Monday, November 11, 2013


Monday, November 11, 2013
Let me tell you about the great bench fiasco.  Great because it was a great idea to begin with; fiasco because it was enough trouble to make the Pope swear.  Here's my lovely old church bench, cut in two; I want to make it into a banquette for my kitchen.  Old, nice wood, hand craftsmanship, just lovely.  For a church bench, though, it has been surprisingly devilish.  And it wasn't even me who had to do this crazy dance with the devil, it was someone from my ward who was being nice and doing me a favor.  I have probably ruined all future opportunities for service for him.  Tongue-and-groove workmanship...glued together.  When you cut the bench in two, they all want to come apart.  The end pieces, nice and thick, so much so that no one sells wood cut like that anymore.  And the shape and curve of it were not exactly "piece of cake" work, either.  I am SO SORRY, Tim.  I'm not sure inviting him to Thanksgiving dinner is enough.  So much for trying to make friends in Altus.

Wal-Mart was almost a lonely disappointment, too.  No meeters and greeters, until in the produce when I saw my VT, who works there.  Good thing, too, because I couldn't find the fresh cranberries.  She knew!  I guess I can't say it's over till I'm in my van driving out of the parking lot.  And even then...I've seen people sit in their cars and talk to someone outside.

Thought you'd like to see a common scene driving through Altus.  These ladies were quite vociferous, too!  (This is for Dee & ME with bovine love!)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The benches are finished!  Well, the construction is complete, I just need to do a little spackling, sanding and painting.  But it will have to wait.  Ugly or not, they need to be sit-able, and they are.  That's all that counts.  Tim isn't happy with the way they've turned out, but they're not bad.

I am one very proud, slightly emotional mommy tonight.  It's taken a lot of blood, sweat, toil & tears (literally), but my son now has his Eagle rank!  Tonight was his Board of Review, where a group of Scout leaders get together, review all of his accomplishments, focusing  A LOT on his Eagle project, and decide whether or not he's earned his rank.  I was a little nervous, since all of that stuff was done in California...but they accepted it!  They were so gracious and kind, too.  They said they couldn't get Jonathan to smile until after they said he'd earned his Eagle.  Well, that's him.  When he's nervous he gets deep-down serious solemn.  He WAS nervous.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
With the clock ticking, and me super-busy to get my house cleaned and ready for tomorrow, I lost my brain.  Literally.  Don't know where, don't know when.  But it's gone.  I had a doctor's appointment this morning (I should have scheduled it AFTER the RS shindig).  I didn't even realize I'd missed it until about noon. AWK!

I made my spectacular cranberry cake for tomorrow.  (If you want the recipe, let me know.)  I made it a few times last year during the holiday season because it was so good.  Highly recommended.  To be honest, I think it's the fresh cranberries and the almond extract that make it so superlative.

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Today's the big day!  The morning was full of cleaning: Vaccuuming, dusting, picking up.  Plus, I had my cider to put together, the chairs to move to the living room, the table to set up.  I cancelled yoga in the morning so I could have the time I'd need.

I got everything done in time, so I could change and go to the other houses myself.  It was a really fun activity, going from house to house and chatting with all the ladies.  Good eats, too.  The roast was juicy and tender, the potato dish (sweet & white) was great - I want the recipe.  Then everyone came to our place.

One problem I have is that our porch light is motion activated.  It doesn't stay on unless someone walks up the stairs.  Well, I need the light to be on so people can walk up the stairs safely.  So I had to stand out on the portch, occasionally waving my arms to keep it on.  Luckily, the evening was not cold (in fact, I had taken my new coat, but never wore it) and once everyone was inside, I could stop.

