Monday, August 18, 2014


Monday, August 18, 2014
Day One of Seminary.  The alarm went off at 5:30.  I had gone to bed around 9:30, but didn't get to sleep until well over an hour later (texts about Seminary kept me up).  After a shower, a banana and some orange juice, I go out the door with Jonathan and Nasly, who was previously dropped off, to the church.

Jonathan played door monitor, letting students in the locked door.  Nasly and I set up the classroom.  I got the Mormon Channel music playing, and the students rolled in.  I have four students, one of which is my son.  They were all there, pretty much on time and ready to go.

We stayed fairly awake and alert and I got through in the time allotted.  I even gave them a post-it note handout to put in their scriptures (super cool!).  Plus, I was able to introduce the scripture journal, the reading charts, and scripture mastery.  I gave them an assignment - to have all the scripture mastery marked and key words noted by the end of the week.  They don't know it... but there will be a reward this Friday for those who do.

I think it was a good experience for all, though I worry about keeping Nasly from being discouraged about understanding English.  I encouraged her to read a couple of scriptures in English with not a lot of difficult words and helped where she got a little stuck.  It may take her a little bit to feel comfortable contributing to the conversation, but I think we can get there, if she'll stick with us.

Unfortunately, my day was far from over.  Jonathan and I went home to Analiese to have scripture study and Spanish, then I took him to WOSC.  I went back home again to work with Analiese on her lessons, work on laundry, prepare this week's menu and grocery list, do weekend dishes (yes, I was too busy and they were piling up), and study tomorrow's Seminary lesson some more.  Then, it was time to take Analiese to the homeschool P.E. while I met with other parents about what sports we were going to do this year.  In the middle of that, I had to recover Jonathan from the airport (no need to take the shuttle, the church where we have P.E. is closer to the airport than the Vo-Tech).  Back to P.E. until it finished, then home to get ready to go swimming and pick up dinner from Subway (since I hadn't been able to go shopping today) and go to the pool.  I had aerobics while the kids swam.  Then we went home and I died.

No, not really.  I ate my sandwich, watched a show with the kids, and put everyone to bed.  I'm next.  I'm exhausted.  And I think I'm coming down with a cold.  I really don't like being this busy.  Especially when I don't feel well and just want to sleep!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Day Two.  Can things be any worse?  Yes, they can.  On top of the cold, that is trying to settle into my chest and has me sneezing and drippy-nosed constantly, we now encounter Shark Week.  Preying upon my weakened system, are we?

I got through Seminary without sneezing on anyone.  Everyone was there, though Nasly gave me a scare by showing up late to my house.  Luckily, I was running a little late (forgot to put my church keys in my bag), but I told her she had me nervous.  I know it's not easy for her, but I don't want her to give up, either!  She can do this...we can do this!

At home, things got going slowly since neither Jonathan nor I had had breakfast before Seminary.  Me, because all I wanted was juice at the time, and him, because he ran out of time.  By the time we got done with our first-of-the-morning stuff (DEAR, devotional, pledge, and Spanish), I left them to fend for themselves educationally while I went to bed.  The dears let me sleep until 11!

I needed it because I had to drive Jonathan to the Vo-Tech (no WOSC today), then eat a little lunch (need to eat something), help Analiese with the things I didn't do earlier because I was sleeping, and receive my visiting teachers, despite the mess my house was in.

After picking up Jonathan, we had to go shopping.  I mean HAD, because like Old Mother Hubbard, my cupboards were bare!  My kids let me know and my husband was nearly despondent over it.  "Are we so poor we can't afford food anymore?"  I let Jonathan push the cart, since my energy was nil.  We got home in time to put groceries away and welcome Ken home.  I didn't even get to Seminary study until after dinner.  

The weather is up again and the a/c runs full blast.  Things are so dry; my poor garden looks terrible.  They are saying we may get some rain next week.  Please, do.  Everything shrivels in this heat!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Last night was awful for sleeping.  Maybe the cold isn't a cold after all.  I had a fever, chills and aches.  Oh, no!  Not the flu!

After texting Ken (at a quarter to 11) that I needed his prayers, I did some of my own praying.  I've only just started Seminary, I need to get myself and my students in the habit.  I was called by God, couldn't he help me get better so I could do this job for him?

After that I managed to get to sleep.  And this morning?  A little nasal stuff, a little congestion in my chest, but the rest is gone!  If we're on His errand, He will help us!

So my devotional this morning was about last night's experience.  I threw what I had written before out the door.  We had only spoken the day before how the Doctrine and Covenants was revelations given in answers to prayer in time of need.  Those things still happen today!

