Sunday, March 31, 2019


I love Spring. Don't I? Actually, I really do, though it doesn't always love me.

Back to Seminary after Spring Break, we're also back to walking around the park. The trees are all in glorious bloom. The Bradford pears (non-fruiting) are most abundant, full of white blossoms. When the wind blows (and when doesn't it?), they scatter petals like confetti everywhere! The redbuds are opening up, too, covered in clouds of dusty pink. They even impress Jonathan, who doesn't usually comment on trees. Happy trees!
Misty morning

Mirrored beauty


One of two herons at the park. Mating pair?
The birds are all out and crazy. Even in the pre-dawn hours of Seminary, I can hear their chirps and calls. They also seem to be pairing up. I hope this means we'll see babies in the next month or so!

The squirrels and skunks are emboldened this time of year, too. You can imagine the smells that waft around town and I cringe with every dog barking..."Is that a skunk you're annoying?" Too, is the increase of roadkill. I don't know how anyone can hit so small a target, but those squirrels are easy marks. And, from experience, dead skunks are no less stinky!

And...allergies. Poor Analiese is really suffering, either sniffling and sneezing or coughing. I've not been too bad. Sometimes my chest tightens a little, but my inhaler takes care of that quickly. Maybe those shots HAVE been helping!

Missionary Endeavors
I am still new enough around town to not really have a lot of non-member contacts to talk to about the Gospel. But, with Ken as Branch Mission Leader, I have lots of contacts with the sister missionaries and do what I can to help.

First, obviously, is the weekly dinner. We do it Thursdays so that Ken can meet with them in his calling capacity right afterward. That way they don't have to go down to the Church and meet...and worry about another person (probably me) to be there to make sure it's all Kosher.  I feel rather motherly to these girls and prejudiced towards them, having been a sister missionary myself. I try to give them the love and encouragement their mothers would want them to have. And I feed them well. Of course.

I also went this week with them to visit a new member over at USAO. I've gotten to know her better lately since she's been called to be an assistant chorister in the Branch. She's a music major, so she probably knows more about that stuff than me. I told her to correct me when needed. I'm a self-taught sort-of organist/pianist. We had a lovely talk about the Restoration of the Church. Teaching Doctrine & Covenants this year has given me lots of insight on that!

Then, Sunday, I picked up two other gals at USAO for Church. They are currently studying with the sisters. They were both really nice and open. Jonathan, who couldn't go to the YSA Ward because Ken had the car, had come with us and they all seemed to get along nicely. That's good, in case they ever want to go to the ward in Norman, they'll know someone!

VIP Slowdown
I expected it. Break is over and my early mornings are back at Seminary. I have lots of requests and interests in my morning hours for teaching. Ken says it should make me feel good. Yes, and somewhat wistful. But Seminary is a priority. And summer break will be here in a month and a half. I can wait. However, I have no idea when I will ever sleep in again!

It wasn't complete desolation. I had four lessons to teach on Saturday, which before Spring Break I would have thought as a great bounty. I can teach all age - I'm pretty flexible - but those little ones are often cute and funny. No translation necessary!

Did you know that I taught 19 classes in March? And 15 of those were during Spring Break? Also, parents can give feedback. They can award up to five "apples" and have comments they can choose from (previously translated) to let you know how you are doing. Not all parents give feedback, but currently have seven parents give feedback...and they are all five apples!

Here's some clips from the company of me teaching last week. They apparently appreciate my sense of humor, because some were goofy. Especially one when I had to wait for IT issues to be resolved. Yes, I'm wearing (very) red lipstick so kids can see my lips better when trying to figure out how to sound things. And yes, you can hear some of the kids in the background!

Conference & Temple
Oklahoma is all abuzz with excitement. First, General Conference is this weekend and I'm sure President Nelson will not disappoint us. There will be things to thrill and inspire! Our talks in church today were about personal revelation and we were challenged to delve deep into Conference. As if I wouldn't! I would not miss a session if possible. Though, I may be a little late next Saturday, because Analiese will probably have work at 11 a.m....

We're also so excited to have our OKC Temple back again. It won't open for work until the end of May, but at the end of April-first part of May we are having an Open House. We've reserved tours, made plans and this Sunday, were invited to participate by serving: cleaning, ushering, putting on shoe covers, whatever! They estimate 20,000 people come to visit during the week of the Open House!

Other Things
I've been busy, but that's pretty normal. To be honest, things have done that. Gone back to normal. School, work, Church. That's life.

Here's some life pics:
Analiese drew on the chalkboard for me in Seminary. Lots of roots!

PomPom, the intrepid

Cuddle Bun Time!

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