I had to run around talking to people about playing music for the Sunday before Christmas.  During RS, I had to interpret for a Spanish-speaking sister.  

Oh!  And the RS presidency wanted to know if I would be on the Ward Christmas Party committee.  If I wasn't too busy.  To which we all threw back our heads and laughed!

Pray, pray, pray that my bench will be done before Thursday.  Yes, I have bitten off more than I can chew.  Ken asked how long it would be before I forgot this lesson.  I told him I hoped it would last through Christmas.

Guess what?  I have rose bushes - three of them!  One is pink, one I don't know yet, but these are the prettiest (they smell nice, too):

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