Saturday, May 4, 2013


1. It takes time to establish relationships. I felt very alone and out of the loop for quite a while in my new ward. Which leads to #2...

2. The only way to have a friend is to be one. This is SO true. It wasn't until I started going out and talking to people and reaching out that I actually met people and got closer.

3. Serve as much as you can. It does so many things. It creates feel connected to those you serve and serve with. It helps you to forget your own troubles, or find out your troubles are really nothing compared to others and makes you grateful for what you have.

4. Get busy. Time on your hands gives you time to brood or get in trouble. Get a hobby, a job, a calling, a vocation, volunteer, whatever. There's something good that can always be done, you just have to look around to find it.

5. There are good people of all types around you. And God loves all people around you. Smile at them, be cheerful, and give them the benefit of the doubt. You may be surprised. Some will let you down, but I've found when I expect high things of people who respect me, out of respect they will live up to my expectations.

6. It's okay to sweat. I don't like it, I hate feeling sticky. But especially when I'm exercising, that sweat means I'm doing good things for my body. Wear it as a badge of pride.

7. Sometimes you have to keep going, despite the pain. If you stop, you get stiff and might never start moving again. Or, it'll be harder when you try to get moving once more. Don't be afraid of pain and don't let it stop you. Of course, if the doctor says otherwise...but get back moving as soon as you can! And this means emotionally/spiritually/mentally as well as physically.

8. Don't let fear cripple you, either. Like the man in the New Testament, tell the Savior, "I believe. Help thou mine unbelief." Fear stops up faith and progression. Anger, too. Go to the Lord and have Him help you let it all go. Or, at least uphold you while you go through it.

9. Don't hide your talents. God gave you them to bless the lives of others. Hiding them is selfish. But don't be afraid, too, to tell others that you need a break once in a while. We all need that.

10. The gospel is SO true. Let the Spirit be a part of your life; he wants to. Be prepared and read up the lessons for Sunday School & Relief Society so you can understand what's going on, relate, and participate. Don't sit in the back in silence. Grow, share & enrich everyone else with the things you've learned.

11. Forgive & seek forgiveness. It's hard to say I'm sorry, but, even if they don't know you did anything, when you say sorry, they soften towards you. Life is too short for grudges and regrets.

There are many others...but I can't remember them all now. I was bad and didn't write in my journal... so...

12. Write in your journal all the time so you don't forget all the pithy things you wanted to remember and share with your friends and family. It'll help you look smarter! (Ha-ha)

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