Though, I think I nearly traumatized a student today.  I have them taking turns doing prayers, leading music, and, next week, doing devotionals.  Well, this one student didn't know how to lead and said it freaked her out.  I said I'd help her and we come to find out that the hymn I chose was not an easy one to lead.  I apologized a bunch (because besides that, I accidentally whacked her hand with mine while we were leading together) and she seemed fine by the end of class.  But I kept thinking..."Man!  Not even one week and I've already blown it!"

The rest of the day was pretty normal and I left the house only to take Jonathan to school and pick him up.  I had promised last night that today I would take it easy.  I even got in a nap, but after Analiese's lessons were over so I didn't mess up that schedule.  I'm not completely over this, with a little drippy nose and a cough (the head stuff transferred to my chest) and I feel really warm at times, but today could have been so much worse!

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Now my baby's sick.  Analiese woke up with a temperature and looking just awful.  The whites of her eyes go gray when she's sick, so I always know.  She's running a low-grade fever, too.  Sick day, poor dear!

Everyone was back in Seminary, no traumatized students, so that was good.  Also, I went home and dug up my triple combination in Spanish from my mission to drop off at Nasly's house today.  She's going to study in Spanish at home so she can have an idea of what we're talking about in Seminary.  I'm doing what I can! there a full moon out today or what??? (No, there's not, I checked.)  But, there's a lot of weird stuff going on today.  For one, I was at the library, taking back some books, when this older lady tried to get into my car on the passenger side!  To be honest, she wasn't paying attention - and boy, howdy!  She wasn't - the car she wanted was two parking spots down, larger than Ken's white Honda and a bright blue!  She was thoroughly embarrassed, but I told her it would spice up her day's conversations.

Second weird thing today is, well, creepy.  I got into the van to pick up Jonathan from school and saw on our fence - no kidding - a dead cat hanging there.  These cats are the bane of my existence, since my neighbors feed them and they breed and breed and hang out in my planters and sit on my steps and in the shade of my trees and garage.  I am so allergic to them, too!   Anyway, this one had tried to climb over the fence, got it's leg stuck on the gate and died (heat stroke, probably).  I know it's unbelievable, so here's a picture to prove it!
Ken took it down when he got home that night.  Jonathan "tried," but I think it was just too gross for him to contemplate.  Ugh!

Friday, August 22, 2014
Friday!  We all survived the first week of Seminary!  I am tired and this weekend will be full of rest for me, but we did it.  All four students came all four days, we had the Spirit with us (my #1 goal), and my two new high-schoolers both said they enjoyed it.  Don't ask Jonathan, though, he's noncommittal and just says stuff to get a rise out of me, the pest!

Analiese is doing much better today, so we had lessons.  History, usually a favorite in our house, was not too pleasant today as I had to explain the Holocaust to her.  It's hard to believe anyone could be so evil...and so many people would just go along.  Where were their consciences?  Anyway, I sat next to her, hugging her all the time as we talked.  It was a great time, though, to talk about standing up for what was right.  We are going to be reading "Number the Stars" and "The Hiding Place" in the next few weeks to show her that people did try to help the poor Jews and even some of the prices paid for it.  Still, I think that makes for a much better history lesson than just dwelling on the evil.

Saturday, August 23, 2014
Oh, how I wish I could just rest all day!  No such refrigerator is disgusting and so, while the kids clean rabbit cages, grumbling all the way, I will clean the fridge...and grumble all the way, too.

We did get a nice break this afternoon, though, for the Rodeo parade.  The Rodeo's in town this weekend and, while we're not going (1. Sick, 2. No $), we did go out in front of the United (under the trees) on Broadway to watch the parade go by.  Analiese didn't see it last year and I forgot my camera, so this year, she came and I have some pictures!
Here they come!
Longhorns!  I feel sorry for them, those horns look so heavy.  Moo!
That guy is daring in pink - but I admit, it looks good on him!  His horse is gorgeous, too!
This fellow was nice enough to bring his horse to the curb so the kids could pet him.

Sunday, August 24, 2014
Today was one of those "do everything" kind of days at church.  I just hope Sister Shields and her nephews aren't going through the summer cold thing that's going around. One of my student's moms said she thought it was wonderful I could do so many things in the gospel.  I just said, "Jack-of-all-Trades, Master of None!"

