Sunday, September 9, 2018


This was Ken's last week at the Chickasha store (that's what they call them). As of next week, he will be working in OKC at a TB just NW of the airport, about 45 minutes away. No, we're not moving. So this week he spent his time with the new Chickasha manager, teaching him the ropes. He even took Saturday off, which didn't seem to matter much since they ended up being closed (no hot water, very important!).

We don't know much about this new place. Ken looked at their stats, though, and they are in the same fix that Chickasha TB was before he came. So that's what my husband is. A fixer.

The clouds were teasing us at first; gray and full, they'd only spit little sprinkles down occasionally. It maybe would rain a little at night. It rained when I went up to Norman Tuesday
Owie! They took blood for my food allergy test! Big FAT needle and a lot of blood!
, but was a mere nothing by the time I got home. Wednesday, it contrarily waited to come down until the middle of Analiese & my post-Seminary
My new motto to encourage scripture reading in Seminary!
walk. But Friday it began to threaten us with something more. We went to Seminary, watching lightning streak across the clouds. I told Analiese that we wouldn't walk: I had no desire to walk under all those trees during a lightning storm! As it was, on the way home the rain began in earnest and by the time Ken was leaving for TB, it was sheeting down. Very soggy.

The nice thing about it all has been cooler temperatures. It was down in the eighties for most of the week. Sunday was mid-seventies and very enjoyable! I even was motivated on Thursday to bake cookies. In homage to the Autumn we all hope and pray for, I made gingersnaps! Oh, they smell heavenly and taste even better! Watch out, Cookie Monster!

Jonathan went over some stuff about the BYU-I Pathways program with the missionaries over it. He starts on the 17th. I think he's eager and ready to go. Time to move his life forward.

Analiese took the ACT on Saturday at USAO. She's only a sophomore and it's her first time, so it was kind of a testing-the-waters sort of thing. She felt very confident about the reading and writing sections; I did not find this surprising. But...she grimaced a bit when I asked her about the math. We'll look at the scores when they come and if she needs to, she'll take the test again, with probably a bit more study. We did this early, though, so that she has time to retake it before she needs those scores. Before next year, for sure, when she enrolls in the concurrent enrollment program for high schoolers at USAO! Two birds, one stone!
Pom is being very affectionate. Analiese says it tickles!

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