I think they enjoyed it.  The cake and cider were popular, as was a chocolate dessert another sister made.  And the ladies complimented our benches.  Which became funny later, as Tim called, curious to know what they thought (he was as nervous about it as I was).  Now maybe I can rest a little.  Ha-ha

Friday, November 15, 2013
Well, it was a pretty normal day.  Laundry, lessons.  The day ended with Rabbit Club.  The kids played rabbit trivia (Analiese was on the winning team, Jonathan on the losing) while the leader spoke to the adults about getting sponsors for the February Rabbit Show.  You know, that was one reason why I was happy about fundraising.  SIGH.

Also they discussed the December Christmas party.  If all the clubs do that, we'll have four to "look forward" to: Rabbits, Sewing, Legos, Shooting.  On top of all the other obligations and parties.  I guess I need to think and plan a little.

Ken took the night off from Wal-mart.  He's tired, but mainly tired of working all the time.  I can't blame him.  But it gives him extra rest and time to do other things tomorrow besides sleep.

Saturday, November 16, 2013
Another early morning: up for my basket order.  But I was excited because I ordered rolls - wheat, white & cranberry-pumpkin - and I won't have to make rolls for Thanksgiving.  Anything to make it easier.  Lots of goodies, too.

Today's craziness: Lattice Cranberry Relish Pie.  I bought pie crust, that issue solved.  But the bigger, more pressing issue was the orange peel I needed.  United only had lemon, so I had to buy oranges and shred the peel myself.  Eight oranges - my hands are still cramping.  It baked nicely and (I thought) tasted great when we served it to the missionaries.

After working hard in the morning, I took a break to go to a craft show.  It was sponsored by the Altus Spouses Club, which supports the families on base.   It was fun to go look - but I'm a good window shopper and didn't buy.  Still, one booth was run by a gal in our ward, so I went and spoke with her for a bit, and I also spent some time looking at the Pampered Chef booth, because their stuff is so great.  I didn't get anything, though.  I recently purchased a new chopper (my 10 yo one died), so I didn't feel I could get anything more.  Besides, I have Christmas to think of.  I was tempted to get a cute new Christmas wreath made out of that mesh stuff that's so popular.  But I resisted - I am strong!

The elders came to dinner...about 8 o'clock tonight.  To be fair, they'd been in Lawton for Conference Sessions.  I had soup still warm on the stove for them...and the pie.  Which they loved, especially one elder.  Ken didn't like it - not sweet enough.  I think it could be better with less orange peel.  Ha!

Sunday, November 17, 2013
Today was Stake Conference, and, unlike years past, the journey to the Stake Center does not take mere minutes.  In fact, it takes nearly an hour.  The Stake Center in Lawton is straight east from us (it's that easy straight-shot I've told you about).  We left at 8:30 so we'd be in time for a good seat...and so Analiese could practice with the 10-11 year-olds choir before the meeting.  

They were sweet, singing "I Am a Child of God" and "I Wonder When He Comes Again."  For the first song, the kids from our ward (all four) did sign language along with the first verse, and the chorus on all verses.  It certainly set the tone for the meeting.

I enjoyed it, though being tired, I did yawn a bit at the end (Sorry, President Petersen!).  I really enjoyed the Mission President's wife's talk, explaining how they got to be here, and the 1st Counselor of the Temple Presidency talking about the blessings of the temple.  He called the OKC temple, the "Little Jewel on the Prairie."  Even Analiese liked his talk, and she was restless!

I have to learn how to adjust for these kind of days and trips.  For one, I need to make sure we have snacks in the car.  By the time we got home, the kids were ready to eat the upholstery.  For another, I need to have more for Analiese to do.  What, I don't know.  She took markers and paper...what more could I do?

Ken didn't go because he was feeling nauseous.  There's not exactly anywhere to stop between Altus and Lawton.  Oh, yeah, there are a couple of towns but I don't know where anything is in them and it would be just our luck that he'd want to throw up with nothing around us but cotton fields and cow pastures.  But then, isn't that fertilizing, in a way?  Ugh!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on Jonathan's Eagle. I can totally picture his serious face!