All that really lingers of my cold is that cough and wheezy chest.  I offered to pass around my bag of cough drops in Sunday School, because I wasn't the only one hacking away!  It leaves me so tired, still, that I yawned a bit in all of my meetings.  Sorry, not bored, just sick and tired (but not of church).   So, after DEAR & Devotional at home, it was Mommy Nap Time (kids just don't know what they're missing!)

Ken's been working the last two days in Stillwater (three hours away to the northeast) for a Walmart there.  Apparently, the new students at OSU cleaned out the entire Walmart and it needed restocking. He gets paid mileage, hotel stay and food alliance, so he volunteered.  He should be home this evening.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Monday, August 11, 2014
We are down to zero (almost) and we anticipate the new "school" year.  I took Jonathan grocery shopping with me to find out what he'd like to put in his lunch (he'll be taking it 3x during the week).  The big question is...will it be enough to satisfy the ravening beast?

Really cool thing: I was given a branch of rosemary that I was going to propagate and plant.  In the meantime (read: till I got around to it), I put it in a vase with some water.  After a few days I noticed something - roots were growing out of the base of the stick in the water.  After more time had passed, we even noticed a little new growth at the top.  Very Cool!  Now I'm just waiting until it gets full of roots and I will transplant it.  I have high hopes for it...this plant is a survivor!

For a last end-of-summer fling, I took the kids to see Guardians of the Galaxy.  They are big Marvel fans and really wanted to go.  It was fun - and funny - and in the end we all decided Groot was the coolest.  But, play time is work we all must go!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Jonathan starts back up at Aviation Mechanics with the Vo-Tech today.  Class doesn't start until noon and this year I'm not taking him to the airport.  Instead, I drop him off at the Vo-Tech and he takes a shuttle (okay, a white Suburban) to the airport and back.  A shorter commute for me and better for him, really.  I hear the airport parking is crowded with all the new students this year.

For those who want to know, he's studying Airframe this year.  Last year was his general studies, but now he's focusing on everything except the parts involved in powering the plane (that's Power Plant and it's next year).  He has a new teacher who worked at JFK airport, but Mr. Hall, his old teacher, is still there, as well as Mr. Scott, the program director.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Today was Jonathan's BIG day - he starts college.  He's taking two classes - History and English Comp - in the morning at WOSC and then will walk over to the Vo-Tech (it's a couple of buildings away) to take the shuttle for his afternoon work at the airport.  He already has his books, everything's paid for, so he should be good to go!

Okay, he told me later he was really going to enjoy history (no doubt there, he always has loved it), and thinks English will be okay (he just doesn't want to write, yet he can).  His English teacher wants the students to use paper tablets to write on (you know, notebooks bind on the side, tablets on the top) and...have erasable pens.  Really?  I remember the yucky ones we used to use from Papermate that always tore the paper and never really worked.  I don't even think they make them anymore.  So now we have to go hunting.

Thursday, August, 14, 2014
Just in case you wonder, in the mornings when Jonathan doesn't have class, he does have lessons with me.  He and Analiese are doing Spanish together with me, and then he does Consumer Math with me.  Soon, hopefully, we'll be working on Driver's Ed, too.  He gets this stuff done fairly quickly, but I figure it will give him time to study for his other classes, too.  Analiese I work with alone after I've taken him to school.

Straight after Jonathan got back to the Vo-Tech from the airport, the kids and I went to Lawton for our monthly Sam's club trip.  We stopped at Staples, looking for the mysterious erasable go.  Then we went to Sam's and did the Prison Candy Run for Ken.  He has so many employees now (over 100) that we can't use a regular cart to hold all the candy; we have to use the long truck thingy (so erudite, I know!)  The checker looked at the kids and said jokingly, "I hope you don't eat all that candy at once!"  I told her that gratefully, none of it was for any of us!

Friday, August 15, 2014
Jonathan's second day at WOSC and the end of the week at the airport.  Analiese and I are starting to settle back down into a routine again, as well.

She went with me, as usual, to the salon as I got a pedicure.  She picks out my colors for me and plays on the little game consoles that are at the kiddie salon chairs.  Today, I have sparkly purple on my honor of my sister, Wendy's, birthday yesterday.  I just go along.

Rabbit Club was tonight and the fair is drawing near.  Just a few weeks away and it will be time for exhibiting and showing rabbits.  Plus, Analiese wants to enter her skirt into the fair, too.  I just hope it isn't too hot at the Expo center...the rabbits don't like that!

Saturday, August 16, 2014
I drove two hours to terra incognita today.  Norman, OK, is about half and hour south of OKC and there is an Institute of Religion across the street there from the OU campus.  It's a lovely area; I thought how nice it would be to live there (but probably out of my budget).  Still, I was there for the Seminary workshops, not to look at houses.

