Sunday, August 4, 2019


"What? Another two week blog? What is up with you, Michele?"

I am currently laboring under the belief that travel is not good for us, because after another trip - this time to Arkansas to visit family - we all came home sick! Talk about eating up my summer time!

We went on the last Thursday of July, a four 1/2 hour drive (much better now!) with all of us taking turns at the wheel.  That's right - FOUR drivers! Analiese took the third turn; this was her first time driving on the highway! She found it intimidating enough without Statler and Waldorf sitting behind her (she'd insisted I ride up front), heckling and making totally unnecessary comments. Seriously, I was about to kill them both, or at least find socks to stuff in their mouths! Jonathan was the worst, freaking out at anything he felt she should be doing better. Like, driving too close to the right of the lane. She stayed in the right lane for the most part and, being nervous about the cars to her left, crept a bit close to the right. But the the highways had ridges (to wake up sleepy truck drivers) that let her know when she'd gone too far. Not worth sweating!

She had a hard time getting up to traffic speed; it frightened her. So I incrementally had her creep up to 70. She did it, eventually, and found it not too difficult. The worst part, though, was the road construction and sluggish traffic. The tight concrete barriers made it hard for her to judge the space between them (no brushes, just a lot of slowing) and anticipating braking traffic had us all on edge.  She was glad to switch places with me on the last leg of our trip, and was a little shaky for a bit. But she did fine; it was her first time!

We were warmly greeting by Ken's family: His grandparents and his Uncle Mack. (Aunt Laura was out of town at the moment at her grand-daughter's basketball tournament). They were ready to feed us off the bat, but we'd stopped after Jonathan (#2) drove and had lunch. Instead, we spent the afternoon talking and relaxing. Ken & Mack went out to look at a horse that needed shoeing. Later, they took Analiese on Mack's ATV for a bit of driving around the front pasture. We had a little of Grandpa's ham and fresh corn for dinner. Some of us spent the evening watching rodeo with Mack while some went outside to hear the tree frogs and see the fireflies. So pleasant!
Back porch

Horse in the back pasture.

I had made snickerdoodles earlier that week to take with us for the family. They said I didn't have to, but I wanted to. They are always so kind and generous to have us over; I wanted to show my appreciation. I know Laura likes sugar cookies, and figured these would be good, too. Well! Mack loved them! I was a little afraid Laura might never get to try one! And he let me know whenever he had one. Apparently I made the right choice and now I don't think I can ever go back without bringing more cookies!

Jonathan awoke Friday not feeling well. Uh-oh. We thought it was something he ate and he was careful all day. Ken had gone off with Mack to have breakfast with Mack's buddies; Jonathan and Analiese slept in. I got up leisurely, had some cereal, then went out to the back porch to read and enjoy the cooler morning. They have bird feeders up and I could see the bluebird, cardinals, doves, and hummingbirds. They also feed the squirrels, in different spots in the hope they'll leave the bird stuff alone! I could see the deer off in the pastures; they come closer to the house (they eat the corn the squirrels spill on the ground!) if no one is outside. I even saw a few cottontail rabbits. It's a lovely place to sit and think in the morning! Eventually, Ken & Mack returned, and the grandparents came and joined me. Just being able to visit was worth the trip.

They took us to lunch at Brown's - a catfish buffet restaurant.

I've been there before and I like it, despite the fact that I am not good with fish - cooking or eating it. Their tartar sauce was wonderful and I had about four pieces of fish! Aunt Laura made it back from her trip and joined us there. The afternoon was nice with more talking, another farrier trip (Ken & Mack), more rodeo-watching, and games I played with the kids. We ate more of the ham at dinner and Grandpa spoiled me with some Blue Bell Peaches & Cream ice cream for dessert. That's what summer tastes like! Then we had an evening of Western films and talk on the porch outside with Laura as the sun set. I believe this what a real vacation should be. I felt so at ease!

Friday into Saturday, I slept well! I didn't get up until 7:30. The kids were up by then, so I suggested we take a walk around the property. We walked past the stables and visited the one horse they currently have,

went around Mack's blacksmithing building,
and circled the front pasture where Analiese had rode the ATV. She showed us Mack's little deer hunting shack in the trees and a small creek by the edge of the property.

