Sunday, May 19, 2013


For a remote area with not much to do, we've found do!  Saturday afternoon we drove to Lawton, 45 minutes away, to see the Stake Center, go to Sam's Club and have a nice early Mother's Day dinner.

Apparently, it's where people go when they need stuff.  We saw one family from our new ward at Sam's.  And we received a phone call from another while there inviting Jonathan to  a dance that Lawton!  

So we waited, going around town to see things and have dinner, until the dance started.  Jonathan met up with his new quorum members as Ken & I visited with the Young Men's president and his wife, who were to take Jonathan back to Altus for us.  Then we came back to the Friendship Inn.

Mother's Day was rather, uhm, anticlimactic.  We'd already gone to dinner the day before and Ken had purchased me an orchid plant, so Sunday wasn't much to think of, except that I wasn't with MY mother on Mother's Day.

Church was nice, though.  The ward, though small, is friendly.  The Relief Society President tried very hard to make me feel welcome and included.  And it's a sure thing that I'll be playing the piano during Relief Society.  One gal did a 1 finger-play during the meeting,
but she's moving to Delaware next week (AFB people).  The ward gave the mothers little sunflower seeds in a pot and the Relief Society gave us cookies.

But after church we moved from our little suite to an apartment until the house is ready for us to move into.  It is larger and has a kitchen, but is rather shabby and smells.  I will be grateful when we can be in our own home.

Monday was just a day of getting things done.  Ken went to work, Jonathan went to Seminary.  I did shopping and then took the kids with me as we went to the storage unit to let the movers fill it with our stuff.  That took about 3 1/2 hours and I got a horrid sunburn (I had to stay with the stuff and check off the boxes to make sure we got everything).  Then we went to do laundry.  Since it was Jonathan's 16th birthday (Yeah, Jonathan!), we went to dinner.  It was an anticlimactic day for him, too.  

Tuesday wasn't so great, mainly because I wasn't feeling well.  It wasn't a result of the sunburn, but (I think) of the air conditioning unit in our hotel apartment.

The thing was coated with dust, even the ceiling in front of it had a layer.  When the housekeeping gal came by, I asked her if it could be vacuumed or cleaned.  She had a maintenance guy come and replace the filter (VERY dirty) and clean the front grill.  

Still, the damage was done.  I've had a very sore throat all day.  I managed to take a nap mid-day, but it has only slowed a little.

So we didn't done much and the kids, Jonathan in particular, were very bored.  We had walked to Walmart in the morning, but most of it was spent in the apartment.  TV only entertains so long, they watched a movie on Amazon Instant Video, and played some games on the iPad.  I'd take them out, but I still didn't feel well.

On the bright side, I did cook dinner (well, I cooked the chicken to go in the caesar salad) and Ken got to have a meal his wife had prepared for him for the first time in 11 months.  That in itself was reason for celebration!

The best laid plans...blah, blah, blah.  I got sick with a sinus infection, brought on by that nasty a/c.  It settled in my head and in my chest.  I've been exhausted and hot (fever?) and totally disgusted

Because of it, that means the kids sit around all day while I lay in bed, blowing my nose continually and coughing up gunk.  I tried to go out Wednesday, but in Walmart (getting me some meds), Jonathan said, "You are sick, we should go back."

So we did.  Thankfully, Ken's evening was free and he took them around to see things to do in town.  The sun doesn't set here until nearly 9 o'clock, so that gave them time to be out and about.

The first week's been pretty rough.  Sitting around a smelly hotel room/apartment, sick, tired & (in the case of the kids) really bored.  As Analiese put it today, the adventure is pretty much gone.

The kids have been showing signs of allergy/sinus issues.  Analiese did NOT want to go to church today because her throat hurt so much.  But, with Jonathan being ordained a priest, and Ken doing it, and me playing piano for sacrament meeting or the ward having no music, she was stuck.  She dragged her heels, made her mother find everything (Mom, I can't find _______!), and after a dosing of Tylenol, went to church and was fine.

People have been really nice in the ward and we've found plenty for us to do.  Jonathan & Ken went to help roof someone's house Saturday and are going to help with moving someone else's stuff on Tuesday.  The kids and I are going to help clean up the same moving people Wednesday.  And Jonathan is signed up for Scout Camp in June & Youth Conference in July!  Plus, there's Scouts for him and Activity Days for Analiese this week. It helps quell the boredom.

Which has really been the biggest problem.  The kids are learning that day-long TV is not fun and they hate being cooped up all day.  I'd take them out but with me not feeling well, it's not been as much fun.

Hopefully, this next
week will be better.  Especially hoping the CA house clears completely so those poor people can move in and our paperwork here can be completed.

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