Monday, December 17, 2018


VIPKid Update - I Did It!
I'm starting to feel just on this side of crazy for trying to do this at Christmastime. Seriously. Because, on top of Seminary study, family stuff (chores, driving, etc.), and Christmas prep, I've been studying and preparing to teach.

Tech issues reared their ugly heads on Tuesday when I tried to do my mock certification for Level 3. I was practicing about an hour before hand when...everything stopped working. Analiese was near me doing her school work and said, "Oh no!" The Internet was down. We managed to get it back up but it was running very slowly. I decided that wouldn't do, so I canceled that certification and rescheduled it for Thursday.

Thursday, my tech was behaving well. But I was a little nervous. I've been working on my pacing. My Seminary students will tell you, I have an alarm go off ten minutes before the end of class so that I can wrap up and get them out on time. Otherwise, I could (obliviously) go over time and they'd be late for school! I learned that Year One! So, with only so much time to teach my mock class (10 minutes, 1 minute per slide), I really had to watch myself. I did better on the pacing, but...I let something else go. I forgot to have the "student" repeat words in full sentences. No pass. Erg.

Saturday, I had my Level 2 mock. I felt much better, more confident. And I did better. In fact...I passed! I got my results back in less than an hour and did a happy dance. I still want to pass Level 3 and have it rescheduled for next week. But for now, it's time to do paperwork and get my background check started. When that is all finished and and $$$!

Ken was driving Analiese to TB on Monday. He got a phone call from a young man in our Branch (who also works at TB)...for Analiese. He watched her carefully as she talked to him. She smiled -

A LOT - and moved a wisp of hair behind her ear. When the call ended, they were at TB and she ran out to work. But he was suspicious and told me so. I said maybe the young man was asking her to work a shift for him. Ken doubted that.

I went to pick her up later. We were barely out the door when she told me: she has a date! She's been sixteen barely over a month. I've worried about that, my pretty charismatic child. She's had guys try to pick up on her at TB. Ack!

Ken grumbled. "Only group dates!" I KNOW. It is. A double date with the young man's older brother and his girlfriend. It's on Sunday, but they were going to see the Festival of Light at the park across from the Church. They live the next town over, so they hadn't seen it yet.

Oh, my! My sensible girl got a little giggly. Mind, she was still very sensible; her head is far calmer than mine ever was at that age. Still, it was, what to wear, do I put on makeup, etc.  She didn't talk too much about it. I probably talked about it more: advice, warnings, etc.
So...Sunday, he came to pick her up. I was ready. He's a pretty quiet fellow, but he chatted nicely with me while waiting for Analiese. His DAD drove up behind them...and took pictures of the two. I guess this was his first date, too!

They had a good time. They walked and talked. It was actually a nice place for a first date. No loud and dark movie theaters. Better to get to know each other. She came home happy. That's all I cared about (well, and safe. Momma Bear Alert!). A good experience to start with!

2 Days of Rolling, Cutting & Baking sugar cookies Minimum 2 hours each = 4 hours
2 Days of Decorating said cookies (with help) = 3 hours total hours of work, gobbled up in an hour at Church. Was it worth it?

First, Christmas isn't Christmas without making sugar cookies. I've done it since I was a child.
Secondly, I wanted to do this for the children in the Branch. Part of the Christmas magic. Incidentally, the big "kids" loved them too. A certain member of the Branch Presidency is apparently very fond of them.
Thirdly, it was fun to have my kids, the sister missionaries, and a friend of Analiese's over to decorate. That's always a party!
Some of the fruits of our labors!

You gotta try one!

Was it worth it? Yes!

PERSONAL HISTORY - Favorite Pasttime
Rather than focus on my time line, I decided to use some ideas from a couple of personal/family history writing books. So this week I'll talk about my past times.

From childhood, I would say my biggest and most beloved past time (still is) is to read a good book. I am very grateful for my parents encouraging reading at an early age. Also, one of our favorite things to do for Family Home Evening was to go to the library! With my own family, the library is one of the first things we locate in a new neighborhood and heaven forbid I go to the library by myself! My daughter, in particular, would find it selfish of me. The way she goes through books, we're there nearly every week!

I've had so many books, they wouldn't fit on bookshelves. Paperbacks have been known to have been stacked in two rows on one shelf. I've had to whittle things down for moving, but I still hang on to my favorites. Also, I have joined the e-reader/kindle wagon because I can download books without making an extra trip. Though, I still love the feel of a book in my hand and, while you can mark and make notations in an e-book, it's not the same! Is it any wonder I love libraries and working in one was my most favorite job, ever!

Reading is obviously a solitary past time. As a child, I'd play out in the backyard (hopefully Joey was there to liven things up), and I watched plenty of cartoons on the television. As I grew older, though, I loved being able to be creative and do things. Obviously, I did a lot of writing, but I loved to learn embroidery and cross-stitch, and loved trying pretty much any new craft that came along. Mom's homemaking projects from RS became one of the things I'd complete for the fun of it. When I was old enough to go to RS myself, I'd do my own things.

For example, I got into painting statuary. It's like ceramics, only no firing. It started with a couple of RS projects: a Halloween haunted house and a rabbit for Easter. My mom and I started going to Darlene's Statuary place once a week to paint, get tips/help from Darlene, and to socialize with other people there. Over the years I'd painted things for people and myself. My pride and joy is my Nativity set. Mom has a ceramic one her sister made her years ago. I wanted one of my own and took lots of time over many months to carefully paint my figures. I don't let anyone else touch it at Christmas. It's mine to put up and care for!
Set up with lights, just like Mom's

The technique is called dry brushing. It gives it an antique look

I really love my camels!

The details were painstaking!

As I got married and started a family, past times would change. Well, reading never did, I still read voraciously. But I learned to crochet a little. I've made a few things, including a garland for my Christmas tree. Crocheted in white cotton with red beads that catch the lights, I like it's nod to popcorn and cranberries (less messy) and it has a Victorian feel.

Currently, besides spoiling rabbits
Who,me, spoiled?
and baking goodies, I'd say my biggest past time (no, Seminary is NOT a past time...too involved for that!) is my journaling/blogging

My journal has rings so I can add things to it, like programs and notes and such!
and planner. I've tried several different types of planners over the years, boring or creative, all done by hand or all set out. For 2018 I'm using the Mormon Mom Planner (her name, not mine) and I like it so much, I've already got my 2019 out and ready to use!
I like the features and how I can add a touch of creativity to it. I have great needs to be creative; I think it helps calm the anxiety and gives me much to look forward to!

A doodle a day keeps the blues away!

Week spread - I'm not busy (LOL)

There's even Sunday pages for notes, quotes & announements!

A gift from Sister Oviatt, one of our missionaries (leaving soon!)

Branch party dinner decoration...the young women did it. Beautiful!

We say goodbye to Sister Oviatt!

Ken and Jonathan made a brief visit to the Arkansas family Sunday.

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