At first, I was shy (I really am, especially in a group of people I don't know) and only recognized Bro. Sturges, the CES supervisor over three stake's worth of Seminary and Institutes, Lawton being one of them, and Pres. Petersen, our stake president.  He was the keynote speaker.  I'd say there were about fifty teachers, supervisors and CES missionaries in attendance.  I was a little fish.

Bro. Sturges had called me yesterday and asked if I would lead music, so I really had no time to be introverted and got up to lead.  Then followed Pres. Petersen and the other speakers, each presenting the CES goals for this year and seminary teaching techniques - including Scripture Mastery.  It was inspiring, Spirit-filled, and fun.  Bro. Sturges even had a competition with us to see if we could win a plate of brownies at lunch!  Yes, I ate my victory brownie!

By the end of the workshops, I had met a few people and received a lot of good ideas and inspiration. I am tired, I THINK I'm ready, and I feel a little less nervous, but no less in awe at the responsibility.

Repeating the trip in reverse was interesting.  My GPS was trying to get me to avoid the toll roads, but to be honest - the tolls, even though they involve money - get me there faster and don't get me lost.  Taking the other roads is an adventure in jungle trekking.

But...on the way to finding the toll road, I had some pleasant surprises.  If I wasn't in such a hurry to get home to dinner with the missionaries, I might have stopped and taken pictures.  Sometime I will, though!  Because...I finally saw them!  Buffalo!  (Okay, really they're bison, but buffalo is more fun to say.)  I had thought I saw one laying in a field on the way up to Norman, but on the way back there was a whole field FULL of them!!!  I'm in awe of them; they are huge, a bit grumpy (you don't want to get too close), and have those solid-looking horns, but still...they are so unique.  I want some buffalo/bison memorabilia, like a stuffed animal or bobble-head.  It was cool.

The second surprise came a little further down from the field of bison.  I saw a field pock-marked with what looked like giant ant mounds (believe me, it could happen).  But...there was a furry head sticking out of one hole.  And then another...and another...Prairie dogs!  I just laughed!  They were so cute and funny.  Two glorious, delightful creations within minutes of each other.  I was grateful for the Father's allowing me that experience.

Jonathan went tonight with a girl (no it wasn't a date...really.  She just invited him to join their group, but I think she kind of likes him.  We met her and her mom in the Homeschool PE class.) to the Altus Youth Jam.  It's put on by Southwest Youth Services and sponsored by local businesses and churches.  They have music, food, games, and prizes for the kids, for the most part all free.  It's to give them a fun, safe venue to meet.  I'm thinking our ward needs to sponsor a booth next year.  Our friends, the Doshers, were there representing their church, I know.  Jonathan got to see both David and Geordi and hang with them, some.  I guess he got a kick out of watching Georgi try to do a front flip on a bungee cord.

Sunday, August 17, 2014
Today was Ward Conference, so I saw Pres. Petersen again.  His talk in Sacrament Meeting had some elements from yesterday, but between him and me...we were the only ones to know.

After the meetings were over, I went to the Seminary room to see it set up for Monday.  Now, mind, I asked all the kids to come over and help me do it, so we could get it done quickly.  However, only Jonathan really remembered (good boy!).  One mother came in and said, "Is my daughter here?"  (No, but she SHOULD be!) and another girl came in...when we were done.  Oh well, I think I'm ready to go and that's all that counts.

People have asked me today if I am ready.  I think so.  I can't imagine being any less ready.  I've done a lot.  Now it's up to the Spirit and the students.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Monday, August 4, 2014
Eight o'clock in the morning found me taking Jonathan to Sis. Brown's house so he could mow.  He has a couple of those appointments this week and seems to be in big demand.  Good thing, he could use a little money.  Goodness knows, I don't have much to spare, because...

I am a few hundred dollars poorer today.  Not only did I have the usual beginning-of-the-month utilities and mortgage, but also I went back with Jonathan to WOSC and paid his fees and for his books.  He is not a cheap kid!  I am, however, glad to say that there was enough $ in the bank to cover all of those things, and for that, I am grateful.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Another eight o'clock morning, only this time we're at the Clason's.  This is more weeding than mowing, but I lent Jonathan my cultivator (it looks like a claw).  Between that and a weeding hoe, he got a lot done.

We lingered talking with Sis. Clason when I went to pick him up.  One, I was curious about her garden, and two, she is a very gracious person to talk to.  The kids always sigh a little about how I get talking with people, but you don't just run off in have to chat!