We walked down the road and past the stock pond.

After that, we toured the grandparent's trailer where they live, just outside of the main house.

Grandpa is the chef for the family and already was busy cooking for the mid-day meal (they eat the big meal mid-day, then just eat lighter in the evening). He made an enchilada that I liked fairly well, as did Jonathan. Ken & Analiese didn't, but then, it had onions and pepper in it.

I got very dozy that afternoon, but managed not to take a nap so I would sleep well that night before having to head out and drive on Sunday. Grandma Louise, in the evening, took Analiese & I to Chick-Fil-A for peach milkshakes (I had established my love for peach two days earlier) and we had a little ladies time out. It was enjoyable.  We got to hear lots of her experiences working for the telephone company. I really felt like this trip was a greater bonding experience and I loved being with all of them!

That night, Ken took the kids and Laura to a local Wattaburger (not the chain) and brought back food. At ten o'clock at night. I ate a burger and onion rings and it's a wonder I wasn't up sick all night. I managed to sleep and be fine. But...

Ken & Analiese woke up SICK! At first I thought it was maybe food poisoning, but Jonathan and I would have been sick, too. They were both so wiped out; Analiese had to wait to have some clothing washed that she'd been ill in, and they moved very slowly, in stages.  We didn't even bother with lunch, even though Grandpa had made a delicious-smelling pork roast. Jonathan & I packed up everything, loaded the van, and took the sickies home!

With a stop at Dollar General first. For water and Gatorade and medicine and two cheap buckets, one of which came in very handy during the ride home. Ken and Analiese basically slept most of the way home. Jonathan and I did the driving. We got home in short time and arranged the sick ones in the house while we unloaded. What a trip!

We now figure Jonathan had the flu first that Friday. His case was VERY mild and short-lived. Not everyone was so lucky. Analiese was still a little floppy Monday and Ken still had mild symptoms by then. Then Tuesday came...and I caught it. Hard and bad. Seriously. In the middle of my 6:30 class, I had to get up and leave (big no-no) to walk a few paces and vomit in a bucket. It was awful. I came back to the desk pale, tears streaming down my face, barely able to talk. I got the IT people on and said I had to leave. They said it'll be a Teacher Cancellation, do you really want to do that? (Eye roll here) Yes. I managed to get my act together and survive for a 7:30 class (I know, I'm crazy), but I was down after that. Bed, sleep, for hours. I got up at 2:30 to set up for the evening and next day's classes, went back to bed. Analiese woke me close to 5, would I be able to sleep tonight? I got up, told her to fix herself hot dogs, and suffered on the sofa. Ken came home from work bearing crackers and ginger ale.

Please note: I am omitting all of the time I spent in the bathroom. Being very sick. Being in the tub or shower cleaning up the sick. You don't want me to paint that picture!

Other than teaching, I was out of it through Thursday. By then, I was down to a headache and neck ache. Also, whenever I coughed, sneezed, or laughed (because  even when I'm pathetic, I can see the humor in things), my rib cage hurt. I had strained a lot of muscles the past couple of days! I managed to fix dinner for my family, and left it at that. I didn't feel remotely human until Friday. And, when my CES director came for a visit, I thoroughly Lysoled the livingroom for him. Because I would be all kinds of evil to want to spread that flu around. As it was, I heard Laura and Mack caught it. I feel just terrible, but having no idea where it was contracted, cannot say if we brought it to Arkansas or caught it there. I just keep praying the grandparents don't get it! No one is going to want the Typhoid Boltons to come visit them!

Seminary is around the corner
So....with the CES visitor, it means Seminary is restarting soon (August 15th). I spent the weekend (outside of classes) working on the classroom (clean up, organize, reset) and on lesson schedules. I also had to talk to families and students and work out particulars in between Church meetings.

We're doing the 4 Gospels in the New Testament through the end of the year. Then, in January, we'll start up the Book of Mormon to be in synch with the whole church for the Come Follow Me program. Logistics are still being figured out, but I'm feeling good about it all. There's a great article in the August Ensign explaining the blessings that could come from Seminary joining the Come Follow Me schedule. I recommend it.

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