Sunday, January 13, 2013

Banana Week

I think my kids "forget" to eat bananas with a plan in mind - to encourage me to make bread & muffins. Because I'm a waste-not-want-not kind of person, I can't just throw them out. They're still good for something! So this week I made two dozen banana chocolate chip muffins (their favorite) and a large loaf of banana nut bread. See? That was a lot of overripe bananas!

Now that the New Year is here, maybe things will start to happen with the house. It's like a pot of water that grew cold and a new fire is lit under it - things are starting to warm up! Another realtor came by to see if I wanted to switch to him (my contract with the other realtor was up), but after consulting with Ken, we decided to stay with Sandy. She had people come last Sunday to see the house, and I went over Friday to sign a new paper with her. And she had someone else come see the house right after that! She had also spoken to our mortgage company and they are willing to work with us and let someone assume the loan (that means take it over from us). This would be quite appealing to some buyers who had lender trouble. Let's get this show on the road!

Which means...we have to be ready. Of top priority is Jonathan getting his Eagle Project done. While we could move in with my folks for a short while waiting on the doctor if the house sold, we need to be HERE in CORONA in our WARD for Jonathan's project. So we're really pushing him, his leaders and anyone we can talk to into finding something - pronto! A couple of ideas have appeared this week, so Jonathan will be exploring them this week.

He's back at the Fender, as well, for his fifth session of guitar lessons. This will probably be his last, because we really plan to be out of here by April-May. He has enjoyed them so much and made the effort to practice and learn. Trudy Whittaker - our ward & stake music expert - has made me swear to continue to get him lessons in Oklahoma, especially since he enjoys it and shows some talent for it. I just like listening to it and feel the calm in his spirit as he concentrates and plays.

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