This evening the kids and I watched a movie we borrowed from the Clason's: Monuments Men.  It's based on a true story from WWII.  Jonathan really likes that time in history and the only thing that would have made it better would have been...airplanes.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Jonathan is really a go-getter this week.  Right after devotional, he was outside mowing the front yard. I don't have to ask him or push him, he keeps an eye on it and decides when it needs taking care of.  After that, the elders came over to help him (us) clear out part of the alley behind our house so we can reach the dumpsters and throw away our garage.  Plus, we had to have a small tree that had sprung up right next to the fence.  I did not want a tree growing and pushing the fence over!

I had to quickly run in the middle to get some new string for the weed whacker and some pizza for the crew for lunch.  When I got back, they had done a lot and were resting some in the house.  But one of the elders was having a terrible allergy attack.  He had a rash going up and down his legs and arms.  I had my kids wear long pants and take allergy pills before we went out to work, but the elders were all in shorts!  

I gave him some medication and made him stay in the house and rest while everyone else finished cleaning up outside and was a little worried when he left.  But I saw the elders again when I took Jonathan to Scouts, they were there and he was doing much better.  I was glad; it would have been terrible to mess him up seriously because that was a bad reaction!

Thursday, August 7, 2014
Jonathan was back to Sis. Brown's to finish he back yard.  The weather is heating up again, so he tries not to spend too much time outside by getting in early and getting it done quickly.

I let him "veg" a good part of the afternoon because he's been working so hard!  We had family home evening tonight and got our beginning of the school year blessings.  I think I needed it the most!

Friday, August 8, 2014
Once more, I dropped Jonathan off at the Clason's.  Then I was going to head to the church to put together my Seminary room.  However, I got a call from Nasly that she and her sister needed a ride to the high school and junior high school to fill out paperwork.  Luckily, the high school is near the church, so I dropped them off and worked on the classroom.  Somehow, the girls got over to the junior high and walked home, because I texted Nasly, and she said they were okay.

My room came together quickly and I made copies for our orientation on Sunday.  I had got my pictures of the First Presidency and the Apostles in the mail earlier in the week.  I wanted to put them around the room on the wall up near the ceiling so that as we quoted from them and talked about some of them as we go into church history, they will recognize their leaders.

Saturday, August 9, 2014
Ken and I left the kids at home to go to the temple and stay in the city for the night.  I have tried several times to get to the temple before Seminary starts, and we finally made it!  I had to drive so that Ken could rest, but it was worth the trip.  

After the temple, we went to our hotel room.  Ken's work was having a party at a nearby Dave and Busters (think Chuck E. Cheese for adults) and they paid for our room.  I wasn't invited to the party, but I went with another employee's girlfriend to the nearby mall with her girls.  We were going to see a movie in this special theater with reclining seats, but they were ALL sold out.  All seats, all times.  People order tickets online, so we lost out.  Bummer.  But I haven't had a girlie trip to the mall in a long time, so we had fun looking around the stores.  They had a See's store, so I had to get some for Ken!

The kids fed the elders tonight!  Analiese made dips for chips and Jonathan did beanie weenies seasoned in his special way (I have no idea).  I tried to give them a menu that was easy to make and clean up!  Mind, I don't know what the elders thought of it!

Sunday, August 10, 2014
We didn't want to get up early, but strange beds make for stiff backs and necks and I was up by a quarter to seven.  We just got up, went down and ate breakfast, and then came back up to our room to shower and just relax.  We are going to make our way home gentlly and slowly, but have to be back for the orientation tonight at seven.  Actually, I'd like to be home mid-afternoon and take a nap!

I did get home...and did get my nap, which was a good thing because I was feeling pretty worn out.  The kids were home from church and relaxing.  Ken brought some prizes home from Dave & Busters and shared them with the kids and we gave them some OK patches for their travel blankets.

Tonight was Seminary Orientation.  This is where I talk with the parents and youth about what's going on for the new Seminary/School year.  I've been working and planning this for a while; I would like to think it was a good way to start things off.  Plus, with the parents there, we can discuss some of the student needs and any questions or input they have about the program. week until Seminary starts!

By the way, Jonathan - of all people - really liked the Seminary room set-up.  He said to me, "It feels like a Seminary room."  That it touched him that much must mean I'm on the right track.  I told the parents tonight that a clean, orderly room with a real classroom feel makes students realize that a) this is serious learning and b) brings in the Spirit.