Sunday, March 3, 2019


Celebration Time
Seriously, Chinese New Year made a wreak out of me. For the whole month of February I didn't get a single booking. Zip. Zilch. Nada. I was freaking out. As a newbie in her second month, I kept wondering what I did/didn't that I should/shouldn't have. I thought all the time, effort and money poured in to getting me started was a waste. I hate boondoggles and I was terrified that I had fallen into one!

But by Wednesday, I had a booking for Saturday evening. Talk about breathing a sigh of relief. I have no experience with a month-long holiday and I felt a palpable relaxing of my muscles. I had taken workshops every week, worked on my new video (outlining, storyboarding), and just prayed a lot. So when I got the message I had a class, I think I nearly swooned

Also, on Saturday, I went to OKC for a VIPKid Meet-and-Greet for local teachers.
Only OU/OSU fans will understand the name.

An old piano repurposed with a large glass top and stools. Kind of cool!
I wasn't the furthest to come, there were two from Fort Sill/Lawton area. They are thinking of having their own and I said if they did, I'd go. It's no further from me than the city.

It was a nice group, about eight of us and I wasn't the only newbie. Though I did get a compliment... someone said I spoke as if I was a seasoned teacher! Nope, I've just attended a LOT of workshops. LOL. I know what to expect, sort of. If only it would happen. The nice thing was, they all acknowledged how awful February is for bookings every year. The ones who'd been around for at least a year seem to keep super busy, so I felt encouraged. They said it just takes time. A lot of them work mainly with regulars, because they have so many. Nice!

So, we talked about bookings, certifications, terrible students, amazing students, our favorite workshops, working with the company, etc. And...we had goodies! I snagged a couple of stickers and a Dino button, plus I won a pencil  case in the raffle!
Cute VIPKid Stuff!
They were raffling off a Dino stuffed animal that I coveted, but I didn't get it. One day...I will have a Dino!

My class was great...except my tech didn't want to work. We had to deal with my laptop camera (so-so) because my good camera didn't want to turn on (something about it connecting with the laptop) but other than that, it went smoothly. My student was adorable! She gave me a different name than was on the record, but was so sweet and responsive. She laughed at my antics and even sometimes joined in. She was also very smart. This was a basic, beginner Level 2 and this is only her 15th class, but she read well, knew her English numbers through fifteen and sped through the lesson! So much so, that I had to scramble to find things for her to do to fill out the time. She sang with me, laughed with (and at) me, and was an absolute delight. I wouldn't mind having her as a regular at all!'

It's Cold
Okay, it's not Alaska cold, but still. We had a misty day Wednesday where the weather hovered on freezing. No walking there, because no umbrella could keep off the wet, cold cloud surrounding us!

It's been hard to keep the house warm enough, too. The back area, where the rabbits are, is an add-on and isn't connected to the heating/cooling system. So, we leave the door open. This makes the heater work harder and the dining room/desk area/laundry were all chilly. Friday was so bad I wore my winter coat instead of just a jacket or sweater!

A "big" ice and snow storm was supposed to come Saturday night into Sunday. Maybe there was a little rain, but in the morning I saw no evidence of any of it. The only thing they got right was the temperature. Freezing. 24 degrees, feels like eight. BRR. They say Monday morning will be 19 degrees. Somehow, I don't think we'll be walking that morning. Can you say Momsicle?

The amazing can happen in Seminary (well, anywhere) when you open yourself up to the Spirit . Totally off-topic, a student asked me about my husband's marriage proposal. We were pretty much done so I told the story - it's a little funny - but felt impressed to talk about our day at the temple being sealed. The Spirit was so strong, confirming and witnessing that day's events that I openly wept. (I try not to get overly emotional in class, I don't think it helps and just embarrasses the kids) The lesson I'd prepared was okay, but the Spirit's lesson was WAY better!

I also spent the last two days of the Seminary week interviewing kids. I asked someone to sub in the classroom while I took the kids aside - one-by-one - to just talk. I'd felt impressed to do this some time ago and after the "Evening with a General Authority" fireside a couple weeks ago, I felt the desire grow even greater. I won't share what they shared with me, but I'll just tell you. I know what I did needed to be done. Plus, I got to enjoy their great spirits individually. Yes, even Analiese, who I think was like, "We are alone all the time." But I couldn't be partial, this was official!

With all these exciting things, I'm sure you wonder how I get anything done at home. I between and at quiet times.

I actually pulled out my sewing machine Tuesday and mended some clothing. Just seams split apart, nothing earth-shattering. I do have a pair of knit fabric compression gloves that have sprung holes, but I don't know how to darn! The sewing machine is not equipped for that!

Also, I made peanut-butter and chocolate chip cookies. I wanted to for the sister in the Branch who clips the rabbits' claws and won't charge me for it. (She runs a grooming business) I questioned her son, a student of mine, for her favorite. I know she loves peanut butter...her son regales us with tales of them fighting over jars of it!  I also gave some to the sister who subbed for me in Seminary and served some to the sister missionaries when they came to dinner on Saturday. The rest (I doubled the batch and made about four dozen) aren't completely gone, yet. Jonathan and I enjoy them too much!

Ken & I visited the new Aldi's that opened up in town. He wasn't impressed, but Jonathan went there earlier (it's practically next door to Walgreens) and had purchased some grapes that were really good. I liked their produce...a great improvement to Walmart's. I will do some price comparison and may just stop there first on shopping days before heading to Walmart (about a block away). I didn't go when it opened two weeks ago, though, to avoid the crazy crowds.

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