Sunday, June 30, 2019


Drying Up
Nearly the end of June, and the rain has ceased. Puddles and ponds are drying out. I actually have to water my plants!

Fun thing happened when I went to water my plants on Saturday morning. Under the herb planter boxes, I found a frog sitting there! We've seen quite a few this year; Jonathan found half a dozen while mowing the other day! I decided to call this fella Spot, because he had a big white spot on his little brown back! He was maybe two inches long? Still, I welcomed Spot to our garden and encouraged him to stay and eat bugs for me.

Our other bug hunters, the Mississippi kites, are all over the power lines in front of our house during the morning hours.
They glide all over the field across the road and our house, too. I did see one with a rather large bug in his beak the other day. Go for it, guys, I'm rooting for you!

I drove to the City Thursday (more on that later), and encountered several bugs on my windshield both coming and going. The worst was a juicy dragon fly who ended up on my wipers. Trying to get it off, the thing smeared across the windshield. Ugh! My van is in terrible need of a wash!

OKC Marathon
Not really, but it felt like it. After my morning classes on Thursday, I took a quick shower and drove up to the OKC Stake Center for a Seminary meeting. Are there other meetings closer to me? Yes, even on online. But they are during the early morning when I am teaching. This was at 10 a.m., well after my last morning class.

I have to say, it was spiritually worth the drive. There were six teachers and our "boss," the CES director. We had such a wonderful, spiritual discussion over Mark 5. We read and shared and learned so much from one another. For example, one sister had visited Israel as a youth. She learned about Jairus' daughter and the meaning of what Christ said to her. I was so touched! I learned how enriching understanding some of the Hebrew and Greek meanings could be. Also, referring to Old Testament prophecy or reading the later testimonies of the prophets only strengthened the message of Christ's life and mission.  The amazing thing at the end was our CES director. He said that all of the doctrines and principles we'd discussed were true, but not in the lesson manual. BUT...that was okay! We need to be more in touch with the Spirit and our students' needs than to follow the manual rigidly. I was very inspired. I will try harder this year to lean on the scriptures and the Spirit more and just use the lesson as a side help, if needed.

I'll be joining them again the 1st of August and really look forward to it. It was such a wonderful group to work with.

I got back mid-day, so Jonathan could take the van to work. However, during the evening, I was picked up by the sister I MS to and we went back to OKC to the airport. She was leaving to go work at a Mom convention in Portland OR, while I drove her van back to her house - full of her six kids - and watch them until Dad came at 9:30 and drove me to my home (with all six in tow). Driving someone else's vehicle was interesting, but it did have some cool bells and whistles. For one, when I plugged my phone into the van's port, it hooked the phone up to the display. The GPS from my phone showed up larger than life and talked to me over the van's stereo! Plus, I could play my music through it, too!

Interestingly, it had a back up camera, and a sensor that let you know if you were going out of your lane on the highway or too close to an object. I thought, "Maybe I need this for Analiese to learn to drive on!"

SIDE NOTE: Analiese made dinner by herself for the Sister Missionaries because of my trip to the airport. She made BBQ cups and even bought ice cream sandwiches for dessert. She was very attentive to their needs. They thought it was awesome!!

VIPKid Week

So long, so many hours, even on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings! I blocked out Thursday, of course, because I was going to the airport (see above), but Friday and Saturday were completely booked. I AM SO TIRED!

Some of it isn't the amount, but the type of student. I've had several new-new students (new to me, new to VIPKid). For one, it was her first lesson...ever! Patience is the name of the game. Also, I've had a bunch of Level 1 classes and Voice of VIPkid classes. Those take more energy and for some reason, come at the end of my day. Saturday night I had two VVs and a Lvl 1. By my last class (I had five in a row), my voice was very squawky!

Then, there are the troublesome kids. It seems terrible to say, but there are some kids I wish I could drop! These are the ones that the parents don't seem to care if they doing anything or not. I'm just their 25 minute entertainment/online babysitter. They don't cooperate, or have a sibling that interferes. Grandpa looks in...and ignores everything. I don't give them 5 stars. No change. It is frustrating and exhausting.

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